Director – Knowledge Translation

Sydney, NEW South Wales NGO Recruitment

  • Newly appointed National Centre for Action on child sexual abuse  
  • Marquee opportunity for this once in a generation opportunity
  • Flexible location – Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney
“Fundamental to the social fabric of our nation, our community and the health of us all”

The National Centre for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse was formally announced in October 2021 on the third anniversary of the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse. The formation of the National Centre is a result of key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
The Centre will be survivor-focussed incorporating the voice and lived expertise of survivors of all life stages, backgrounds and communities. It will work in collaboration with major research institutions, state and commonwealth governments, service providers, schools, and law enforcement agencies.
The Centre is driven by leading expert organisations, Blue Knot Foundation, The Healing Foundation, and the Australian Childhood Foundation forming an Australia-first partnership that will commission critical research, raise community awareness, reduce stigma, and build capacity around policy, practice and services  to support improved responses to victims and survivors and prevent child sexual abuse from occurring in the first place.

The Role
As a key member of the Centre’s leadership team you will lead the development, implementation and integration of The Centre’s strategic vision for the transfer of evidence from lived experience, practice and research to awareness, policy and practice in the area of child sexual abuse prevention and survivor recovery.
Leading the workforce development program, innovation and implementation of evidence and community capacity building you will influence the utilisation and effective dissemination of knowledge to ensure that children are safer from harm and survivors across lifespan can recover from its effects.
Source: Uniting News