Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Adcorp Australia
Justice and Community Safety
ACT Corrective Services
Programs and Reintegration/Throughcare
Administrative Services Officer Class 5
Salary Range: $80,323 – $85,020 (PN: 43422)
ACT Corrective Services (ACTCS) is seeking a highly motivated and conscientious individual to join the Programs and Reintegration Unit as a Throughcare Transition Officer. The primary function of the Throughcare Initiative is to reduce the likelihood of reoffending through coordinating existing supports and services to assist ex-detainees integrating into the community as positive contributors.
The successful applicant will be responsible for supporting detainees, both pre-release and post-release, from the Alexander Maconochie Centre who are returning to the ACT Community for up to 12 months post release.
In addition, the Transition Officer will be required to establish and support referrals to services surrounding:
- Community supervision requirements – encompassing Parole and Good Behaviour Orders
- Basic needs
- Accommodation
- Health care/mental health
- Income support and employment
- Restoring connections with family, community and culture
To be successful, you will demonstrate strong administrative capability, have the ability to think and act in a busy operational environment, possess excellent interpersonal, organisational and communication skills necessary to build rapport with a diverse range of stakeholders.
Eligibility/Other Requirements:
- This is a designated position in accordance with s42, Discrimination Act 1991 and is only open to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander heritage is considered essential and therefore a Confirmation of Aboriginality may be requested. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander ancestry is considered essential (s42, Discrimination Act 1991).
- Understanding of and sensitivity to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural issues and issues relevant to other minority groups is essential.
- Familiarity with computer-based applications is highly desirable.
- Eligible persons may be required to undergo a National Police Check.
- A current driver’s licence is essential.
- Prior to commencing this role, a current registration issued under the Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 is required. For further information on Working with Vulnerable People registration refer to –
Note: This is a temporary vacancy available immediately up until 30 June 2021.
How to Apply: For further information, please visit
Contact Officer: Elisabetta Marin (02) 6205 2623
Applications Close: 17 September 2020
Source: Uniting News