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Church Planting in Victoria

Richard Worth, writer and researcher from North Geelong PC, gives us an update on the state of progress of our five church plants for your prayers.

Church Plant One: ‘Valley Presbyterian Church’ in Doreen—a brand new suburb on the North Eastern fringe of Melbourne with 40,000 mostly white middle class people, with big homes, big mortgages and all the stress and work that goes with them.

The Pastor: Richard Wilson (married, four children) started from scratch five years ago and now has an average attendance of about 150 on a Sunday morning, meeting in a school hall.
Valley Presbyterian has made connections into the community through engaging with community fairs, letter box drops, door knocking, the Internet and Facebook. Reaching out to the local children through the Summer Wipeout program in January has been a great way to connect with local families.

Pray: ‘We don’t lack places to plant churches, we lack suitable church planters. Pray that the Lord would raise up a new generation of church planters amongst us.’ (Richard)

Why is Good Friday called ‘good’?

‘G’day, do you know why today is called Good Friday?’


p style=”text-align: justify;”>For the last two years Youth inC (Warrnambool Presbyterian church’s youth group) has learnt the ‘2 ways to live’ gospel outline and then used bottle tops to help explain the gospel to people on Good Friday. Initially, it was more of a training exercise to help our teens learn the gospel and grow in confidence by explaining the gospel to strangers. However, God has been very gracious and this year a number of teens got to explain the gospel to people from which a few great conversations occurred.

‘We have felt very supported’

1 Peter 1:6-7

In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith –of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed.’

By now I suspect that you have all heard that the Geelong West Presbyterian Church buildings on the cnr of Pakington St and Waratah St were burnt to the ground in the early hours of the morning on Friday, April 15. While some structure remains standing, the whole site was condemned and nothing was able to be salvaged.

Meet Daniel and Melissa Dixon


I grew up in Mooroolbark, in Melbourne’s outer east. After finishing school, I studied Accounting at RMIT University where I met Melissa in my classes. I then worked as an Accountant for a sports insurance company, before starting a ministry apprenticeship (METRO) at the RMIT Christian Union and my local church.

Melissa also grew up in Melbourne, living in Oakleigh. She studied a degree in Financial Planning and then worked in superannuation and investment administration. She also undertook a ministry apprenticeship and is mum to our children, Noah (2 years old) and Josiah (born last year).

I became a Christian at Uni while attending a Bible study group at the RMIT Christian Union. It was there I was struck by the evidence for Christianity, had the gospel explained to me, and began to trust in Christ for my salvation.

Chaplain to the Kirkbrae Presbyterian Home

Chaplain to the Kirkbrae Presbyterian Home (1.0EFT)

An exciting opportunity exists for a Chaplain to work with residents, families and staff at Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes in outer eastern Melbourne, commencing 1/7/2016 or as negotiated.

Applicants should be an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

They should demonstrate a heart for aged care chaplaincy work with relevant theological qualifications ,practical experience and a commitment to personal, spiritual and professional development.

For a full position description and details of the application process please contact:

Mrs Kathy James
Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Presbyterian Church of Victoria
at chaplaincy [AT] pcvic [DOT] org [DOT] au

These details are also available on this website – please view the Health & Community Chaplaincy Committee or Social Services Committee pages:

Applications close 15th May, 2016

(Please note this position is being re-advertised)

HMWA Annual General Meeting

Dear Friends,

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of the Home Mission Workers’ Association (HMWA) on Tuesday 12 April at 10:30am. The meeting will take place in the Robert White Hall, Level 1, 156 Collins Street, Melbourne, and our guest speaker will be Mr Steven Arbuckle, Home Missionary at Eaglehawk Presbyterian Church. A light lunch will be provided by the HMWA. 

The HWMA supports Home Mission Stations, Home Missionaries and student candidates for ministry as part of a work of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. Come and join us to show your support for this important ministry of the PCV!


Meet Brett and Rebekah Cummins

ps.Brett Cummins Photo for Fellow Workers

Brett & Rebekah Cummins graduated from the Presbyterian Theological College last year and has now moved to the Wangaratta Parish and begun ministry in the Wangaratta, Yarrawonga & Myrtleford congregations.

Born in New Zealand, Brett grew up in Shepparton. After high school, Brett attended university in Ballarat where he completed a Bachelor of Computing, which led to a job in computing at IBM in Ballarat; providentially as this is where he met Beck! Brett was challenged by Beck’s commitment to her faith and began investigating the claims of the Bible for himself and by the grace of God, was brought to faith in Christ in 2003.

Kirkbrae Development Project

The new development at Kirkbrae has now reached the stage where the Social Services Committee at the February meeting was informed by our architect, Brett Somerville of Thomson Adsett, that the completion date for the administration building is 6 May, and the eight apartments, 22 July. The committee was encouraged by this news with the knowledge that there is increased community awareness of the new apartments with inquiries from retirees wishing to come and live at Kirkbrae.

With momentum gathering for the development, the committee decided at the February meeting to continue with the renovation of the cottage kitchens and bathrooms to meet community expectations for modern facilities.

To meet this need, the committee drew on the Mavis Smith Bequest for $54,000 which was generously matched by the Scots’ Property Trustees through a Trust held by the Trustees for housing elderly people. This total funding of $108,000 will enable the committee to undertake the renovation of six cottages.

This is an exciting time for the committee, the executive team and residents as we all look forward to the completion of the first stage of the redevelopment of Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes.

Robert Lowe
Social Services Committee