Novak Djokovic, the world’s number one tennis player according to the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP), winner of twenty grand slams of which nine were in Australia alone, and on track to be the world’s greatest male tennis champion of all time, returned to his native Serbia. He will not be playing in the 2022 Australian Open in Melbourne, as planned. His visa was cancelled and his appeal to the Australian High Court failed. He was immediately deported afterwards and barred from returning to Australia for three years. The reason? Various violations of Australia’s coronavirus restrictions, including his vaccination status.

His short-term future and ability to play in other upcoming tournaments in France and America are uncertain, and for the same reasons. The champion’s visa drama commanded world attention. Netflix has announced that a documentary will be forthcoming on this story.

Covid-19 is a real public health threat and has already done much harm to global health and the economy. Yet, an additional harm is also present: the divisiveness of the entire issue. People are divided over the virus itself, the world government’s responses, lockdowns, monitoring of citizens’ movements, covid camps, mass protests and reported police brutality. The vaccine is particularly contentious with even families and churches divided over Covid.

In focusing on Djokovic and his deportation from Australia, please note that this is not as simple and straightforward as it seems. Indeed, there are complications. Vigorous disagreement persists over the rightness and wrongness of Australia’s decision to deport the world’s number one tennis player … and this is in a country known for its fervent love of sport.

So, after this state of affairs: are there any winners?

Australia, like other countries (e.g. Israel), require foreign visitors to be vaccinated against Covid-19. Djokovic applied for an exemption due to his having had Covid and thus probable natural immunity. The exemption was granted and he arrived in Australia.

He admitted to making mistakes, which did not help his case with Australian authorities. After testing positive for Covid in December 2021, he was reported to be engaged in public activities – distanced and masked – rather than staying at home to isolate. His Australian arrival card had a false statement or statements, which is a ‘No-No’ in any country. People can, in theory, go to prison for this. Djokovic was detained and housed in a detention hotel.

For those who aren’t familiar with Australia, there are some important things to keep in mind:

UNIQUE COUNTRY: Australia is the world’s only island continent with unique flora and fauna. Introduction of forbidden items or people can be problematic for the nation. Its has developed a robust border force/customs agency to protect the country; they are strict but fair to incoming passengers, whether citizens or visitors.

EGALITARIAN: Australian society is very casual and egalitarian. People want and expect to be treated fairly and don’t tolerate the notion of a privileged class getting advantages over the rest.

LOCKDOWN FATIGUE: Australians have been subject to some of the strictest Covid rules with lengthy snap lockdowns, vaccine requirements, monitoring of movements, quarantine camps, masks everywhere, and closure of borders between states. No question: Australians are tired of the whole Covid thing and bristle at the notion that a famous outsider does not have to abide by the same rules they have been subject to for nearly two years.

Without going into detail, the main point is that Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke is given wide discretionary power. Section 133C (3) of the Migration Act, gives the Immigration Minister broad powers to cancel a visa if it is ‘in the public’s interest.’

What does the phrase ‘in the public’s interest’ really mean?

The ‘public interest:’ In the minister’s own words, Mr. Hawke said “Despite my acceptance above that Mr. Djokovic’s recent infection with COVID-19 means that he is at a negligible risk of infection and therefore presents a negligible risk to those around him, I am concerned that his presence in Australia, given his well-known stance on vaccination, creates a risk of strengthening the anti-vaccination sentiment of a minority of the Australian community.”

In other words, Hawke believed that Djokovic, who in his mind represents the ‘anti-vaxxers’ (which has become a pejorative term) and his high profile presence at the Australia Open, might stir up further anti-vax sentiments. That’s despite the fact that Djokovic is not an activist. This could lead to more protests and rallies which could spread Covid even further. That’s his explanation of the ‘public interest.’

So who won, Djokovic or Australia? On the surface, it appears the answer is not Djokovic; certainly not in the short-term. He came to the land ‘down under’ in vain. He incurred a lot of legal costs (not that money is a problem for him). His goal of becoming the greatest male tennis player of all time is at risk. Yet, Djokovic received a hero’s welcome when he returned to Serbia. He is a proven sporting champion and no one can take that from him. When pursuing a goal, the only time you ‘lose’ is if and when you give up. The road to success is not the absence of failure. Persevere and triumph.

Did Australia ‘win’ in this instance? Apparently Hawke’s visa cancellation and deportation of Djokovic are politically popular – up to 70% of Australians polled agreed with the minister’s decision. With an uphill federal election in a few months time, this can help. The logic: why should Djokovic be given a pass when the average Australian has complied and sacrificed during the pandemic? Australia has rules and everyone is expected to keep them. In their minds, Djokovic disobeyed the rules and got what he deserved. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that Australians sacrificed much in order to protect the nation from Covid. They have a right to protect those efforts. Morrison cited Australia’s desire for ‘strong borders’ and ‘rule of law’ as justification for the deportation.

Yet let’s consider the following questions:

Will the strong governmental response to the pandemic, with the suspension of normal democratic freedoms, be only temporary?

Will the ‘emergency powers’ granted to some state premiers be repealed when the pandemic has passed?

Will the divisions in home, church, and society, particularly between the ‘vaxxed’ and ‘unvaxxed,’ cease?

Will Australians heed the call of New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet to show ‘kindness and respect’ to our community, state, and nation?

Will Australia’s international reputation, already taking a beating before the Djokovic drama, be restored to a popular and friendly democratic nation?

If we can answer ‘Yes’ to all these questions, then Australia is sure to wins. Otherwise, its loss will be far greater than anything Djokovic has experienced.

Australia is a sovereign country which rightly can determine its immigration rules – no question about it. Yet if the deportation of Novak Djokovic was more about pandemic politics rather than high-minded principle, then the land down under also loses this match. If this is the case, let’s pray the nation recovers its laudable ideals and prevails in the long-term tournament of history.

Otherwise, the only sure winner is Netflix.

(Photo courtesy of si.robi, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

2022 What to Watch Out For? (Yes, There is Good News) – Part 01

As we assess what’s happening in 2022, we need some understanding of today and good news for tomorrow. Let’s face it: the years 2020 and 2021 were unprecedented, intense, and for many people, miserable. Lives and nations were turned upside down. The ‘old normal’ of 2019 seems like a distant memory. Yet before we examine the good news – in our final instalment, let’s see what we need to watch for in 2022 so that we might fulfil the Biblical injunction to ‘watch and pray’ (Matthew 26:41; Ephesians 6:18).


The following countries have scheduled elections:

The United States: The eagerly anticipated mid-terms (meaning the president is not running for office but the Congress is seeking election or re-election) is scheduled for 8 November. The Republicans, known as the GOP (the red party), are predicted to win big in Congress. The House of Representatives will probably turn ‘red’ and the Senate, which is held by the Democrats (the blue party) by the slimmest majority, may flip as well.
Australia: A federal election is scheduled around May 2022. Prime Minister Scott Morrison is expected to run for re-election. His Coalition government has been in power since 2013 but he is the third coalition prime minister after Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull.
France: French President Emmanuel Macron seeks a second term but he will have an uphill battle; watch to see if France picks a centre right or even populist President in his place.
Hungary: Viktor Orban is the nationalist populist ‘right wing’ Prime Minister and is running for re-election. Leader of the Fidesz Party, Orban has been in power since 2010. He is a leader of the ‘new Europe’ (former communist bloc countries of Europe during the Cold War) that rejects the increasingly leftist, progressivist pathway of the European Union. Urban and other nationalist populists put the emphasis on nation, family, religion, custom, and traditions. In an attempt to bolster fertility, the Hungarian government offers total exemption from income taxes for life if a family has four or more children.
Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro 65, dubbed ‘Trump of the Tropics,’ is running for re-election against former leftist president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, known as ‘Lula,’ age 76. He was recently released from prison for corruption, having had his conviction quashed. If Lula wins, it will be a most remarkable political comeback.
Other countries having elections include South Korea, The Philippines, and some key African countries.


First, the 6th of February 2022 marks the seventieth anniversary of the accession of Elizabeth II. The United Kingdom and Commonwealth will celebrate her platinum jubilee throughout the year. As of that date, she will be the fourth longest serving monarch in history (e.g. Louis XIV reigned for seventy-two years).

In the general election of December 2019, the Conservative (Tory) Party, led by Boris Johnson, won a stunning eighty seat majority. After two hard years of Covid, lockdown and protests, that victory is a distant memory. Lockdown-defying Christmas parties, the historic loss a once super-safe Tory seat and the resignation of his Brexit minster Lord David Frost, are causing the Tories to look for a new leader, albeit covertly. Possible candidates are the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak and Foreign Minister Liz Truss. Despite scandals and plummeting approval ratings, Boris is an intelligent, clever, ‘Houdini-like’ figure and it would be foolish to count him out at this juncture.


This needs a lot of care and prayer. Government spending during the pandemic has gone through the roof and inflation is a real worry. There is the rise of crypto currencies which charts an unknown course – riches or ruin. Then there is the ballooning national debt. Australia’s in 2015 was 635 billion. The United States is much worse – in the trillions.

Just to give you an idea of what a trillion dollars looks like  – it’s a million dollars a million times. Or, think of the year 722 BC (2 Kings 17), when the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel and deported the Israelites throughout the empire. Imagine paying $1,000 a day, every single day without fail, from that year and for the next 2,744 years until now: you would barely pass one trillion dollars. America’s national debt is hovering around 30 trillion!


This term describes the decades long cultural conflict in America and the western world between cultural Marxists and their secular progressive and globalist allies versus libertarians, conservatives, and traditional values patriots (faith, family and freedom). It has recently boiled over into sensational ‘cancel culture,’ ‘wokery,’ and even riots in some place.

Wokery is increasingly showing traits of a religion.

Will there be a strong populist pushback against the inroads of the Cultural Marxism in 2022? Watch and pray.

Next time, we will look at China, the American presidency, Covid-19, global hotspots, and a special section on the Middle East. The ‘good news’ is also on the list.


Has Australia Gone Covid-Mad? Part 03 – How to Respond

So far we have looked at the heavy-handed approach by Australia’s state and territory governments in handling the Covid-19 pandemic. Their tactics have gained international attention and censure. Melbourne has been singled out for the most onerous (snap) lockdowns in the world. ‘Quarantine camps’ have sprung up in Northern Territory and Queensland, with more planned elsewhere. The visa cancellation of world tennis champion Novak Djokovic in Melbourne also brought renewed attention to the land ‘down under.’ Vaccine mandates have divided family, society, and even churches. It is no exaggeration to say that normal checks and balances of a parliamentary democracy have been challenged during this crisis.

In Part 02 we looked at some of the reasons for Australia’s Covid-response, including progressivism, hunger for power by some, isolationism, culture war fallout, apathy, media, and irrationality, which has been shown elsewhere.

In this third and final part, we ask a simple question:

What can we as normal citizens do?
Not Just in Australia but the Western World?

If you value a return to democracy and normalcy, please consider:

Pray for leaders: This is the most important thing and is a clear Biblical command. Start with prayer for the prime minister and the state premiers. (or the president and state governors in the United States). Ask God to bless, protect, prosper, grant them wisdom and peace. Also, to restrain and reverse any actions that are undemocratic and harmful to society. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says it succinctly: “pray without ceasing.”
Speak up: Leaders and concerned citizens should lift up their voices against the creeping tyranny and injustice, no matter how well-intentioned. This is a time for courage, not cowardice. Lawful protests are one way to do it.
Parliamentary democracy: If your jurisdiction is under decree by leaders or bureaucrats, rather by the parliament, then demand a return to the ‘rule of law’ and ‘parliamentary democracy.’ Democratically elected parliaments are the law-makers of the land. 

Emergency powers: Some leaders have receive wide-ranging executive powers that upset the balance of power in the government, which protects democracy. These emergency powers are meant to be temporary, with a sunset clause. If they aren’t, they must be pointed out and repealed.
The facts, please: Insist on true, verifiable facts, not slogans, when it comes to how lethal Covid-19 is, and all other related issues, like the vaccine, lockdowns, quarantine camps.
Regarding the Vaccine: We do not publicly encourage nor discourage vaccines; ultimately, it should be a personal choice. The issue is coercive mandates. You can be ‘pro-vaccine’ yet ‘anti-mandates.’ For example, The Daily Wire conservative media service with Ben Shapiro has taken a pro-vaccine stance, yet has taken successful legal action against the current US administration over its vaccine mandates for private businesses. It is important to make such a distinction. As a free people, every individual should be able to make an informed decision about this issue, to ‘vax or not to vax.’ Forcing people against their will to get vaccinated and causing them to leave their jobs is inconsistent with a democratic society. This is not a ‘pro’ or ‘anti’ vaccine stance; it is a ‘pro-freedom’ position.

Federal intervention as a last resort: State and local governments, whether in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, are sovereign and can rightly resist federal encroachment and overreach. The federal government, under normal circumstances, must respect state’s rights. Yet, when a state is acting in a prolonged anti-constitutional, anti-democratic and/or dangerous fashion, or in a manner that causes risk to the nation, the federal Constitution and its freedoms must be enforced. However, unlike America, Australia has no ‘Bill of Rights’ and, as of this writing, no religious freedom protection bill (though a religious discrimination bill is on the parliament’s table). Until now, these codified rights seemed nice but not necessary. Well, the times have changed. Prudence decrees that we look into this situation, and remedy it, before an even worse abuse of power comes in the future.

A Biblical Response: Be Balanced

We should all respect governing authorities – even if we did not vote for them – as Romans 13:1-7 requires. Pray for them, as commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-4. This also includes the police: let’s be grateful for their protection, service, and sacrifice. We should not support any ‘defund the police’ movement nor legislation that favours criminals at the expense of society (euphemistically called ‘law reform’ in the United States).

At the same time, our cooperation with earthly authorities is not absolute. Acts 5:29 tells us “we ought to obey God rather than man.” The apostle Peter uttered these words in response to the Jewish high priest – his religious leader – who commanded the apostles not to teach or preach in the Name of Jesus. Compliance to this command was not an option, especially since a higher authority commanded “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” Mark 16:15.

In the United States and elsewhere, some churches chose to conduct worship services anyway because they believed it was God’s will, quoting Hebrews 10:24-25. Pastor, if the government says that you cannot have in-person church services or prohibits unvaccinated people from attending your church, what will you do? Only you can decide so be lead by the Holy Spirit. And if another pastor or another church makes a decision you don’t agree with, remember to demonstrate Christian charity towards them during these difficult times. Colossians 3:14: And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. We don’t need division in the household of faith during a pandemic.

Yes, these are very challenging times but never forget: crisis is the womb of God-given opportunity. Pass the test, and God will enlarge your place (Psalm 4:1).

The Son of Man: Why Study the Gospel of Luke? Part 01


The Gospel of Luke is an invaluable part of the Holy Bible. It was written originally for a single man named Theophilus (1:3), who was also the honoured recipient of the Book of Acts (1:1). Luke the beloved physician is an impeccable historian who seeks to convey – and he does so successfully – that Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah, is the perfect Man. He was specifically targeting Gentiles, who with their ancient humanism/hellenism focused on the ideal man. Jesus is more than ideal, he is the Biblical ‘Son of Man,’ His favourite title for Himself. Luke’s Gospel has stories and named individuals found no where else. An in-depth study of this great Gospel, either alone or in a small group, will greatly enrich you.



Luke’s name appears three times in the New Testament (Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24). He is known as the ‘beloved physician.’ He is the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. The Gospel of Luke is the longest book in the New Testament. Both Luke plus Acts total twenty-eight percent of the New Testament. Luke wrote 2,158 verses of Scripture while Paul wrote 2,033.

Luke’s authorship of these two Bible books is not disputed, however, his ethnicity is. There is anecdotal evidence that he was a Gentile. If so, Luke would be the only Gentile author of the entire Bible. The options are simple: either Luke was a Hellenistic Jew from Antioch or he was a Jewish-friendly, Gentile-follower of Jesus.

So what is the evidence of Luke the Gentile? First, his Roman named is Lucanus. Second, in Colossians 4:10-14, there are two lists of men: the first list has three men who are “among the circumcision,” meaning they are Jews. Luke’s name is sandwiched in the second list which is, by implication, not of the circumcision, in other words, Gentile. Third, Luke’s Greek language abilities were superb and yet he refers “to their own language” (Acts 1:19), when speaking about local Jerusalemite Jews, as if to imply that he was not of them.

While we cannot be one-hundred percent sure if Luke was a Gentile or Jew, what we do know is that the beloved physician gave us two priceless and indispensable books of the New Testament. In the end, Luke’s ethnicity is not the burning issue: after all, the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts are the ‘Word of God’ for Jew and Gentile alike.


To give an orderly, factual, compelling, credible, and wholly accurate account of the life and gospel of Jesus Christ. The recipient of his writing was ‘most excellent Theophilus’ (lover of God), an obscure man of high status of whom we know absolutely nothing about. Until the Gospel of Luke was penned, the Gentile Church had no written account of the life of Jesus. Matthew’s Gospel was written for the Jews and Mark wrote his Gospel for the church at Rome. The fact that the genealogy of Jesus in Luke 3 goes all the way back to Adam is one of the signs that this Gospel account had Gentiles in mind.

As far as reaching the Gentiles is concerned, Luke achieved his objectives spectacularly. For example, in our day, the ‘Jesus Film’ based on the Gospel of Luke has brought millions of people to faith in Christ.


(1:32) Son of the Highest; Son of David (Christ’s heavenly and earthly fathers are named in this verse)
(1:69) The Horn of Salvation
(1:78) The Dayspring
(2:11) Christ the Lord, Saviour
(2:25) The Consolation of Israel
(2:30) Salvation
(4:34) Jesus of Nazareth, Holy One of God
(6:5) Lord of the Sabbath


To present to the Greeks and the world the Perfect Man, Perfect Messiah, Perfect Saviour. The Hellenists respected strength, wisdom, natural and inner beauty. Jesus was perfect, even as a twelve year old, speaking to the wise men at the Jerusalem temple. With the carpenter’s son from Nazareth, the reader of Luke’s Gospel gets a perfect picture of strength, compassion, inspiring humility, a man who works with his hands, receives outcasts, cares for women and children, and can even show manly emotion.


‘For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost’ (19:10)


It is probable that the Gospel of Luke and Book of Acts were written before 70 AD, when Jerusalem fell to the Romans and Herod’s magnificent temple was destroyed. These events are not mentioned at all in Luke’s writing. As a great historian, they would have been included had these books been written later. Some sources date Luke’s Gospel around 60-63 AD.


The Ninth Commandment: Winning the Battle for Truth – Part 04 Summary and Review

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour — Exodus 20:16

A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies – Proverbs 14:5

We have been examining – from several angles – the ninth commandment, which prohibits lying and false witness. Here in the fourth and final part of our series, we provide a summary of the challenge and opportunity that the battle for truth brings.

One of the key features of the last days leading up to the return of Jesus Christ to planet earth, and the establishment of His kingdom, is the issue of truth. When asked by key disciples at a special briefing about the signs of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus’ very first words were these: … “Take heed that no man deceive you” — Matthew 24:4.

Here’s an insight for last days living: Cleave to the truth as you would life itself, while simultaneously rejecting deception.

One of the greatest dangers we face in our world, especially today, is the war on truth. False ideologies have spread the notion that all truth is ‘relative:’ You have ‘your truth,’ I have ‘my truth,’ all truths are ‘equally valid’ and no one’s truth is superior to another. Inherent in this notion is that truth comes from within and then moves outward. This teaching can be distilled in some of the following ideas:

We are told we live in a ‘post-truth age;’ feelings and perceptions have replaced verifiable facts.

Truth is relative; there are no absolutes (definition: absolute truth applies to all people and all times);

The results of this mindset has led to confusion, dysfunction, proliferation of lying, mendacity, spin, half-truths, fake news, and perjury;

Of special concern is false witness, which is a serious violation of the ninth commandment (Exodus 20:16; 23:1); it can destroy reputations and lives.

Worse than any pandemic, (re)newed and virulent strains of falsehood are rampant. We already learned about disinformation campaigns, gaslighting, and double-speak; 2 Timothy 3:13: But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Deceivers end up becoming the most deceived of all.

People are becoming more experienced at lying, and are doing so convincingly;

When presented with true, irrefutable facts – the truth – the post-truth person rejects it in favour of their favoured narrative; they love the lie while rejecting the real thing.

Danger: No civilisation can continue to stand if it is built on continuous and unrelenting falsehood. Remember the price Ananias and Sapphire paid when the lied to the holy Spirit (Acts 5:1-11). The eternal consequences of lying are dire beyond words (Revelation 21:8; 22:5).

It is not that lying is anything new. It has been around since the serpent deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. What is new is the expansion of lying across the board, including a spirit of deception and strong delusion.

Paul reiterates this exact warning in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, also in the context of last days. Heeding the words and ways of deception are more than an inconvenience; they can be deadly. The apostle speaks of the coming of the ‘wicked one,’ also known to the world as ‘antichrist,’ ‘man of sin,’ and ‘son of perdition’ (and many more titles). He comes with ‘signs and lying wonders.’ People who rejected the ‘love of the truth’ will embrace the ‘deception of unrighteousness.’ Without repentance and saving faith, this leads to a state of spiritual and eternal death.

Here is an important admonition: the devil and his minions are working overtime to lie, deny, and deceive. Yet, God commands us to avoid being deceived (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Should we fall for the lie, it is we who will be held responsible – not the devil – particularly because we have been exposed to God’s truth and He expects us to use it.

Deception leads to condemnation and death; believing truth leads to salvation and life. No wonder Psalm 91 describes God’s truth as a ‘shield’ and ‘buckler’ (Psalm 91:4). God’s secret place, which is the subject of this psalm, is a sanctuary of His enduring truth.

With lying and falsehood proliferating on an industrial scale, we need a Holy Spirit pushback, aided by our full cooperation. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth (John 16:13).

It takes courage to be a person of truth; any coward can lie. In the coming revival, expect a recovery of the majesty of truth – God’s truth. Then people will discover that truth does not come from within our warped unregenerate perceptions; it comes from outside, namely, from God.

The living God is the source of all truth. He will never lie to us. “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” – Numbers 23:19 and “… it is impossible for God to lie…” Hebrews 6:18. Three times in Romans we find the phrase “the truth of God” (Romans 1:25; 3:7; 15:8).

So if you are sincerely looking for truth, you need go no further than the Lord God Almighty. He has bestowed His truth into three sources: Christ (John 14:6); the Holy Spirit (John 16:13); and the Word of God (John 17:17). In the meantime, value truth as you would value life itself and teach others likewise. The coming revival will be the rediscovery of God’s truth and when it comes, we will all be better because of it.

Fear Not: Truth will prevail.

(NOTE: We will soon have a look at the tenth commandment and its prohibition against covetousness