Every week seems to get worse! With meetings being closed down, a printing firm refusing to print a book, and the removal of the right to employ people in accord with our Christian beliefs, our freedom of speech and religious freedom are increasingly under threat!
Read the latest…
News Update – 22 September 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria – REMOVING ‘religious exceptions’ for employment
2. Marriage – Book banning, Plebiscite, parliament vote?
2.1 BOOK BANNING – Printer REFUSES to print book
2.2 Labor comments – Mark Dreyfus still opposing a plebiscite
2.3 What will happen if the plebiscite legislation ISN’T passed?
2.4 Homosexual activism in closing down meetings – ACL response
3. Tasmania: Anti-discrimination law changes
4. Safe Schools Coalition and OTHER similar programs
4.1 NSW parliament debates the Safe Schools program
4.2 NSW: Crossroads ‘Teacher Toolbox’ teaches gender fluidity
5. Pornography: Survey – boys say it there ‘in your face’
Overseas News
1. Proposed ‘International Safe Abortion Day’ at the United Nations
2. Canada has just approved prescription heroin
News Update – 22 September 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria – REMOVING ‘religious exceptions’ for employment
The Victorian Legislative Assembly has PASSED the Bill, proposed by Labor under Daniel Andrews’ leadership, to impose restrictions on religious groups so that they cannot freely employ people on the basis of their religious beliefs, or on moral grounds such as sexuality and gender identity. There would be an ‘inherent requirement test’ where religious groups and schools would have to PROVE that it was an ‘inherent requirement’ of the job to meet their stated religious or moral requirements.
The Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016 was passed by the Legislative Assembly on 15 September, 2016.
The Bill now goes to the Legislative Council. It was introduced on 15 September – and debate is usually expected two weeks from that date – meaning it could be NEXT week, possibly on Thursday 29 September.
To read the BILL and see the PROGRESS of the Bill, click here and scroll down to the TITLE of the Bill (currently at Number 31.)
ACTION: If you live in Victoria, PLEASE contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council.
ASK them to VOTE AGAINST this Bill in order to protect religious freedom.
To find your own 5 Members in the Legislative Council, click here, type in your suburb or postcode. Then click Search.
When the results are displayed click on the PINK box – that gives your FIVE Members.
2. Marriage – Book banning, Plebiscite, parliament vote?
2.1 BOOK BANNING – Printer REFUSES to print book
In the latest attack on free speech, a printing firm in Maryborough, Victoria, has REFUSED to print a book opposing the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage. The book, ‘Stealing from a Child’, by Dr David van Gend, from the Australian Marriage Forum, is being published by Connor Court.
The printing firm is McPherson’s, which is now owned by Opus Group, headquartered in Sydney.
A national ‘launch’ tour for the book starts in Brisbane today.
Click here for details of the national tour.
David van Gend reveals that the printers have had the book for TWO WEEKS, and had agreed to print it, but only told the publisher the DAY BEFORE the book launch that they would not be printing it!
The printer wrote, “Due to the subject matter and content of your book, unfortunately I have been instructed by senior management not to proceed with printing this title.”
David van Gend said, “If they were trying to make it impossible for me to supply books for the national tour, they have failed, because the heavy early demand for books meant we had to run off a few thousand interim copies digitally at a different company and we will be able to supply demand for at least the next week, until we find a new offset-printer.”
AMF have issued a Media Release, with some insightful comments. David said, “I defy anyone to find a single word in my book that should not be printed. I can understand the gay lobby being worried about a book that so clearly exposes the harms of genderless ‘marriage’ and of the whole genderless package deal that comes with it, but they should not try to shut down our side of the debate by banning a book!”
David said, “I can only say to people, read the book and try to find anything that could justify this printing company acting as a branch of the Thought Police. Only today a Member of Parliament messaged me and said, “I couldn’t put the book down. It’s a clarion call to the complacent – a wonderfully kind but persuasive read.”
Apparently, homosexuals are planning to ‘infiltrate’ and protest at the book launch – see report here.
The organiser said it was a “peaceful vigil” but added that “far left” groups and “militant unions” would be in attendance!
This report includes a very good 9 minute speech by Dr David van Gend. Well worth watching.
Read the Australian Marriage Forum Media Release: Censored! OpusGroup refuses to print Dr van Gend’s book
Buy the book – click here.
Or you can purchase one at any of the launch events.
Andrew Bolt posted a blog about the book banning – click here.
He also did a statement on TV – click here for it on the AMF site.
David van Gend writes, “Don’t worry: the national book launch of STEALING FROM A CHILD: THE INJUSTICE OF ‘MARRIAGE EQUALITY’ will proceed and the books will be supplied by a company that wants to print books, not dictate what Australian adults can and can’t read or discuss!”
As one commenter on Andrew Bolt’s blog said, “What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg in regards to what will happen if SSM is legalised ..They are already showing us their real colours.” Another said, “Based on this example, those who oppose SSM should have the right to refuse to have anything to do commercially with a SSM ceremony, like baking a cake, printing invitations, providing a venue. But don’t bet on it! One rule for them, another rule for us.”
2.2 Labor comments – Mark Dreyfus still opposing a plebiscite
With Labor leader Bill Shorten ‘hardening his rhetoric’ even more regarding his opposition to a plebiscite, it has been looking unlikely that Labor would support the ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’.
However, some reports were noting that, if Labor didn’t support a plebiscite, then there might not be an opportunity to get homosexual ‘marriage’ legalised in this term of government.
Today, Mark Dreyfus, the Labor Shadow Attorney-General, made some public statements on ABC’s AM program, prior to speaking to the Christian Faith and Freedom conference. On the program, he said he remains opposed to the proposed plebiscite, insisting “This is a matter that should be resolved by a vote in the Parliament.” He also stated that said that Labor remained opposed to any public funding for the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns.
Mark Dreyfus said that he is meeting with Attorney-General George Brandis on Monday to discuss the matter. The Labor caucus doesn’t meet until 10 October when parliament returns.
You will hear snippets of this interview on news reports.
Read the full TRANSCRIPT, or listen to the audio, and you’ll see where Labor REALLY stands on this matter.
ABC AM transcript: ‘We oppose public funding’ for marriage equality plebiscite campaigns: Mark Dreyfus, ABC AM, 23/9/2016.
2.3 What will happen if the plebiscite legislation ISN’T passed?
Andrew Bolt has warned that the Prime Minister has not been forthcoming in saying WHAT might happen if the plebiscite legislation is defeated. Last Friday, Mr Turnbull said on 3AW, after making compromises on superannuation changes, “We may have to negotiate on all of these matters.”
If that includes homosexual ‘marriage’, then what happens if the plebiscite legislation isn’t passed?
|If a plebiscite is not held, would we end up with a vote in parliament? Andrew Bolt thinks it could lead to that… first presenting the issue to the Cabinet and then to the party room as well, and then a potential vote of parliament.
Andrew also highlights the new politics we face, and writes about the closing down of the meeting organised by Christian groups this week.
Prior to the election, we wrote that, if the ‘plebiscite enabling legislation’ is defeated, then a likely scenario might be a ‘cross-party’ Bill, like we saw with RU 486…
Article: Vote on marriage equality reveals the haters of the Left, Andrew Bolt, Herald Sun, 19/9/2016.
If link doesn’t open, Google “Vote reveals the haters of the Left” or try here.
2.4 Homosexual activism in closing down meetings – ACL response
This week we’ve seen the moving of a meeting from a hotel following abusive activism by homosexuals. A meeting of more than 100 groups who were discussing a campaign relating to the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’ in a plebiscite was MOVED to a ‘secret venue’.
Abusive phone calls, and an attack on the Mercure Hotel’s Facebook page, giving them ‘1 star ratings’ led to the event being MOVED from the venue.
Lyle Shelton, of Australian Christian Lobby, wrote about the situation; of having to meet in secret. He also criticised the failure of homosexual organisations, that are promoting homosexual ‘marriage’, to condemn the threats made by LGBTIQA+ activists.
Article: SSM leaders’ failure to condemn violence endangers everyone’s safety, ACL, 20/9/2016.
3. Tasmania: Anti-discrimination law changes
The Liberal government has proposed some CHANGES to the state’s anti-discrimination law. Although they are aimed at improving the freedom of speech and religion, they don’t go FAR ENOUGH!
The proposed “amendment, tabled in the House of Assembly this week, would provide a “religious purpose” exception to section 17(1), which outlaws conduct that offends, humiliates, intimidates, insults or ridicules another on the basis of attributes including race, age, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation.”
But the actual ‘offends’ and ‘insults’ would REMAIN. One would have to PROVE in a Tribunal that the exception applies!
This is the law that a transgender activist used to take a complaint against Catholic Archbishop Julian Porteous.
And even if religious people or comments were protected, NON-religious comments would have no protection and would still be subject to complaints!
Liberal Premier Will Hodgman defended his Bill against criticism by the Labor Opposition leader and the Greens.
If you live in Tasmania, please encourage your MPs in both Houses to vote against the Bill.
Click here for Tasmanian MP contacts.
Media article: Lobby groups critical of proposed changes to anti-discrimination laws, Mercury, 22/9/2016.
FamilyVoice Australia Media Release: Innocuous comments still risky in Tasmania, 22/9/2016.
4. Safe Schools Coalition and OTHER similar programs
4.1 NSW parliament debates the Safe Schools program
Following the tabling of a petition organised by the Chinese community, with more than 17,000 signatures, the NSW Parliament was set to debate the issue on Thursday afternoon (ACL Media Release).
The petition was presented by Liberal MP Damien Tudehope.
Read the ABC‘s report on the debate in parliament – click here.
4.2 NSW: Crossroads ‘Teacher Toolbox’ teaches gender fluidity
We’ve previously reported that state Education Departments are ALREADY teaching some of the concepts found tin the notorious un-Safe Schools Coalition program.
In New South Wales, the Education Department has the ‘Crossroads’ program. Two of the so-called ‘resources’ are entitled “Teacher Toolbox for delivering content relating to diversity of s*x, s*xuality and gender” and “Do opposites really attract?”
The New South Wales Teachers Federation’s LGBTIQ Newsletter promoted the release of the first resource in August 2016.
Columnist Miranda Devine criticised the program, highlighting some of the elements of the program. Miranda writes, “After Piccoli repeatedly denied that Cheltenham Girls High teachers had been asked to use gender-neutral language as part of their Safe Schools preparation, we find the Department of Education has launched an official 17-page teaching resource that says exactly that. The “Teacher toolbox for delivering content relating to diversity of s*x, s*xuality and gender” says, on page five: “Use simple strategies within classroom teaching and learning activities, such as: de-gender language.”
Miranda pointed out that, “It’s actually one of the most benign aspects of the newly sexualised curriculum in which both gender and sexuality are absurdly taught to be as changeable as the weather. Another resource that forms part of the department’s 2015 “Crossroads” sex education program, titled “Do opposites really attract” says that: “It is important for students to move beyond binary thinking or thinking in terms of opposites. “They need to understand that gender is not fixed.”
This is getting quite ridiculous.
The Australian Family Association released information on this earlier this week. They urge parents (and concerned citizens) to contact their state MPs about the (un) Safe Schools Coalition program.
If people live in NSW they are encouraged to also complain about these resources in the Crossroads program. Even if you don’t live in NSW you can email NSW MPs and Mr Piccoli about your concerns.
Click here for the AFA page that enables you to QUICKLY email MPs!
In her insightful article, Miranda noted that NSW Education Minister Adrian Piccoli sends his OWN children to a school where they WON’T be exposed to the program!
Article: Truth is a fluid concept for Adrian Piccoli, Miranda Devine, Daily Telegraph, 21/9/2016.
5. Pornography: Survey – boys say it there ‘in your face’
A recent survey which asked teenage boys about pornography found that many teenage boys said that it is ‘always there’, and that most of them had seen it. A play is being produced to highlight the issue.
With the prevalence of smartphones with ‘data’, there is constant access to the internet. The problem of access to pornography by children and teenagers was highlighted by the ‘Porn Harms Kids’ Symposium earlier this year. The Symposium has called for a filter on the internet to reduce the problem of access to pornography. A Senate Inquiry was held, but was not completed due to the election being held (see here).
The Australian Institute of Family Studies published a Report in May 2016, highlighting the problem of accessing pornography and the harms done:
Children and young people’s exposure to pornography
Liz Walker’s BOOK and WEBSITE ‘Not for Kids’ provides helpful resources in dealing with the problem of online pornography – click here.
Article: ‘Porn is always just there in your face’: Teen boys tell all in survey on pornography, ABC, 26/8/2016.
Overseas News
1. Proposed ‘International Safe Abortion Day’ at the United Nations
A coalition of pro-abortion groups recently sent the Secretary-General of the United Nations a letter, requesting the establishment of an “International Safe Abortion Day” at the United Nations.
Citizen Go has launched a petition, to ask the United Nations to NOT have such a ‘day’!
Please sign the petition – click here.
2. Canada has just approved prescription heroin
“The Canadian government has quietly approved new drug regulations that will permit doctors to prescribe pharmaceutical-grade heroin to treat severe addicts who have not responded to more conventional approaches.”
This is a big expansion of the current situation, where ONE “clinic has a ‘heroin-maintenance program, in which addicts come in as many as three times a day and receive prescribed injections of legally obtained heroin from a nurse free.”
Article: Canada has just approved prescription heroin, Washington Post, 13/9/2016.