I have been thinking, over the last few weeks, about the term ‘essential’. It has become part of our vernacular in a previously unseen way. I used to say ‘essential’ when I was speaking about getting something important or urgent like “It is essential I get chocolate today”. Now, the word has become synonymous with restrictions. Am I an essential worker? Is this task essential so I can leave the house? We have been forced to consider every area of our life, every action that we take to determine if they are within the requirements and restrictions of the current time. It has impacted every area of our life in a way that has not been known before.
By its definition essential means “absolutely necessary, extremely important.”
It got me thinking about the ways in which church is essential, particularly in the lead up to Easter when our Prime Minister indicated that ministers of religion were essential workers for the purpose of Easter services.
Is church essential?
According to McCrindle research the percentage of the Australian population who identify Christianity as their religion has declined over the last decade from 68% to 61.1%[1]. It should be noted that the number of people identifying as Christian does not necessarily translate into people attending church or being an active part of a faith community with National Church Life Survey data from 2011 suggesting that about 7% of the Australian population attend church on a Sunday[2]. On numbers alone, the data does not seem positive.
However, what the COVID-19 restrictions have shown us is an interesting dynamic, with research suggesting that many churches are reporting higher numbers of people linking in through online services than those who previously have attended church services. We have seen many encouraging and inspiring examples of churches adapting to the changing environment with the current situation providing many different opportunities for mission. Carey Nieuwhof gives some great thoughts about how to press into the digital space for growing our churches.[3]
It still, though, doesn't answer the question about whether church is essential?
To me it is! As a member of a church community I love belonging to a faith community. They encourage me, challenge me to grow, support me when I am feeling wobbly – generally they are the hands and feet of Jesus to me. Now I recognise that while there is the deeper ontological question about the essential nature of church, there is also the way in which the church is functionally essential for us today.
The essential nature of church is not just about how many people come through our doors but more importantly is being a flourishing community of believers who love God, love each other and love the world (or just our neighbourhood) around us.
Here are some suggestions to help your church prove itself to be essential at this time:
Loving God:
- Develop a church spotify list with your church most sung worship songs to help people sing along at home.
- Explore spiritual disciplines that you don’t normally use.
- Encourage people to pray in smaller groups online during the week
- Point people to a bible reading program.
- Encourage people to recognise God’s presence with them throughout their day.
Loving each other:
- Encourage your members to pray for five other people in your church each day and text them a word of encouragement.
- Suggest people meet online for lunch or dinner (smaller groups work better in this environment) and just hangout.
- Use online games for some fun interaction. There are some great Pictionary/card/game apps and websites.
- For families with kids, share schooling resources or organise appropriate help for each other.
- Drop off a meal on someone’s doorstep.
Loving our neighbourhoods:
- Check in with our neighbour to see if they are ok.
- Drop off a meal if you can.
- Watch a movie at the same time and chat via text or messenger during the movie.
- If you live next door to each other, have a coffee in your driveway with each other.
- Say hello to people that we pass when we are out for walks.
- Check in with local neighbourhood houses/centres to see if they need emergency food.
Being an essential church includes finding ways to deepen our love of God, each other and our neighbour. My guess is, if we encourage every single person in our church to do something in each of the three areas, we will have flourishing churches whether we are meeting in person or not.