Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Kongah BUV Thawngthanh
In view of the surge in the number of confirmed Covid-19 (Coronavirus) cases around the world, experts say that the likelihood of it spreading to Australia and within our communities is inevitable.
While the World Health Organisation is yet to escalate the nature of Covid-19 to a pandemic level, the Australia Government is taking necessary steps to prepare and plan for such a pandemic and has activated the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19.
So, what can we do as a union of churches to be prepared to respond and keep our church community safe?
Until further notice, churches and congregation members should continue to go about normal daily life and travel, church, work or study as normal. Churches and congregation members should already be following best-hygiene practices as detailed below.
Personal Hygiene
- Wash hands often with soap and running water, for at least 20 seconds. Dry with paper towel or hand dryer
- Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow
- Isolate yourself at home if you feel sick. If you take medication, ensure you have adequate supplies
- Phone your GP first if you need medical attention. They will tell you what to do
- Don't wear a face mask if you are well
- Get the flu shot (available April).
- See 10 ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus
Churches should be thinking about prevention and preparation strategies in case a Pandemic is announced. Check the BUV website or BUV Bulletin for further updates.
Prevention Ideas for Churches:
- Download and share 10 ways to reduce your risk of Coronavirus
- Download the Victorian Government Coronavirus Factsheet
- Buy an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with over 60 per cent alcohol. Have hand-sanitisers available throughout the church
- Encourage people to wash their hands and post reminder signs throughout the church. Resources available via The Department of Health and Human Services website in various languages
- Shaking hands is optional! Give permission for fist bumps or a hand wave to replace hugs and hand shaking
- Place boxes of tissues in public access area eg church reception
- Wipe down everything touched by churchgoers, like door handles and railings after every service
- Limit potlucks and other nonessential large gatherings
- Host conference calls or video chats as alternatives for face-to-face meetings, as possible
- Take precautions to limit the spread of disease by not sharing common vessels for food and drink
- Individual pre-filled communion cups (including wafers) are available as per pic below $59.99 per 100 – click this link to buy from Koorong
Preparation Ideas for Churches
- Review your church's emergency operations plans and communication plans in the context of a pandemic
- Church leaders should appoint a second in charge (2IC) who can run the church efficiently in his/her absence
- Remind your congregation that rumor control is essential. Please get information from trusted sources like state health officials and The Department of Health and Human Services website
- Last week, the government also published the Australian Health Sector Emergency Response Plan which provides an overview of the national approach and operational plan
- Churches should also prepare to support vulnerable people in their community especially elderly or people with a disability.
- Spread the word that all people should seek medical care if they require it
- Advise church staff and congregation members to review their family emergency plans, and, take time to prepare now. Click here for more information.
- Create plans to enable church staff to work remotely if that becomes a necessity. Click here for more information on Coronavirus and Australian workplace laws
- Many affected countries have suspended their church services, and some bigger churches are streaming their Sunday services live. In an event of a Pandemic, you can either Facebook live your sermons or use pre-recorded videos on Sundays. If resources are limited, you can also share sermons from some of our Baptist churches who are already live streaming their Sunday services. Here are their links:
- NewHope Baptist Church –
- Crossway Baptist Church –
- One Hope Baptist Church –
- Syndal Baptist Church –
- Bendigo Baptist Church –
- Follow Baptist Church –
You can also encourage people to listen to church podcasts: - NewHope Apple Podcasts or NewHope Spotify
- Check other churches websites for podcasts
Source: BUV News