No Other Name: The Third Commandment – Part 01

Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Exodus 20:7
It is a most precious sound and defiling it brings great punishment. We are talking about God’s Name – YHWH / יְהֹוָה – Yeshua / ישׁוּעַ. This wonderful name is the key to life, salvation, and eternity itself. Yet to misuse and abuse it will bring incalculable loss.
As we continue our series on God’s ‘Top Ten,’ the Ten Commandments, we now focus on the third commandment. It solemnly warns us not to take the name of the LORD in vain and if we do, we will  not be guiltless. First, let’s understand the importance of God’s Name, followed by what it means to use it ‘in vain’ in Part 02
Majesty of the Name
First, God actually does have a name, and it is יְהֹוָה or YHWH. The patriarchs, mightily beloved of God, knew God by His titles but not His Name. Only when Moses came to the scene that he, a friend of God was revealed the divine appellation. In Exodus 6:3, the LORD said to Moses: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name (YHWH) was I not known to them.
The divine name is the tetragrammaton, but notice that it is made of all consonants. This makes it unpronounceable. Yes, there are vowels to the name. Moses knew them and some other key people.  But the rabbis have passed on this information. Somehow, the ancient Hebrews wanted it this way. They were so afraid of accidentally saying God’s Name in vain that they preferred not to say it at all. Even until now, some Jewish people write the word G-d, making it unpronounceable too, so that the third commandment will not be violated.
Fortunately, the New Testament is more elaborate about God’s Name. Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer to start off with ‘Our Father in heaven’ and then add ‘hallowed (holy) is your Name’ (Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2). We learn in Acts 4:12 that there is no other Name, under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved. Though we can’t pronounce YHWH, we can pronounce YESHUA / JESUS, the name above every name.
Yeshua/Jesus uses the phrase ‘in my Name’ 17 times in the gospels: Matthew 18:5, 20; 24:5; Mark 9:37, 39, 41; 13:6; 16:17; Luke 9:48; 21:8 (2x) John 14:13,14, 26; 15:16; 16:23,24,26. Of interest is that we are saved and baptised ‘in the Name’ of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This is the first time the trinitarian formula is used. Note that, ‘Name’ is singular, denoting that there is One God. Though the Old Testament is replete with references of the possibility of plurality of persons in the Godhead (Genesis 1:26; Psalm 110:1; Psalm 45:6-7), only in the New Testament does it limit the personalities of the Godhead to three.
We learn that by faith in the Name of Jesus brings wholeness, healing, and salvation to those who receive it (Acts 3:6, 16). God gave Jesus Christ a Name which is above every name, so that at the Name of Jesus knees shall bow and  tongues confess. Is it only Christian knees that will bow and confess? No, it is ‘every knee’ and ‘every tongue’ (Philippians 2:9-11).
In short, God’s Name / Jesus’ Name is the key that unlocks eternal salvation, forgiveness of sins, baptism and fulness of the Holy Spirit, power over sin, sickness, the world, danger,  devil, death and hell. It is wonderful, powerful and priceless; for this reason we must never misuse or abuse it.

The Prophet from Galilee: Why Study the Book of Jonah? Part 02

It is an ideal ‘Sunday School’ story. Yet, this book is not just for children; it is a prophetic word for all of God’s people. While some will scoff at the notion that this prophet spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the great fish, Jesus Christ treated it as historic fact. More than that, He made Jonah’s 3 days underworld excursion a sign of His own burial, which is an important component of the gospel: Christ died, was buried, and rose again, according to the Scriptures (I Corinthians 15:3-5). This is Part 02 of The Prophet from Galilee: Why Study the Book of Jonah? We continue our survey.
 They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD
Jonah 2:8-9
And he prayed unto the LORD, and said, I pray thee, O LORD, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before unto Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God, and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil
Jonah 4:2
 The story line is simple: the Word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amittai, to go to Nineveh and cry out to her because her wickedness was so noxious that it has come up before God. Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire, the one that conquer the Northern Kingdom of Israel and deported the inhabitants to far flung reaches of the empire (II Kings 17). Assyrian cruelty was legendary: just visit the British Museum in London and view the Mesopotamian section which shows reliefs of Assyrian barbarism. They were so horrible that Jonah probably felt they deserved the full-weight of divine judgement.
As it turned out, Jonah decided to disobey God and flee. Instead of going east to Nineveh, he went west to Joppa. The goal was to catch a ship and sail even further west to a place called ‘Tarshish,’ in order to ‘flee from the presence of the LORD.’ Jonah thought the God of Israel was land-bound and land-locked to Israel alone; he soon discovered that God is omnipresent worldwide, on land and sea.
Jonah’s presence on the ship caused a great storm. When the heathen sailors discovered he was the cause of the storm, they reluctantly cast him into the sea. Once done, everything was calm. As a result, the sailors turned to the LORD. Even in his rebellious state Jonah was winning souls.
Then the great fish in the Mediterranean, prepared by the LORD, swallowed him up and he was there for 3 days and 3 nights. Inside the fish, he prayed to Lord and apparently learned his lesson. The fish gave him free passage back to the Middle East and vomited him out on dry land.
God spoke to Jonah a 2nd time to go to Nineveh and this time he obeyed. Nineveh was unlike any city Jonah had ever seen, especially in Israel. Capital of the Assyrian Empire, stronghold of 30 miles (48 km) by 10 miles (16 km), five walls and three moats (canals) surrounding it. Walls 100 feet high (30 metres), four chariots to be driven abreast. Great palaces, fine gardens; fifteen gates guarded by colossal lions and bulls, 70 halls decorated magnificently, great in power, wealth, and wickedness.
Now it was time for Jonah to go to work. Taking a prominent place, he cried out that in 40 days it would all be destroyed. What happened next was greater than anything seen in Israel – the entire city of 120,000 repented, from the king to the lowest slave. They wore sackcloth and ashes, and proclaimed a fast. In the face of such contrition, the LORD in mercy forgave them and withdrew the threat of destructive judgment. For the time being, Nineveh was saved (though a century later it was overthrown, according to the prophet Nahum).
Jonah had the most stunningly successful ministry of any prophet of Israel. An entire large Gentile city had repented. Rather than rejoice at his success, Jonah sulked. He knew God was merciful so what’s the point of prophesying?
The prophet from Gath Hepher was hard work for God. But in the end of the book, the Lord had the last word regarding Nineveh and, as always, He’s right. God delights in mercy.
I.         Jonah’s first call to Nineveh (Chapter 01)
II.      Jonah in the Belly of the Fish (Chapter 02)
III.    Jonah’s second call and ministry in Nineveh (Chapter 03)
IV.   Jonah’s Sulk & God’s Response (Chapter 04)

IMPEACHMENT & DONALD TRUMP: Was Christianity Today Right? Part 02

Just after the US House of Representatives impeachment vote against President Trump, and right before Christmas, Christianity Today (CT), an evangelical magazine, and its outgoing editor Mark Galli, issued a scathing attack on Mr. Trump. In no uncertain terms, Galli said Mr. Trump should be removed from office because he was ‘profoundly immoral’ and ‘clearly guilty’ of the impeachments charges lodged against him by the US House.
Part 02: Though President Trump was acquitted by the US Senate, this series is focusing on Christianity Today and their assertions, which they assiduously stand by. Apparently, the magazine gained 5,000 new subscribers, but lost 2,000. Does their editorial represent an evangelical drift to the left?
 Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, rejected the editorial and its premise. He said that his father, who founded CT in 1956, would be disappointed at their stance today and dismissed them as a ‘liberal, left-wing’ publication. Graham said that his late father knew Donald Trump, supported him, and even voted for him (though Graham was also chummy with the Clintons). The Christian Post wrote a counter piece to CT, causing the abrupt resignation of their journalist Napp Nazworth, who has the hashtag #nevertrump
Of course, true to form, President Trump weighed in immediately on the controversy. Here is part of his tweet:
… (Christianity Today) would rather have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close.
Back in 2018, Mr. Galli criticised Christian Trump supporters in condescending tones. Referring to himself as an ‘elite evangelical,’ disparaged of Trump voters as college-drop outs, blue collar workers, who don’t write books, give speeches ….
 To attack the President and his Christian supporters, just days before Christmas no less, was considered too much.
To gain some perspective, let’s keep a few points in mind:
Never-Trumpers: While it is normal and natural to think of President Trump’s opponents and critics as all left-wing progressives and Democrats, he also has critics on the right, who are self-proclaimed conservatives. These include fellow Republicans (some are dubbed RINOs – Republican in name only). In addition is the group known as ‘never-Trumpers.’ Of interest, some of the President’s Christian supporters were once ‘never-Trumpers,’ but were won over to Trump’s side by his rhetoric, actions, and/or policies. Today’s Christian ‘never-Trumpers’ refuse to accept the President or acknowledge any good he has done, full stop. Even if Trump raised the dead, they would still find fault. The CT editorial came across in the  ‘never-Trumper’ genre.
Here are some other issues to help us ‘understand the times.’
Impeachment: This word has been used, over-used, and abused over the last 3 years, but it represents a serious constitutional safety valve. It is an indictment over a public official who is accused of bribery, treason, high crimes and misdemeanours. Like an emergency exit ramp, automobile air bag, or an amputation, it should only be used as a last resort. The reason is because it is overturns a democratic election. Too many impeachments or wrongly-motivate impeachments are unhealthy for democracy. And … in accord with western legal standards, the accused should be considered innocent unless proven guilty.
Ukraine: To say, as Galli asserts, that the ‘facts’ of Trump’s Ukraine dealings are ‘unambiguous’ is, at best, wishful thinking. Please consider: the accusations against the President have not come from an independent counsel or investigator, but from partisan politicians who announced their intention to impeach the President from the moment he won the 2016 election. As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it, the Democrats have been planning impeachment for the last 2 1/2 years. They were merely waiting for a pretext.
The accusers say Trump pressured the Ukrainian President by threatening to withhold aid unless he investigated a political rival, Joe Biden and son Hunter, during an election year. This quid pro quo is an impeachable offence, say the Democrats. Apparently Galli agreed.
Ukrainian President Zelensky said he felt no pressure from Trump. The transcript of the telephone call revealed no pressure. Reports from US special envoy Kurt Volker attested to the same. Those who testified in the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees were not first-hand witnesses of any crime, and even the ‘whistleblower’ who started this entire episode is reported to be a registered Democrat, CIA employee, nurses partisan bias, and worked for Obama and Biden.
Yes, the aid was temporarily held up because of well-founded concerns regarding corruption. Yet the Ukrainians did not know it was held up, the money was released in reasonable time, and the Ukrainians did not do anything to obtain that release.
If the facts were ‘unambiguous’, why is it that not one House Republican voted for the articles of impeachment? And what about the video of then-Vice President Biden, bragging how aid to Ukraine would be withheld unless they fired the prosecutor who was investigating his son? Why is this incident overlooked?
Therefore, the facts have not been established of impeachable offences and the calls for the President’s ouster are unfounded and unjust.
In Part 03, we will see if evangelicalism is truly drifting to the left:

2020: What Lies Ahead? ‘Brexit’ and ‘Megxit’

Britain and Brexit: In June 2016, the British electorate voted to leave the European Union (EU) in what became known as ‘Brexit,’ meaning ‘British exit’ from the EU. Yet, after 3 years, the UK still had not left and at times Brexit was even in doubt. Then came Boris Johnson, replacing Theresa May as Prime Minister in July 2019. Having only a majority of one, Johnson faced guerrilla warfare in the Parliament over Brexit. Not only were the opposition parties ‘Brexit-blocking’ Remainers, but even some members of his own Conservative party undermined him, too. This includes the former Speaker of the House, who is meant to be impartial. Some ‘Remainers’ were clambering for a second referendum, since they were unhappy with the results the first one in 2016.
 The stalemate came to breaking point and an impasse. Painted in a corner, the only way out for Boris was a national poll, which was held on December 12, 2019. He even had to wrestle with Remainers to get that. The British were asked to return to the ballot box for a third time in 4 1/2 years, even though the normal UK election cycle is every 5 years. It was winter and right before Christmas – far from ideal timing.
 What a difference an election makes! Pundits and experts predicted a ‘hung parliament’ and even a coalition between far-left (even Marxist, left of Bernie Sanders) Labour and the secessionist Scottish National Party. Yet when the results came in, Boris Johnson and his party received a landslide.
 Using the winning slogan ‘Get Brexit Done,’ Boris Johnson now has a 78 member majority and a mandate. Without realising it, the UK Election of 2019 was the de facto ‘second referendum’ and the electorate confirmed their desire to ‘get Brexit done.’
 What’s next? Brexit occurred on 31 January 2020. At the stroke of 11 PM, Britain’s departure meant the EU lost 13% of its total GDP, 12% of its population, 10% of its income, and its biggest city – London. Note: It is receiving a GBP 39 billion pound divorce settlement from the UK.
 For the next 11 months there will be a transitional period with all the EU rules in place while Britain negotiates a free trade, security, and movement of people agreements. The Johnson government may also concurrently negotiate trade agreements with the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Trade agreements take time but the Johnson government is adamant that they will have one with the EU by the end of 2020.
 Brexit gives Britain a chance to fully reconnect with ‘the family,’ meaning the Commonwealth of Nations. These countries have felt rightly neglected by Britain’s years tied to the EU. Whereas these nations have stood with the mother country through thick and thin (two world wars, for starters). Already the UK is allowing Australians and other nationalities to go through the UK fast track lines at Heathrow, just as EU citizens have done for years.
 In any case, Johnson is showing exceptional energy in delivering to voters, especially those who abandoned the Labour Party, that he is working for them all.
Meghan & Harry Drop Out
 As Britain did the countdown to Brexit, a bombshell happened within the royal family. The Queen, Charles, and William, apparently learned from the media that Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, announced they were stepping back as senior royals to pursue more quiet private living and financial independence.
 The Queen, age 93, already dealing with the fallout of Prince Andrew’s friendship with convicted, deceased American pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, now had to contend with this as well, and it appeared to be unexpected. People were indignant that HM learned of this event from public sources, rather than directly from Harry. While many thought the Duchess was totally behind the move, those close to the couple say that Harry was unhappy with his lot for a long time, even since the pre-Meghan days.
So before Britain had ‘Brexit,’ it had an unplanned ‘Megxit.’
After the Sandringham Summit, it was agreed to release Harry (was there any choice? Chain the couple to the gates of Buckingham Palace?). They were free to move to Canada and pursue financial independence. Yet they could no longer use their HRH titles or represent the Queen and Commonwealth.

We wish the Duke, Duchess and baby Archie well. This event highlights how much the monarchy matters in Britain, the Commonwealth, and the world. Even the Americans, who broke away from the crown 243 years ago, are fascinated and following the drama. After a ‘bumpy year’ in 2019, with the January 2020 Megxit, we pray that Her Majesty will have smoother sailing for some time to come.

2020 What Lies Ahead? A long American campaign, elections in Israel, monitoring the coronavirus, and being ever-ready through prayer.

ABORTION: How would you answer your niece? Part 02

Society faces many weighty issues, especially in the moral realm. They are looking for leadership and the church is uniquely placed to offer it – on the natural and spiritual levels. One of those contentions issues is abortion: should we have a blanket ‘pro-life’ stance or does a woman have a ‘right to choose’ whether to continue her pregnancy or not? Even if they have such a right, should there be limitations on timing and reasons (e.g. sex selection abortion, late term abortions)?
In Part 01, this author spoke about how his progressivist, millennial niece in the United States asked for his opinion on abortion. He could say anything he wanted for as long as he wanted. Parts 01, 02, and 03, are his answers.
For a long time, abortion was illegal because it was considered murder. It was occurring anyway illegally and dangerously. In the United States, like in Australia, abortion is a state issue, not federal. On 22 January 1973, the US Supreme Court give its ‘Roe versus Wade’ decision, giving women in America the right to an abortion. It overturned the laws of 31 states immediately. Though considered a ‘compromise’ versus a ‘blank cheque’ for ‘abortion on demand,’ around 60 million abortions have been performed in the United States since the passage of Roe.
Roe Explained
Roe vs. Wade cited the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution (ratified in 1865, just after the Civil War), which guarantees Americans the right to ‘life, liberty, and property.’ Then the court applied ‘substantive due process’ (SDP) to the 14th Amendment, and somehow created a ‘woman’s right to privacy,’ though this is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. SDP can mean that, according to the 5th and 14th amendments of the US Constitution, a law can be struck down simply because the court doesn’t like it – a ridiculous notion.
What it really means is that neither state nor federal governments can deny life, liberty, or freedom to US citizens without substantive or significant due process by the courts.Thus, the 14th amendment, which was meant to protect life was now used as justification to terminate the life of a future American citizen. As one person put it, the US Supreme Court created a constitutional right to privacy ‘out of thin air.’
Ben Shapiro in his article No, Abortion Isn’t a Constitutional Right,[1] counters the progressivist argument that abortion is a constitutional right.
This, of course, is a lie. There is no ‘right to abortion’ in the Constitution. The founders would have been appalled by such a statement. The Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade (1973) is a legal monstrosity by every available metric: As legal scholar John Hart Ely wrote, Roe ‘is not constitutional law and gives almost no sense of an obligation to try to be.’
Shapiro also highlights how the left-wing, pro-choice elites, speak about the ‘constitutional right’ to an abortion – of which the Constitution says nothing – yet deny the clearly written, truly constitutional rights of ‘free speech,’ ‘freedom of religion,’ and freedom to ‘bear arms.’
Abortion Justified: If you can successfully deny that the foetus is a ‘person’ and worthy of legal protection, or at least, be ambiguous about its personhood, then abortion goes from being ‘murder’ to merely a ‘reproductive right,’ ‘women’s health issue,’ and/or  ‘medical procedure.’
One high-profile retired US politician, with universal name recognition, says he is an evangelical Christian, claimed to search the Scriptures on this issue. His conclusion: The Bible does not say when the human spirit enters the body. Once the spirit enters the foetus, it is a person, he reasons. Needless to say, this politician is ‘pro-choice.’ Perhaps this politician could look at:
Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations or
Psalm 139:14-16:I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;marvellous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed, and in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.


CORONAVIRUS: Should We Worry? What Can We Do? Part 01

It is a familiar and eerie sight. People walking around in public with white gas masks, like they did during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1919 or the SARS outbreak in 2003. The scene looks apocalyptic!
Why the altered behaviour? Because out of Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, perhaps from an illegal poultry or livestock vendor, has come a fast-spreading virus called Coronavirus, officially known as 2019-nCov.
Several cities in China are in ‘lock-down’ to prevent spreading. The United States has issued a rate health emergency. It, along with other countries, have banned non-citizens from entering if they have been to China.
At this point, despite their efforts, China has not been able to control the virus, not yet – even with the lock downs. This is even more concerning since China is a highly controlled, non-democratic society.
To gain perspective, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) affected 8,000 people in perhaps 20 countries, with a death toll of 800. Coronavirus has, as of this date, has stricken 12,000 cases, 100 of them outside of China, and 259 deaths, all in China until now, though a death was reported of a Chinese man in the Philippines. Many of the deceased were very young or older people with respiratory issues to begin with. In addition, normal flu and malaria are far more deadly than coronavirus.
Contrast this to the pandemic of a century ago, where millions of people died within that two year period. More deaths were credited to the Spanish flu than to World War I, which immediately preceded it.
Something else to consider in addition to the public health issue – it is the economic impact. The Chinese Lunar New Year has been greatly affected by coronavirus. It is normally the biggest shopping season of the year, but consumer appetites have dropped dramatically due to the virus. China has banned its citizens from going on overseas group tours. SE Asia will be see diminished Chinese tourists and overall curtailment of trade. This also applies to other parts of the world.
Should We Worry?
… and there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places — Matthew 24:7
Yes, Jesus Christ predicted last days pestilences before His return to this planet. Yet, in the previous verse, He strongly adds ‘See that you are not troubled.’ While we should be aware, we should not be alarmed. Under no circumstances, are people of faith to be troubled or afraid or worried (John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-9).
It is of the utmost importance that people are not provoked into panic. Such a reaction is worse than the health threat itself. Faith-people should remain calm and encourage others to do likewise. The opposite emotion can be dangerous and destructive. Fear can be conquered by faith and the perfect love of God (I John 4:18).
So what should we do? Relax, calm down, and be level-headed.
Practical Steps to Prevention
For those who would like to take some practical steps from being afflicted by any virus, not just coronavirus, here are a few tips on sanitation and supplementation:
1.        Wipe everything down: This includes computer keyboards, phones, things that might be on the floor like purses, briefcases, other bags, and even the table/tray used to eat meals on the airplane. Wet wipes, hand-sanitisers, and disinfectants are your tools.
2.        Get good sleep: That goes without saying; you can’t beat illness if your system is run down due to lack of sleep.
3.        Public coughing: Hold your breath if someone is coughing and sneezing your way. Face masks apparently are not that effective, unless it is to keep your germs from going to others;
4.        Hand sanitiser: Keep them handy on your person, your car, and/or your desk;
5.        Wash hands regularly: Good trusty normal soap and warm-water is actually the best. Hands should be washed thoroughly, 20-30 seconds – not just a quick run of the tap. Wash after being outside, in public, before meals, and, of course, after visiting the washroom;
6.        Toilets (public and private): Remember that public toilets, door handles, taps (faucets), soap dispenser and, yes, even the hand dryers, are a breeding ground for bacteria, including viruses. Hand dryers can spread the germs around and, if possible, use paper towels instead, for drying your hand and to use on the door handle. What about at home (or someone else’s home)? Be sure to put down the toilet lid before flushing to keep germs from becoming airborne;
TO BE CONTINUED: Next time, there will be an emphasis on supplementation and the Scriptures.