Project / Senior Project Officer Indigenous Policy – Identified

Sydney, NEW South Wales Government vacancies
The Australian Human Rights Commission is responsible for managing key projects arising from the collaborative work with the Australian Department of Defence to support and improve cultural reform throughout Defence.

The Defence Force Collaboration Team are looking for Project/Senior Project Officers with specialist expertise in Indigenous Policy.

Please note that the filling of this employment opportunity is intended to constitute a special measure under subsection 8 (1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. This vacancy is only available to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
This position may be filled at an APS 6 or EL 1 level depending on the skills and experience of the successful applicant.

Salary $78,520 to $109,817 pa plus 15.4% superannuation

This is a non-ongoing position to 30 June 2020 with the possibility of extension
Please contact Siobhan Hobbs on 02 9284 9600 if you require further information or go to the jobs page on our website for details on eligibility and how to apply.

Applications are to be submitted by close of business on Thursday 31 October via email to
Source: Uniting News