Graeme van Brummelen, pastor of Corryong Baptist Church was on the ground when the fires hit Corryong. He and David Hodgens (pastor at Wadonga Baptist and also part of VCCEM – Victorian Council of Churches Emergency Ministry) played a significant role in setting up and running the evacuation centre.
David recalls arriving back into phone range a couple of days later to hear old messages telling him to get out of the area himself! David and Wadonga Baptist Church have been supporting Graeme in a number of practical ways including stepping in to help run the worship services on the weekend.
In the community of Corryong, Graeme has been playing a significant physical and pastoral role, spending time with people who have been impacted and then determining some of the needs that can be immediately met due to the donations that have come in.
“The generosity is amazing”, he says. Graeme feels well supported by both the open hands and open hearts of those from our Baptist family who have so selflessly donated. He and his team have created a ‘Voucher Pack’ (pictured) that not only helps with some immediate relief for people but also helps stimulate the local economy which has been severely affected at this time.
As well as this, Graeme has co-ordinated some hay to be brought in and distributed (pictured). He has also been connecting with others who are working in the area. “We’re doing what we can to work with others who are here. For example the guys from Blaze Aid who are working on fencing for local farmers will call me and let me know if there is someone who needs the kind of help that we can offer.”
Thank you to our baptist family who gave so generously to the BUV bushfire appeal. Your donations have enabled our pastors and churches to help and support their local communities affected by the bushfires. Thank you for joining us Together On Mission! Please continue to pray for our pastors, their churches and communities as recovery efforts continue in this areas.
Source: BUV News