Molestation Insurance
Victorian Baptists are committed to providing safe programmes as an expression of loving our neighbours. As part of this, and in order to continue Molestation Cover with our insurer, churches should ensure that as a minimum they comply with the following policies and procedures:
1. A policy committing the organisation to providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults.
2. A Code of Practice covering pastors, employees and volunteers who may come into contact with children and vulnerable adults.
3. A process for screening applicants for ministry, employment and volunteering, including referee checks and working with children/criminal record checks.
4. A process for handling allegations of sexual abuse.
5. A process for complying with mandatory reporting obligations for suspected sexual abuse.
6. Training for pastors, employees and volunteers in the above policies/procedures.
The documents below provide resources to assist churches in these matters.
Declaration for churches to sign and return
Molestation insurance explanatory notes
Sample Flowchart Reporting Process
Sample Molestation Insurance Code of Conduct
Sample Reporting and Handling Allegations of Sexual Abuse
Sample Safe Church Concerns Form Template
Sample Staff and Volunteer Application Screening Form
Source: BUV News