Ordination of our first Persian Pastor

Ordination of our first Persian Pastor

I am Sam Farbod and I am currently the Persian Pastor at NewHope Baptist Church in Blackburn North, where I have been pastoring the Iranian community for the past 4 years. I am married to Nicky and we have one daughter, Negin.

Most members of the Persian congregation at NewHope are refugees and asylum seekers, and it is a great privilege for me to serve them by taking care of their pastoral needs, teaching and helping them to grow as disciples of the Christ. Despite the challenging and demanding nature of my ministry role in this community, I am really blessed by witnessing the Lord’s amazing work among the people whom I serve. There have always been dramatic changes and transformations in the lives of people. Seeing the fruits of the Spirit in people is the most enjoyable and refreshing experience in my ministry.

When I look back over my life, I realise how our gracious God has always been present and worked patiently in each step of my life to shape it and to direct it according to His plan. He directed me to come to Australia and appointed me to share His blessings, grace and love with other Iranians – a plan, I could never have imagined in the past. According to His gracious plan, He also directed me to be a part of the Baptist family and nourished me alongside my sisters and brothers in this wonderful family.

He also directed me into the Ordination pathway to transform, shape and affirm my calling through my sisters and brothers at NewHope, Whitley College and the BUV. In fact, ordination presents a significant stage of my journey as I seek to follow Jesus, share the Good News and make disciples for Him.

The BUV ordained Sam on Sunday 30th April at NewHope Baptist Church. 

Source: BUV News