Innovate 2018

Innovate 2018

“To reach people we’ve never reached before, we need to do things we have never done before

There is no denying that the church in Australia is struggling to reach unchurched Aussies, and we need to be thinking outside of the box. We believe that God is calling us, as a family of churches to put resources into encouraging pioneering ministry – put another way: to releasing our apostles to lead us into new territory. Every church needs to be setting aside small groups of creative thinkers to pray and dream about possible new initiatives, and our Innovate process can help to encourage, support and resource these individuals and groups.

  • Watch the video below and be inspired by some of the projects that we have helped get started.
  • Share this video in church, and with your leaders and start praying about who you could send to our 2018 process.

You will notice that this year we are running 2 steams. The first is for those who are at the dreaming stage, and need to have their dreams fuelled and enfleshed. The second is for those who already have a clear idea of what they want to do, and may even be already running a project, but would value the opportunity to network and learn from the experience and creativity of others, and ensure that ventures stay missional.

  • Who can you send?
  • What might God be opening for your church in 2018?

Be part of our vision to release at least 72 pioneering ventures by 2020, and start connecting with our wider community and sharing God’s love in new ways.


More information on Innovate available on our BUV website here

Register here for our 2018 Innovate Launch event and come and find out more


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Source: BUV News