Beyond Covid-19: Is There A Word from the Lord? Part 6 Prosperity During Crisis


We learned in our last article that, ‘Yes,’ it is possible to prosper in the midst of crisis, of which our present world is awash. You can have peace where there is panic and pandemic; joy even where misery reigns; and to be positioned to help others experience the same. 

We see this in the life of the patriarch Issac who prospered enormously during a time of drought and famine. How did he do it? It came by obeying the call of God on his life, and then doing the clear word of the Lord. God commanded him to sojourn in the land of Canaan and He would bless him there (Genesis 26:3). Isaac wisely chose to obey God and stay, even though everyone else was fleeing to Egypt.

In addition, Isaac had a strong work ethic. He sowed in the land and reaped 100-fold (Genesis 26:12). He dug and re-dug wells in the otherwise dry Negev wilderness. Wherever he inserted his spade (shovel), the water flowed.


All of this is wonderful, but remember, his prosperity stirred up deep envy on the part of the locals in Canaan. How he handled this and powered on in prosperity is an example for us all.

Opposition is a fact of life in a fallen world. When God prospers you, especially in time of crisis, people will not necessarily pat you on the back and congratulate you on your success. Surprisingly, people who you think would be happy for you, like family and friends, can be the worst opponents. Resentment can rise up and manifest in some strange and unsavoury ways.

The Bible illustrates a catalogue of envy, like Rachel to Leah, Jacob’s sons to Jospeh, Balak to Israel, Dathan and Abiram to Moses (Psalm 106:16), Saul to David, chief priests to Jesus, and Diaspora Jews to Paul and the other apostles. This ‘tall-poppy’ syndrome is a manifestation of the carnal nature. As such, it can only be cured by the new birth, the cross of Christ, dying to self, God’s Word in the heart, and fulness of the Holy Spirit.

Isaac’s opponents were the Philistines. First, they were so resentful of him that they expelled him from Gerar, where he lived. Then, they either filled up with dirt the wells of Abraham, or stole the wells that Isaac dug … more than once.

Isaac’s Response to Opposition

Don’t be surprised or discouraged when opposition comes. Not only it is a sign that you are on the right track, but there are practical ways to respond which will leverage you to more victorious outcomes. Just watch Isaac.

Isaac was a textbook case of Biblical meekness, the reward of which is inheriting the land (Psalm 37:9; Matthew 5:5). He did not fight back, seek vindication, or strive in any way.

He wisely knew that to drop his spade and pick up a weapon meant that the opponents had already won. How? By getting him to stop doing what he was called to do. Isaac kept digging (Nehemiah did the same).

When people tell you you can’t, keep digging. When you are criticised for doing what’s right, keep digging. When the bullies bellow, keep digging. When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with himProverbs 16:7. The psalmist learned to be ‘deaf’ and ‘dumb’ in the face of opposition (Psalm 38:13-15). It’s amazing how much of the opposition you miss out on when you take this stance.

The most perfect example of earth-inheriting Biblical meekness was Jesus, especially during His passion and crucifixion. Without resistance, defence, or arguing, He submitted to God to the point of death on the cross. Even from a secular view, the influence of Jesus of Nazareth on the world was incalculable. For believers, it is eternal.

Reward & Extra Blessing

Despite their opposition, Isaac’s meekness, which was really strength restrained by grace, gave him an open heaven and manifold blessings from God. Despite their bullying, it was his enemies who sued for peace.

Opposition drove Isaac to a wonderful place called Rehoboth, where there is room, fruitfulness, water, and no strife (26:22). Then he ended up in Beersheba, where he made a peace treaty.

All in all, Isaac’s crises turned into God’s multi-faceted opportunity and manifold blessings.

A vital final point: When you are born again, you are a dual citizen: of your homeland and of the kingdom of God. In addition, you are not just part of the global economy, you are connected to God’s economy. Follow the Isaac principles of obedience and Biblical meekness, and you will enjoy prosperity in crisis.

A quick example of God’s economy: Exercise prudence in financial matters, budget, tithe, giving to the poor, live within your means, save for a rainy day, and you will never run dry.

We did a two year round the world, ‘Corrie ten Boom-style’ missionary journey. What does that mean? It was inspired by her book Tramp for the Lord. Wait on God, let the Spirit direct where to go, and trust God for the provision to get there and stay there. Leaving the USA with one-way tickets to Europe and $2,000 spending money, with no fixed address or any regular financial support, God took us around the world for two years and when we returned to the USA, we still had $2,000. That’s God’s economy in action.

Yes, it’s time to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, Isaac, and the psalmist, and prosper in crisis.

2020 US Presidential Election: Some Initial Reflections


The United States votes every four years in the presidential elections. Campaigns are becoming increasingly longer and frightfully more costly. Once the voting ceases, however, the country generally knows who’s the winner within hours.

But this is the year 2020 and nothing has been normal. We have had the most serious pandemic since the Spanish flu a century earlier. Countries went into lockdown, affecting the citizenry and the economy. Australia has had its first recession in 30 years. Then there were the American riots and continued social unrest.

 What about the presidential candidates themselves? Though more than 20 people put up there hand for the Democratic Party nomination, the man who was chosen is the oldest major party candidate to run for office at the age of 77 (soon to be 78). He has spent much of the campaign season in his Delaware basement. Both political parties, the Democrats and Republicans, largely had their conventions in virtual mode. And when November 3rd passed, in stead of having the issue resolved, as of this writing, we have a contested election that is heading for the courts.

 Yet there is an historic precedent: 20 years ago the 2000 Presidential Election between Vice-President Al Gore and Governor George W. Bush also went to the courts. America had to wait 6 weeks to see who the next President would be.

 Here are a few reflections on the 2020 election:

1.       Opposition: Regardless of what you think of President Donald Trump, you have to admit that he has faced furious opposition, perhaps more than any other president. False dossier, FISA warrants to spy on his campaign, opposition from the media, the Democrats, ‘Never-Trumper’ Republicans, academia, and hostile Hollywood. There was elector meddling, Mueller Probe, Russia hoax, and impeachment. In 2020 the nation was hit with a pandemic, lockdown, economic downturn and riots, all used by his enemies to stop his re-election. The President even caught Covid-19! Now we have a contested election.

2.       Meddling: 2020 is not the first time that there has been attempts to meddle with US elections, but this year has been exceptional. The methods of meddling are legion, for they are many: Computer hackers; a hostile media; civil unrest; big tech; Hollywood; the ‘billionaire’s club,’ all coalesce to form a dam of opposition. One of the fears was that mail-in ballots were a recipe for voter fraud, a point President Trump reiterated repeatedly. Now, it appears that one state has more ballots than registered voters. In another every mail-in ballot tabulated votes for the same person, every time. Tampering with people’s ballots is a criminal offence but it appears to be happening anyway. While voter turnout may be higher than normal, the concern is how many of those ballots are legitimate? Remember, voter fraud seriously undermines democracy and the rule of law. Like some third world country, does the United States now impartial election observers to prevent fraud?

3.       World interest: Of course, it is normal for the world to take interest in who will win the US presidential election. For decades, as the sole superpower, the United States is considered the leader of the free world. To some extent, the world is affected by what happens out of Washington. Yet, this particular election, and its aftermath, has caught the imagination of the world like no other. Global citizens are watching and many are praying.

4.       The most important election: For decades during an election year, people say, ‘This is the most important election of our lifetime.’ One of the clearest things about Election 2020: it really is the most important. Why? It is not just about the candidates involved, but about the worldview on offer. For years, there wasn’t a lot of difference between the two major political parties. In 2020, there is a Grand Canyon-sized difference. One party is leftist globalist, the other right-leaning nationalist; one party is pro-abortion, the other pro-life; one party is motivated by progressivism, identity politics, intersectionality, the other has an America first agenda; one sees America as systemically racist, the other that America is good and exceptional; one party has been influenced by cultural Marxism while the other advocates Judaeo-Christian / Western values.

The Spiritual Dimension: As a Christian minister, I clearly see that above all these issues is the active spiritual realm. Strongholds of lawlessness, rebellion, hatred, fear, violence, division, deception, cancel-culture, Marxism, Jezebel, and Moloch, are firing up. How can we respond to these challenges?

Prophecy: There have been credible prophetic voices speaking about the outcome of this election. If you believe these prophecies, stand on them … that’s how you can fight the good fight of faith. Paul says1 Timothy 1:18: This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare.

Prayer: The second thing is prayer: Much individual, group, and mass corporate prayer has been offered during campaign 2020, including prayer marches on Washington, DC. Many Christians overseas are doing the same. One Australian wrote that he has never prayed so much in his entire life as he had for the 2020 US election. Other people in other countries are doing the same. A great exhortation comes from Ephesians 6:18: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. Pray for mercy on the United States, God’s will to be done, and a quick resolution of the electoral impasse.

Perseverance: It’s simple. If the battle continues, then keep going. Galatians 6:9 promises we will reap in due season if we don’t give up.

Revival: If many of us have been praying more than ever, and it is worldwide, think about it … we are preparing for revival 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Remember that effectual fervent prayer is like casting a ballot in heaven, with the blessings raining back on the earth. Ask the LORD that His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven — Matthew 6:9-13.