Monthly Archives: March 2020
Confidence in the face of Coronavirus
Why the Psalms offers us reasons to be confident in the face of Corona.
Panic Room!
Eight to ten minutes of pure panic to help you through the day
Ep 156: Can I get justice?
The quest for justice is a common human experience and we can get deeply embittered and frustrated when we don’t get it. So how can we find true justice? A conversation confronting life’s injustices where we find something bigger.
Online Baptist Church Services
If your church has suspended its gatherings and / or you are self isolating at home, the following churches have online services. See below for links.
- NewHope Baptist Church –
- Crossway Baptist Church –
- One Hope Baptist Church –
- Syndal Baptist Church –
- Bendigo Baptist Church –
- Follow Baptist Church –
- Camberwell Baptist Church –
- Kilsyth South Baptist Church –
- You can also encourage people to listen to church podcasts:
- NewHope Apple Podcasts or NewHope Spotify
- Check other churches websites for podcasts
Source: BUV News
Online Baptist Church Services
For attendees:
If your church has suspended its gatherings and / or you are self isolating at home, the following churches have online services. See below for links.
- Ashburton Baptist Church - Balwyn Baptist Church – 10:00am Sundays - Bairnsdale Baptist Church – 10:00am Sundays - Beaconsfield Baptist – 10am and 6pm - Beaumaris-Mordialloc Baptist Church – 10:00am Sundays - Bendigo Baptist Church -10:30am Sundays - Box Hill Baptist Church - Camberwell Baptist Church – 10:00am Sundays - Colin Street Baptist Church - Crossway Baptist Church – 10:15am Sundays - Croydon Hills Baptist Church - Eastern Chinese Baptist Church (Cantonese Service) – 2:00pm Sundays - Essendon Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Follow Baptist Church -10:30am Sundays - Freeway Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Heathmont Baptist Church – 10:00am Sundays - Kew Baptist Church – 5:30pm Sundays - Kilsyth South Baptist Church -10:00am Sundays - Rowville Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Narre Warren Baptist Church
Face book:
YouTube channel - NewHope Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - New Peninsula Baptist Church – 9.30am Sundays - North Balwyn Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - One Hope Baptist Church – 10:30am / 6pm Sundays - Pakenham Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Pathway Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Philip Island Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Sale Baptist Church - Shepparton Baptist Church - South Yarra Community Baptist Church – Sundays 5pm - Syndal Baptist Church
- Wangaratta Baptist Church - Wodonga and District Baptist Church – 10am Sundays - Wonthaggi Baptist Church – 10am Sundays
You can also encourage people to listen to church podcasts:
- NewHope Apple Podcasts or NewHope Spotify
- Check other churches websites for podcasts
If you would like us to add details of your online church above, please email with links and service times.
Pulling back the curtain on dystopia
Discovering the fine line between dystopian films and Revelation
Unprecedented Love Devotion Series
During these unprecedented times that we are facing, we, as followers of Christ, are called to remember the unprecedented love that God has shown and continues to show us every day. As Easter draws near, we especially think of the enormous sacrifice that God made for us.
We have developed a 5-part devotion series that will be distributed each Friday until Easter and will conclude on Easter Sunday. For some you may choose to use this as a starting point, or a resource. Others of you will hopefully find it a small drop of inspiration in your day.
As you use this devotion series to reflect on God's unprecedented love, please continue to show love in and to your community, especially by praying for those most vulnerable, those who are in isolation, those who are marginalised, our healthcare workers and for our leaders.
As countries are shutting their doors, let’s open our hearts. Together, we can face this unprecedented time with #unprecedentedlove. Please share your #unprecedentedlove in action either via or on socials and we'll share with the rest of our BUV family.
Devotion Part 5
Unprecedented Love – Resurrection
by Rev Dr Bill Brown
‘Did you hear the breaking news?’ is the question on the lips of many in recent weeks. I imagine that there were many at the first Easter who asked a similar question … ‘Did you hear about the earthquake, the massive stone got rolled back, the guards fainted while protecting the tomb, Jesus’ body was nowhere to be found but the grave cloths were there, followers of Jesus came to check out the scene, religious leaders scrambled to agree on a politically correct media report?’
Jesus’ death was a demonstration of unprecedented love as the most influential, provocative, beautiful, stretching, comforting, accepting, loving life that ever graced the earth was hung on a wooden cross. The darkness was palpable, yet, at poignant moments, words from Jesus became shafts of light that shattered the darkness. He died and was buried. But then, Sunday came, and death could not hold Jesus! The resurrection is God’s ‘YES’ to all that Jesus’ life and death accomplished!
Read the resurrection accounts in John 20 and 21 and see how …
- Unprecedented Love, in person, calls Mary by name. One word remade her world and transformed her life as she recognises her teacher and saviour and is commissioned as the first apostle with news of the resurrection.
- Unprecedented Love, in person, speaks peace to fearful and discouraged disciples, commissioning and empowering them for a world changing adventure.
- Unprecedented Love, in person, invites Thomas to explore doubts and test theories. The invitation brought a dramatic response.
- Unprecedented Love, in person, calls Peter by name, and, during a walk along a beach helps him deal with his sense of failure and shame and commissions him for a leadership role in Jesus’ kingdom.
Today, many people want to keep Jesus buried – in Church, in ritual, in tradition, on a Sunday, in programs, debates and excuses but he refuses! Jesus – Unprecedented Love in person, keeps breaking out, calling people by name, changing lives, instilling hope, calling people to partner with him in his mission. Unprecedented Love keeps winning as we live in light and in the power of the resurrection.
Unprecedented Love, the risen Jesus, calls your name!
Every encouragement,
Rev Dr Bill Brown
If you are self isolating or your church has suspended its gatherings, many of our Baptist churches are already live streaming their Sunday services. Here are their links.
Part 1: #unprecedentedlove for unprecedented times by Rev Jonathan Stark
Part 2: How can we express Jesus’ unprecedented love? by Rev Graeme Semple
Part 3: Unprecedented Power to Act in Unprecedented Ways by KImberly Smith
Part 4: Unprecedented Love – Good Friday by Rev Robert Hayman
Unprecedented Love Devotion Series
Dear Baptist family,
During these unprecedented times that we are facing, we, as followers of Christ, are called to remember the unprecedented love that God has shown and continues to show us every day. As Easter draws near, we especially think of the enormous sacrifice that God made for us.
We have developed a 5-part devotion series that will be distributed each Friday until Easter and will conclude on Easter Sunday. For some you may choose to use this as a starting point, or a resource. Others of you will hopefully find it a small drop of inspiration in your day.
As you use this devotion series to reflect on God's unprecedented love, please continue to show love in and to your community, especially by praying for those most vulnerable, those who are in isolation, those who are marginalised, our healthcare workers and for our leaders.
As countries are shutting their doors, let’s open our hearts. Together, we can face this unprecedented time with #unprecedentedlove. Please share your #unprecedentedlove in action either via or on socials and we'll share with the rest of our BUV family.
Devotion Part 1
Unprecedented Love for Unprecedented Times
by Rev Jonathan Stark
“Would you like some toilet paper?” asked the young neighbour who had just pressed the doorbell. “We have enough and thought you might need some.”
A little kindness speaks volumes. Moments of unexpected love in times like these stay with us forever. But to be completely honest, it’s not easy to show unprecedented love. When there’s a crisis, it’s easier to stop caring for others because our own needs aren’t being met.
Like U.S. man Matt Colvin, who bought 18,000 bottles of hand sanitiser from stores across the state of Tennessee, we tend towards wanting what is best for us even if causes others to suffer. When Colvin then tried to sell the bottles at inflated prices, he experienced a huge backlash from the public and he had second thoughts. He decided to give the bottles away to a church to distribute instead. It took Colvin a while, but he got there eventually! It’s hard to love in unprecedented times.
But Jesus did. He demonstrated breathtaking love in the most hostile of times. He chose to love. He wasn’t tricked into dying, nor was he forced into it. He chose the cross. Though it would mean pain, humiliation and complete separation from God, Jesus chose the cross. There is nothing that demonstrates God’s love more powerfully than the cross. His love was unprecedented.
As Easter approaches we have an unprecedented opportunity to show unprecedented love to those around us. How was it that Jesus didn’t let all of the obstacles to the cross stop him from showing love? What kept him going? One possible answer to this question is found in Luke 9:51, where we learn that, “Jesus resolutely set his face towards Jerusalem.”
It seems that he made a decision to love and was determined to keep to going in the direction of Jerusalem where he would be crucified.
Have you made a decision to turn your face towards others in this unprecedented time with unprecedented love? Yes, there are challenges. And yes, it’s hard. But let’s choose to love like Jesus. He chose to love. Talk to your family and friends about your resolution.
And as we head towards Easter, let’s commit to finding unexpected ways to show unprecedented love in these unprecedented times.
God Bless,
If you are self isolating or your church has suspended its gatherings, many of our Baptist churches are already live streaming their Sunday services. Here are their links.
Source: BUV News
‘The Lawyers: Many Convincing Proofs?’
Examine the evidence