Aboriginal Targeted – Legal Support Officer – Clerk Grade 1/2 – Statewide Ongoing, Temporary & Casual Talent Pool

Statewide, NEW South Wales Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW


Aboriginal Targeted

Legal Support Officer

Clerk Grade 1/2

Ongoing, Temporary & Casual

State-wide Talent Pool


Closing Date: Wednesday, 14 June 2017 [11:59pm]


Applications MUST be submitted online through www.iworkfor.nsw.gov.au to be considered. No late applications will be accepted.


• Ongoing, Temporary & Casual Talent Pool
• Package up to $72K
Role Description
• Jobs Board Ref No. 000059J2


Enquiries: Yamil Zenassi on (02) 9219 5104  

This recruitment will be used to create a talent pool which may be used to fill ongoing, temporary and casual vacancies of similar role descriptions within the organisation as they arise over the next 12 months.


Please Note: This vacancy is a targeted Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander recruitment under Part 5, clause 26 of the Government Sector Employment Rules 2014. In the Pre-screening questions you will need to provide information on how you satisfy the Aboriginality criteria.




The Legal Support Officer provides a range of, clerical and administrative services including but not limited to, processing legal documentation, preparing correspondence, liaising with various stakeholders, Government Departments and the general public and providing basic referral information services to clients to support the effective and efficient operation of legal services within Legal Aid NSW.



Applicants should read the Role Description and consider the Focus Capabilities and Key Accountabilities when preparing their resume and cover letter.

Applicants are requested to attach:

• current resume / curriculum vitae (CV) (maximum 5 pages)

• cover letter (maximum 2 pages) responding to the following two targeted questions:

1. Describe a time when you have been responsible for managing competing tasks within tight deadlines. What strategies did you use to plan your workload?

2. Describe a situation where you had to deal with a customer who demonstrated challenging behaviours. How did you manage the situation and what was the outcome?

The selection process will include a range of comparative assessment techniques to assist in determining your suitability for the role.



This role is a targeted Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander recruitment under Part 5, clause 26 of the Government Sector Employment Rules 2014. Legal Aid NSW considers that being Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander is a genuine occupational qualification under s 14 of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW).


Applicants for this role must satisfy the Aboriginality criteria. Aboriginality is defined by decent through parentage, identification as being Aboriginal and being accepted in the community as such.

For Aboriginal specific information regarding working at Legal Aid NSW, our Aboriginal network, career development opportunities and support systems please email aboriginalservices@legalaid.nsw.gov.au



Please refer to Applying for a role in Legal Aid NSW for more guidance. 

Information about Legal Aid NSW can be found at www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au.

Legal Aid NSW welcomes applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from diverse cultural backgrounds and people with disability. Please indicate if you have any accessibility requirements in your application or speak with the contact person should you be called for an interview. We provide reasonable adjustment for people with a disability during the recruitment process and on employment.

Source: Uniting News