Aboriginal Identified – Solicitor In Charge – Legal Officer Grade VI – Civil Law – Civil Law Service For Aboriginal Communities – Central Sydney – Ongoing

Sydney, NEW South Wales Legal Aid NSW

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Legal Aid NSW is the largest legal aid agency in Australia, comprising a Central Sydney office and 25 regional offices in metropolitan and regional centres across NSW. Legal Aid NSW also has specialist services for priority client groups and an extensive outreach program. It was established under the Legal Aid Commission Act 1979 as an independent authority to assist economically and socially disadvantaged people to understand and protect their rights in the legal system.  People with disabilities, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, women and children, Indigenous people, refugees and people with mental illness are some groups who may experience difficulties when enforcing and defending their rights.




The Civil Law Service for Aboriginal Communities (CLSAC) delivers holistic, client-centred and culturally sensitive legal services to Aboriginal people and communities throughout NSW. Through outreach and phone services, CLSAC provides high quality legal advice, casework and community legal education to improve outcomes for our clients. CLSAC works with Aboriginal communities and community workers to increase their capacity to deal with civil law problems as they arise and works in partnership with other legal and non-legal services. Legal problems typically include consumer law, housing, Centrelink, fines and human rights matters. CLSAC also engages in strategic advocacy about systemic issues facing Aboriginal people across NSW.


The Solicitor in Charge role provides senior management, direction and leadership of the team to deliver the goals of the service. The successful candidate will:  

  • Provide leadership and expert guidance to legal officers and other staff to ensure the delivery of high-quality legal services and compliance with Legal Aid NSW policies, guidelines and practice management standards. 
  • Develop, deliver, monitor and review service delivery plans 
  • Manage change impacting the team 
  • Manage resourcing and develop staff 
  • Develop and maintain effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders 
  • Contribute to the civil law executive and leadership of the civil law division

Source: Uniting News