Jeremy van Langenberg, from Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church, gives us an insight into how their church is maintaining its congregational connection.
There’s some amazing resources out there at present but we were really concerned to maintain a sense of ‘us’, our LOCAL church community.
- We divided up all attendees whether regular or not, including kids, youth & young adults, and formed them into cluster groups. For the first time EVERYONE in church is in a small group. The idea is personal contact, a phone call or face to face digital group. Only 2 weeks but seems to be working well.
- We pre recorded the Sunday sermon + greeting and include the link with a written (emailed) order of service, as on a normal sunday – songs, prayers etc. Our technology is VERY simple, but people are responding positively. For those without digital access or knowhow, we hand deliver(remaining alert to hygiene) the order of service and written sermon notes.
- We are calling the church to pray at the same time each Wednesday, supplying a prayer guide.
- Our finances were already struggling, but the last 3 weeks has seen more people than before, sign up for direct debit.
Overall we are encouraged and in good spirits, thank you LORD.
For more information click here
Source: BUV News