2018 Cadetship Program

, Whitehaven Coal
Whitehaven Coal (WHC) is a leading producer of some of the world’s highest quality coal. Operating in NSW’s Gunnedah Basin, our vision is to be Australia’s leading independent coal company.
Whitehaven Coal operates four open cut mines (Maules Creek, Werris Creek, Tarrawonga and Rocglen), one underground mine (Narrabri) and a Coal Handling and Preparation Plant, supported by offices in Gunnedah, Newcastle, Sydney and Tokyo. The company has been growing its workforce and currently has around 800 employees.
We are now accepting applications from year 12 students in the Narrabri/Gunnedah area to join our Cadetship program for the 2018 study year
 Cadet Program
WHC have a Cadet Program, whereby up to four Narrabri/Gunnedah area Year 12 students will be offered financial and work experience support throughout their University studies.
Eligible applicants should have aspirations to pursue an Undergraduate Degree in Mining Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, or Environmental Science.
Studies would be undertaken at NSW or Qld’s major tertiary institutions, such as the University of New South Wales or Queensland University. Upon successful completion of their studies, cadets are employed as graduate employees.
In return for WHC support Cadets are required to work for WHC as graduates for two years 
Source: Uniting News