‘We have felt very supported’

1 Peter 1:6-7

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith –of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.’

By now I suspect that you have all heard that the Geelong West Presbyterian Church buildings on the cnr of Pakington St and Waratah St were burnt to the ground in the early hours of the morning on Friday, April 15. While some structure remains standing, the whole site was condemned and nothing was able to be salvaged.

Mighty Hand Ministries

Lynette and Tony Thyssen commenced His Mighty Hand ministries two years ago to reach out to people with life controlling issues in the greater Dandenong area and in the Philippines where they have a number of centres. The Church commenced when people from their ministry and that of Cornerstone came to faith and needed a fellowship that catered for their needs and social integration.the a Church now meets weekly, and has a regular prayer meeting and small groups. They reach out to people in the local areas in what is often demanding work and minister regularly in the Philippines and more recently in India. Lynette and Tony are front line troopers who are reaching the often unreached. God bless them.




















The post Mighty Hand Ministries appeared first on Australian Christian Churches.

Source: ACC News


I said to my wife one day; “do I need to go to Church today?” She told me I had to, I was the pastor. Church can get really boring. In the light of busy lifestyles, family needs and more interesting pastimes, Church can be a chore. We ask people to give up their Sunday morning generally and in a church of 100 use up 200 man hours of time. Duty, and responsibility can only take a person so far. “Ought to” and “should” are not a language long sustained. Even if the die hardship do keep coming, when Church is a bore, visitors don’t come back and people don’t bring friends.

 God is not boring. Some things that will take the bore out: preach with enthusiasm, preach life relevant stuff, preach short, use audio visuals, be creative, adjust routine, introduce the true power of God, pray, prophecy, lay hands on people, liven up the calendar with focused events, introduce things that will make people laugh and cry, celebrate often, sing with a tempo that doesn’t drag, worship in short bursts, have a dynamic one hour service instead of a boring two hour one, good coffee and cake, a great welcome, less words and not more, finish on time, no talking head announcements – use PowerPoint at least, move the elements of the service around, get younger visiting speakers, don’t have a communion sermon, don’t let people who no platform gift to ‘have a go’, and, the list goes on. Boring meetings are usually ill considered and ill planned meetings that have fallen in the ruts of easy and usual. You will have creative people who can be mobilised to plan your meetings and a there is world of non boring Church ideas on Google. Consider using them.

The post Yawn appeared first on Australian Christian Churches.


I said to my wife one day; “do I need to go to Church today?” She told me I had to, I was the pastor. Church can get really boring. In the light of busy lifestyles, family needs and more interesting pastimes, Church can be a chore. We ask people to give up their Sunday morning generally and in a church of 100 use up 200 man hours of time. Duty, and responsibility can only take a person so far. “Ought to” and “should” are not a language long sustained. Even if the die hardship do keep coming, when Church is a bore, visitors don’t come back and people don’t bring friends.

 God is not boring. Some things that will take the bore out: preach with enthusiasm, preach life relevant stuff, preach short, use audio visuals, be creative, adjust routine, introduce the true power of God, pray, prophecy, lay hands on people, liven up the calendar with focused events, introduce things that will make people laugh and cry, celebrate often, sing with a tempo that doesn’t drag, worship in short bursts, have a dynamic one hour service instead of a boring two hour one, good coffee and cake, a great welcome, less words and not more, finish on time, no talking head announcements – use PowerPoint at least, move the elements of the service around, get younger visiting speakers, don’t have a communion sermon, don’t let people who no platform gift to ‘have a go’, and, the list goes on. Boring meetings are usually ill considered and ill planned meetings that have fallen in the ruts of easy and usual. You will have creative people who can be mobilised to plan your meetings and a there is world of non boring Church ideas on Google. Consider using them.

The post Yawn appeared first on Australian Christian Churches.

Source: ACC News

Advancing Mission Together

Baptist Financial Services (BFS) is  in the business of supporting Baptist Churches to engage in effective mission. Watch this great story of partnership with Torquay Christian Fellowship in innovative mission through Childcare.

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYBmdAHBNuY]

Source: BUV News

TERROR IN ORLANDO: Making Sense Out of the Senseless

It is a popular destination and place of entertainment. Indeed, Disney World is nearby, attracting holiday-makers worldwide. Yet on the weekend of June 11-12, 2016, Orlando, Florida USA went from being a place of fun to a place of terror.
On June 11th, Christina Grimmie, a 22 year old American songwriter, singer, and contestant on NBC’s ‘The Voice,’ was gunned down in Orlando by 27 year old Kevin James Loibl, while signing autographs for her fans. She was a committed Christian who ‘loved Jesus’ and ‘the Bible.’ Her brother Marcus, who tackled the gunman before he shot himself, may have saved more lives.
Then at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday morning, 12 June, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a 29 year old twice-married, New York born US citizen of Afghani descent, went into The Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando. A former security guard who legally purchased weapons in the previous fortnight, Mateen was well-armed and well-prepared for what he was about to do. Despite having a shooting exchange with police, Mateen single-handedly was able to take hostages and go on a killing spree for three hours. By the time the police SWAT team stormed the nightclub and killed Mateen, 50 people were dead and another 50 plus wounded. Many of the victims were Latinos.
Mateen’s crime was the worse mass shooting in US history and the biggest terrorist attack since September 11th. Before that, the 2007 shooting rampage at Virginia Tech by Seung-Hui Cho was the worse shooting crime. Thirty-two people were killed. Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012, of which 20 were 6 and 7 year old. Also George Hennard in 1991 rammed his car through a cafe wall in Killeen Texas and killed 23 people. As you can see, these last three crimes had nothing to do with religious extremism.
The Orlando shootings have received worldwide attention, condemnation, and sympathy. US President Barack Obama denounced it as a ‘hate crime,’ extended special condolences to the LGBTQ community, and ordered US flags at Federal Buildings to be lowered to half mast until Thursday evening. The Vatican, Indian Prime Minister Moti, Chinese President Xi Jinxing, and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, where quick to offer condemnations and sympathy. Muslim leaders also condemned Mateen’s actions, including Afghani President Muhammad Ashraf Ghani and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. America’ s prime Islamic lobby group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), issued a stinging denunciation of their own. Executive Director Nihad Awad ‘You do not speak for us. You do not represent us. You are an aberration.’ 
What are we to make of the sensational but senseless killings in Orlando?
1.    Note the nature of our world: We are in a fallen world. Sin and death have been waging a reign of terror throughout human history. A fallen world is devoid of true justice, true peace, and true harmony. Bad things can happen to good people and good things can happen to evil people. The Bible takes all this into account, promises the coming of a ‘new heaven and new earth,’ but it also offers God’s higher way for those who are willing to pay the price.
2.    Note the nature of our times: As I have been saying for some time, we need to recognise that we are in the last days (I John 2:18; Hebrews 9:26ff; I Peter 1:5). According to II Timothy 3:1 says ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.’ These points are not meant to scare people, but to offer an early warning service so they can prepare ahead. Proverbs 22:3 and 27:12 says the prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.
3.    Polarised nation: For several years now, America’s domestic scene has become more and more polarised. Just look at the outcome of the US Presidential primaries! The half-century old cultural civil war between the ‘progressives’ and ‘social conservatives,’ far from running out of puff, has become more strident and shrill.
4.    The role of religion: The Orlando massacre was considered a ‘hate crime’ and ‘terrorist attack.’ But did it have anything to do with religion? Mateen’s father Seddique said his son was not particularly religious and that religion had nothing to do with attack in Orlando. Others in the government and media are quick to say the same thing. However, remember that Mateen called 9-1-1 just before or even during the attack, pledging allegiance to the jihadist group ‘Islamic State’ (IS). In addition, Amaq News, part of the Islamic State’s media outlet, took claim for the attack and normally their claims are correct. IS has a particular distain for homosexuals, and has even been recorded pushing them off high buildings to their death. Mateen reportedly expressed disgust upon seeing two men kissing in Miami. IS is condemned by many Muslim groups and their so-caliphate rejected, yet they continually claim to be the true Muslims who are living in obedience to the sacred texts. The 2015 shootings in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people were religiously motivated; Mrs. Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to the Islamic State just before. Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 13 people and injured 30 at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 cried Allah u Akbar before he went on a killing spree. If radical Islam is to blame for the Orlando shooting – and the evidence points in that direction – our leaders need to say so. We do no favours to the victims, their families, our Muslim neighbours or the world by living in denial. In addition, the Orlando attack happened during Ramadhan, the Muslim month of fasting. Religious passions can be stirred during this time. This does not mean the 1.5 billion member Muslim community goes violently berserk during the fasting month, but a few can. Just in the first week of Ramadan 2016, there have been 60 attacks worldwide with 472 people killed. Some may say this is a coincidence, but is it really?
5.    War on Terror? Since September 11th, there have been over 300 jihadist attacks in the United States alone, and 28,570 worldwide. A low-level intra-Muslim world war has been occurring from Nigeria to Pakistan, with jihadis attacking fellows Muslims and non-Muslims. The fact is that Muslims are suffering from jihad even more than the West.

Stop Hate: Was this a hate crime? Yes it was. Can a hate crime be religiously-motivated? Yes it can. What is the solution? You can never conquer hate by hate: verbal attacks, physical attacks, vilification, shaming, or even imprisonment will not stop this evil in the heart. Bible-believing Christians understand that the only antidote to hate is love … God’s love. Jesus says in Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you’’ (see the entire passage Matthew 5:43-48). You will never overcome evil with evil. but you will by God’s love. Let’s pray for revival in the America and the western world, of which love will be the greatest evidence. As Paul concludes in Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

A story of bravery and how a magpie changed a families life…..

Picture Credit: www.sarahmonahan.com/allegedly
This week the horrible fallout from the TV show, Hey Dad.  Clayton speaks to Sarah Monahan – the woman who played Jenny on the hit show and eventually broke the silence that sent Robert Hughes to prison.  Hear the story of her bravery.

“Like I’d spoken to some people and they said “you should not do this”, and I said “I don’t care, it has to be done!”” 

Plus how a magpie changed one families life. – Cameron Bloom