Programs Coordinator (Horizons)

EAST MELBOURNE, Victoria Cathy Freeman Foundation

Key information

This is a fixed-term role until 13th September 2019. Cathy Freeman Foundation will be processing applications as they are received and as such there is not a set closing date for applications.
This is a part-time (0.8 FTE) role, which will involve working some weeks full-time (prior to, during and after Horizons camps) as well as some weeks working three days per week (for planning and preparation).

About the Cathy Freeman Foundation

The Cathy Freeman Foundation was established in 2007 to work with remote Indigenous students, families and communities to improve education outcomes and inspire Indigenous students to achieve their goals and dreams.
The Foundation acknowledges the strength and wisdom that lies within remote Indigenous communities. Our work demands strong and trusting partnerships with community, Elders and school leaders. We partner with communities for the long haul, as we journey through the complexities of the work required to create sustainable social change.
The Cathy Freeman Foundation works with 1600 Indigenous children and their families across four remote Indigenous communities in Queensland (Palm Island and Woorabinda) and the Northern Territory (Wurrumiyanga and Galiwin’ku).
The Cathy Freeman Foundation implements five key programs across these communities, working with children from Kindergarten through to Year 12. The key outcomes of our programs include increased school attendance, increased Year 12 attainment, building the self-belief and self-esteem of Indigenous students to achieve their dreams and increasing the engagement of families and communities in educational events and activities. The Cathy Freeman Foundation inspires children to realise their own gold medal journey.


The team at the Cathy Freeman Foundation share the following values, which generally attract like- minded community, school and funding partners.

  • Experience – we take the voice of community seriously and build upon what already works.
  • Learning – we share a love of learning amongst our staff and with our school and community partners.
  • Loyalty – communities respect that we are there for the long term.
  • Integrity – we follow through on our word.
  • Initiative – we take the small necessary steps to create positive social change


The role

The Horizons Program includes educational and personal development camps offered to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Year 5-12 from each of the Cathy Freeman Foundation partner communities. The foundation currently run five Horizons camps per year in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Darwin and Brisbane.
The Horizons Program Coordinator will be responsible for all aspects of program management and implementation of the Cathy Freeman Foundation Horizons Program including camp design and logistics, implementing pre-and post-camp activities within each partner community and attending and coordinating each of the camps in collaboration with our program partner Cottage by the Sea.
A key aspect of this role is to facilitate educational and personal development workshops with students on each camp. This role is based in Melbourne and will involve significant travel opportunities across Australia. 
The Horizons Program Coordinator will report directly to the Programs Director and will work closely with the whole Programs team across each of our community-based offices as well as in Melbourne.
This role will be responsible for all aspects of program implementation and management, including monitoring and reporting and will be responsible for ensuring that the program meets its stated objectives and outcomes.

Salary and conditions

This is a part-time (0.8 FTE) role within the Cathy Freeman Foundation, a salary commensurate with the sector is offered. The role will involve working some weeks full-time (prior to, during and after camps) as well as some weeks working three days per week (for planning). This is a fixed-term role until 13th September 2019.
The Cathy Freeman Foundation prides itself on being a flexible and inclusive workplace, additional benefits include:

  • Flexible working hours and locations
  • Travel opportunities
  • Comprehensive Time Off in Lieu (TOIL) policy

Source: Uniting News