I am almost eighteen months through my Internship with Camp Wilkin and looking back, I have grown so much is so many areas of my life. My knowledge of my Christian faith is much deeper and I am challenged every day to think about my relationship with God.
I have also learnt a lot through my certificate four in outdoor recreation which has opened up opportunities for careers and jobs that I could take where ever I go. It has also given me skills that I could use at other times in my life. My personality has also developed a lot. Learning to live in a share house and working out our frustrations together. Learning how to provide customer service or giving the kids your greatest smile even if you might not be feeling well. Learning how to work hard and give it your all. And I just love walking around the camp and saying good morning to all the staff here and having a short conversation about whatever comes to mind, or being invited for dinner by one of the families or even to do some craft or cooking together really builds a community around the camp. It’s the day to day life here that really helps you develop.
Today is a Tuesday, I woke up early to have devotion with the other Interns and the senior staff. Chase will often run us through some interesting part of the Christian faith and at the end we discuss it and answer questions that help us look deeper and work out how we can apply what we learnt to our life and our job. The Tuesday devotion is also a good time for other interns or staff to run devotions themselves which helps us develop our ministry skills. Today though it was just a time of prayer where we went around and prayed for various things like learning how to treat each other better or more personal issues.
Then we had the big staff meeting where we start with a devotion from Robyn which was about how we should stop viewing our worth through our own eyes but rather remembering how much God values us. We then went around the table and shared what we would be working on that week and then we finished with our prayer list that we had brainstormed.
One lunch time a week I get an extra thirty minutes off so that I can go down and volunteer at Sea Side Seconds Op Shop for an hour. As part of the Internship we are to volunteer somewhere in the community that is related to the church. I started with helping with the youth group which was fun but lots of the other interns also help there and I felt like the op shop was a better fit for me. The ladies there are very nice and friendly and love the extra help. Most of the time my job is to put all the items out in the store but I do a lot of other things too like pricing and they even taught me how to use the cash register once.
I also went to small group today. At 7.30pm on a Monday all the interns and other young adults from around Anglesea gather in one of the rooms on camp to do a Bible study. Chase leads this too and it is probably where I have learnt the most about my faith. Its very casual which means that its easy to ask questions about the topic, debate or just discuss what where learning. I love new topics which I haven’t heard of before and when I don’t understand it, I ask lots and lots of questions until it finally makes sense. And its the topics where I ask the most questions, where I learn and remember the most. We have covered things like ‘all things not done through faith are sin’, forgiveness, predestination, spiritual gifts, evangelism and lots more. Sometimes we spend a lot of time praying for each other too.
Part of the Internship is also our study for a diploma in theology. So far I have completed six out of eight units and I really look forward to the last two. The first unit I did was on church history and I found it quite interesting learning about how the Bible was put together and the various people that helped form the church. The next unit was held at Whitley college in Melbourne which was a lot of fun as we went rock climbing and to a chocolate restaurant during our free time there. The unit was on Christology, something I had never hear of so it was intriguing thinking about this new concept. There was a unit on Evangelism where we learnt about different ways to share our faith and even did some practical activities. Last year there were also two units on how to grow as leaders. These units were very different, being once a week instead of in an intensive and focused on personal growth. I think everyone enjoys this class as they get to know about themselves, each other and how to be good leaders. And the latest unit I did was on how to study and look deeper into the Bible. This was a very intense unit with a lot of late nights and hard work but the knowledge is useful for reading the Bible and trying to understand the context of what’s written and what the meaning of that passage might be. My next unit is coming up soon. It will be on caring for others and will be held up at Whitley so I think it will be a lot of fun.
On Sundays I go to the Anglesea Baptist Church here. At first I wasn’t too keen to go as the hymn could be pretty slow and old and nearly everyone seemed to be over fifty. This year though I have really started to enjoy it. The church is slowly changing and I’m finding a good sense of community there. I came from a big church where no one really knew I existed and now its nice to walk into church and have lots of people come and say hello and then have a chat after the service with coffee. The other interns tell me that the number of kids turning up to youth group has increased a lot this year too. When I went at the start of the year, only two kids turned up. The first years were very happy to say the other week that when they got together with the Torquay youth group a few weeks ago, we beat their numbers for the first time. Anglesea had thirteen youth turn up to meet with the twelve youth from Torquay. I hope that the numbers and the ministry continue to grow and provide a great place for teenagers to fellowship together.
We also have a few Ministry camps every year. We had a great time at our Youth camp earlier this year with a great turnout and with one of the Interns and many of the youth giving their lives to Jesus or getting prayer. We had Sean Feucht from Bethel Music as well as Aaron and some other great speakers come and teach us and the youth some great things. The youth were so empowered as well. Many of them would go back to their rooms together at night and just sing, praise God, give their testimonies and pray for one another until late into the night. We also had Prison Fellowship last year where we had the children of people in prison come and have a good time and learn about God. Recently we also had work camp with was just a good time of fellowship and improving the camp site. And I am also excited to do some knitting and arty stuff with a friend and many other ladies who will be coming for craft camp soon.
Today I was also helping to plan the Interns mission trip to Thailand which will be happening for the first time this year. I am very excited to be able to have such an amazing experience such as seeing the growing church in an overseas developing country and being able to share our faith and help others over there.
On top of all the great ministry things we get to experience, every day we are able to get out with the children coming to camp and teach them the activities we offer and help them have a good time. As one of the first year interns told be the other day “no matter how tired I am, when one of the kids laughs as they go down the flying fox or tells me how much fun they are having, I get the energy to keep going for the rest of the day”. Being able to make relationships with the campers and teachers that come in and enjoying being active and getting outside makes each day worth it.
I have really enjoyed my eighteen months here so far and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year hold.
Find out more about Baptist Camping’s Internship program here http://baptistcamping.com.au/internships/
By Hannah Ruge
Source: BUV News