Wollongong & South Coast, NEW South Wales NGO Recruitment
The Organisation
COORDINARE is the Primary Health Network (PHN) for South Eastern NSW, supporting primary care in the region to be person centred, accessible; equitable; safe and high quality, comprehensive; population orientated; and coordinated across all parts of the health system.
COORDINARE provides a unique blend of private and public perspectives and innovative thinking which aims to ultimately transform the health of people in the region. We are change agents who use our influence to create one coordinated regional health system with the ultimate outcome being healthy, resilient communities.
COORDINARE commenced operations as the South Eastern NSW PHN in July 2015 and has a 50,000km footprint covering large areas of the Traditional Lands of the Yuin, Dharawal, Ngunnawal/Ngambri and the Ngarigo nations.
COORDINARE is led by a skills-based Board and is comprised of an Independent Chair, 3 member-nominated and 5 independent directors, including the deputy chair. The member-nominated directors bring governance and industry expertise in aged care, education, research and evaluation, and private health insurance. The independent directors bring complementary skill-sets.
The Board is pleased to announce the establishment of an identified Aboriginal director position (remunerated).
The Role
Aboriginal health is a key priority for COORDINARE and the organization is currently developing its second Aboriginal Health Strategy including an Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. Working with your fellow directors and the CEO you will contribute to and oversee the achievement of strategic objectives, remaining accountable for the organization’s overall performance.
Building on the existing strong working relationships and with the support of the four local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organization (ACCHOs), the Board is also establishing an Aboriginal Health Council (AHC) to provide culturally safe, responsive advice and guidance to the Board. In addition to being a Board director, you will chair the AHC playing a key role in its establishment.
Source: Uniting News