Often the question of suffering pushes people to question the reality of God. Where is God when I need him the most? A conversation about the search for something bigger amidst pain and suffering.
Monthly Archives: March 2020
Is there joy that lasts?
Consider the joy held out in the Bible and why it is better than the happiness we often pursue
Ep 154: What happens when I die?
How an unexpected death prompted reflection on life’s biggest questions
BUV Advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
On this page, you can find information and guidance from the BUV regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. For Church resources and translated information, click here.
Translated DHHS information: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/translated-resources-coronavirus-disease-covid-19
Burmese: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/burmese
Chin: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/chin
Chinese: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/chinese
Hakka: https://soundcloud.com/betterhealthcast/hakka-melbourne-and-mitchell-shire-restrictions-9-july-2020/s-oHg4z19kFEN
Indonesian: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/indonesian
Karen: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/karen
Korean: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/korean
Samoan: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/samoan
Vietnamese: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/vietnamese
Zomi: https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus/zomi
Update 02/10/20
Metropolitan Melbourne Second Step
Source: DHHS, Statement from the Premier
From 11:59pm 27 September, metropolitan Melbourne has moved to the Second Step of easing restrictions.
The curfew is lifted in metropolitan Melbourne from 5am on Monday 28 September. There will be higher on the spot fines for breaching rules about visitors to your home and outdoor gatherings
The four reasons that you can leave home remain, however some changes have been made to restrictions:
- shopping for food or other essential items
- exercise and outdoor social activity with members of your household or up to five people (including you, and from a maximum of two households) as long as you do not travel more than 5km. This must be in a public outdoor space, and does not apply to people’s backyards or outdoor spaces connected to a home.
- permitted work, and for the purposes of education. That includes taking children to school, childcare or outside school hours care service in which they are enrolled.
- caregiving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
Religious Gatherings and Ceremonies
- Religious ceremonies broadcast: a maximum of 5 people can attend a place of worship to conduct ceremony being broadcast.
- Outdoor religious gatherings and ceremonies: permitted with a limit of five people, plus one faith leader. Must be adjacent to the place of worship (5km rules still applies) with only one group permitted at a time. Sharing of food, drink, crockery, utensils, vessels or other equipment by participants is not permitted.
- Weddings: permitted in outdoor public spaces with a maximum of 5 attendees, including the couple and two witnesses, but not including the celebrant. Weddings do not need to occur proximate to a place of worship.
- Funerals: up to 10 people, plus infants under 12 months and people to conduct funeral
As much as you can, you must stay at home. When you leave home, you must use a face mask, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.
Third Step Metro Melbourne – It is anticipated that the move to the third step for Metro Melbourne will happen prior to the original date of end of October. The easing of restrictions to the third step will be based on case numbers and it is expected to be around 19th October.
Update 16/09/20 8.30pm
Roadmap for reopening – Metropolitan
Roadmap for reopening – Regional Victoria
Metropolitan Melbourne
Regional Victoria
First Step – Melbourne
- Curfew in place 9pm to 5am
- Stay within 5km of your home except for permitted reasons such as work or education if these can not be done at home
- Exercise or recreation: 2 people or a household can meet outdoors for two hours maximum
- Visitors to the home: "Single person bubble" 1 nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18)
- Shopping for essentials, 1 person per household, once a day
- Weddings: only for compassionate reasons, with up to 5 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
- Funerals: allowed with up to 10 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral)
- Religion: places of worship closed. Recording and essential public services allowed (up to 5 people and must adhere to the DHHS's cleaning, density, signage and record keeping requirements.)
Second Step – Melbourne
Metro Melbourne can move to the second step after 28 September AND when we reach an average daily case rate in metro Melbourne of 30 to 50 cases over a 14 day period with public health advice regarding transmission source.
- Only leave home for 4 reasons: school or work (if these can not be done from home), care or caregiving, to purchase essentials, exercise within 5km
- Public gatherings: up to 5 people from a maximum of 2 households can meet outdoors for social interaction (infants under 12 months of age are not included in the cap)
- Visitors to the home: "Single person bubble" 1 nominated visitor if living alone/single parent (all children under 18)
- Childcare is open to all children
- Schools return to onsite learning from Term 4 with safety measures
- Outdoor exercise and recreation allowed
- Restaurants and cafes open for takeaway and delivery only
- Retail – essential only with others only for click and collect
- Weddings: allowed with up to 5 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant).
- Funerals: allowed with up to 10 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral).
- Religion: places of worship closed, outdoor gatherings (not ceremonies) of up to 5 people, plus 1 faith leader, proximate to a place of worship, are allowed.
Third Step – Melbourne
CURRENT AFTER 26 OCTOBER AND Daily average number of cases in the last 14 days is less than 5 (state-wide) AND less than 5 cases with an unknown source in the last 14 days (state-wide total). The time period must pass AND the number of cases must be low enough to move to the next step. This is a trigger point for public health review.
- No restrictions on leaving home
- Spend time with others outside where possible
- Public gatherings: up to 10 people
- Visitors allowed at home from 1 other household (up to 5 people)
- Schools will see a potential staged return for onsite learning for Grade 3 to Year 10 subject to public health advice
- Hospitality open for predominantly outdoor seated service only
- All retail open, except personal care (hairdressers open)
- Weddings: allowed with up to 10 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant)
- Funerals: allowed with up to 20 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral)
- Religion: outdoor religious gatherings for up to 10 people plus a faith leader, facilities open for private worship for households or social bubbles, plus a faith leader
Last Step – Melbourne
CURRENT AFTER 23 NOVEMBER AND when there are no new cases for 14 days. The time period must pass AND the number of cases must be low enough to move to the next step. This is a trigger point for public health review.
- No restrictions on leaving home
- Public gatherings: up to 50 people outdoors
- Visitors in the home: up to 20 visitors at a time
- Schools open for onsite learning with safety measures
- Hospitality open for seated service only
- All retail open with safety measures
- Phased return of organised contact sports resume for all ages. Limitations for spectators
- Galleries, museums and other entertainment venues open with some restrictions
- Weddings: allowed with 50 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant), 20 in a private residence
- Funerals: allowed with 50 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral), 20 in a private residence
- Religion: public worship (not including private ceremonies e.g. baptism) can resume in outdoor and indoor settings subject to density quotient
COVID Normal – Melbourne
CURRENT WHEN there are no new cases for 28 days and no active cases (state-wide) and no outbreaks of concern in other States and Territories. This is a trigger point for public health review.
- No restrictions on leaving home
- No restrictions on public gatherings but organisers encouraged to keep records of attendees
- No restrictions on visitors at home
- Schools open for onsite learning with safety measures
- Hospitality and retail all open
- No restrictions on community sports or spectators
- Galleries, museums and other entertainment venues open with safety measures and record-keeping
- Weddings, funerals, religion: no limits but organisers required to keep records of attendees
Third Step – Regional Victoria
WHEN: from 11:59pm on 16 September
- There are no restrictions on reasons to leave home or the distance you can travel across regional Victoria.
- Public Gatherings: Groups of up to ten people will be able to meet up outdoors. This does not include children under 12 months of age.
- Private Gatherings: visitors allowed at home from 1 other household (up to 5 people). The cap on visitors does not include children under 1 year of age. It must be the same household throughout the Third Step. The household you form a bubble with must live in regional Victoria.
- Weddings: allowed with up to 10 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant). If you hold the wedding in your home, the restrictions on private gatherings will apply.
- Funerals: allowed with up to 20 people. This doesn’t include the people required to conduct the service or children under 1 year of age. If you hold the funeral in your home, the restrictions on private gatherings will apply.
- Places of worship: outdoor religious gatherings for up to 10 people plus a faith leader are allowed. Places of worship can open for private worship for households or social bubbles (up to five people), plus a faith leader.
3rd Step – Restrictions Summary
Last Step – Regional Victoria
WHEN: AFTER 23 NOVEMBER and when there are no new cases for 14 days across Victoria. The time period must pass AND the number of cases must be low enough to move to the next step. This is a trigger point for public health review.
- No restrictions on leaving home
- Public gatherings: Up to 50 people outdoors
- Up to 20 visitors at home
- Schools open for onsite learning with safety measures
- Hospitality open for seated service only
- All retail open
- Galleries, museums and other entertainment venues open with some restrictions
- Weddings: allowed with 50 people (including the couple, two witnesses and celebrant), 20 in a private residence.
- Funerals: allowed with 50 people (not including infants under 12 months of age or people required to conduct the funeral), 20 in a private residence.
- Religion: public worship (not including private ceremonies e.g. baptism) can resume in outdoor and indoor settings subject to density quotient.
COVID Normal – Regional Victoria
WHEN: There are no new cases for 28 days and no active cases (state-wide) and no outbreaks of concern in other States and Territories. This is a trigger point for public health review.
- No restrictions on leaving home
- No restrictions on public gatherings but organisers encouraged to keep records of attendees
- No restrictions on visitors at home
- Schools open for onsite learning with safety measures
- Hospitality and retail all open
- Galleries, museums and other entertainment venues open with safety measures and record-keeping
- Weddings, funerals, religion: no limits but organisers required to keep records of attendees
Update 12/08/20 3.30pm
Click on links below for the latest BUV advice:
Metropolitan Melbourne – Stage 4 Restrictions
Metropolitan Melbourne – Stage 4 FAQs
Metropolitan Melbourne – Translated Stakeholders Pack
Regional Victoria, including Mitchell Shire – Stage 3 Restrictions
Regional Victoria – Stage 3 FAQs
Regional Victoria – Translated Stakeholders Pack
Metropolitan Melbourne – Stage 4 Restrictions
(From 2 August 2020)
Summary :
- EXEMPTIONS for pre-recording or live broadcasting services ( max 5 people including volunteers on site ) or foodbanks and community services
- CHURCH OFFICES MUST CLOSE – This means that all church administrative work must be done at home including preparation of services, pastoral care, church admin etc. Excessive fines apply (see below) for individuals and employers. Even if your manse is next door to the church, you cannot work in the church office
- WEDDINGS are not allowed during the next 6 weeks unless for compassionate reasons (Source Births, Deaths and Marriages) (Source DHHS Stay at home Direction Page 14-15)
- FUNERALS are allowed but only for 10 people (Source DHHS Stay at home Direction Page 15)
- WORKER PERMITS – If staff (paid or volunteers) are attending the church for work (only for reasons above) the Church (employer) MUST issue a WORKER PERMIT – this is the employers responsibility and must be carried at all times by the employee – excessive fines exist (see below)
- FACE COVERINGS ETC – Face coverings, one person to four-square metres rule and appropriate physical distancing is maintained by keeping at least 1.5 metres between everyone at all time. Includes musicians but not singers or speakers (see Face Coverings section below for exemptions)
- COVIDSafe PLANS ESSENTIAL – All workplaces that remain open (Churches who are prerecording services, live broadcasting or operating foodbanks) must complete a COVIDsafe plan by 11:59pm on Friday 7th August – excessive fines apply if you do not comply (see below)
- 8pm CURFEW – Please ensure you adhere to the 8pm curfew – although recording of church services could be seen as work, the BUV advises that all services should conclude by 7:30pm to allow for workers to be at home by 8pm.
- NO CHURCH MAINTENANCE – For the next 6 weeks, only emergency safety maintenance will be allowed – mowing lawns, basic church upkeep etc cannot be undertaken.
- RECORD KEEPING – Permitted workplace such as Places of Worship or Community Facilities must keep a record of each person (staff, volunteer, contractors) who attends the premise for more than 15 minutes. See below for more information.
Permitted Worker Scheme (Source: DHHS) (Source: Justice Victoria)
From 11:59pm Wednesday 5 August, employers that require their staff (paid or volunteers) to attend a work site must issue a worker permit to their employees – this is the employer’s responsibility.
Penalties of up to $19,826 (for individuals) and $99,132 (for businesses) will apply to employers who issue worker permits to employees who do not meet the requirements of the worker permit scheme or who otherwise breach the scheme requirements.
There will also be on-the-spot fines of up to $1,652 (for individuals) and up to $9,913 (for businesses) for anyone who breaches the scheme requirements. This includes employers, and employees who do not carry their worker permit when travelling to and from work.
Employees must carry the worker permit and should carry photo identification when travelling to and from the workplace. A worker permit can be shown electronically to authorities such as a photo, or scanned copy, on a mobile device.
COVID Safe Plan (Source: Business Victoria)
Every workplace must have a COVID Safe Plan to help protect its staff, customers and visitors and to prepare for a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) in your workplace. Under the Stage 4 restrictions, workplaces that remain open must complete their COVID Safe plan by 11.59pm on 7 August 2020.
- have a COVID Safe Plan in place that is regularly updated (unless you are a small business with fewer than 5 employees)
- ensure that any workers that can work from home are able to do so
- collect records of all workers, subcontractors, customers and clients attending the work premises for 15 minutes or longer (certain exemptions will apply)
- one worker per four square metres of enclosed workspace or in shared areas
- unless an exemption applies, ensure that workers do not work across multiple sites, or for multiple employers
- ensure that workers are in good health – workers cannot work if they are unwell and employers must not require workers with symptoms to work
- if your worker is unwell, send them home and direct them to be tested. They must stay home until they have their result
- report any positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) to DHHS, Worksafe, Health and Safety Representatives, and notify your workforce
- regularly clean your facilities, shared spaces and provide additional cleaning supplies – Paid cleaners are allowed for the purpose of cleaning after a recording and ensuring a safe workplace.
- undertake risk assessments for cleaning and the potential closure of your workplace in certain situations
Record keeping requirements (Source: DHHS)
To support contact tracing, some businesses, workplaces and premises must request that each person who attends the premise for more than 15 minutes (including staff) provide:
- First name
- Phone number.
Businesses must keep a record of those details, and the date and time at which the person attended the facility. Where the patrons spend most of their time in a single space (i.e. a dining room, or a cinema), a record of the space used should also be kept. There is no need to keep multiple records if patrons move through multiple spaces. Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. Records should be kept for 28 days.
Pens used to record details should be wiped with an alcohol wipe between users.
The record keeping requirement applies to all persons attending a facility or venue for longer than 15 minutes, which may include staff, customers, maintenance and delivery workers.
(Source: DHHS)
(Source: Business Victoria)
(Source: Justice Victoria)
Guide for business – stage 4 restrictions
Download the Permitted worker permit (Word)
COVIDSafe Plan template example – Rowville Baptist Church
Curfew and Face Covering (Source: DHHS)
From 2 August, a curfew will be in place in metropolitan Melbourne. Curfews will be in operation from 8pm to 5am every evening, with people only allowed to leave their house for work, and essential health, care or safety reasons.
From 5am – 8pm, you can only leave your home for one of the following four reasons:
- Necessary goods and services
- Exercise
- Care and health care
- Work/ Emergency
(Source and Definition of 4 reasons: DHHS)
Stay within 5km from home for shopping and exercise. Use the map on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website to see how far you are allowed to travel from your home under the stage 4 restrictions.
All Victorians must wear a face covering when they leave home, no matter where they live. There are a number of lawful exemptions for not wearing a face covering including "Persons whose professions require clear enunciation or visibility of their mouth. This includes teaching or live broadcasting."
Please also ensure one person to four-square metres rule and appropriate physical distancing is maintained by keeping at least 1.5 metres between everyone at all times.
More information:
- Stay at Home Direction – Melbourne
- Restricted Activity – Melbourne
- Stage 4 Restrictions including FAQs
- Permitted Worker Scheme including FAQs
- COVID Safe Requirements for Permitted Businesses including FAQs
- WorkSafe Victoria
- DHHS Translated Information
- Face Covering Information
Regional Victoria including Mitchell Shire – Stage 3 Restrictions
(From 5th August 2020)
From 11:59pm on 5 August, stage 3 restrictions apply throughout regional Victoria, including Mitchell Shire. There are four reasons that you can leave home:
- Shopping for food or other essential items
- To provide care giving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment
- For exercise (applies to outdoor exercise, and with only one other person or members of your household)
- Work or study, if you cannot work or study from home.
Otherwise, you must stay home. When you leave home you must wear a mask or face covering.
You may no longer have visitors to your home or visit other people in their homes.
Places of religion and worship must close for both religious ceremonies and private worship. Exceptions are:
- Ceremonies and services can still be recorded or broadcast live from the place of worship for viewing online. Those who are necessary to conduct the ceremony may be on site to record and live stream services, however this is limited to a maximum of five (5) people including volunteers on site. You should ensure those people wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing by keeping at least 1.5 metres between each other at all times – See face coverings section above or below for exemptions.
- Essential public support services such as food banks, help for the homeless or other essential activities allowed – Limit up to 20 people per indoor space (or 1 person per 4sqm rule), ensuring face coverings are worn and appropriate physical distancing is maintained by keeping at least 1.5 metres between everyone at all times.
- RECORD KEEPING – Places of Worship or Community Facilities must keep a record of each person (staff, volunteer, contractors) who attends the premise for more than 15 minutes. See below for more information.
- If you can work from home, you must – all church administrative work must be done at home including preparation of services, pastoral care, church admin etc.
- Weddings limited to five people – the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant
- Funerals limited to 10 mourners plus those required to conduct the funeral
- A wedding or funeral held in a private residence will be limited to the members of the household, plus the people required to conduct the ceremony
Please also ensure one person to four-square metres rule and appropriate physical distancing is maintained by keeping at least 1.5 metres between everyone at all times.
Record keeping requirements (Source: DHHS)
To support contact tracing, some businesses, workplaces and premises must request that each person who attends the premise for more than 15 minutes (including staff) provide:
- First name
- Phone number.
Businesses must keep a record of those details, and the date and time at which the person attended the facility. Where the patrons spend most of their time in a single space (i.e. a dining room, or a cinema), a record of the space used should also be kept. There is no need to keep multiple records if patrons move through multiple spaces. Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. Records should be kept for 28 days.
Pens used to record details should be wiped with an alcohol wipe between users.
The record keeping requirement applies to all persons attending a facility or venue for longer than 15 minutes, which may include staff, customers, maintenance and delivery workers.
Face Coverings (Source: DHHS)
All Victorians must wear a face covering when they leave home, no matter where they live. There are a number of lawful exemptions for not wearing a face covering including "Persons whose professions require clear enunciation or visibility of their mouth. This includes teaching or live broadcasting."
More information:
- Stay At Home Directive (Non-Melbourne)
- Restricted Activity (Non-Melbourne)
- Stage 3 Restrictions including FAQs
- DHHS Translated Information
- Face Covering Information
Additional Business Support
Business Support Fund
To support businesses impacted by these restrictions, one-off grants will be made available to eligible businesses under the Business Support Fund – Expansion program:
- $10,000 for employing businesses in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire in recognition of spending longer under restrictions
- $5,000 for employing businesses in regional local government areas (except Mitchell Shire)
Businesses which have already received a Business Support Fund – Expansion grant, or have applied for one, will not need to re-apply. Successful applicants will automatically receive this additional allocation. Applications for the program will be extended until 14 September 2020.
Let's Stay Connected Fund
The Victorian Government is helping communities to stay connected during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and beyond with the Let’s Stay Connected Fund. The fund provides grants between $5,000 and $200,000 to support community-led initiatives.
Applications will be considered from Victorian-based incorporated community organisations, LGA’s, incorporated not-for-profits and industry groups. Individuals and unincorporated associations are not eligible to apply. All applications must provide a current ABN number.
Update 3/8/20 8pm (Source: DHHS)
Melbourne – Stage 4 Restrictions
(From 2 August – 16 August)
Premier Daniel Andrews has announced the following today :
- From 6pm on 2nd August, Victoria entered a State of Disaster. This will give the police additional powers to make sure people are complying with public health directions
- From 6pm on 2nd August, Melbourne also moved to Stage 4 restrictions with stronger rules to limit the movement of people – and limit the spread of this virus across our city.
- This includes a curfew – from 8pm to 5am – beginning tonight. The only reasons to leave home during these hours will be work, medical care and caregiving.
- Where you slept last night is where you’ll need to stay for the next six weeks. There’ll be exemptions for partners who live apart and for work, if required.
- The Night Network will be suspended, and public transport services will be reduced during curfew hours. This will also allow us to redeploy more of our PSOs into our enforcement efforts.
- New time, distance and gathering limits will also apply for exercise and shopping.
- Exercise will be limited to a maximum of one hour per day and no more than five kilometres from your home. Group size will be limited to a maximum of two – you and one other person – whether you live with them or not.
- Shopping will be limited to one person per household per day. Again, the five-kilometre rule will apply.
- Face coverings / masks continue to be compulsory right across Victoria
See Premier's Statement here – Melbourne
Regional Victoria – Stage 3 Restrictions
(From 11:59pm on Wednesday 5 August)
- From 11:59pm on Wednesday, regional Victoria will return to Stage 3 “Stay at Home” restrictions.
- That means there’ll again only be four reasons to be out: shopping for food and essential items, care and caregiving, daily exercise, work and study – if you can’t do it from home.
- Otherwise, you need to stay home.
- Businesses in regional Victoria will also return to Stage 3 restrictions.
- That means restaurants and cafes can only offer delivery and takeaway.
- Beauty and personal services will need to close.
- Entertainment and cultural venues will need to close.
- Community sport will need to stop.
See Premier's Statement here – Regional Victoria
Previous Advice:
BUV COVID-19 Advice (July)
BUV COVID-19 Advice (June)
BUV COVID-19 Advice (May)
BUV COVID-19 Advice (April)
BUV COVID-19 Advice (March)
BUV Advice on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Kongah BUV Thawngthanh
In view of the surge in the number of confirmed Covid-19 (Coronavirus) cases around the world, experts say that the likelihood of it spreading to Australia and within our communities is inevitable.
While the World Health Organisation is yet to escalate the nature of Covid-19 to a pandemic level, the Australia Government is taking necessary steps to prepare and plan for such a pandemic and has activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19.
So, what can we do as a union of churches to be prepared to respond and keep our church community safe?
Until further notice, churches and congregation members should continue to go about normal daily life and travel, church, work or study as normal. Churches and congregation members should already be following best-hygiene practices as detailed below.
Personal Hygiene
- Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow
- Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, ensure you have adequate supplies
- Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do
- Don't wear a face mask if you are well
- Get the flu shot (available April).
- See 10 ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus
Churches should be thinking about prevention and preparation strategies in case a Pandemic is announced. Check the BUV website or BUV Bulletin for further updates.
Prevention Ideas for Churches:
- Download and share 10 ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus
- Download the Victorian Government Coronavirus Factsheet
- Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol. Have hand-sanitisers available throughout the church
- Encourage people to wash their hands and post reminder signs throughout the church. Resources available via The Department of Health and Human Services website in various languages
- Shaking hands is optional! Give permission for fist bumps or a hand wave to replace hugs and hand shaking
- Place boxes of tissues in public access area eg church reception
- Wipe down everything touched by churchgoers, like door handles and railings after every service
- Limit potlucks and other nonessential large gatherings
- Host conference calls or video chats as alternatives for face-to-face meetings, as possible
- Take precautions to limit the spread of disease by not sharing common vessels for food and drink
- Individual pre-filled communion cups (including wafers) are available as per pic below $59.99 per 100 – click this link to buy from Koorong
Preparation Ideas for Churches
- Review your church's emergency operations plans and communication plans in the context of a pandemic
- Church leaders should appoint a second in charge (2IC) who can run the church efficiently in his/her absence
- Remind your congregation that rumor control is essential. Please get information from trusted sources like state health officials and The Department of Health and Human Services website
- Last week, the government also published the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan which provides an overview of the national approach and operational plan
- Churches should also prepare to support vulnerable people in their community especially elderly or people with a disability.
- Spread the word that all people should seek medical care if they require it
- Advise church staff and congregation members to review their family emergency plans, and, take time to prepare now. Click here for more information.
- Create plans to enable church staff to work remotely if that becomes a necessity. Click here for more information on Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws
- Many affected countries have suspended their church services, and some bigger churches are streaming their Sunday services live. In an event of a Pandemic, you can either Facebook live your sermons or use pre-recorded videos on Sundays. If resources are limited, you can also share sermons from some of our Baptist churches who are already live streaming their Sunday services. Here are their links:
- NewHope Baptist Church – newhope.net.au/teaching
- Crossway Baptist Church – https://www.crossway.org.au/campuses/online-campus/
- One Hope Baptist Church – https://www.onehope.org.au/watch-and-listen/
- Syndal Baptist Church – https://www.sb.org.au/watch
- Bendigo Baptist Church – https://www.bendigobaptist.org.au/sermons
- Follow Baptist Church – https://follow.church/media
You can also encourage people to listen to church podcasts: - NewHope Apple Podcasts or NewHope Spotify
- Check other churches websites for podcasts
Source: BUV News
BUV Advice re Covid-19 6th March 2020
In view of the surge in the number of confirmed Covid-19 (Coronavirus) cases around the world, experts say that the likelihood of it spreading to Australia and within our communities is inevitable.
While the World Health Organisation is yet to escalate the nature of Covid-19 to a pandemic level, the Australia Government is taking necessary steps to prepare and plan for such a pandemic and has activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19.
So, what can we do as a union of churches to be prepared to respond and keep our church community safe?
Until further notice, churches and congregation members should continue to go about normal daily life and travel, church, work or study as normal. Church and congregation members should already be following best-hygiene practices as detailed below.
Personal Hygiene
- Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
- Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, ensure you have adequate supplies.
- Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do.
- Don't wear a face mask if you are well.
- Get the flu shot (available April).
Churches should be thinking about prevention and preparation strategies in case a Pandemic is announced. Check the BUV website or BUV Bulletin for further updates.
Prevention Ideas for Churches:
- Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol. Have hand-sanitisers available throughout the church.
- Encourage people to wash their hands and post reminder signs throughout the church. Resources available via The Department of Health and Human Services website in both English and Chinese.
- Shaking hands is optional! Give permission for fist bumps or a hand wave to replace hugs and hand shaking
- Place boxes of tissues in public access area eg church reception
- Wipe down everything touched by churchgoers, like door handles and railings after every service
- Limit potlucks and other nonessential large gatherings
- Host conference calls or video chats as alternatives for face-to-face meetings, as possible
- Take precautions to limit the spread of disease by not sharing common vessels for food and drink.
- Individual pre-filled communion cups (including wafers) are available as per pic below $59.99 per 100 – click this link to buy from Koorong
Preparation Ideas for Churches
- Review your church's emergency operations plans and communication plans in the context of a pandemic.
- Church leaders should appoint a second in charge (2IC) who can run the church efficiently in his/her absence.
- Remind your congregation that rumor control is essential. Please get information from trusted sources like state health officials and The Department of Health and Human Services website.
- Last week, the government also published the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan which provides an overview of the national approach and operational plan.
- Churches should also prepare to support vulnerable people in their community especially elderly or people with a disability.
- Spread the word that all people should seek medical care if they require it.
- Advise church staff and congregation members to review their family emergency plans, and, take time to prepare now. For more information go to https://www.ses.vic.gov.au/documents/112015/135368/Home+Emergency+Plan+Workbook-pdf/a96fb8c4-8fca-4967-b8ca-ad2d97526aff .
- Create plans to enable church staff to work remotely if that becomes a necessity Click here for more information on Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws
- Many affected countries have suspended their church services, and some bigger churches are streaming their Sunday services live. In an event of a Pandemic, you can either Facebook live your sermons or use pre-recorded videos on Sundays. If resources are limited, you can also share sermons from some of our Baptist churches who are already live streaming their Sunday services. Here are their links:
- NewHope Baptist Church – https://vimeo.com/newhopebaptist
- Crossway Baptist Church – https://www.crossway.org.au/campuses/online-campus/
- One Hope Baptist Church – https://www.onehope.org.au/watch-and-listen/
- Syndal Baptist Church – https://www.sb.org.au/watch
- Bendigo Baptist Church – https://www.bendigobaptist.org.au/sermons
- Follow Baptist Church – https://follow.church/media
- You can also encourage people to listen to church podcasts:
- NewHope Apple Podcasts or NewHope Spotify
- Check other churches websites for podcasts
Source: BUV News
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Celebrating our Baptist Women
This month, we are celebrating International Women's Day (Sunday, 8 March) with stories of ordinary women who are playing extraordinary roles within our Baptist community.
Let's Have A Chat With Gwyn Milne
We are excited to launch a new Let’s Have a Chat series where we interview some of the most incredible and inspiring women leaders in our Baptist family.
The first video features Gwyn Milne, who has held numerous senior leadership roles within the Baptist Union, both at state and national levels, and is a role model for many young women and men in leadership roles. Click on the video above to listen to Gywn’s journey as one of the first women leaders to break the glass-ceiling, and positively contribute to the advancement of women in leadership roles.
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Roles
Planting Hope |
Source: BUV News
Celebrating our Baptist Women
This month, we are celebrating International Women's Day (Sunday, 8 March) with stories of ordinary women who are playing extraordinary roles within our Baptist community.
Let's Have A Chat With Gwyn Milne
We are excited to launch a new Let’s Have a Chat series where we interviewed some of the most incredible and inspiring women leaders in our Baptist family.
The first video features Gwyn Milne, who has held numerous senior leadership roles within the Baptist Union, both at state and national levels, and is a role model for many young women and men in leadership roles. Click on the video above to listen to Gywn’s journey as one of the first women leaders to break the glass-ceiling, and positively contribute to the advancement of women in leadership roles.
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Roles
Planting Hope |