White Sunday

It is a tradition in Samoa to celebrate White Sunday every year on a second Sunday of October. This special day is to celebrate and acknowledge our children of all ages by their parents, grandparents, all families and the community.

It is tradition for all children to wear their finest white clothes on this day (White Sunday).

The children will lead the service, act in special programmes, learn Bible verses in English and Samoan language. They will also show their talents like singing, dancing, skits and other creative acts and they also give the message of the day.




Lastly everyone will enjoy a big lunch/feast and again the children will eat first.

We as parents, church leaders and Sunday School teachers are so proud of our children for showing their talents, involved in skits and learning their Bible verses.

All praises and glory to God for blessing our children with amazing talents and also for his healing and protection on them everyday.

Samoan Victory Baptist Church

Source: BUV News

Sweet Eats and Laughs

Over the past 12 months, Heathmont Baptist Church has run a ministry called “Sweet Eats & Laughs”. The idea was borne after talking with a number of females, including young mums, working women and realising that the common feeling shared amongst them was one of busyness and tiredness, combined with a subtle nagging guilt that as Christians we should be doing more to build relationships and to reach out to our neighbours and community. The missing ingredient? ….. Joy – a sense of the fun.

So we decided to create a night called Sweet Eats & Laughs. We run this once a quarter. One ingredient we are committed to is laughter as we realise in our every day lives, good laughs can be few and far between and the reality is that we actually need to intentionally schedule in laughter!  

So our nights involve delicious food, champagne on arrival and activities that are fun and interactive. Our latest one in October was our Market Night, where we had a number of stalls and a huge clothes swap. People brought along their no longer worn clothes and brought home a brand new wardrobe for free!

We look for activities where our women can invite their non-churched friends and know they will have a great night. And more importantly, where they can see that getting together with us is fun! Laughter being one of our underlying themes, we were able to naturally bring in a thought for discussion on what an amazing sense of humour God must have!

Sweet Eats and Laughs

Over the past 12 months, Heathmont Baptist Church has run a ministry called “Sweet Eats & Laughs”. The idea was borne after talking with a number of females, including young mums, working women and realising that the common feeling shared amongst them was one of busyness and tiredness, combined with a subtle nagging guilt that as Christians we should be doing more to build relationships and to reach out to our neighbours and community. The missing ingredient? ….. Joy – a sense of the fun.

So we decided to create a night called Sweet Eats & Laughs. We run this once a quarter. One ingredient we are committed to is laughter as we realise in our every day lives, good laughs can be few and far between and the reality is that we actually need to intentionally schedule in laughter!  

So our nights involve delicious food, champagne on arrival and activities that are fun and interactive. Our latest one in October was our Market Night, where we had a number of stalls and a huge clothes swap. People brought along their no longer worn clothes and brought home a brand new wardrobe for free!

We look for activities where our women can invite their non-churched friends and know they will have a great night. And more importantly, where they can see that getting together with us is fun! Laughter being one of our underlying themes, we were able to naturally bring in a thought for discussion on what an amazing sense of humour God must have!

Source: BUV News