Future Leaders, Mentors and the Benefit of Training

Leadership has almost become a reality TV topic over the past year, with the various political elections around the world taking up prime time space in every media source and news feed. The debate over who will make a difference is keenly watched throughout the globe. It has become very obvious that every world leader impacts not only their state/country but other countries and economies either positively or negatively. Finding a suitable leader is not always easy to achieve.

The good news is that, here in Victoria, I am seeing young emerging leaders from our local Baptist churches, between the ages of 16 – 38, stepping up and moving forward with leadership goals and dreams that will bring a positive influence for future generations and ultimately make a difference in the world around them and for God’s Kingdom. Additionally these young leaders are able to develop with the support of intentional mentoring.

During 2016 two groups of Emerging Leaders (ELs) and their Mentors have commenced the new BUV EQUIP Emerging Leaders Mentor Training. This is a 12 month journey of leadership development for ELs through intentional Mentor/Mentoree relationships, online Communities of Practice webinars, and active service. Additionally both the Mentors and the ELs participate in 4 full day workshops that develop their mentor/coaching skills.

The Geelong and Echuca ELMTs were launched as pilot groups last year – the first drawing participant interest from a network of churches in the Geelong and Bellarine region with the support of the Pastors Network. The second group being filled completely with participants from the New Life Baptist church in Echuca Moama with their Pastor strongly involved in the process.

Both groups have already completed the first two full day workshops introducing them to the Biblical basis of mentoring and giving them opportunity to try out the coaching process. Participants some key things they have learned:

  • I’ve learnt to “be fully engaged in what one has to say, without bringing preconceived ideas and opinions to the slate.”
  • Turn off the chatter in my head when listening. Be present: If I’m fully present, God turns up and does the changing. Don’t ask leading questions, ask open questions.
  • Coaching – draws out; future focus; goals. Whereas mentoring puts in; historical/experience.
  • Ask to understand, not to judge.
  • I don’t need to have the answers – I just need the powerful questions.
  • Listening is dying to self.

The intention of the ELMT process is to empower and equip each participant to make a difference wherever they are, i.e. school, university, workplace, community, church. Here is a story from one participant who applied their learning immediately in the workplace after week one:

"I was sitting in my office at the high school where I work about a week after the first training session and an opportunity arose for me to practice some of the coaching skills. A year 12 student walked in and asked whether she was able to speak with me. It turned out she had a really difficult decision to make and was hoping for some advice. I caught myself quickly before I took the well-travelled path of offering my advice and suggesting a course of action. The coaching program emphasised the importance of withholding judgement, advice and personal opinions. So, I asked her lots of questions – roughly following the process we had practiced in coaching session 1. Through this process I helped her make the decision without actually offering any advice at all. She owned the decision and was fully committed to it. I was amazed at how powerful good questions could be. I still need a lot more practice in the coaching area but am feeling more confident asking questions rather than offering advice."

What a wonderful example of positive influential godly leadership.

I’m so excited that in Feb 2017 we start with an online Community of Practice webinar and then there is the third full day workshop for Geelong. Echuca’s third workshop will be in March. The newest group in Morwell is planned to start on 18 February! (Registration for Morwell are still open).

Pray for our emerging leaders. Pray for the strong mentoring network that is developing across our Baptist churches. Give thanks to God for His Biblical example of leadership, mentoring and coaching.

Joanne Semple is our BUV Emerging Leadership Coordinator. She can be contacted on 0414 347 851 or joanne.semple@buv.com.au. More information on our BUV Emerging Leaders work can be found on the BUV Website here

Source: BUV News