Meet our BUV New Faith Community – Kachin Baptist Church Melbourne

We are Kachin, an ethnic group from Myanmar (Burma). Statistically 98 percent of Kachin are Christians in different denominations. The majority are Baptist and members of Kachin Baptist Convention in Myanmar. 

Melbourne Kachin Baptist members with Rev. Lalawk Gyung Hkawng 
(President, Kachin Baptist Convention, Burma) 7 February 2016

 The first Kachin migrants arrived in Victoria in 1997, subsequently further Kachin have arrived and call Australia their home. Currently there are around 150 Kachin living in Victoria. 

In the past Kachin Baptist did not worship as a congregation. Some went to combined fellowship services, Baptist churches and other Christian churches. Over the past two years the Kachin Baptist community has increased rapidly, this gave us a vision to establish a church and to develop spiritually with our community.

 The Kachin Baptist Church – Melbourne was established on September 20th, 2015 with a vision “to grow to become in every respect the mature body of Him who is the head, that is, Christ.” – Ephesians 4:15 NIV. Further on to affiliate with Baptist Union of Victoria, aiming for mission and to expand the Kingdom of God.

 Since September 2015, we have had our Sunday services at the homes of our church members. Most Sundays are regularly worshipped at our pastor’s house. We have 37 members who are devoted followers of Christ. Occasionally we have visitors from other churches and also from overseas Kachin Baptist Churches. Because of our continuous progression, we are hoping for a suitable Church venue in the near future. 


Melbourne Kachin Baptist members with Rev. Dr. Hkalam Samson
(General Secretary, Kachin Baptist Convention, Burma) 9 January 2016


Kachin Baptist Church choir group

One of our aims and objectives is to be a full member of Baptist Union Victoria. The Baptist Union of Victoria’s website provided relevant information and resources that assisted us to better understanding of the organization, vision and mission. On April 5th, 2016 we contacted Baptist Union of Victoria in hope of receiving additional information about membership.  It was a great opportunity and blessing to receive a response from Rev. Meewon Yang (Multicultural Consultant). Kachin Baptist Co-Executive Members and Rev. Meewon met on April 16th, 2016. We are most grateful by her guidance and inclination to assist us. 

As a small community, we understand that it is a challenge to establish a Kachin Baptist Church. However, we believe that God is always with us. Our vision is from Him and He will fulfil His purpose for us. 

The Kachin Baptist Church Melbourne will be welcomed as a New Faith Community of our BUV at our October 2016 Delegates Dinner.  

Kachin Baptist fellowship camp in Sydney
31 December 2015 – 4 January 2016




Source: BUV News