NewHope Baptist Church was one of 35 Victorian Baptist Churches who ran the 'Jesus the Game Changer' series in the lead up to Easter this year. The story of Silvia below is testimony of the impact of such a campaign.
Silvia with Erika – first time Erika has seen Kangaroos!
We need just look outside our very window to see how Jesus has shaped our world. Our society. He has inspired us to transform the world and to spread His glory in all that we are and all that we do.
The inspiration of the ‘Jesus the Game Changer’ series has seen many transformations of people’s lives. Many have learned how he has influenced everything that we are today, many have chosen to step out in faith proclaiming His teachings and way of life, and many have chosen to take up His cross and give their lives to Him.
One of our blessed NewHope staff, Silvia Marshall, was one of many to be inspired by this series and by Jesus. She chose to step out in renewed faith and purpose to connect in a strong sense of community. Feeling the desire to spread the love of Jesus, she reached out to her local Latin community over social media to find those seeking more in their lives.
God responds quickly! The day after, she had received a response from a woman named Erika who was looking for a church that could help her with her struggles. Soon after two more women, Lucy and Vivianna reached out as well to seek to support the church in different ways.
These ladies have been an amazing blessing and a great example to see how God works in all processes. They had come from overseas to a new country and didn’t know where their place was yet. NewHope were able to support them in prayer, with a strong community as a helpful place to support and guide them.
Thanks to Silvia, these women were able to be fulfilled with positions of helping NewHope in various areas. Lucy assists with kid’s church, Vivianna has volunteered at the café, and Erika has found that sense of community and attends our services. Silvia is a shining example of encouragement to help seek community and help others get involved in church life as a start point in their journey.
It is always amazing to see how much can change when we step out in Him. The game changes in everything that He is connected to and continues to do through us as His followers as we seek to know Him and make Him known. Through the series, we are reminded that it is not us who changes things, it is when we act through Jesus, true transformation happens.
And we praise Him every day for what He does for us and who He is.
Find out more about Jesus the Game Changer videos and resources here
Source: BUV News