Baptcare Helping Young Mums Thrive

Baptcare’s Home Start program is a voluntary home visiting service that offers practical support and friendship to families with children under the age of five. Emily*, aged 22, was one such mum who benefitted from the program. With no family support and a difficult and traumatic childhood, Emily struggled to care for her two boys, aged two and four, as well as her newborn twin girls.

Emily was referred to our Home Start program by her Maternal Child Health (MCH) Nurse, after she displayed low mood and a lack of motivation around her children.

Emily was matched with Katie, a Home-Start mentor and qualified MCH Nurse, in April 2015.  During their initial weekly visits, Emily admitted that none of the children were vaccinated beyond their first vaccinations and was therefore very anxious about her older child accessing kinder and school. She was also worried about losing her child benefits because of this.

With Katie’s encouragement and support, the family engaged with the Universal Services, got their vaccinations up to date, and also developed a relationship with a new MCH Team.

Emily was also supported with getting a Mental Health Plan and counselling services to address her now diagnosed depression and anxiety, which allowed her to better care for her children as well as engage with her local community. She enrolled her boys into a kinder program and began attending a local playgroup with her girls.

More than a year on, Emily is now a happier person who has formed new friendships in her community. Her mental health has also improved as she continues to see a counsellor, which has alleviated her anxiety and depression. Emily also attends a parenting class which has helped her build a supportive network of fellow parents.

Emily is now looking forward to her future and has goals and aspirations of going back to study, something Katie is supporting her with.

* Name changed for privacy and confidentiality

Source: BUV News