We might find Jesus’ answer confronting
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Mainly Music & Messy Church Driving Revival at East Doncaster Baptist
Julie Hunt shares with us how an elderly congregation recognised their bleak future – and chose to change. A story of inspiration – “we’ve stepped off a mountain and we’re waiting for God to take us wherever He wants to take us”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS0Xt0UQv9U]
Source: BUV News
Mainly Music & Messy Church Driving Revival at East Doncaster Baptist
Julie Hunt shares with us how an elderly congregation recognised their bleak future – and chose to change. A story of inspiration – “we’ve stepped off a mountain and we’re waiting for God to take us wherever He wants to take us”
Your life is not about you
A new angle on the idea of “looking out for number one”
Link highlights – July 2016
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for July 1st to 31at, 2016.
Templestowe Baptist Church
During July we completed the move to our contemporary new church building. Planning is well advanced for the official opening on August 14th. Now after many years all our congregations, including Cantonese and Mandarin, are meeting under the same roof. Our old building has been handed over to Baptcare, who are developing a major new retirement facility on the site. Former prison chaplain Ian Whitehill addressed our 50s Plus monthly meeting, and we raised a small sum for Prison Fellowship. Our playgroup, which used to meet twice a week, now meets on four mornings a week and is considering adding extra times to meet growing demand for this community outreach. Preparatory work has begun for a new community orchestra.
Source: BUV News