Monthly Archives: November 2016
Baptist Camping Victoria Realising Environmental and Financial Savings
In the process of reducing our foot print on this earth we have been working on a plan to go solar.
We introduced solar panels 3 years ago at a cost of $55,000.00 they are located on the roof of one of the sleeping blocks and the main dining room roof. The panels were fitted by a local company who search good quality panels and parts from overseas. All the literature and the supplier suggested we would be looking to save around $9,000- per year on power bills and would have the panels and installation paid off just over 6 years – with a 15 year warranty so we anticipate a 9 year clear period before the warranty expires.
At the end of 2016, we have just done our 3 year review on the solar panels and we have saved 144,000-00kW saving us around $31,000 in the first 3 years. We are well on the way to repaying the cost within the 6 years. The other surprise was that we received a back payment of $3,500 for power we have fed into the grid. We look forward to the savings ahead.
Another area of saving for the Camp is the use of rain water to flush toilets this has reduced our water consumption over the last 10 years.
We are always looking to see what we can do for the environment and in that process trying to save money for the camp.
Geoff Caldwell is Director of Camping for Baptist Camping Victoria
Source: BUV News
Baptist Camping Victoria Realising Environmental and Financial Savings
In the process of reducing our foot print on this earth we have been working on a plan to go solar.
We introduced solar panels 3 years ago at a cost of $55,000.00 they are located on the roof of one of the sleeping blocks and the main dining room roof. The panels were fitted by a local company who search good quality panels and parts from overseas. All the literature and the supplier suggested we would be looking to save around $9,000- per year on power bills and would have the panels and installation paid off just over 6 years – with a 15 year warranty so we anticipate a 9 year clear period before the warranty expires.
At the end of 2016, we have just done our 3 year review on the solar panels and we have saved 144,000-00kW saving us around $31,000 in the first 3 years. We are well on the way to repaying the cost within the 6 years. The other surprise was that we received a back payment of $3,500 for power we have fed into the grid. We look forward to the savings ahead.
Another area of saving for the Camp is the use of rain water to flush toilets this has reduced our water consumption over the last 10 years.
We are always looking to see what we can do for the environment and in that process trying to save money for the camp.
Geoff Caldwell is Director of Camping for Baptist Camping Victoria
News Update – 18 Nov – Religion, euthanasia, marriage, adoption . . .
News Update – 18 Nov – Religion, euthanasia, marriage, adoption . . .
More news on the issues… Please read, pray and act!
I was just finishing this report when Peter showed me a short video clip (30 seconds) where Mark Latham (former Labor leader) made some absolutely priceless, satirical, very non-politically correct comments in an interview with Andrew Bolt on The Bolt Report on Sky News. Commenting on Bono winning a ‘Woman of the Year’ award, and then ‘poking fun at himself’, Mark talks about “identity politics” and the Safe Schools program, and ends up concluding, that he is an “Islamic, indigenous, female, transgender lesbian” and he “should be made Australian of the year”! Andrew Bolt waved the white flag!
We’ve shared it on our Facebook page – click here. It’s also posted on The Bolt Report’s Facebook page.
Plus Andrew Bolt has a BRILLIANT 4 minute editorial comment on the homosexual activists who call people ‘homophobic’ – when they actually support them. He also asks if the activists will actually want to make it ILLEGAL to oppose homosexual ‘marriage’ once they get that legalised! See Item 3.
News Update 18 November 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria: Govt backs down from BAN on ‘Christmas carols’
2. South Australia – Euthanasia Bill DEFEATED by ONE vote!
3. Malcolm Turnbull NOT INVITED to attend the LGBTIQ mardi gras
4. Vic: Religious exceptions and equal opportunity legislation
5. SA: Parliament considers Bill to allow homosexual couples to adopt
6. Marriage UPDATE – Senate vote, Dean Smith abstains, Civil Celebrants
6.1 Senate formally votes AGAINST holding a PLEBISCITE on marriage
6.2 Homosexual Liberal Senator Dean Smith ABSTAINS from vote on plebiscite
6.3 Exemption for CIVIL CELEBRANTS flagged by Att-Gen George Brandis
Overseas News
1. Northern Ireland plans to ‘veto’ Bills on homosexual ‘marriage’
2. Northern Ireland: Ashers Bakery case to go to UK Supreme Court
3. Even some of the LEFT don’t like the focus on all things LGBTIQ!
4. Indonesia: Christian Governor under attack re blasphemy charges
5. Cambodia: Commercial surrogacy banned
6. Canada: Euthanasia figures in Quebec much HIGHER than expected
7. UK: Britain will ‘posthumously pardon’ thousands of homosexual men
8. USA: MORE threats by LGBTIQ activists
9. Canada: Court rules ‘non-penetrative sex acts’ with animals are legal…
News Update 18 November 2016
Australian News
1. Victoria: Govt backs down from BAN on ‘Christmas carols’
The Victorian government has backed down from its previous pronouncements regarding the celebration of Christmas in schools, specifically regarding religious Christmas carols and nativity plays.
The Education Minister, James Merlino, says a ‘lot of lies’ were told last year about BANNING of Christmas carols and festivities! So he did a crazy You Tube video with hats to make the point and saying they were all allowed!
The Herald Sun reports, “The Education Department also emailed principals yesterday to reiterate that both religious-based Christmas carols and more commercial songs can be sung. Schools are encouraged to celebrate the diversity and traditions of our society by participating in a range of Christmas festivities, which can include singing carols, trimming the tree, performing the nativity scene or making decorations,” the circular read.
Article: Victorian schools to enjoy Christmas festivities again as state clears up rules, Herald Sun, 15/11/2016.
2. South Australia – Euthanasia Bill DEFEATED by ONE vote!
Great news!
The South Australian parliament has narrowly defeated a Bill aimed at legalising euthanasia that had been proposed by Duncan McFetridge.
The Bill actually passed the ‘second reading’ (in principle) vote by 27 to 19 in the House of Assembly. The Bill was then examined clause by clause and a final vote was taken at 4 am.
The vote was tied at 23 votes each. Speaker Michael Atkinson then used his casting vote to defeat the Bill.
Read the ABC’s article – click here.
3. Malcolm Turnbull NOT INVITED to attend the LGBTIQ mardi gras
Last year Prime Minister made ‘history’ by being the FIRST Australian Prime Minister to attend the Sydney homosexual mardi gras.
But he hasn’t ‘delivered’ as far as the homosexual activists who run the mardi gras are concerned – he hasn’t supported a parliamentary vote on legalising homosexual ‘marriage’.
So the AGM of the mardi gras has voted to not invite him as an ‘Official guest’ at next year’s event.
That’s what we’ve said before – nothing but FULL SURRENDER and SUPPORT is good enough for them!
The ‘BAN’ didn’t deter Malcolm Turnbull – he said he’s be happy to attend in an ‘unofficial capacity’!
There is division in the ranks of the homosexual activists… Not everyone at the meeting was supportive of banning the PM or removing him from the ‘official guest list’ – reported, “At the meeting where the vote was held, a former Mardi Gras chair was even heard to say the organisation had been “hijacked” by left wing activists.”
Andrew Bolt has a BRILLAINT 4 minute video comment on the homosexual activists who call people ‘homophobic’ – when they actually support them (such as Malcolm Turnbull). He also asks if the activists will actually want to make it ILLEGAL to oppose homosexual ‘marriage’!
He also points out that the main person who wanted to dis-invite Turnbull, Cat Rose, ACTUALLY SUPPORTED a plebiscite three years ago!
Watch the short video clip here. And read his column here.
Article: PM ‘officially’ banned from 2017 Mardi Gras, Sky News, 13/11/2016.
Article: Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras to formally not invite Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to 2017 parade due to lack of action of marriage equality,, 13/11/2016.
4. Vic: Religious exceptions legislation
Last week the Victorian Legislative Council debated the Labor government’s Bill that is aimed at REMOVING religious exceptions relating to employment from equal opportunity legislation – UNLESS the Christian school or religious organisation can PROVE that it is an inherent requirement for the job that the person meets conditions relating to religion, sexuality, gender identity or marital status.
Instead of taking a vote on the Bill, the government POSTPONED the debate AND the vote!
We understand that’s because they KNEW the BIll was NOT going to pass!
5. SA: Parliament considers Bill to allow homosexual couples to adopt
The SA Parliament is considering allowing homosexual couples to adopt.
Family Voice’s Media release provides some useful information about why the Bill should be OPPOSED!
Mum and Dad still ideal for kids – FamilyVoice Australia, Media Release, 15/11/2016.
6. Marriage UPDATE – Senate vote, Dean Smith abstains, Civil Celebrants
6.1 Senate formally votes AGAINST holding a PLEBISCITE on marriage
On Monday 7 November, the Senate debated and then voted on the Bill to hold a plebiscite on homosexual ‘marriage’. With Labor and the Greens all voting AGAINST holding a plebiscite, the Bill was defeated by 33 votes to 29.
Article: Same-sex marriage plebiscite bill blocked by Senate, ABC, 7/11/2016.
6.2 Homosexual Liberal Senator Dean Smith ABSTAINS from vote on plebiscite
West Australian Liberal Senator Dean Smith voted AGAINST the government’s plebiscite Bill. We recently reported that he is a homosexual, and is the ‘poster boy’ for the just.equal campaign to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’.
In his speech he spoke about the responsibility and sovereignty of parliament: ‘A plebiscite was an abdication of parliament’s responsibility and would undermine parliament’s sovereignty, he said. “Do we really want to be the first generation of modern parliamentarians who effectively say that we are not capable of resolving difficult issues?” Senator Smith told parliament on Monday. “If this plebiscite proceeds, I fear it would not be the last.”
He went on to speak of the potential for holding plebiscites on religion or immigration. He gave an in-depth interview to Perth Now about his decision to abstain.
Other homosexual Senators also opposed the Bill:
Labor Senator Penny Wong spoke about “public denigration” of her family. She also mentioned religion, saying “Speaking personally, I do not think the God of my faith would be affronted by who I am, my relationship, or my family.” Penny Wong attends Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide. Source
Article: Govt senator slams proposed plebiscite,, 7/11/2016.
Article: Smith abstained from same-sex marriage plebiscite vote, Perth Now, 12/11/2016.
6.3 Exemption for CIVIL CELEBRANTS flagged by Att-Gen George Brandis
In early October, it was reported: “Civil celebrants who oppose same-sex marriage would be allowed to refuse to officiate gay weddings under Attorney-General George Brandis’ vision for marriage equality in Australia….”
Previously it was proposed have been that only ministers of religion would be exempt from any requirement to ‘marry’ same-sex couples.
Article: Same-sex marriage: George Brandis flags exemptions for civil celebrants, extra funds for mental health, The Age, 7/10/2016.
Overseas News
1. Northern Ireland plans to ‘veto’ Bills on homosexual ‘marriage’
The Northern Ireland Assembly plans to block any moves to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’ in Northern Ireland.
The leader of the governing party, the Democratic Unionists, First Minister Arlene Foster, said she would use the ‘vetoing mechanism – the petition of concern – in response to future legislative bids in the Stormont Assembly’.
A previous bid to legalise homosexual marriage, in November 2015, had a slim majority of MLAs in favour, but the Bill was ‘vetoed’ under this method. This was the fifth attempt to legalise it.
The DUP is in power until 2021, and the leader plans to continue to veto any moves to legalise homosexual ‘marriage’.
Mrs Foster has been receiving ABUSE from LGBTI activists…
This is what she said… very enlightening – and a strong response!
“Mrs Foster said the torrent of online abuse she received from LGBT activists demanding a law change had made it even less likely for the DUP to support their calls. “Some of the abuse that is directed at me and colleagues online is very, very vicious and I think if activists want to have a conversation about where they are coming from do they seriously think they are going to influence me by sending me abuse?” she asked. “No, they are not going to influence me by sending me abuse – in fact they are going to send me in the opposite direction and people need to reflect on that.“
Article: Poll: DUP’s Foster vows to continue blocking gay marriage reform in Northern Ireland – do you agree with her?, Belfast Telegraph, 27/10/2016.
2. Northern Ireland: Ashers Bakery case to go to UK Supreme Court
The legal case involving the owners of Ashers Bakery, Daniel and Amy McArthur,, who refused to make and decorate a cake that was to have the pro-homosexual-‘marriage’ slogan “Support Gay Marriage” on it, is going further.
The owners of the bakery lost their appeal, when the Court of Appeals in Northern Ireland ruled against them last month.
Now Northern Ireland’s Attorney-General is planning to refer the case to the UK Supreme Court.
“Northern Ireland’s Attorney General John Larkin has now informed the judges that he intends to invoke his power to refer the case to the Supreme Court. Under the terms of the 1998 Northern Ireland Act, Stormont’s chief law officer can ask the Supreme Court to rule on issues related to devolution. Mr Larkin has decided elements of the Ashers case fulfil that criteria.”
Article: Pro-gay marriage cake case to go before Supreme Court, Belfast Telegraph, 16/11/2016.
3. Even some of the LEFT don’t like the focus on all things LGBTIQ!
Austin Ruse from C-FAM reports, “Even the left is coming to realize that the aggressive stance of the Obama administration on the homosexual agenda in foreign policy has come to harm the issue. An essay in the prestigious journal Foreign Affairs is the latest. The Obama administration considers the homosexual agenda as “part of the DNA” of American foreign policy. The US has been very aggressive in promoting that agenda even in countries that do not want it.
“The homosexual rainbow flag has flown over American embassies around the world, even in Muslim countries. The Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic has called for the ouster of the homosexual US Ambassador for his aggressive stance on an issue that offends everyday Dominicans…”
Article: Even Political Left Frustrated with US Focus on Everything Homosexual, C-FAM, 8/9/2016.
4. Indonesia: Christian Governor under attack re blasphemy charges
The Guardian reports,
“The Christian governor of Jakarta, the capital of the world’s largest Muslim-majority nation, has been named a suspect in a case of alleged blasphemy, Indonesian police announced on Wednesday. The case involving Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama has caused uproar across the country in recent weeks and is being seen by some as a test of Indonesia’s commitment to religious tolerance and pluralism. The police announcement follows mounting pressure by religious hardliners who earlier this month initiated mass protests across the country to demand the popular figure be arrested and charged with insulting Islam. Some analysts believe the protests to be politically motivated.
“Police have decided to declare Basuki Tjahaja Purnama a suspect and bar him from travelling abroad,” national police chief detective Ari Dono Sukmanto said on Wednesday morning. “After long discussions, we reached a decision that the case should be tried in an open court,” he added.
If found guilty under Indonesia’s 1965 blasphemy law Ahok will face a maximum of five years in jail. Ahok provoked the ire of hardliners after he cited the Al Maidah 51 verse from the Qur’an during a campaign visit to the Thousand Islands in September. He said the verse had been used to deceive voters and justify the assertion that Muslims should not be led by non-Muslims.
The governor later apologised, saying it was not his intention to cause any offence.
Mark Durie has an insightful article on his blog… about the various interpretations of the verse cited by the Governor and the impact this case will have on religious freedom.
Article: Jakarta’s Christian governor to face blasphemy trial over Islam insult claim, The Guardian, 16/11/2016.
Mark Durie’s article: Violent Protests in Indonesia Blow an Ill Will for Religious Tolerance, 10/11/2016.
5. Cambodia: Commercial surrogacy banned
With overseas ‘surrogacy’ increasingly being used by male homosexual couples, and others, some nations are taking a stand to prevent their women being exploited.
Cambodia has become the latest South East Asian nation to ban commercial surrogacy.
Article: Cambodia bans commercial surrogacy, Bio Edge, 5/11/2016.
6. Canada: Euthanasia figures in Quebec much HIGHER than expected
Euthanasia was legalised in the province of Quebec in December 2015. The Health Minister has expressed surprise that three times as many people have died through euthanasia, in the CITY of Quebec, than he had expected.
The Report also shows that 87 people requested euthanasia but it wasn’t administered – and 21 cases were ‘illegal’ because not all the proper legal requirements were carried out.
Article: Quebec euthanasia deaths soar to three times expected figure, Bio Edge, 5/11/2016.
7. UK: Britain will ‘posthumously pardon’ thousands of homosexual men
We’ve see this ‘pardoning’ of homosexuals here in Australia, now that laws regarding homosexuality have changed. Now the UK is planning to do it too, including pardoning those who have already died!
Article: Britain will posthumously pardon thousands of gay men once considered criminals, SMH, 21/10/2016.
8. USA: MORE threats by LGBTIQ activists
LGBTIO activists have held protests against Johns Hopkins University.
Because two academics at the university, Dr Lawrence Mayer and Dr Paul McHugh, published a study in August which concluded that there was little evidence that supported the ‘born that way’ theory on sexual orientation.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is objecting to the study and has told the university it will face “consequences” and be penalised if it doesn’t discipline the academics. This includes having its Healthcare Equality Index score lowered!
Fortunately the university has said that its academics have ‘academic freedom’!
Article: University threatened by LGBT group over study, Christian Institute, 31/10/2016.
9. Canada: Court rules ‘non-penetrative sex acts’ with animals are legal…
None of us want to think about, let alone talk about, bestiality, or sex with animals.
But you’ve heard about the ‘slippery slope’ of legalising a range of sexual behaviours…
In this gruesome case, involving the sexual abuse of children, animals were used as part of the sex abuse rituals.
But a judge has ruled that ‘bestiality’, for which the man was convicted, doesn’t actually apply to ‘non-penetrative sex acts’!
CBC reports that some politicians want the law changed – as do animal welfare activists – to broaden the defintion of bestiality so that the acts done in this court case WOULD be considered ILLEGAL!
Please take care if you read more on this one!
The CBC report beings with this: “WARNING: Content of this story may offend and disturb some readers. The story deals with bestiality.”
Article: Canada’s top court rules all non-penetrative sex acts involving animals are legal, RT, 9/6/2016.
Article: Supreme Court’s bestiality ruling prompts call to change ‘archaic’ animal welfare laws, CBC, 10/6/2016.
The last word on goal setting
Seeking goal-oriented, strategic work and life coach. Applications open.
Do you know what time it is?
We have all the labour saving devices yet we’re time poor
Baptists Engaged in Advocacy
Move to Change is an a-political group, whose vision is to see a greater value placed on the intrinsic value of human life. The group emerged around the recently submitted “Infant Viability Bill” that was introduced by Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins, into the Victorian Legislative Council (upper house) earlier this year.
The IVB sought to limit abortion to no later than 24 weeks and give greater support to pregnant women so that they had genuine options and support apart from abortion. The bill was defeated 27 to 11. It did though, see support from Labor, Liberal and DLP MP’s as well as the largest petition ever submitted in the history of the Victorian parliament.
It also saw many people who had no idea about our current laws informed regarding this legislation. This is a story of one person impacted:
Our group meets in Western Melbourne and afterwards we often go to a local cafe for lunch. Lotus, a waitress there, is a young women I’ve got to know and say hello to over the last couple of months. Two weeks ago as I went to pay for my coffee she said, “I’ve seen you guys come in here several times, what are you meeting about?”
So here I am a middle aged pastor talking to a very hip, blonde 20 something. My head is thinking “Don’t say anything, she’ll only ‘box’ you as another
regressive nutter,” but in my spirit I have the sense of the Spirit saying “Tell her the truth.” So I told her the truth.
Lotus’ response was amazing. “That can’t be right…”, “How long has this been happening for?”; “Why hasn’t the media told us about this?”
After I shared with her some quick answers, came Lotus’ amazing response. “Young people are looking for causes that are right and good, can you get me some information? I want to tell my friends at Uni. We would support this cause and march to see this changed…”
As a Christian and a Pastor I’ve wrested in the past with getting involved in political causes. My get of jail card has been Jesus’ words, “beware of the yeast of Herod and the Pharisees”. But over time I have reflected on why I’ve used these words to stay quiet when Jesus call’s me to be a “city on a hill.”
In time I think I’ve read Jesus’ words through the lens of the enlightenment that tells me my beliefs need to be private, but that’s certainly not what Jesus lived. So how do I reconcile this? When “Warned” by the Pharisees to keep quiet and move on because Herod wanted to kill him Jesus said, “Go and tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons. I will keep on healing people today and tomorrow. And on the third day I will reach my goal.’”
In the face of intimidation to keep quiet, Jesus said that he would continue to keep his Fathers Kingdom agenda first. While I don’t see politics as the solution to our issues as a society, the Gospel is the only solution, I do believe as Disciples of Jesus our “goal” is to bring the yeast of the Kingdom into every sphere of life, including politics.
On Tuesday November 29th at Warnambool Baptist 1pm, and Wednesday 30th November at Barrabool Hill’s Baptist 10am, Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins MP, will be consulting Pastors and church leaders about where things are at now with our late term abortion laws and how we can see a movement emerge to see our parliament place a Kingdom value on life.
I’d encourage you to come and bring other Christian Pastors and leaders who you believe would benefit by gaining greater information and understanding about this important issue.
People will criticise when we share about this issue, yes they’ll draw assumptions about us and how we see people, but Jesus promised us this would happen when we stand for, his glory, his name, the Kingdom. People are looking for the real Kingdom and this is another opportunity for us to point people to it.
I’m looking forward to my next coffee in Lotus’ coffee shop, hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to point her to the loving King behind the Kingdom.
If you plan to come to the session at 1pm on Tues 29th (Warnambool), RSVP to David Hodgens:
10am Wed 30th (Barrabool Hills) November, RSVP by November 28th to David Rock:
If your church would like to host a meeting like this for church leaders please contact David Rock
David Rock is Lead Pastor of Church by the Bay, Portarlington
Baptists Engaged in Advocacy
Move to Change is an a-political group, whose vision is to see a greater value placed on the intrinsic value of human life. The group emerged around the recently submitted “Infant Viability Bill” that was introduced by Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins, into the Victorian Legislative Council (upper house) earlier this year.
The IVB sought to limit abortion to no later than 24 weeks and give greater support to pregnant women so that they had genuine options and support apart from abortion. The bill was defeated 27 to 11. It did though, see support from Labor, Liberal and DLP MP’s as well as the largest petition ever submitted in the history of the Victorian parliament.
It also saw many people who had no idea about our current laws informed regarding this legislation. This is a story of one person impacted:
Our group meets in Western Melbourne and afterwards we often go to a local cafe for lunch. Lotus, a waitress there, is a young women I’ve got to know and say hello to over the last couple of months. Two weeks ago as I went to pay for my coffee she said, “I’ve seen you guys come in here several times, what are you meeting about?”
So here I am a middle aged pastor talking to a very hip, blonde 20 something. My head is thinking “Don’t say anything, she’ll only ‘box’ you as another
regressive nutter,” but in my spirit I have the sense of the Spirit saying “Tell her the truth.” So I told her the truth.
Lotus’ response was amazing. “That can’t be right…”, “How long has this been happening for?”; “Why hasn’t the media told us about this?”
After I shared with her some quick answers, came Lotus’ amazing response. “Young people are looking for causes that are right and good, can you get me some information? I want to tell my friends at Uni. We would support this cause and march to see this changed…”
As a Christian and a Pastor I’ve wrested in the past with getting involved in political causes. My get of jail card has been Jesus’ words, “beware of the yeast of Herod and the Pharisees”. But over time I have reflected on why I’ve used these words to stay quiet when Jesus call’s me to be a “city on a hill.”
In time I think I’ve read Jesus’ words through the lens of the enlightenment that tells me my beliefs need to be private, but that’s certainly not what Jesus lived. So how do I reconcile this? When “Warned” by the Pharisees to keep quiet and move on because Herod wanted to kill him Jesus said, “Go and tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons. I will keep on healing people today and tomorrow. And on the third day I will reach my goal.’”
In the face of intimidation to keep quiet, Jesus said that he would continue to keep his Fathers Kingdom agenda first. While I don’t see politics as the solution to our issues as a society, the Gospel is the only solution, I do believe as Disciples of Jesus our “goal” is to bring the yeast of the Kingdom into every sphere of life, including politics.
On Tuesday November 29th at Warnambool Baptist 1pm, and Wednesday 30th November at Barrabool Hill’s Baptist 10am, Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins MP, will be consulting Pastors and church leaders about where things are at now with our late term abortion laws and how we can see a movement emerge to see our parliament place a Kingdom value on life.
I’d encourage you to come and bring other Christian Pastors and leaders who you believe would benefit by gaining greater information and understanding about this important issue.
People will criticise when we share about this issue, yes they’ll draw assumptions about us and how we see people, but Jesus promised us this would happen when we stand for, his glory, his name, the Kingdom. People are looking for the real Kingdom and this is another opportunity for us to point people to it.
I’m looking forward to my next coffee in Lotus’ coffee shop, hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to point her to the loving King behind the Kingdom.
If you plan to come to the session at 1pm on Tues 29th (Warnambool), RSVP to David Hodgens:
10am Wed 30th (Barrabool Hills) November, RSVP by November 28th to David Rock:
If your church would like to host a meeting like this for church leaders please contact David Rock
David Rock is Lead Pastor of Church by the Bay, Portarlington
Source: BUV News
Baptists on Mission in PNG
In June this year, Maku and 122 other men and women, mainly young, were baptised. This was the second large-scale baptism in the region, with more scheduled among the Enga people in the Baiyer area of Papua New Guinea in the days ahead.
60 years ago in a similarly dammed creek in the same valley Maku’s ancestors first testified to faith in Jesus in baptism. Seven years earlier, Australian Baptists had entered the Baiyer Valley to share the love of Christ with the Enga people, then a least-reached people group.
They were convinced that God was calling them to go this people who had not had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. They learned the language, developed friendships and shared the love of Jesus as they responded to local needs, daring to believe that God would work in the hearts and lives of the people that they had come to love.
Sixty-seven years on from that first encounter with Australian Baptists, Maku and his generation are receiving the gift of life in Jesus passed on by their own people. Communities too are being transformed as local followers of Jesus are active in settling old feuds between highland clans.
It began with God blessing the seed sown by those Australian Baptists who went and those who supported them with finance and prayer.
Today teams of Australian Baptists are living and working among nine least-reached people-groups in Africa and Asia, daring to believe that God will do it again!
Find out more about the work of Global Interaction and give to support this mission here
Source: BUV News
Baptists on Mission in PNG
In June this year, Maku and 122 other men and women, mainly young, were baptised. This was the second large-scale baptism in the region, with more scheduled among the Enga people in the Baiyer area of Papua New Guinea in the days ahead.
60 years ago in a similarly dammed creek in the same valley Maku’s ancestors first testified to faith in Jesus in baptism. Seven years earlier, Australian Baptists had entered the Baiyer Valley to share the love of Christ with the Enga people, then a least-reached people group.
They were convinced that God was calling them to go this people who had not had the opportunity to hear the Good News of Jesus. They learned the language, developed friendships and shared the love of Jesus as they responded to local needs, daring to believe that God would work in the hearts and lives of the people that they had come to love.
Sixty-seven years on from that first encounter with Australian Baptists, Maku and his generation are receiving the gift of life in Jesus passed on by their own people. Communities too are being transformed as local followers of Jesus are active in settling old feuds between highland clans.
It began with God blessing the seed sown by those Australian Baptists who went and those who supported them with finance and prayer.
Today teams of Australian Baptists are living and working among nine least-reached people-groups in Africa and Asia, daring to believe that God will do it again!
Find out more about the work of Global Interaction and give to support this mission here