Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Victim Liaison Officer

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Dentsu Mitchell on behalf of Federal Government
ACT Human Rights Commission
Victim Support ACT

Administrative Services Officer Class 6
Salary Range: $79,824 – $91,356  (PN: 38846)
Details: Victim Support ACT is looking for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person to perform the role of Victim Liaison Officer three days a week. The job is to work with the community to raise the awareness of the services at Victim Support and help people to understand their rights. You will be provided with the support and guidance you need to develop in the role. The most important thing is that you are able to work cooperatively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the community to reduce the barriers to access our service.   

Eligibility/Other Requirements: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander identity is a genuine occupational qualification for this position.

Notes: This is a temporary position available for up to 12 months. This position is part-time at 22:03 hours per week. The salary noted above will be pro rata for part-time hours. Prior to commencing in this role, a current registration issued under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 may be required. For further information on Working with Vulnerable People registration refer to –  https://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au/app/answers/detail/a_id/1804
Contact Officer: Maret Rebane (02) 6205 9473 maret.rebane@act.gov.au
For further information, please visit www.jobs.act.gov.au
Applications Close: 18 July 2017
Source: Uniting News