7 Ideas for Church Financial Leaders Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

This is an unprecedented time for churches, and Pastors are going to be inundated with unfamiliar requests and unusual circumstances.

Not the least of these will be the effect on church finances.

The Pastor should not bare the brunt of this either with regard to their personal finances or the wider church finances. They already will have an increased workload and be sharing the burdens of the wider community.

In times like these it is vital that the church leadership step up and own the challenges of the church. The may not be able to field individual concerns but they can:

  1. Regularly check that the Pastor/s is coping
  2. Communicate to the church the need for stable finances
  3. Invite responses from the church if regular giving will be a personal challenge
  4. Suggest/investigate other ways to give. The Baptist Financial Services Giveway site is established for this purpose. Click here for more information
  5. Ensure Church bank details are readily available
  6. Encourage regular attendees to set up Direct Debit to the church account
  7. Mention how and where people can give cash or cheques during the week

An email or letter from the church leadership acknowledging the additional pressure for the Pastor and covering some of these points will help share the load.

Source: BUV News