In the process of reducing our foot print on this earth we have been working on a plan to go solar.
We introduced solar panels 3 years ago at a cost of $55,000.00 they are located on the roof of one of the sleeping blocks and the main dining room roof. The panels were fitted by a local company who search good quality panels and parts from overseas. All the literature and the supplier suggested we would be looking to save around $9,000- per year on power bills and would have the panels and installation paid off just over 6 years – with a 15 year warranty so we anticipate a 9 year clear period before the warranty expires.
At the end of 2016, we have just done our 3 year review on the solar panels and we have saved 144,000-00kW saving us around $31,000 in the first 3 years. We are well on the way to repaying the cost within the 6 years. The other surprise was that we received a back payment of $3,500 for power we have fed into the grid. We look forward to the savings ahead.
Another area of saving for the Camp is the use of rain water to flush toilets this has reduced our water consumption over the last 10 years.
We are always looking to see what we can do for the environment and in that process trying to save money for the camp.
Geoff Caldwell is Director of Camping for Baptist Camping Victoria
Source: BUV News