Kew's EP Launch!

On Thursday 7 November, Kew Baptist Church celebrated the release of our debut worship EP ‘Daughters and Sons’ with a special Launch Event. It was a wonderful night of celebration, featuring musical performances from the EP worship team, creative artworks on display from some of our resident artists, and times of worship in song together as a community. One of the highlights of the evening was a reflective dance item performed by one of our young adults, choreographed especially for one of the EP tracks. The whole evening was a beautiful outpouring of God-honouring creativity and Christ-centred community. We are so encouraged by all that God has been and is doing among us. It’s been humbling to see how God has already been using these songs to bless and minister to His people, and we’re so excited to finally make them more widely accessible through this EP, to further bless people and to share the heart of Jesus.

EP Launch

‘Daughters and Sons’ was recorded live at the church earlier this year, featuring four congregational worship songs (including three originals). The overarching theme of the EP is identity in Christ – knowing who we are in God. This theme is woven throughout the four songs in different ways, through a narrative of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Declaration. The final words sung in the last song, “Lord, help us know who we’re made to be”, are really the heart of the whole EP; that through these songs, God would draw us into a deeper understanding of who we are in Him, empowering us to go out into the world in the assurance of His grace and love, and to step into all that He has purposed for us – His chosen and beloved children; His daughters and sons.

The EP is now available on all digital platforms. You can find streaming links and chord charts at CDs are also available to purchase from the church office. We hope these songs will be a blessing to your church! For more information, please contact Lauren Pickering (

Source: BUV News