Jan Hus challenged corruption in the Church and urged a return to the sources of Christianity. But things did not end well …
Monthly Archives: June 2016
Your Voice, Your Story
Why is it so hard to forgive?
In June 2016, Al Stewart answered four difficult questions with four confronting answers. Listen to what Jesus says about forgiveness.
Whose drawing made it into the Giggle Gallery??
Link highlights – May 2016
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for May 1st to June 6th.
Former ABC head warns Christians against retreat into comfortable media worlds
Eternity News reports on former ABC Mark Scott’s address at the 2016 Work & Faith Award.
Faith in the election
Ultimately, for the Christian, the core of voting means voting for the party that will do the most for those who are most disadvantaged in the world, not the party that will do the most for ourselves.
Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Hannah Gamble shares on kids behaviours
Also, as National Reconciliation Week wraps up, Clayton chats to Marie Munkara, she’s rediscovering her indigenous heritage, after being taken away from her family decades ago!
Political Questions that Can’t be Answered by our Publicly Funded Public Relations Firms
We have seen genuine political parties give way to the rise of ‘public relations firms’, threatening to undermine respect for public governance, for state-crafting,
Logos Live 42: Why different resurrection accounts? A journalist investigates
The four accounts of Jesus’ resurrection contain differences – what explains these differences and what does it matter? A journalist applies her training to investigate why the resurrection is ‘top story’.