Australian Baptist Churches to Stop

It’s the biggest humanitarian crisis of our time – more than 25 million people are at risk of starving to death – but two thirds of Australians remain unaware that it is even happening, according to a recent survey.

Every day the Hunger Crisis in East Africa and Yemen draws on in relative silence.
On Sunday 15 October 2017, Baptist World Aid Australia is asking Baptist churches around the country to stop.

“How can an individual even begin responding to a crisis of such magnitude?” asks CEO of Baptist World Aid, John Hickey. “It’s a question I’m sure every one of us has wrestled with at one stage or another.

“But, as Christians, we also know that we’re not called to find solutions to crises like this in our own strength.”

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God”. And Baptist World Aid is encouraging your church family to do just that.

“We’re asking churches to make a decision to stop during their regular Sunday service; to set aside 10 minutes to reflect, as a community, on the current Hunger Crisis,” says Mr Hickey.

“It is our prayer that this will lead to a powerful moment for churches across the country. And serve to bring God’s heart to transform lives in East Africa and Yemen into sharper focus.”

To help facilitate this moment of reflection, Baptist World Aid has been developing a pack of resources, for use on Sunday 15 October.

“One of the resources is a devotional that can be undertaken on World Food Day, Monday 16 October, so that individuals can continue this journey of reflection in their personal lives,” reveals Mr Hickey.

“We’re encouraging all other supporters and individuals who are not planted in a Baptist church to make time to be still on World Food Day.

“It is my prayer that Australian Baptists would lead the way for other Australians in responding to this crisis.”

Stand with Baptist Churches around the country and the Baptist World Aid community as they pledge to stop and be still this October. Go to:

Source: BUV News