Evangelical Christians & Donald Trump: Part 4

This is the fourth part of a series regarding American evangelicals and Donald Trump. This is the voting bloc that made possible his unlikely 2016 election win for the American presidency. While most evangelicals support him, there is a vocal minority who do not – the magazine Christianity Today is one of them.
 Are they being principled and Biblical? Or are they judgemental and drifting to the left?
 In addition, it is important to understand the bigger picture, which transcends Donald Trump. 
The Culture War
 Removing prayer from school. Abortion on demand. Redefining marriage and gender. Legalising cannabis. A ‘make-it-up-as-you-go’ morality. Enlarging the size of government and watching the deficit grow as a result. All this, and more, is part of the great cultural civil war of the western world that has been waged since the 1960s. In short, this war is where the left-leaning secular progressives-cultural marxists invaded the power bases of traditional values, Judea-Christian heritage in order to install their leftist utopia. What is at stake is the survival of western civilisation as we know it, with its freedoms, human rights, technological achievements, democracy, rule-of-law, and the rest.
The left, thanks in part to their incursion into the public school systems since the 1930s, has dominated academia, the media, key political parties, judiciary, and other organs of culture. They have successfully resisted the conservative counterattack — until now.
Donald Trump is now launching a potent assault on progressivism, political correctness, identity politics, open borders, unfair trade practices, and more. Amazingly, like Samson of old (flawed but strong), he is fighting this battle on all his own. Victor Davis Hanson, in his article Trump wages war on progressive culture – Dems respond with Trump Derangement Syndrome Hanson, says:
President Trump is waging a nonstop, all-encompassing war against progressive culture, in magnitude analogous to what 19th-century Germans once called a “Kulturkampf.
In short, Donald Trump has become American’s first war-time President in the culture war. His weapons? A microphone and twitter feed. He has taken on the elite postmodern progressive culture by attacking Planned Parenthood, NATO, radical greenies, Antifa, US universities, Democratic and Republican opponents, Silicon Valley monopolies, World Health Organisation, radical Democrats & their ‘Green New Deal,’ Hollywood, and his favourite target: The media, especially CNN, the Washington Post, and The New York Times.
If we lived in normal times, or civilisation was not at stake, Trump would probably not have run for President. But these are not normal times and when you’re in the midst of a serious civilisational conflict, you need a leader who is a strong fighter. In this light, his temperament can be an asset. This New York business man confronted corrupt politicians, mafia, and ruthless competitors; thus he can take this fight to the next level.
History’s great warriors may not have been saintly, savoury, refined, or ‘nice,’ and they often had outsized flaws (examples: Ulysses S. Grant and General George Patten), but the one thing they all have in common: they fought a good fight and won their wars. Failure to do so would have destroyed civilisation. This is something serious and sincere ‘Never-Trumpers’ need to budget into the equation.
In the end, whether you are a never-Trumper, ever-Trumper, or somewhere in-between, remember to honour the Creator by obeying His word in I Timothy 2:1-2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
When you obey God’s Word, you can’t go wrong.

No Other Name: The Third Commandment Part 03

How to Invoke God’s Name
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain Exodus 20:7
Since penalties are severe for using God’s Name in vain, how are you to respond? As mentioned above, some might avoid using God’s Name at all, just incase they accidentally misuse it. There are Jewish people who write, ‘G-d,’ which is unpronounceable, just to make sure His name is not use in vain.
But is that the correct stance? No. You are encouraged to use God’s Name in a righteous manner. How can you call on the name of the Lord for salvation if your cannot say His name at all?
After the birth of Seth’s son Enos, then began me to call upon the name of the LORD Genesis 4:26
Repeatedly Abraham, the friend of God, called on the name of the LORD – Genesis 12:8; 13:4; 21:33. Isaac did the same (26:25).
Solomon built a house for the Name of the LORD God of Israel – I Kings8:20.
When the Lord pours out mercy and favour on Zion, then the heathen (nations/Gentiles) will fear the name of the LORD and all the kings of the earth His glory – Psalm 102:13-15
We are commanded to praise the Name of the LORD — Psalm 135:1
A favoured passage is Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Here could be one of the most important verses of all: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13
In addition to salvation, there is also healing in the Name of the Lord. Of course, Christ’s ministry was replete with healings but He is the Son of God. How about mere believers? Do they have access to healing power? Yes … in the Name of the Lord. Peter made this point forcefully after the lame man was healed in the Lord’s Name at the Gate Beautiful. He says in Acts 3:16: And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all (emphasis mine).
In summary, for some well-meaning people, the non-use of God’s Name is the only way to prevent the misuse. As you can see, the best remedy is not the non-use, but right use, of God’s Name. It is the key to His manifold blessings.
Everything you do should be in the Name and for the glory of Jesus. Your prayers should be done ‘in His Name.’ And when it comes to praise and worship, the right use of God’s Name will quickly usher you into the throne of grace, where you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him – Colossians 3:17

The ‘Country Prophet:’ Why Study the Book of Micah PART 02

Summary of Micah
This Book of Micah is divided into three parts:
Part 01 – Chapters 1-3: This section is about the indictment and punishment of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah for idolatry, injustice, immorality, which brought corruption, oppression, bribery, and putrid pride. Both kingdoms would be judged for their sins. Kings, priests, and false prophets were especially culpable for this rampage of sin.
Part 02 – Chapters 4-5: From crime and punishment, Hosea speaks about the glories of the coming Messianic kingdom. His words in 4:1-5 mirror Isaiah 2:2-4. In the latter days people worldwide will come to the mountain of the House of the Lord, where God personally will teach people of His ways and they will walk in His paths. This is referring to the Kingdom of Christ and the Lord Himself will do the teaching. Peace and prosperity will be the hallmarks of His reign.
Part 03 – Chapter 6-7: This final part is about justice and mercy. It comes across as a courtroom trial, where God the plaintiff builds the case against the sins of His people. Israel confesses its sin and God promises to abundantly pardon.
Distinct Features of Micah
Micah’s prophecy a century before Jeremiah helped deliver the latter from certain execution, when prophesying the conquest of Jerusalem under the Babylonians. Jeremiah 26:18: Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spake to all the people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Zion shall be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of a forest (quoting Micah 3:12). This prophecy got the besieged Jeremiah off the hook.
Other quotes from Micah include:
    The wise men who visited Herod en route to meeting the Christ child (Matthew 2:5-6, cf Micah 5:2).
    Jesus when He sent out the 12 (Matthew 10:35-36; cf Micah 7:6);
    Isaiah 2:2-4; 41:15; Ezekiel 22:27; and Zephaniah 3:19 are other quotes.
Fulfilled Prophecies of Micah include:
    1:6-7: Fall of Samaria and the Northern Kingdom (722 BC);
    1:9-16: Invasion of Judah by Sennarcherib in the days of Hezekiah (701 BC);
    3:12; 7:13: Fall of Jerusalem (586 BC);
    4:10: Judah’s exile to Babylon (586 BC);
    4:1-8, 13; 7:11, 14-17: Return from Babylonian captivity;
    5:2: Birth of Jesus from Bethlehem
Outline of Micah
Part One: God’s Judgement Against Israel & Judah(1:1-3:12)
1:1                   Introduction
1:2-7                Downfall of the Northern Kingdom Predicted
1:8-16              Downfall of the Southern Kingdom of Judah Predicted
2:1-11              Judgement for Sin like pride & greed (2:1-5) and false prophets (2:6-11)
2:12-13            Deliverance hinted
3:1-12              Sins named: Injustice & oppression (3:1-4); False prophets (3:5-7); Micah                                         empower prophet (3:8); leadership’s sins (3:9-12);
Part Two: The Hope of the Coming Kingdom (4:1-5:15)
4:1-8:               Description of the coming global righteous Messianic kingdom;
4:9-13              Israel’s Enemies Defeated;
5:1-5                The Coming King is Coming from Bethlehem;  
5:6-15              What the Coming Kingdom Will Be Like;
Part Three: God’s Justice and Mercy (6:1-7:20)
6:1-8                God’s Indicts His People;
6:9-16              Israel declared guilty and sentenced;
7:1-6                Cry of the prophet;
7:7                   Hope among the tears;
7:8-13              Israel’s Comeback;
7:14-20            God’s Grand Benediction on Israel.

Abortion Part 04: What Would You Tell Your Niece?

The Bible and the Foetus 

In the series about Issues Facing the Church, I have elaborated a blog sent to my progressivist American niece, who asked for my position on abortion. For a Christian the Bible should be the first place to look for answers to life’s questions. If the Bible is the Word of God – and it is – and if we will be held accountable for what it says – and we will – then these passages regarding life need to be taken at face value
Is the Bible really silent on the personhood of the foetus or on when the spirit enters the unborn, as one famous politician claimed?
My position: as a born-again Christian and ordained minister, I take an predictably pro-life position. I have no other choice: my understanding of Scripture compels me.
  Jeremiah 1:5 – God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah: Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.’
  Psalm 139:13-16: There are some incredible statements in this passage. Apparently, the detailed mapping of our very being (perhaps right down to the molecular level) was written in God’s book, even before we were conceived. 
  Ephesians 2:10: God knew us from before the foundation of the world (eternity past) and ordained us for good works.
  Matthew 10:30: The hairs of our head are numbered.
  Matthew 19:14: Jesus commanded that the little children be brought to Him and no one was to forbid them. They are what constitute the kingdom of heaven.
  Genesis 1:27: This affirms that humankind is made in the image of God.
  Genesis 9:6 says simply: Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man. Ponder that verse.
  Luke 17:2: It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. If you ever saw a millstone, you’ll find that it is exceedingly heavy. Tied around your neck means you would hit the sea bottom in record time. Jesus says the millstone in the sea is a better outcome than offending the ‘little ones.’ What could be more offensive than denying them the right to life?
Could it be any clearer?
With such meticulous care, there is no question that in God’s mind the foetus is a person, even before they are in the womb. Therefore, deliberately terminating that pregnancy is destroying a life.
Don Feder says abortion is part of a larger culture of death. When it was legalised in 1973, prophetic voices warned that euthanasia would be next. People scoffed at them and said it would never happen – yet, it is happening before our eyes. The most vulnerable people – the very young and very old – are being targeted for destruction, often for economic or expedient reasons.
Simple, true justice means we should do our best to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
Is the United States a better country because of Roe versus Wade? Are the Australian states that legalised abortion better places to live in?
Does 50 million plus abortions in the United States since 1973 improve our quality of life, instil compassion for the needy, or improve our ability to care?
What does it say about our humanity and our future? After all, children are the future.
Does it help strengthen the family?
If a child cannot be safe in its mother’s womb, is there any safe place on this planet for any of us?
There are people who were pro-abortion, were directly involved in the industry, then had a change of heart and repented. They have become passionate defenders of the unborn.
Dear niece, thank you for allowing me to answer your question on abortion.
I conclude with a simple challenge given by God to all of us. It is found in Deuteronomy 30:19:
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

Beyond Covid-19: Is There A Word from the Lord?

It has become the most dramatic and defining situation in our lifetime. More radical, even, than a war or the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). That event is the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020. While we can and should expect some return to normalcy, there is also the strong possibility that in some aspects the world that we once knew, even as late as December 2019, is gone for good.
If one is a world-watcher, the fact that we have international crisis and change should not be surprising. It is a predictable part of the landscape. Yet, how do we navigate through these change-filled, crisis-riddled, and sometimes chaotic times? Especially when the experts, like the rest of us, have never been in this situation before?
The answer, which is a question, is disarmingly simple: Is there a word from the Lord?
The second question: What is that Word?
First, let us examine God’s attitude of communicating with people on earth, which, says Genesis 1:27, are made in His image.
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds  Hebrews 1:1-2
What do these two verses tell us?
1.        God regularly spoke, at various times and different manners, in the past to the ancients via the prophets.
2.        Now, in these last days, He speaks through His Son – Jesus Christ. Please note that Hebrews teaches that these days, the church age, are part of the last days.
3.        The Son is heir of all things;
4.        The Son, along with the Father and Spirit, made the worlds (Hebrews 11:3).
God continues to speak and He does so via the Son. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). There is no lack of a ‘word from God’ – just as the airwaves are full of music and voices – but the question is: Are we listening? Have we extended our spiritual antennas to receive the divine message? Do we obey that which we have heard?
That’s why 7 times to 7 churches in Asia, the command is given: He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22).
Since God the Father is willing (Hebrews 6:17); the Son is willing (Matthew 8:3); and God the Spirit is willing (Matthew 26:41), the onus is on us to open our ears, extend our antennas, pick up the divine signals, and begin to hear what the Spirit is saying.
Is there a Word from the LORD? Short answer: Yes.
First Word from the LORD: Prophetic Times
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows Matthew 24:6-8
All of what we are seeing today is part of prophetic fulfilment. Biblical prophecy is a wonderful subject, that pays rich dividends to those who learn and apply its precepts. It is a light shining in a dark place, a ‘heads up’ to the future, provides insight of how to live, grants incentive for evangelism and holy living, brings establishment, prosperity, comfort, and encouragement. Prophecy bestows holistic blessing to those who read and heed its timeless counsel (Revelation 1:3).
Deception: When asked the question about what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus Christ first of all gave a practical command: Take heed that no one deceives you. We live in an age of increasing deception, where people are becoming more adept at sounding so convincing while lying through their teeth. Deception is as old as the Garden of Eden, but what make the last days distinct, is that it will be more prevalent, more persuasive, and undergirded by a spirit of strong delusion. The righteous will need to proactively immunise themselves in God’s truth, so that they will have the immunity to resist the spiritual of deception.
Sources of truth: Truth, namely God’s universal, unchanging, life-giving, life-liberating, devil-defeating truth, has three key sources. 1) Jesus Christ is the truth personified (John 14:6f). 2) The Holy Spirit is truth empowered (John 16:13). 3) The Scriptures are truth illuminated (John 17:17). When all three sources are operative in your life, then you are safely on truth’s territory and you will have the gift of discernment to sort out truth claims from the false.
In our next article, we will look more carefully at this theme and key word of ‘prophetic times.’

A Call to Persevere – Building Pastoral Resilience in a Crisis

For pastors in Victoria and right around the world, let me just come right out and state the very obvious… Things have changed dramatically in recent times! I know it’s not a new piece of news but it needs to be said.  And for pastors, there have been so many significant changes to the way we minister, that it is important to stop for a moment and acknowledge this.

You can most likely identify with the following…

  • I have not been able to meet personally with the people I pastor
  • I have had to learn new ways of communicating to the church, and to do it more often
  • I have had to change the way I prepare for Sundays in order to adjust to online services
  • I have seen what other pastor are doing online & there is the opportunity to compare like never before
  • I have been at home more and my routines, disciplines and boundaries have needed to adjust
  • I have had to work harder to collaborate and have had to make more decisions on my own
  • I have started to think about what I need to do differently when the restrictions are lifted

These changes are real and have left many pastors feeling fatigued as a result of all the decisions they have had to make, emotionally drained as they feel like they are always trying to catch up, and physically tired as they wonder how long they can sustain this level of challenge. This is the reality for many pastors.

So now, perhaps more than ever, we need to hear anew the call of God’s word to us through the writer of the letter to the Hebrews…

“…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

While the events threatening to stop the recipients of the letter from persevering were persecution and the trials of life in their day, we face challenges and changes that can cause us to feel like we are unable to go on. But God wants us to persevere, to keep going, to run the race marked out for us.

Now is the time for pastors to have resilience more than ever. It’s the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, from challenges. Just like the “slinky” toy many of us had when we were growing up, resilient pastors spring back and resume their original form after stretching. They don’t give up, they endure, and they prevail in the midst of adversity. How can we ensure that we are resilient in these times?

Remember – God got you into this!

God has called you to run.

It is God who got you running this race. You believed the gospel, you responded by faith and began the journey as a follower of Jesus. You surrendered your life to him. And now you are a pastor and you are running this race. People are looking to you. God called you and has equipped you. You must persevere. Until God makes it clear you have completed the race, keep running.

You have a call and a sense of purpose, so remember that “the one who called you is faithful and he will do it.” (1 Thess. 5:24) It might just be the right time to retreat and spend a half or full day in prayer. On this day, why not reflect on how God called you initially into pastoral ministry, give thanks and praise for all that he has helped you through in the past, and ask God to help you, to strengthen you, to give you wisdom, to empower you and to fill you in the light of this current challenge. Remember that God’s grace is sufficient, and that when you are weak, you are strong in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 12:9-10). 

Remember – Comparison Kills

God’s has marked out the race for you.

“…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1)

As churches have started streaming their weekend services online, many pastors have had their very first opportunity for a long time to see what other churches are doing and to compare themselves with other pastors & churches. It’s possible to see the sermons other pastors are preaching, how they pray, how they lead. We can end up feeling all kinds of regret, inferiority and inadequacy. But the writer to the Hebrews says that we are all in a race, but it is one that he has marked out for each of us. We don’t run the race in the same way as someone else does. Run your own way in this race, the way marked out for you. Run with the unique gifts, skills and experiences he has given you. Craig Groeschel has said, “The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it with something else.” Don’t waste time comparing yourself or your church with others. If you keep looking around, you’ll run off course. Run your race with all that you have for God’s glory. Be yourself, everyone else is taken!

What are your strengths? Build on them. What gives you joy? Work toward those things. What are the unique needs in your church and your community? Ask God to help you meet them. The race is before you. Run your unique way. You have something special as a pastor to offer the people God has entrusted to you. We’re cheering for you!

Remember – Look to Jesus

“…let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Look to the One who called you to run.

When we fix our eyes on Jesus, we can experience the fullness of God’s grace poured out on us. We may have failed, stumbled and fallen so far short of our hopes and expectations, but at the cross as we see Jesus, we can declare with boldness, “I am forgiven, I am accepted, I am redeemed, I am called.” This fills us with joy.

When we fix our eyes on Jesus we see his example of how to persevere. The cross of Christ reminds us of the terrible suffering Jesus faced which was not only experienced physically but also in taking upon himself the sin of the world. Still, the promise of future joy provided Jesus with the strength to suffer. We are called to help pastor flourishing churches. What a joy it will be to see lives changed and communities impacted. Keep your eyes on Jesus as you run and don’t give up!

Resilience Resources

We need resilient pastors who persevere in the face of great challenge. Now is the time to build your resilience. The BUV has great resources to help you and I want to point you to a number of them.

  1. Rev David Devine has presented a Professional Standards Workshop that can be completed online for maintaining your accreditation. It is called Resilience for Pastoral Leaders and is very helpful.
  1. Maintaining supportive relationships is a key to building resilience, and the most significant relationship that many pastors have is that with their spouse. That is why the Marriage Course is being offered to pastoral leaders with Rev Dr Bill and Julia Brown hosting the course. This course started last Wednesday (6th May) but if you are quick you can still join in and catch up on the first episode. Sign up here…
  1. Pastoral Clusters are operating right across Victoria using ZOOM to connect, encourage and offer peer support. Contact your regional pastor for information about when the next one is happening near you.
  1. I attended the online The Resilience Webinar hosted by Partners in Ministry with Mark Connor and Psychologist Dr Grant Bickerton as guest speakers, the full webinar is available here on demand. I found the webinar very helpful and would recommend it to you.
  2. Life Therapies Victoria, an organisation founded by psychologists and members of New Community Ringwood Baptist Church, has a number of video and PDF resources on wellbeing and resilience – http://www.lifetherapiesvictoria.com.au

Together as Baptists on mission we can not only persevere through this time but I believe we can prevail. Remember that God got you into this, that comparison kills and that Jesus is the one to keep looking to at every step of our race. There will be great joy when we meet Jesus face to face one day and we celebrate together! 

Source: BUV News