All posts by Kameel Majdali

The Middle East: An Outbreak of Peace


It is the biggest news for peace in over 25 years! Especially in a region where peace is in short supply. Two Gulf Arab countries, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain, agree to to sign a peace treaty and normalise relations with Israel. The accords were signed at the White House on 15 September 2020.

Of the 21 Arab nation-states, the UAE and Bahrain are the third and fourth countries after Egypt and Jordan to make peace with the Jewish State. The last time this happened was in 1994 when Bill Clinton was US President. There is an expectation that other Arab countries will follow the UAE and Bahrain’s lead.

The agreement, brokered by the administration of US President Donald Trump, is called the ‘Abraham Accords’ as a sign of the mutual interest that Israeli Jews and Muslim Arabs have in common with the Biblical patriarch. On 31 August the first-ever direct air flight was conducted from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital.

Status Quo in Danger

The Abraham Accords is big news. It reflects that a peace-resistant, change-resistant region is slowly moving on. To understand the change, bear some points in mind.

Normalisation: The Arabic word is tatbi’e, and when applied to Israel it means to recognise the Jewish State and cooperate with it. Since 1948, the mindset of the Arab world was that tatbi’e with Israel was nothing short of anathema. As far as the Arab world was concerned, not only did Israel not have a right to exist, but it did not exist.

Maps of the Middle East had ‘Palestine’ written where Israel was located. When an Israeli delegate spoke at the United Nations, the Arab delegates stood up and walked out in unison; after all, since ‘Israel did not exist,’ the delegate at the podium was somebody who was nobody speaking about nothing. Might as well go out and have a coffee. Westerner with an Israeli stamp in their passport were not allowed entrance into an Arab country.

Arab resistance to normalisation was summarised in the Arab League Summit Khartoum Declaration on 1 September 1967, issued after the disastrous Arab military defeat in the June (Six Day) War. When asked if they would like to negotiate with Israel for the return of captured territory, the answer were the ‘Three No’s:’ No negotiation with Israel; No recognition of Israel; No peace with Israel. Israel remained ‘taboo’ for many years to come. Tatbi’e was as remote as ever.

Palestinian Issue: The Arab world also made the Palestinian issue a centrepiece of their foreign policy. The narrative went like this:

1.      The plight of the Palestinian Arabs is the central issue in the region; failure to resolve it means war is more likely than peace. This is a serious challenge in an oil-rich, strategically located region. Lack of resolution could adversely affect the entire world

2.      Resolution involves recognition of the Palestinian right of self-determination in Palestine;

3.      Self-determination involves the establishment of an independent Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; the repatriation of 1948 and 1967 refugees back to Palestine and even Israel, called ‘right of return;’ and Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. (Question: would this be the final status or merely an interim agreement?)

Many western and world governments, especially the European Union and UK, accepted these premises, virtually without question. They were embedded in their own foreign policies – for decades.

The Middle East is Changing

According to the United Nations-sponsored Arab Development Report (2002, 2009), the Arab world was going backward in all areas. Even developing regions like Africa were doing better. Since these reports, the situation has deteriorated further. The Arab Spring of 2011 has brought little democracy. Syria has been tortured by war since 2011, Libya and Yemen are also flattened by conflict. Iraq and Lebanon are in serious danger of becoming failed states. Iran, where the grand Persian Empire once stood, has the goal of Shia and regional hegemony. Turkey, which has had several empires on its soil, is evolving from a secular western-orientated NATO ally to an Islamist entity.

Sunni Arab countries feel threatened by both Turkey and Iran. Economic troubles, the struggle with Covid-19, the failure of the Palestinians to accept an agreement with Israel (not to mention the irreconcilable rift between Hamas in Gaza and the Palestinian National Authority (PLO) in Ramallah, West Bank), has caused second thoughts by the larger Arab world.

Reaction to the Abraham Accords

When Anwar al Sadat of Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979, under PM Menachem Begin, the world rejoiced; they even gave both men a Nobel Peace Prize. But the reaction of the Arab world and Iran was unanimous condemnation. Diplomatic relations were broken and Egypt was expelled from the Arab League, even though the headquarters were in Cairo (all of this has changed since then). Sadat was assassinated in 1981.

This time around, the world seems distracted and the Arabs and Muslim reaction mixed. Iran and Turkey, the ambitious regional powers, roundly condemned the accords, even though Turkey has diplomatic relations and direct flights with Israel. Qatar, Tunisia, and Jordan are muted. In the latter’s case, this is understandable due to the large Palestinian population in the Hashemite kingdom.

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas have predictably condemned the accord and have voiced their vehement displeasure at the UAE. The Emiratis response: We did not betray anyone. We have a wise leader who has decided to do what is good for his country, the Palestinians and all

Arabs and Muslims. You Palestinians need to get rid of your corrupt leaders.”

(Speaking of Palestinians, say a prayer for the Palestinians stuck and in danger is Syria and Iraq, with no one to rescue them).

However, Oman, and Egypt support the accords and Saudi Arabia tacitly does so (otherwise they would not have allowed the Israeli jet to fly over its airspace).

Why is the world reaction muted? There is Covid-19, lockdowns, possible recessions, and the UK and EU, plus some in the US Congress, are concerned that the ‘two-state, two-Jerusalem’ solution is not yet implemented.

The UAE has embracedtatbi’e brings access to Israeli technology, and know-how, as well as a counterbalance to the menace of Iran. As this author learned long ago, in the Middle East, expect the unexpected.

Beyond Covid-19: Is There A Word from the Lord? Part 05


Prosperity During Crisis

Crisis: It is not a happy, ‘feel good’ word, and we would prefer not to even hear it. Yet, as the maxim goes: When you understand the nature of a problem, you are halfway towards a solution.

Yet there is more. While for some, crisis can mean the ‘end of the world,’ for others, it can be the womb of opportunity. Biblical greats faced serious crises, in some cases, insoluble by human means. When God was all they had, they wonderfully discovered that God was all they needed.

With bush fires, droughts, pandemic, lockdown, riots and recession, is it even possible to even contemplate surviving, even succeeding, where others struggle or fall?

The answer is ‘Yes.’ It is possible to prosper during crisis.

Here is a prime example. It comes from the Book of Genesis.

Genesis 26: If you think our challenges are great, spare a thought for the Biblical characters. The patriarch Isaac dwelt in the promised land, as God ordained, yet his faith was being put to a severe test. The ‘land of milk and honey’ was afflicted with drought and famine.

What do you do?

The normal response was to do what his father Abraham, and his son Jacob, ended up doing. When there is a famine in Canaan, they went to Egypt. In that great land the mighty Nile River provided the water and fertile soil to make it a breadbasket. As the holy family discovered in Matthew 2, Egypt was also a refuge from danger. However, if we are going to prosper in crisis, we have to go beyond the ‘good idea’ and embrace the ‘God-idea,’ even if we are the only ones doing it.

God-Idea: This comes by ‘waiting on the Lord’ and ‘hearing the Word of the Lord, since God speaks (Hebrews 1:1-2). In Isaac’s case, God told him to do the exact opposite that everyone else is doing. God said to ‘Dwell in the land.’ Isaac wisely chose to ‘follow the Cloud, not the crowd.’

Promise for obedience: God promised to bless, cause Isaac to inherit the land, see Abraham’s covenant fulfilled, plus give him many descendants and be a source of universal blessing. Remember, that New Testament believers have also been given many promises and they are all ‘Yes’ and ‘Amen’ in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20). However, God expects our full cooperation for this to come to pass.

Response: Jesus often said that ‘many are called, but few are chosen’ (Matthew 22:14). What makes the difference between ‘many called’ and ‘chosen few?’ The ‘chosen’ say, ‘Yes’ when God calls. While Isaac’s verbal response was not recorded, his actions spoke louder than words. (26:6): So Isaac dwelt in the land. He was truly chosen.

Reap: (26:12) Isaac chose to obey and dwell. This verse gives a remarkable point: Isaac sowed in the land and in the same year he reaped 100-fold – and the Lord blessed Him. He prospered with flocks, herds, and servants. Remember, this sowing and reaping was in a time of drought and famine. Yes, it is possible to to prosper in crisis, but one must do as Isaac did.

When a person comes to Christ, they are not just part of their earthly family – they join God’s family. At the new birth, they become dual-citizens of their native land but also of God’s kingdom. And, remember this, the person of faith is not just tied to the local, national, and global economy; if they obey Biblical principles of finance, they are stakeholders in God’s economy.

Next time, we will explore this topic more, as well as how to handle opposition.


Take Your Rest: The Fourth Commandment Part 04

The Sabbath and the Christian

 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it Exodus 20:8-11

In our last article we looked at the importance of the Sabbath to Jewish people. According to Exodus 31:16 it says ‘the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath … for a perpetual covenant.’ The next verse, 17, reiterates that it is a sign between God and the children of Israel for ever. From all appearances, the Sabbath in the Torah was meant to distinguish Israel from all the other nations. It served as a memorial to creation. Today, observant Jews have the day off, enjoy a special Sabbath dinner, and spend the time with family and in the synagogue.

The Sabbath to the Christian

In Christendom, there has been much disagreement of how similar, or different, our understanding and practice of Sabbath should be. Some wanted to replicate Jewish practice, while others said it was for ‘Israel only.’ 

Here are some guidelines:

1.      Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Jesus is Lord even of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8; Mark 2:28; Luke 6:5). So His principles should supersede anything found in the Old Testament or by rabbinic tradition.

2.      Council at Jerusalem: In Acts 15, the Mother Church in Jerusalem, which was predominantly Jewish, had to decide what to do with the many Gentiles in the Diaspora who were coming to faith in Jesus. This especially applied to the growing Gentile church in places like Antioch, where the disciples were first called ‘Christian’ (Acts 11:26). Were Gentiles obliged to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses, including Sabbath? In other words, did Gentiles have to become Jews before they could become a Christian? Short answer: No. Salvation comes from grace through faith, not works (Acts 15:11). The Council at Jerusalem gave Gentile believers four simple principles, all to do with heathen worship: Gentiles were to abstain from fornication, eating blood, strangled meat, and meat offered to idols. That’s it! Not a word about circumcision or Sabbath-keeping was mentioned.

3.      Sabbath-keeping needs to be of personal conviction: Romans 14:5: One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.

4.      First-day of the week: This is Sunday and may also be the Lord’s Day referred to by the Apostle John in Revelation 1:10, when he received the revelation of Jesus Christ on Patmos. Sunday was the day that the empty tomb was discovered. In Acts 20:7, the disciples at Troas (Troy) gathered to break bread and hear the preaching of Paul on Sunday. In 1 Corinthians 16:2, as believers gather together, to also collect the offering at that time, implying that Sunday meetings were common. The logic of moving the day of rest and worship from Saturday to Sunday very early in church history involves several things: Jewish Sabbath was a memorial of creation; Christian Sabbath memorialises the new creation in Messiah; Jewish Sabbath remembers the creation of the first Adam; Christian Sabbath remembers the resurrection of the second Adam. Jewish Sabbath ends the week, the Lord’s Day begins it.

5.      Colossians 2:16-17: The purpose of this epistle was to combat an insidious local heresy involving a medley of eastern mysticism, Greek philosophising and Jewish legalism. The antidote was by highlighting that Jesus Christ is Number One in all things. It has this strict warning about not allowing anyone to judge a Colossian believer in the matter of food, drink, holy days or sabbath days. These things are the shadow but Christ is the substance. Our focus should be Christ, not becoming bond-slaves to mandatory Sabbatarianism.

Colossians 2:16-17: Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

6.      Saturday Sabbath for Christians: There are some Christian groups that demand Saturday Sabbath observance. The problem with this position is that it is never a ‘stand-alone,’ ‘ala carte’ option – it is a package deal. Such insistence leads to other forms of Old Testament observance which quenches the Holy Spirit and leads to unhealthy legalism. This includes mandatory observance of other Old Testament feasts, double and triple tithing, and religious circumcision. All this is in violation of the teachings of the New Testament, particularly Galatians and Colossians.

In summary, for Christians the general principles of Sabbath are good: a day for rest, refreshment, family, and worship. We should make every effort to practice and enjoy this.

In his book Christ in the Sabbath, Rich Robinson, a Jewish believer in Messiah, writes about his Jewish experience of Sabbath-keeping. After examining this topic from every angle, his conclusion is that for the Christian, ‘Sabbath’ need not be any particular day. We agree.

In our next article, we will see Sabbath and the bigger picture of Hebrews 4. It will be worth the wait.


US Presidential Election: Prayer Points


On Tuesday, 3 November 2020, the people of the United States will go to the polls to elect the President. The two candidates are current Republican US President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger former Vice-President Joe Biden. The US ballots will have more than just 2 names: All 435 seats in the House of Representatives, one-third of all senators, and several state governorships are up for grabs. 

It is a great thing that the American people, like all citizens in the free world, have the right to choose their elected leaders in free and fair elections unlike the sham elections or no elections of autocratic nations. Unlike Australia, voting in the United States is not compulsory.

Yet, we can also agree that this particular election is very unusual and highly charged. The party conventions were mostly virtual. Joe Biden is rarely on the campaign trail, spending his time in his Delaware basement. At the time of this writing, the much anticipated  presidential debates are still ‘ON’ but there is pressure from key Democrats to cancel them.

How Should We Respond?

First of all, it is important to make an informed decision of where to cast your vote. The Democratic Party platform can be found here:

A comparison of the policy positions of the Democrats and Republicans can be found here.

On top of all this, there are serious pointers to potential election interference.

Pre-Election Challenges

1.       Foreign hackers: There are concerted attempts to interfere, through cyber-space, with the US election. This could come from anywhere but the key countries being nominated for this dark activity include Iran, China, and Russia, not to mention potential domestic hackers.

2.       Mail-in Ballots: Distinguished from absentee ballots, these are offered to people with minimal or no identification, making the possibility of multiple voting, ballot harvesting, or non-citizens voting all the more real. Can the already stretched US postal service even handle millions of ballots in a timely manner?

3.       Big Tech: There have been serious allegations that social media giants could meddle in the election by manipulation the information people see; they have already been accused of censoring conservative voices. Though they are meant to merely serve as platform and not as editors of information (thus exempting them from liable suits), there have already been a congressional investigation and a Presidential executive order on this issue.

4.       Media: Sound journalistic practice, in televised and print-media, has been in decline for a while. With a few exceptions, media workers act like political activists with a newspaper column and verified Twitter account, rather than professional journalists. But the current undisguised bias, ideological bent, failure to properly report the news (e.g. Israel & UAE peace agreement), and obvious hatred and fury, is doing the US a great disservice.

Post Election Challenges

The Biden campaign has hired 600 lawyers to contest results in the event of a close result, especially in key swing states. They want to prevent the Republicans from ‘stealing the election again,’ though there was no proof of this in the recent past.

The last time there was a contested US Presidential election was in 2000 between Al Gore and George W. Bush. The final results were only announced after 6 weeks and was decided by a ruling of the US Supreme Court.

In the event of a contested election, especially with 600 lawyers, the case could go on much longer. If it is unresolved beyond 20 January 2021, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, would become temporary President until the final results are announced. This would be damaging to an already polarised society

How Shall We Pray

Here are some prayer points:

1.       Election integrity: That attempts at cyber or non-cyber election interference, by foreigners and/or Americans, will not succeed.

2.       Proper balloting: That voters can and will vote in-person, and to minimise or eliminate potential voter fraud;

3.       Big tech: Pray for social media giants to do the right thing and allow for fair and uncensored information to be made available as a public service;

4.       Informed electorate: That the American people will be accurately and sufficiently informed about the candidates and issues that they will make a wise decision.

5.       Proper journalism: That the media can go from political activism to professional journalism: get the true story, present the facts, and let the people decide;

6.       Pray against the strongholds:which are clearly manifest in America at this time (2 Corinthians 10:4-5):

1.       Rebellion,

2.       Lawlessness,

3.       Hatred,

4.       Fear,

5.       Violence,

6.       Division,

7.       Deception,

8.       Cancel-culture,

9.       Marxism,

10.   Anarchy,

11.   Jezebel.

7.       Decisive vote: Pray for a decisive result on 3-4 November.

Whether you are an American or not, you have a vested interest in the outcome of this election. Effectual fervent prayer in the heavens is the most powerful vote of all.

From Meltdown to Mountaintop: Why Study the Book of Habakkuk Part 02?

In Part 01, we had a survey of recent history and the meltdowns it has brought. In 2001, there was a major terrorist attack called ‘9-11.’ In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was a major natural disaster that destroyed the American city of New Orleans. In 2008, the world economy had a heart attack called the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). 

Just in 2020 alone, there has been drought, bush fires (wild fires in the USA), Covid-19, lockdowns, Covid-19 fascism, economic downturn, protests and riots

How do we respond when ‘the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vine?’ How can we survive and thrive in the midst of crisis?

How do we go from ‘meltdown to mountaintop?’

We get our cue from Habakkuk. He teaches us to have serious, honest dialogue with the living God. We are enlightened by that transformational verse (2:4), The just shall live by his faith,’ which spawned the Protestant Reformation. Vision, faithfully waiting for its fulfilment, drawing strength from God, putting on the deer’s feet, walking on the high places, and rejoicing in all circumstances are part of the priceless legacy this prophet left to the world.

 Here in Part 02, we will continue and conclude the introduction to this key prophetic book. 


Habaqquq”UNUSUAL, FROM habaq meaning ‘embrace’ or ‘cling.’ As Jonah ran from God, Habakkuk is the prophet who ran to God to embrace and cling unto Him.


Calls himself a prophet from the kingdom of Judah and possibly served as a priest in the Jerusalem temple. Apart from this, we know nothing more about him.


God is our strength and hind’s feet (3:18). Salvation is used 3 times (3:13, 18). This salvation ushers in the promise of chapter 2:14 ‘For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.’


God’s ways may not make sense to the natural mind, like using the Chaldeans to chasten the Judeans, but you can ‘believe and trust’ Him to do what is right. The key word is ‘faith.’

At the end of the book, we also learn much about victorious living. When everything goes wrong, rejoice in the Lord, draw strength from God, and He will give you hind’s feet to walk upon the high places.


2:4: Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

3:17-19: Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.


Considering these tragic events, Habakkuk wants to know how God can be holy and yet patient in the face of such evil from Judah. God replies that He will judge Judah by the Babylonians. Habakkuk is shocked that God would use a thoroughly unrighteous nation like Babylon to judge a much less unrighteous nation like Judah.

The prophet learns that judging evil–in His own way and time–is God’s sovereign business. Our business is to live by faith. God’s justice decrees that Babylon will be judged. Judah will be revived and restored, because of God’s promises in the covenants. Habakkuk asks for mercy and learns that through faith, rejoicing, and God’s strength, he can catapult from valley bottom to mountain top (3:17-19)


I.           Meltdown of Habakkuk (1:1 – 17): Question & Answer


A.    Habakkuk’s First Question: Why Hasn’t God Judged Judah’s Sin? (1:1-4)


B.     God’s First Answer: Judah will be Chastened by the Chaldeans (1:5-11)


C.    Habakkuk’s Second Question: Why Use Wicked Chaldeans to Punish Less Wicked Judah? (1:12-17)


D.    God’s Second Answer (2:1-20)

1.      The Just–Who Live By Faith–Shall Be Preserved (2:1-5)

2.      The Chaldeans will be Judged (2:6-19)

3.      God is in Control (2:20)

II.        Mountaintop of Habakkuk (3:1-19): From Vision to Ascent

A.    Habakkuk Prays for Mercy (3:1-2)

B.     The Glory of God Revealed (3:3-4)

C.    The Power of God Revealed (3:5-15)

D.    Habakkuk Humbled (3:16)

E.     Habakkuk Promoted … to the Mountaintop (3:17-19)




Take Your Rest: The Fourth Commandment Part 03


The Jewish Sabbath 

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it Exodus 20:8-11 

In many ways, the fourth commandment is a wonderful thing: it is meant to be benign, beneficial, and refreshing. It is God’s way of telling you – in short – to ‘take your rest.’ In the busy beehive world we live in, what a wonderful gift this is.

Yet, as we learned, the blessing of Sabbath was marred by man-made rules and regulations that made it more a burden than a blessing. Many interpretations, and home-cooked traditions distorted the Sabbath beyond recognition. When Jesus of Nazareth came to the scene with the true interpretation and practice, He was accused of Sabbath-breaking and His opponents were so bent out of shape by His conduct that they wanted to kill Him over the Sabbath.

Even until now, a few Christian groups have adopted the same legalistic mindset. They teach that unless you strictly keep the Sabbath on Saturday, you are in danger of hell-fire. Another demand, though slightly less dramatic, is that Saturday Sabbath-keeping, like religious circumcision for male infants, is not an ala carte, ‘pick and choose’ cafeteria-style proposition. It is a package deal: you are duty-bound to keep all the law of Moses, which is a flagrant violation of the liberty principles found in Galatians and other New Testament epistles.

What should our present day attitude towards the Sabbath be? How does it apply to Jews and Christians?

To The Jew First

A very important passage on Israel and the Sabbath is found in Exodus 31:12-17. Verse 16 it says ‘the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath … for a perpetual covenant.’ The next verse, 17, reiterates that it is a sign between God and the children of Israel for ever.

From this passage alone, we can infer that the Sabbath, as originally instituted at Sinai, was made for Israel. It is what marked them as God’s peculiar people. One of its key purposes was as a memorial to creation, where God ‘rested’ and was ‘refreshed.’

While there are various ideas and practices among the Jewish community regarding Sabbath, it is universally recognised as a ‘day off,’ ‘day of rest,’ ‘a time with family,’ a morning or evening at the synagogue, and the much loved Sabbath-meal that commences with candle-lighting. In most cases, it is doubtful that they view it as necessary for salvation; it is simply part of recognised Jewish practice, along with other commands of the Torah, which they have done for centuries.

Of course, in modern Israel, it is a national day off. As expressed before, it is amazing to see a bustling nation come to a grinding halt – seemingly suddenly – and remain that way for 24 hours. There is a lesson in this for us all.

In our next article, we will see how the Christian should respond to the Sabbath.


Beyond Covid-19: Is There A Word from the Lord? Part 04


Be Strong in the Lord

As this service has declared repeatedly, the year 2020 has been the most unusual, eventful, and downright crazy year in living memory (for most of us, at least). It will be hard to forget.

Multiple challenges, like waves crashing against the rocks, have buffeted the world as a whole. Take Australia for example: it has had crippling drought, wide spread bush fires, Covid-19 lockdown, reprieve, and then Melbourne was hit with another major lockdown, with curfews and police knocking on the door.

The United States has been hit with Covid-19, with the world’s highest death rate. Then there was lockdown, in various degrees according to which political party runs the state. Then there’s the ‘George Floyd riots,’ meant to protest police brutality. Yet, how does burning Bibles in Portland Oregon have anything to do with George Floyd, a struggling but professing Christian, or police brutality?

The protests, much which emanate from the Left, have reproduced themselves on cue across the western world, including Britain, Australia, and even Israel. The culture war, which this service has discussed for many months, is being displayed in full view. The two sides are the secular humanist/cultural Marxist/progressive, who want a globalist socialistic pantheistic utopian world of equality, inclusion, and tolerance — without God, of course (hence the burning of Bibles). The other side has a worldview of nationalism, exceptionalism, personal liberties, limited government, and for many, the motto ‘In God We Trust.’ The stakes are for the survival of the western civilisation as we know it.

The pandemic, lockdown, unemployment, closed schools and sporting events, have created the ‘perfect storm’ for the unrest in the summer of 2020. The rhetoric and actions of the culture war have become more inflamed, including ‘cancel-culture,’ which has been facilitated in part by Twitter. Remember, however, this most important point: the roots of this problem are spiritual and the solution is equally spiritual.

Is There A Word from the Lord?

Of course! God is always speaking, the question is ‘Are we listening?’

Here are two words: I Chronicles 12:32f: And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do …. We will know what to do when we have ‘understanding of the times.’

Second word: Ephesians 6:10-13: Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The key phrase for us in all this is ‘be strong in the Lord.’ Since the multiple challenges we face can be strength-depleting, wisdom decrees that we go to a great source of power. Psalm 62:11 declares that ‘power belongs to God,’ as well as mercy and steadfast love (verse 12).

How, then, do we become ‘strong in the Lord’ and in the ‘power of His might?’ Recognise the following:

1.          Strength is a decision to obey God: Ephesians 6:10 is not a polite suggestion; it is actually a command. ‘Be strong in the Lord.’ When you are strong in the Lord, you are strong indeed. And remember, don’t be fooled by size. Often we are tempted to gauge strength by the size of a person or even their athletic prowess. Yet, it is the person who is spiritually strong that has the greatest strength of all, regardless of physique or size.

2.          Strength is according to God’s might, not yours: God is the source of all power and it is limitless. Therefore, the spiritually strengthened person is drawing strength from God.

3.          Invisible spiritual foes: Christian charity decrees that we have an entirely different attitude to people who oppose than Joshua and his armies had to the Canaanites. We are to love, pray, and bless all people, since they are made in the image of God and Christ died for them, too. They are not our real or front-line enemies. In fact, the real enemy is the one you can’t see. Ephesians 6:12 describes these adversaries as principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Such enemies are far more powerful than any human foe.

4.          Spiritually weaponry: The good news is that God has equipped us with spiritual weaponry that is more than able to inhibit, stop, or turn back spiritual foes. Here in Ephesians we have the ‘whole armour of God’ and are commanded to put it on. These include the gospel of peace on our feet, belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of salvation, shield of faith and sword of the Spirit. There’s more: Jesus overcame the devil in the wilderness by confessing the Word of God; we can do the same. Praise and worship won a tremendous victory for King Jehoshaphat against 3 kingdoms (2 Chronicles 20).

5.          Spiritual empowerment: In addition to the free gift of the gospel and salvation in Christ, the New Testament teaches us about the baptism and fulness of the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit in poured out, the believer receives power and boldness (Acts 1:8). Therefore, prayer in the Spirit is highly encouraged as part of your devotional life and spiritual weaponry. Jude 20 says you build yourself up in your most holy faith as you pray in the Holy Spirit.

 Finally, if you want strength from God, follow the practical exhortation of James 4:7-8f: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Strength comes by submission, surrender (to God), resistance (to the devil, who will flee from you). As you come closer to God, He will come closer to you. Do these things and you will never run out of power.

 Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strengthIsaiah 26:4

Beirut Mega-Blast & Hagia Sophia Mosque: Two Great Shakings


It was like a shot heard around the world. On August 4, 2020, at Beirut, Lebanon, a massive explosion ripped through the port and leaving a 200 metre crater. At this writing, the death total stands at 135, injuries at 5,000, and homeless at 300,000. Foreign Policy magazine likened it to Beirut’s ‘Chernobyl,’ the infamous 1986 nuclear accident that had far reaction results for years to come.

The cause of the explosion was 2,750 tons of combustible ammonium nitrate. It is used for fertiliser but can, under certain conditions, be used as an explosive. The current batch was stored from an impounded ship in 2013. Why did authorities continue to store this dangerous material in the heart of Lebanon’s capital, where buildings, business and people were located? Apparently, the authorities had been warned that these chemicals were dangerous to the population but they did nothing.

Long-suffering Lebanon has been hit again

The Arab world’s most secular and freest nation, where Christian and Muslim lived on an equal footing, Lebanon was called the ‘Switzerland of the Middle East’ and Beirut ‘Paris’ on the Mediterranean. Once ancient Phoenicia, modern Lebanon was carved out Syria as a mountainous refuge for its Christian community.

Lebanon has a turbulent modern history: It was the scene of a senseless and fruitless civil war from 1975-1990, where a minimum of 100,000 were killed. Its territory was used in war to fight Israel in 1982 and 2006. Terrorism has poked its ugly head from time-to-time, including a powerful blast that killed former prime minister Rafik Hariri in 2005.

Then there are the refugees. Palestinians have lived in camps in Lebanon since1948. Then in 2011, Syrians have fled to Lebanon as a refuge. Life has not been easy.

In recent times, Lebanon has been the scene of numerous street protests against corruption and economic troubles. The Lebanese lira lost at least 85% of its value and this traditionally mercantile nation is on the brink of insolvency. Lebanon needs $93 billion to bail it out of its troubles; now add another $15 billion just for rebuilding the port.

The role of Hizballah, the Lebanese Shiite militia, is under the spotlight. Hizballah, founded in 1982, as an Iranian proxy militia to resist Israel during the 1982 war. One of its major goals is the destruction of the Jewish state as a Shiite and Muslim imperative. After years of harassment of Israel troops stationed in southern Lebanon, 2,000 Hizballah guerrillas managed to accomplish what no Arab Sunni government even could: Compel Israel to retreat under fire. They withdrew from southern Lebanon in May 2000, but that was not the end of the confrontation.

Emboldened by this victory, Hizballah kidnapped Israeli soldiers, which led to the 2006 Second Lebanon War. For 34 days, Hizballah fired 1000s of rockets into northern Israel. Though the fighting ended in a cease fire, and no territory was gained, Hizballah declared victory over Israel.

Hizballah has rearmed since 2006 and has 150,000 rockets and missiles, which are hidden in towns and villages across southern Lebanon. This time, these rockets can effectively target all of Israel, not just the North. Its military strength effectively gives it a ‘veto’ over Lebanese government decisions.

Hizballah has de facto control of Beirut’s port and airport, thus they know what’s going on. Why were they allowing highly dangerous chemicals to be stored at a port in a busy urban area? Perhaps the 2017 comments of their leader, Hassan Nasrallah, give a clue. He expressed a willingness to bomb ammonium nitrate depots near Haifa port in Israel, which would be like a nuclear bomb explosion. Were they holding onto the Beirut port supply of ammonium nitrate for future use against Israel?

Its economic crisis was well underway before the arrival of Covid-19, but add to that the Beirut blast and Lebanon is in serious danger of becoming a failed nation-state.

Let’s pray against this prospect. Not only for the sake of all Lebanese, but especially for Christians of every stripe (Orthodox, Maronite, and Protestant).

HAGIA SOPHIA: From Museum to Mosque

It is perhaps Turkey’s most popular museum – while it was still a museum. On 10 July 2020, the Hagia Sophia Museum was handed over to Turkey’s Religious Affairs Department and declared as a mosque by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The magnificent Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) was built nearly 1,500 years ago by Byzantine Emperor Justinian; this was Christendom’s largest basilica and seat of the Orthodox patriarch. It is the eastern equivalent to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. So grand was it that could be forgiven for thinking it was the epicentre of the Messianic kingdom. When the choir sang, the acoustics made it sound like you were listening to the angels in heaven. It was legendary.

Things changed radically in the year 1453 AD. That’s when 21 year old Sultan Mehmet II succeeded in doing where other invaders failed: he conquered the Byzantine capital of Constantinople, thus ending the empire. Mehmet did two major things. Constantinople became capital of the sprawling Ottoman Empire, which encompassed 3 continents. Second, he converted Hagia Sophia into a mosque. He had two reasons: 1. Until 1453, Constantinople had no mosques. This grand building would be the first. 2. He wanted to preserve it from destruction, being a Christian site. Mosaics of Jesus, Mary, and others, so grand in their day, were plastered over.

Under the leadership of Mustapha Kemal Ataturk, founding father of the Turkish Republic, Hagia Sophia was converted from a mosque into a museum. Ataturk was making a statement: Turkey was no longer a religious state with a sultan and caliphate: Turkey was now secular, modern, and western orientation republic.

The Hagia Sophia Museum Christian mosaics were painstakingly restored. As of 2019, over 3.4 million visitors flocked to the museum.

With the announcement of Hagia Sophia’s reconversion back into a mosque, it attracted criticism from the European Union, UNESCO (it is a world heritage site), Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, the European Union and the World Council of Churches. Turkey’s leadership said that tourist visits will continue and the mosaics preserved, though they would be covered during Muslim prayer.

Turkey said it was an internal matter, though it also looked outward: Hagia Sophia’s conversion from museum to mosque is a harbinger of the liberation of al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Like Ataturk, the current Turkish government was also making a statement: We are not secular anymore. Nearly 100 years of western, secular, orientation has been nullified by the stroke of a pen. As this author has stated for years to watch Hagia Sophia: if it became a mosque, this would be the symbolic end of Turkish Kemalist secularism.

Turkey is one of the world’s key countries and holds the balance of power … If Turkey goes from secular to religious, the world will feel the tremors – even more than Beirut.

Watch this space.


From Meltdown to Mountaintop: Why Study the Book of Habakkuk Part 01?


 For students of history, and you can’t be future-ready until you understand it, the 20th Century was the most change-filled and crisis-riddled in history. There were two world wars that killed 10s of millions and completely altered the world order. In-between these two world wars was a Spanish flu pandemic that killed more people that the Great War. The Great Depression was possibly history’s greatest economic downturn to date. After World War II, the Cold War came on the scene, posed some ominous threats, and then quietly ended without a shot.

While the world heaved a sigh of relief, there were more shakings to come. The 21st Century began with the greatest terrorist attack on United States soil: September 11th. Hurricane Katrina was one of the greatest storms in history, virtually destroying the city of New Orleans. Then in 2008 came the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), where the world economy had a heart attack and there was no donor heart for the transplant.

In 2020, nations were reeling due to multiple challenges. Australia suffered from repeated drought, than widespread bush fires, then the Covid-19 lockdown. The United States was hit hard by Covid-19 and the lockdown, economic downturn with high unemployment, and followed by riots in various cities (partially related to the lock downs).

Many of these events can be described as a meltdown. And we need to ask the question why are these things happening? Is it the ‘judgement of God?’ ‘Is it merely a chastening? Is it an attack by Satan? Is it all or none of the above?

 In any case, we need a ‘word from the Lord.’ And in Habakkuk, we’ve got it!

This singular prophet lived through the tempestuous transition from the fierce, warlike Assyrian empire to ascendancy of the Babylonian Empire in the late 7th Century BC. His day was arguably more challenging than our own. In his own nation of Judah, there was a torrent of godlessness. This backslidden nation practiced immorality, corruption, and lowered standards. He was amazed that Almighty God, Whom he served, was so patient in the face of this brazen flaunting of His holy standards.

The prophet is so grieved and incensed at the spiritual laxness of his people that He sought the Lord for answers. While shocked and scandalised by God’s response, Habakkuk comes in for Round Two of questions. Why are you using that nation to punish Judah? God’s response, chronicled in Chapter 2, has changed history.

Habakkuk is the forerunner of the entire gospel of Jesus Christ: proud, unjust, unrighteous, condemned humanity can be made just and righteous through faith in the living God.

Yet there is more. During the 16th Century, a Catholic monk tried valiantly but in vain to drive out his sin. No matter what he did…be it prayers, fasting, asceticism, good works, religious ritual … nothing worked. Nothing. Then one day his eyes landed upon these seven words:

       …the just shall live by his faith (2:4)

Once he read this verse, the monk discovered the answer that eluded him for may months and years. No longer was the Christian life a matter of ‘trying’ but of ‘trusting.’ He was a free man. So central is this tenet that Habakkuk 2:4 is repeated three times in the New Testament (Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; and Hebrews 10:38).

The monk’s name was Martin Luther. The gentle breeze of Habakkuk 2:4, which blew like a mighty wind in the New Testament era, now became a tsunami called ‘The Protestant Reformation.’ Habakkuk, a ‘minor prophet,’ turned out to have a ‘major effect’ on church and human history. 

Begin to walk by faith and not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7) and watch those mountains move!

This passage is truly the key regarding the needful transition from meltdown to mountaintop. If you can take hold and apply what is being offered here, you will never be glued to a valley bottom again.


Roots of the Cultural Revolution


Roots of the Cultural Revolution (and Hope for the Future)

Some of America’s great cities, like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, and New York, are in turmoil. Riots, looting, flag burning and statue toppling have been the alarming hallmarks. But that’s not all: attacking churches, synagogues, and even burning Bibles is now part of the protest. What, if anything, does this have to do with the death of George Floyd in police custody on May 25, 2020?

As we learned last time, similar activities happened in the 1960s. Like now, the end goal was a Marxist revolution. While the 1960s was during the Cold War, with a Marxist superpower called the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe under communism. Today, in the post-Cold War world, we are seeing the seeds of sixties radicalism come to fruition.

Remember that while the average protestor / rioter may not be aware of the full picture, there is an evil logic behind these disturbing events. There are some very wealthy donors behind it all, as well as a compliant media and politicians who not only fail to condemn the violence, but even deny that it is even happening and/or tacitly support it.

 Introducing Saul Alinsky

To understand today, we need to introduce an important figure and cultural Marxist: Saul Alinsky (1909-1972). Born Jewish, Alinsky was an American disciple of Antonio Gramsci. As a revolutionary from within the United States, Alinsky learned methods of shake-down and subversion first-hand from the Chicago mafia itself. His book Rules for Radicals documents his methods. Tellingly, the book was dedicated to Lucifer, the first rebel. His shake-down methods helped him net much money and many disciples, including a former Democrat US President and a Presidential candidate. These methods included ‘divide and conquer,’ ‘spawn chaos,’ ‘identify scapegoats,’ ‘misinformation,’ ‘start a group,’ ‘alter the vocabulary,’ ‘decoys,’ and, when the time is right, grab power.

In his day, Alinsky methods were technically not illegal. For example, he sent his radicals into Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, where they went into the toilet cubicles, lock themselves in, and refuse to come out for hours. Imagine the frustration of air travellers! Airport’s response: What do we need to do to get you to leave? Or threaten city hall by unleashing rodents on the steps. The likelihood of giving Alinsky what he wanted was greatly enhanced.

 Today’s events are playing out according to Alinsky’s rules for radicals. For example:

1.        Use chaos: Let there be no rhyme or reason behind the violence. For example, confederate statues (who supported slavery), abolitionist statues (who opposed slavery), and even Lincoln statues (who ended slavery) are all targets for toppling. Keep the establishment guessing and confused.

2.        Violence: Be violent, riot, loot, and cause havoc. If the leader and police hesitate, they are weak. If they respond, they are oppressors.

3.        Mislead: While calling the establishment ‘liar, liar, liar,’ simultaneously create a campaign of disinformation;

4.        Ridicule: Like the flesh-eating piranhas, ridicule your opponent until they are completely dehumanised. If they try to defend themselves, slap them down.

5.        Scapegoats: The Jewish people are very familiar with this during their long history. Why are we in turmoil? Blame the scapegoats. Today’s version includes Donald Trump, white people, Russia, and Christians, particularly evangelicals, and Jews. Dictators enhance their power by scapegoating – ask Adolf Hitler.

6.        Division: While the West has been able to unite people of different backgrounds, the far left want to divide society. One particular weapon is identity politics, which pits women, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities against whites, heterosexual men, and Christians.

7.        The Issue: Using clever semantics, remember the issue at hand (e.g. police brutality, George Floyd, racism, equality) is not really the issue. The end-goal is create a movement, foment revolution, and seize power.


How is it that Cultural Marxism succeeded in capturing major organs of western culture, like the media, judiciary, and entertainment industry? The answer is the education system. Yesterday’s students have become today’s radicals. It is not just in the universities: Cultural Marxism has also seeped into the primary and secondary schools as well. In 2007, a very credible and incisive scholar said that today’s American and western universities are teaching the same ideology that was taught in Germany during the 1930s. No wonder Nazism took over: yesterday’s graduates became future radicals and operating the German killing machine of World War II. Is it any wonder we having Bolshevik and Nazi-style unrest today? Gramsci, Marcuse, and Alinsky would be very proud.


It is this author’s conviction that the best solution – perhaps the only solution – is a spiritual revival. In the 1960s, despite all the unrest, a revival broke out called the ‘Jesus Revolution.’ Dr. Michael Brown (USA) and Bill Muehlenberg (Australia) were yesterday’s radicals who have become important ministers of Christ today – thanks to this spiritual revolution.

God can do it again. For it to happen, we need to pray, intercede, repent where necessary, and be filled with the Holy Spirit. As we learn from another article in this month’s Issachar Teaching eLetter, we have potent spiritual weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). As radicals are toppling statues, we can topple spiritual strongholds. Here’s 9 strongholds to demolish:

1.        Stronghold of hate;

2.        Stronghold of fear;

3.        Stronghold of division;

4.        Stronghold of violence;

5.        Stronghold of deception;

6.        Stronghold of cancel-culture;

7.        Stronghold of Marxism;

8.        Stronghold of anarchy & rebellion;

9.        Stronghold of Jezebel (Ahab’s queen: a controlling, manipulative, heathen, hateful and destructive person – the epitome of evil).

In the Book of Joshua, before going to battle, Joshua and the children of Israel did their spiritual preparation at Gilgal.

In order to see rebellion turned to revival, lets use our spiritual weapons, put on the whole armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-13), pray in the Spirit (Jude 20), and obey God’s clear commands.

Now that you have been commissioned and equipped with God’s solution, now is the time to put it into practice.