Finding Legitimacy in an Immoral World

We have learned that ‘de facto’ is a reality and relationship without official or divine sanction. It seeks the benefits and pleasures of said relationship without the commitment and responsibility. De facto is also called ‘cohabitation.’
Yet to live in a de facto relationship is a gamble. From a Biblical view, any sexual relations in a de facto context is considered to be fornication, since it is outside the parameters of marriage. Furthermore, we learned that that de facto couples who eventually get married have a much higher rate of divorce than those who never lived together at all.
A de facto attitude and lifestyle are clearly not options for Bible-believing, Spirit-filled Christian. We are called to a life of commitment, communication, responsibility, and solid relationships based on love, respect, and reciprocity. Everyone who has experienced these benefits endorses them without hesitation.
Dr John Hayward, director of the Jubilee Centre, said: ‘All the evidence suggests that families headed by married, biological parents who have not previously lived together provide the best environment for both the individuals involved and their children.’
How can we trade-in our self-centred, fearful, uncommitted de facto mindset for a solid, stable, sanctified and credible de jure one? The answer is ‘Make a Commitment.’ To whom?
       TO GOD: Receive Him as Saviour, serve Him as Lord, listen to His Word (the Bible), obey the prompting of His Holy Spirit.
       TO FAMILY: Be committed to your spouse, children, and parents. Sound family life is universally valued, regardless of nation or culture. Morality is a God-given hedge that we build to protect our families and ourselves.
       TO GOD’S PEOPLE: Commitment to Christian fellowship is vital for a healthy, flourishing Christian life. God’s church may be universal but it also has a local address. Church-hopping and irregular fellowship is part of the de facto syndrome, even if you are married, and can be hazardous to your spiritual health.
       TO SOCIETY: Be faithful, responsible, and committed in your civic duties, like paying taxes, voting, speaking out on moral issues, etc. De Jure Christians make great citizens in any society. Love your neighbour as yourself. This includes de facto couples, divorcees, widows, etc.
What If?
What if you are in de facto relationship and have come to Christ, what should you do? You are not alone. Amazingly, the first person Jesus revealed Himself as Messiah was to a Samaritan woman who was married 5 times and lived in a de facto relationship when she met Christ (John 4:16-19). He has been called the friend of sinners (Matthew 11:19; Luke 7:34).
This author was confronted with this question a few years ago. The couple had been together 10 years and had two children. They had become Christians and planned to marry soon. However, they were uncomfortable about the possibility fornication now and a higher divorce rate after marriage. My advice to them was simple: The foundation of their relationship was flawed, therefore get a better foundation. This meant repudiation of the old foundation: the de facto spirit and fornication. This repudiation involved repentance, moving out of the house, and refraining from intimate relations until after the wedding. Only then could they have a new, better, and sure foundation for marital stability. Fortunately, this couple readily agreed, as others have before them.

May one of the most notable casualties of the upcoming, world-wide, move of God be the glorious defeat of the ‘de facto’ factor. Righteous living, de jure living, is the best antidote, now an


It is as delicious as it is simple to make. Labneh is a thick, cheese-like dip made from plain yoghurt. It is hard to get this wrong and your family will thank you for it.
1 kg of Greek yoghurt
1 tsp salt
The key to labneh is to get it to drain in the fridge for 12-24 hours.
Use the following equipment:
Colander or sieve
Large bowl to drain water.
Line the sieve or colander with cheesecloth. Lay it in one direction and then another. Place the colander/sieve in the large bowl.
Add the salt to the yoghurt and stir thoroughly. Place all the yoghurt into the cheesecloth lined colander, then pull the edges of the cloth and tie with a string.
Allow the liquid to drain from the yoghurt for 12-24 hours – the longer it drains, the thicker and creamier it becomes. Your kilo of yoghurt will render 500 grams of drained labneh.
Remove, place in a serving bowl, pour a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and dust lightly with paprika or some other favorited herb or spice. Serve as a dip.


How Will Jesus Vote in the 2016 US Presidential Election?

It is an election campaign unlike any other seen in the United States. Yes, like the others, it is long and drawn out. What makes this campaign different is the populism and polarisation.Yes, there has been shameless mudslinging: one candidate is called ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’ while the other is simply labelled ‘crooked.’ One candidate ignores accusations of being ‘inexperienced’ while the other is accused of being ‘too experienced’ in lying, corruption, and using office for influence peddling. It is an election where everyone has an opinion. One candidate represents a populist revolt of a first-time candidate while the other has been in the spotlight and political establishment for 25 years.
What are we to make of this US presidential election? Can anyone lead the US out of the estranged, highly charged atmosphere that this campaign brings?
Yet, for our purposes, we seek the opinion of the most important One of all. How would Jesus Christ vote in the 2016 US Presidential election?
There are three possible answers and amazingly they are all have validity.
Option One: Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, does not vote. He does not belong to the Democratic Party, Republican Party, independent party, indeed, any party. This is standard fare in constitutional monarchies. The sovereign is above politics, is not a politician, is not a member of a political party, and does not cast a vote at all. When the pre-incarnate Christ was asked by a curious Joshua son of Nun if He was for Joshua and the Israelites side or for the Jericho and Canaanite side? Answer: Neither. I have not come to take sides but to take over (Joshua 5:14). Eventually the kingdoms of this world must give way to the kingdom of Christ.
Option Two: Jesus Christ will vote. God takes an active interest in the affairs of humankind.Romans 13:1 says:
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
In the history of Israel and Judah, God spoke (voted) His assessment of each of the kings. Israel had 19 kings and Judah 20. In God’s assessment, all of Israel’s kings were deemed ‘evil’ and of Judah’s only eight were called ‘good.’ The Lord’s declaration was not based on military prowess or economic management. It was based on character and compliance to God’s Word. The often used phrase was ‘He (the king) did that which was right in the sight of the LORD.
Remember, bad people can never be good leaders, no matter how clever they are in the political, military, or economic realms. Jesus said it best ‘A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit’ (Matthew 7:18). Character counts. The great leader of average intelligence can always hire ‘brains’ and of moderate ability can always hire ‘competence.’ However, the good leader cannot hire integrity and character. These are things that must already be operative in his or her life. Not only does God assess each leader on character, He is completely able to promote and demote any politician or candidate at will (Psalm 75:6-7).
Option Three: Jesus will vote through us. First, let’s get this straight: no politician, however intelligent, competent, clever and well-meaning, will be able to solve the massive political, economic, and social problems the United States faces. These problems are also mirrored in much of the western world, including Australia, Canada, and the UK. A great leader will make progress, a bad one will set the country back.
The reason that politicians alone are not the solution is that at the core society’s problems are spiritual; therefore, the answers are equally spiritual. So if the Godly seek the LORD for the election and follow the time-honoured counsel of II Chronicles 7:14, the classic verse on revival, which says:
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
then God promises to hear, forgive, and heal the land. After years of moral decline, plus a bruising US election campaign, it is obvious that America can use some healing. The prayers of the righteous are the way to get it.
Vote in the heavens first: The American presidential campaign has attracted extraordinary international coverage. Millions of non-Americans overseas made it a point to watch the presidential debates. It is not just because of celebrity attraction: as the world’s sole remaining superpower, what happens to America affects the entire world. Regardless of whether you are a voting American or not, a Democrat, Republican, or swing voter, the wisest thing you can do is pray for God’s will in this election. We are commanded to pray for kings and all in authority (I Timothy 2:1-4).

Remember: A vote in the heavens by prayer will affect the voting on earth. The heavenly prayer is the one Christ hears and it can change the course of history. May the best person – the one America needs, not deserves – win.

From Defeat to Victory: A Lesson from Joshua Part 02

In Part 01, we looked at one of the reasons why life has bends, twists and turns, making the journey longer and harder than expected. In order to minimise and eliminate these roadblocks, it is important to learn and apply the lessons of Scripture.
If you are struggling with unanswered prayer, a roadblock on your normal path, chronically unresolved issues, or a general feeling of failure, read on. You may be experiencing exactly what Joshua did.
One of those lessons is that Joshua and the children of Israel conquered Jericho with ease, even though it was a formidable fortress. However, at their next destination Ai, which was much smaller and thus easier to conquer, they suffered a massive defeat.
The reason? Not the strength of the enemy, but because of corruption in their own heart. Israel sinned because it touched the accursed things. As long as they embraced that which God rejects, He would not be with them and they would fall before their enemies. Whether our enemies are strong or weak, we need God with us at all times.
Let’s learn more about the problem, so that we can apply the solution.
The Accursed Thing Will Defeat You
The Hebrew word for ‘accursed’ is cherem, meaning ‘to ban, devote, or design for total destruction.’ The city of Jericho was cherem, and all within was to be destroyed. However, a man name Achan, the son of Carmi, from the tribe of Judah, after the fall of Jericho, saw a Babylonian garment, silver, and gold. He coveted these accursed things and took them within his own tent. By touching cherem, he brought a curse upon himself and judgment on the entire nation.
The Bible does speak of blessing and cursing. These are real life conditions and they come with a price. According to Deuteronomy 28, when you diligently obey God’s command, you are blessed; but if you disobey, the curses will rain down on you. There are 14 verses of blessing and 54 of curses in that chapter alone.
In our day, we need to be ‘word-wise’ regarding God’s principles. Salvation in Christ is by ‘grace through faith,’ but we are still duty-bound to obey the Lord’s commands (Matthew 7:21). Obedience means holiness, sanctification, and righteousness. Jude verse 23 says the righteous would not even touch the garment soiled by the flesh.
However, to willingly embrace that which God curses will bring terrible consequences, although not necessarily immediately. We are still in an age of grace and God wants to give room for repentance. But we must never forget: we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7). Even if we eventually come around, we will lose a lot of ground and our call will only be partially fulfilled, if at all. This is a high price to pay for a few moments of sensuous pleasure.
The Remedy
The remedy: cleanse oneself from the unclean thing. Achan’s sin was discovered, he made a full confession, but unfortunately it was not enough to save him. He and his family were stoned to death in the Valley of Achor, meaning trouble. Embracing cherem is of the ultimate condemnation. Joshua 22:20 summaries the situation well:
Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the cursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? And that man did not perish alone in his iniquity.
Ultimately, Joshua led Israel into corporate repentance. Once completed, they went up to Ai a second time and prevailed.
On a positive note, let’s take a moment to focus on Rahab, whose story is in Joshua 2. It was bad enough that she was a harlot. But to add to her condemnation, she came from the accursed city of Jericho, a Canaanite of the land. In essence, she was a condemned woman.
Yet, Rahab did not share the fate of Achan. The reason: she hid the Israelite spies with peace, meaning she exercised faith. She received commendation in both testaments (Joshua 6:17, 25; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25); married a man named Salmon, and they had a child called Boaz, who married another virtuous Gentile, Ruth. Rehab and Ruth are named as an ancestors of the Messiah.

In short, embrace that which God curses and condemnation will come. Or, repent and believe the gospel and you will pass from curse to blessing. Now is the time!

Does Democracy Require Morality?

For the last 3 months we have been looking at the topic of democracy under threat. The erosion of basic freedoms, a tone-deaf political elite, incremental but increasing authoritarianism, failure to apply the rule of law consistently, resistance to allowing the people to vote on fundamental issues of society – all point a decline in democracy. A case in point was the Australian Federal Opposition’s thwarting of a people’s plebiscite to decide the definition of marriage. The June 23, 2016 in the UK, where the electorate voted to leave or ‘Brexit’ the European Union, was a populist exception to this rule; indeed, the Brexit vote was true democracy in action.
Yet, if we are going to see a return to functional, classic democracy, then let’s visit the question: Does democracy require morality?
Among a people generally corrupt liberty cannot long exist’ — Edmund Burke
Democracy is understood to be the rule of the people. This is done through their elected representatives. While it can be time-consuming, factional and, at times, messy, it also is the best guarantor of human rights and individual freedoms. This is due, in part, because the main coordinates of power – the executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branches of government – are separated and independent. In addition to ‘separation of powers’ is what we call ‘balance of power.’ All three branches are given power and limitations on that power; the desired result is that no branch of government gets too much power. This is meant to prevent dictatorships and coup d’tats.
‘Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters’ – Benjamin Franklin
The collective wisdom of America’s founding fathers, the ones who established the first modern democracy, is that morality and democracy, with its accompanying freedoms, go hand-in-hand.
‘We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other’ – John Adams
In the American colonies in the 18th Century, there was the Great Awakening, a revival that helped lay the moral foundation of the American republic and constitution. In Britain at the same time was the Wesleyan revival; it has been said that without this the UK would have faced a blood-filled revolution like their French neighbours across the English Channel. With the needful separation of church and state, both flourished without being encroached upon by the other. That’s why pulpits on both sides of ‘the pond’ were on fire for the LORD.
‘Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society’ – George Washington
Morality includes character that honours high precepts like the Ten Commandments. It is also a commitment to truth. Two famous US Presidents, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, were famous for their truthfulness, even if it was inconvenient and inexpedient. That’s why when truth is compromised, so is morality, and then by extension democracy itself.
‘No people can be great who have ceased to be virtuous’Samuel Johnson
Morality and virtue have taken a beating in the last year’s. The rebellious 1960s, the advent of postmodernism with its nihilism, relativism, and repudiation of absolute truth, increasingly Biblical illiteracy, and a spirit of deception and delusion in public and private, it is more challenging to get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Yet our search for truth must continue because without it we speak the devil’s language (John 8:44).
‘A country cannot subsist well without liberty, nor liberty without virtue’ Jean Jacques Rousseau
Those who name the name of Christ need to depart from iniquity. Instead, ‘salt and light’ integrity should be cultivated. Integrity means to be sincere, honest, and morally upright. You don’t have to be a Christian to have these qualities, but you do need to be following Jesus in order to be ‘salt of the earth and light of the world.’
A state is nothing more than a reflection of its citizens; the more decent the citizens, the more decent the state’ – Ronald Reagan
Bible-preaching, Spirit filled, evangelistically inclined and missional minded churches are the best guarantee for the continuance of democracy. They provide the moral teaching that fosters good citizens who are committed to truth and integrity. When this happens, democracy will be safeguarded.

‘Righteousness exalteth a nation’Proverbs 14:34

When All is Lost – Why Study the Book of Ruth

The circumstances could not have been more tragic. A Judean woman moves to Moab because of famine in her homeland. After arrival to this foreign land her husband dies an untimely death. Her two sons marry local Moabite girls, but like their father, they also die prematurely. There were no children, either. With no government safety net or church support, or children to send out to work, the situation was hopeless.
What can you do in such circumstances?
Welcome to the Book of Ruth. Far from being a quaint, romantic tale, Ruth is a powerful manifesto of redemption – from tragedy to triumph. When all seems to be lost, redemption comes in and turns everything around –  even more than you can imagine.
And there is more. What was really at stake was not merely the fortunes of two widows – it was the Messianic lineage itself from Abraham to David. The redemption of Ruth restored this broken line. Though a Gentile from a despised race, Ruth became an honoured matriarch who is named an ancestor of the Messiah (Matthew 1:5).
What were the keys that turned this hopeless situation around?
First, it was Ruth’s faithfulness. She put all her trust in the God of Israel. Her faithfulness to God is matched by her legendary care of her widowed mother-in-law, Naomi. ‘Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God’ Ruth 1:16ff (NKJV) was her famous statement of commitment.
Second, God’s faithfulness. The LORD made provision for such tragedies through two means. First, regarding food for the needy, Israelites were commanded to leave the corners and fringes of their harvest field untouched so that the poor, stranger, fatherless, and widows can glean therein and have food (Leviticus 19:10; Deuteronomy 24:21). Ruth went to glean in the fields and caught the attention of an older man named Boaz.
Another provision of God was the ‘kinsmen-redeemer’ or go’el in Hebrew. This means a male relative (brother) takes on the widow and raises up a descendant for the deceased brother. This is called ‘Levirate Marriage,’ described in Deuteronomy 25. Since Naomi had no more sons to offer Ruth, here again all seemed lost.
Yet this same Boaz, who took notice of Ruth in his harvest field, also happened to be a relative. When Naomi saw the favour Ruth enjoyed in the eyes of Boaz, she ‘nudged’ her to invite him to do the duty of a kinsman-redeemer. The ‘Naomi nudge’ at home turned into a ‘Ruth nudge’ at the threshing floor. Once he was nudged, Boaz, son of Salmon and Rahab, wasted no time in trying to secure Ruth’s redemption.
After quickly clearing the last hurdle, Boaz married Ruth, they had a son called OBED, and redemption came to Ruth, Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon and Chilion. Ruth, daughter-in-law of Rahab, became the great-grandmother of David. The Messianic line was preserved.
The bottom line: When you put all your trust in the LORD, there is never a situation where ‘all is lost.’ God’s redemption means you will find your blessing, with dividends.
Author:  Unknown. Probably written in the time of David, great-grandson of Ruth.
Christ:  Kinsman-Redeemer.  Go’el
1.       He was a blood relative to Israel and Son of man to the Gentiles.
2.       Redeemer must be free Himself. Christ is totally free.
3.       Purchased redemption with His priceless blood (Boaz did it with money).
4.       Needs to buy back forfeited inheritance. Christ the Redeemer has the power to buy back all that was lost.
5.       Must be willing to marry the widow. Christ has a bride (Romans 7:4).
Theme: Power of Redemption

Book of Ruth:

A Simple Outline

CHAPTER ONE: Tragedy for Naomi & Ruth
The Unfortunate Move of Elimelech & Naomi
Ruth’s Transformational Decision
Ruth Moves to Judah with Naomi
CHAPTER TWO: The Toil of Ruth
LOCATION: Fields of Boaz
Ruth Gleans in Boaz’s Field
Ruth Finds Favour With Boaz
Naomi Revives
CHAPTER THREE: Trust in Action
LOCATION: Threshingfloor
Naomi ‘Nudges’ Ruth Towards Boaz
Ruth ‘Nudges’ Boaz
Boaz Agrees to be a Kinsman-Redeemer
Naomi Transformed: From Pessimist to Optimist
CHAPTER FOUR: Triumph and Redemption
Location: Bethlehem City Gate
Boaz Redeems
Boaz Marries Ruth
Ruth Gives Birth to Obed
Genealogy of David
Note: We offer an 8 hour audio MP3 verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Ruth, including 30 pages of printable PDF notes. It is part of our larger ‘Understanding the Bible Series.’ For further information, go to
Immediate download:

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

News ball Fotolia 31010118 320x200* More developments on the ‘marriage’ front….
* Why we should avoid ‘Halloween’ (and our updated webpage)…
* Persecution of Christians increases in overseas nations.



News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

Australian News

1. Update on the push for homosexual ‘marriage’
     1.1 NEW plebiscite proposal from Liberal MP Warren Entsch

     1.2 NEW campaign to ‘unite Australians to support marriage equality’
     1.3 Actor/blogger says she fears an ‘emotional bloodbath’ from a plebiscite
     1.4 More name-calling – court rules on the ‘f’ word
     1.5 Plebiscite a “political deal” – Christine Forster
2. LISTEN to Senator Eric’s speech to our Dinner

3. Vic: Update on the TWO Bills – Birth certificates & Religious exceptions in employment
4. Vic: ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum and explicit videos
5. Feature: Halloween on 31 October…

Overseas News

1. Pakistan – Persecution of Christians and Closure of House Churches
2. Cairo: Archbishop urges Christian leaders “Prepare for martyrdom”
3. USA: Transgender male ADMITS to using Target’s policy to FILM women in changerooms

News Update – 28 Oct – Marriage, Halloween, Persecution

Australian News

1. Update on the push for homosexual ‘marriage’

The issue isn’t going away, even though we know the Senate is not expected to pass the government’s Bill that would enable the holding of a plebiscite.

Here’s a selection of this week’s developments…

1.1 NEW plebiscite proposal from Liberal MP Warren Entsch
Liberal MP Warren Entsch, who supports homosexual ‘marriage’, has offered a ‘compromise proposal’ for a plebiscite.

The proposal involves postal and electronic voting, at a cost of around $53 million instead of $160 million. This would avoid the handing out of literature at polling booths.

The proposal also:

     – “mentions providing tax-deductible status to the ‘yes’ campaign for a limited period leading up to and after a plebiscite.”

     – “states the result of a plebiscite would be binding on parliament”

     – Provides “less funding to both sides of the campaign” and “the excess money would be provided to Headspace for additional counselling services.”

Gay News Network report that, “GNN can confirm Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was made aware of the proposal and approved Mr Entsch to investigate it, most likely to gauge public opinion first.”

Nick Xenophon and his Senators have responded by saying that they don’t support a plebiscite in ANY form and would not support this proposal.


1.2 NEW campaign to ‘unite Australians to support marriage equality’
Two of the main homosexual lobby groups have combined to run a NEW campaign. Their aim is to HUMANISE ‘marriage equality, according to a report from Mumbrella.

They say, it aims to “bring it back to the Australians that are directly impacted.”

Mumbrella write, “The equality campaign’ via Principleco, sees hundreds of friends, families and couples uniting to paint a rainbow map of Australia, as a representation of community support for the movement. . . The video features volunteers adding tag lines as they paint the mural, such as ‘for my mums’, ‘for fairness,’ ‘for love,’ to give their reasons for support.”

This is a major tactic of the homosexual groups – to personalise the issue – which, in turn, makes it harder for those opposing the legalisation of homosexual ‘marriage’, who are often accused of being ‘against the person’!

The campaign includes images and a video… see articles for details and photos. have a detailed article looking at this new strategy by the homosexual lobby groups.

Article: With a plebiscite almost certainly doomed, marriage equality campaigners employ new tactics to get law reform passed,, 24/10/2016.

Article: Australians unite for marriage equality in campaign by Principleco, Mumbrella, 26/10/2016.

Article: Lead Marriage Equality Advocates Launch New Campaign, B&T, 26/10/2016.

1.3 Actor/blogger says she fears an ‘emotional bloodbath’ from a plebiscite
The emotional language continues to be rolled out – there seems to be a renewed push from activists to try and ensure the Senate won’t relent and agree to a plebiscite…

Bianca Biasi, who has a lesbian partner and twin 10 month old daughters, said she had received support from her 47,000 Instagram following. That shows the impact of social media – that a person has so many followers, and that any issue can attract immediate ‘support’.

She also used two aspects of the ‘religion card’ – saying that both women were from “religious backgrounds” – and that they understand what the churches were concerned about and “wouldn’t want any priest or pastor to be forced to conduct same sex weddings, only those who wanted to.”

Article: Gay mum fears for children if marriage plebiscite goes ahead, Daily Telegraph/Manly Daily, 26/10/2016.

1.4 More name-calling – court rules on the ‘f’ word
When three protesters used the ‘f’ word’ at a ‘marriage equality’ rally – including a specific reference to ‘f… Fred Nile’ – they were charged with using offensive language. The Local Court magistrate has now dismissed the charges, ‘saying the words were used “to dismiss the argument against marriage equality” rather than to cause offence.’

One of the protesters, April Holcombe, is the LGBTI Officer for the National Union of Students. “The protest was organised by activist group Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) to counter an anti same-sex marriage march organised by Christian Democratic Party leader and upper house MP Fred Nile and Christian group Unity Australia.”

Of course, the protesters had support from lots of lawyers, with the SMH writing, “The protesters were represented by a phalanx of lawyers, including Sydney barristers Stephen Lawrence and Felicity Graham and solicitor Charles Stanford….”

Two points to note:

* The judge said that whether the word “f—” is part of a child’s vernacular “depends on the words that a child listens to from others”.

* The word was only offensive if it was “calculated to wound the feelings, arouse anger or resentment or disgust and outrage in the mind of a reasonable person”.

Article: Court finds ‘f— Fred Nile’ not offensive language at marriage equality rally, SMH, 25/10/2016.

1.5 Plebiscite a “political deal” – Christine Forster
Christine Forster, the lesbian sister of former PM Tony Abbott described the Liberal Party policy to hold a plebiscite as a “shitty political deal” struck as an agreement between the Liberal Party’s conservative and moderate factions. She made the comment during a debate at a Sydney City Council meeting this week.

The SMH noted this would challenge Malcolm Turnbull. “But her claim in an open council meeting that a plebiscite was a political deal will be a blow to Mr Turnbull, who has maintained that it was a “legitimate and democratic” way forward, rather than part of the price he paid in taking the leadership from Mr Abbott, a strident opponent of same-sex marriage.”

We need to remember that the proposal for the plebiscite came as a proposal to the party room to avoid granting a conscience vote to Coalition MPs.

Article: Same-sex marriage plebiscite was a ‘shitty political deal’ between Liberal factions: Christine Forster, SMH, 25/10/2016.

2. LISTEN to Senator Eric’s speech to our Dinner
If you missed our email earlier this week, the PODCAST of the speech that Senator Abetz gave to our website is now ON our website podcasts page (18 minutes). You can listen to it online OR download the mp3 file. Includes links to the transcript of the speech. Click here.

3. Vic: Update on the TWO Bills – Birth certificates & Religious exceptions in employment
The BILLS page on the Victorian Parliament’s website shows that the second reading debate hasn’t been held yet on EITHER of these Bills…

The Victorian Legislative Council hasn’t debated or voted on the two controversial Bills we have been reporting on – regarding changes of ‘Sex’ on birth certificates and the removal of exceptions for religious organisations regarding employment. 
At this stage the two Bills webpages show that the Bills have passed the Legislative Assembly and have had their FIRST reading in the Legislative Council.

Click here for the BILLS page: then scroll to each Bill and click on title for full details of Bill and PROGRESS (or the links on the following titles should work).

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2016

Equal Opportunity Amendment (Religious Exceptions) Bill 2016

One of the Bills would REMOVE religious exceptions regarding employment in the Equal Opportunity Act, which means Christian schools and religious organisations would have to PROVE that it is an “inherent requirement” of the job to be a Christian or to adhere to certain moral behaviour regarding sexuality or marital status.

The second Bill would allow people to change the SEX on their birth certificate – to ANY chosen ‘gender descriptor’ (so long as it isn’t obscene) – WITHOUT having to undergo any sex reassignment surgery or even taking hormones.

ACTION: If you live in Victoria, there is still time to contact your FIVE Members in the Legislative Council to ask them to vote against these Bills.
Click here, then type in your postcode etc and Search to get all your Members.

For more information, see our Action Alert on both Bills – click here.

4. Vic: ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum and explicit videos
We have previously reported on the Victorian State Government’s curriculum called ‘Respectful Relationships’ which is supposed to address the problem of ‘domestic violence’ in society.

This week it was reported that some of the videos for the program are highly objectionable.

“The Andrews government is on a collision course with the powerful Christian lobby over new classroom videos that use animated penises and other sexual imagery to educate students about porn, relationships and raunch culture.”

“The Australian Christian Lobby wants Education Minister James Merlino to remove web links from the Respectful Relationships teaching resource. The web links take teachers to a number of video lessons with titles such as “Porn – what you should know”, “The truth about desire”, and “When’s the Right Time” (which asks students to consider when they are ready for sex).”

In particular… “One of the Lobby’s main concerns centres on a video for students in year 8, which features illustrated images of male and female anatomy, a topless cowboy, scantily-clad women and a barrage of messages about sex. “If you’re mixing penises with bums, vaginas or mouths, you should really use a ‘party hat’,” says one segment, in reference to the use of condoms. Elsewhere on the video, a giant penis stands on a theatre stage, while the narrator declares that porn “usually makes the penis look like the boss of the whole show.”

Education Minister James Merlino said he didn’t plan to intervene, “As education minister, I’m not going to be writing resources or imposing change on materials that are written by experts and are absolutely age-appropriate.”

Article: Andrews faces Christian Lobby showdown over sexual classroom videos, The Age, 23/10/2016

Vickie Janson wrote a blog about the sexualised imagery in the videos associated with the ‘Respectful Relationships’ curriculum…

Blog: Giant Talking Penises & Shrinking Silent Politicians, 23/10/2016.

5. Feature: Halloween on 31 October…
Walk into a supermarket this week and you are immediately confronted by displays of chocolate and assorted decorations for ‘Halloween’.

This celebration of ‘Halloween’ is really an ‘import’ from the USA, and wasn’t celebrated in Australia until recent times. Over the years this event has gained in prominence – and much of it has been led by manufacturers who have seen the marketing opportunity of another ‘event’!

Over the years, we have written on the problems associated with Christians celebrating Halloween, especially in its recent focus on witches, the dead and the occult. The Bible tells us not to participate in such activities, and we don’t support any participation in ‘Halloween’.

Marcia Montenegro, of Christian Answers for the New Age, outlines the pagan and occult origins and connections, and the association with Christian traditions. She urges us to avoid involvement in the ‘celebration’, and encourages us to pray for those caught up in the occult on this day. She also warns Christians not to spread false rumours about ‘sacrificing’ etc. Marcia urges Christian parents not to let their children dress up as a witch, demon, etc. Since Marcia was involved in the New Age and occult practices herself, she is sensitive towards those who are ensnared by the attraction of the occult and New Age philosophies.
Read Marcia’s statement on Halloween – click here.
Read about Marcia’s background – click here.

Have a look at our recently updated webpage on Halloween, which includes a range of articles and links.

Overseas News

1. Pakistan – Persecution of Christians and Closure of House Churches
Persecution of Christians continues in Pakistan. Christians are often accused of ‘blasphemy’ when ‘negative’ comments are made against Islam. This week there was a report of a mob of around 50 men invading a pastor’s home and beating him and his family, apparently trying to seize his property.

Pakistan has recently ordered the closure of house churches.

“Meanwhile, Pakistan Christian Post notes that community tension has been increasing in Pakistan as Muslims call for the execution of two Christians accused of blasphemy. Despite the call for justice for Christian mother Asia Bibi and teen Nabeel Masih, the Post said the law courts have failed them.

“British Pakistani Christian Association chairman Wilson Chowdhry released a statement expressing his dismay at the hatred of the Muslim community against the Christians in Pakistan. He also called on the Western countries to utilize their power of leverage to fight for the defenseless like Bibi and Masih.”

Please pray for Christians in Pakistan who are being persecuted.

Article: Pakistan orders closure of Christian house churches, Christian Daily, 25/10/2016.

Article: Muslim mob in Pakistan beats and evicts Christian pastor’s family from home, Christian Daily, 26/10/2016.

2. Cairo: Archbishop urges Christian leaders “Prepare for martyrdom”
An indication of the increasing persecution of Christians overseas is this warning from Cairo’s Anglican Archbishop Mouneer Anis. In a recent speech to Christian leaders, he said Christians should be prepared for martyrdom in the face of worldwide persecution and violence done in the name of religion.

“He also highlighted polygamy, corruption, harsh treatment of women, and false teaching of the prosperity gospel as among the weaknesses that affect Christians. The false teaching Anis talked about includes the prosperity gospel being propagated by the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other non-Christian groups. The Cairo archbishop emphasized the importance of truth, unity, and being found faithful by God.”

In addition the leaders released an 11 point statement on homosexuality and the Biblical position.
“To prevent the Anglican Church from sliding to the same change as the churches in the West, its leaders released an 11-point statement reaffirming its teachings about homosexuality. The seventh point in the statement affirms that same-sex relations are against God’s design of complementary sexual relations and are offensive to Him.”

Article: Cairo archbishop urges Christian leaders to prepare for martyrdom in the face of persecution, Christian Daily, 25/10/2016.

3. USA: Transgender male ADMITS to using Target’s policy to FILM women in changerooms
When Target USA announced that transgender men could use the women’s changerooms, there was great concern.

Now a biological man, who presents as ‘transgender’ – but is sexually attracted to women – has admitted in court that he FILMED women whilst in the women’s changeroom in a Target store in the USA – and took advantage of their ‘gender inclusive’ policy. The man was accused of peering over the partition with his cell phone and recording an 18-year-old female changing into swimwear.

As Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, said, “Common sense and maintaining safety for women and girls dictate that we keep biological men out of female restrooms and locker rooms—period.”

Article: Transgender’ man pleads guilty to videotaping women in a Target Changing Room, Lifesite News, 24/10/2016.