Category Archives: Prayer

Call of God Series Part 05: How to Respond to God’s Call Practically

Now that you know God has called you, where do you go from here? How do you respond to His call in a practical way?
We began to address these questions in Part 04 of this series. Using Romans 12:1-2 as our guide, we learned that our motivation to respond to God was because of His great mercies. Our bodies are to be presented to God and used as a ‘living sacrifice.’ In addition, our minds are surrendered to God for renewal, which will keep us from thinking, acting, and speaking like the world. More on this in a moment.
Here are some other points to make you effective in responding to God’s call:
1.       Forget the world: We need to learn how to turn our backs on the world. This phrase ‘the world’ can be misunderstood. We are not talking about planet earth, with the beautiful trees, plants, waterways, terrain, and skies. Instead, it has to do with the cosmos, the worldly government order or system, under the immediate command of fallen humanity but ultimately under satanic influence. The Bible teaches that the whole world lies under wickedness (I John 5:19) and the wicked one; Satan is ‘prince’ of this world (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) and ‘god’ of this world (II Corinthians 4:4). Scripture condemns friendship with the world, which is rightly considered enmity towards God (James 4:4). For those who crave to be ‘relevant’ with the world, be very careful: you cannot please God and the world, anymore than you can serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13). Therefore, in responding to God’s call to become a living sacrifice, Paul gives us a straightforward command: Do not conform to the world. If we insist in thinking, acting, speaking and supporting the world’s agenda, we are of no use to God. It is like salt losing its saltiness, only good for nothing, but to be cast out and trodden underfoot of men (Matthew 5:13). If we repudiate these things, we become useable and fruitful.
2.       Renew the mind: Responding to the call of God promises transformation – we will be like new people. Such transformation comes by the renewal of our minds. We will be like the thoughts we think or as scripture teaches, as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Renewal of the mind is like a detox and reprogramming of our thoughts. This takes time and discipline. Four ways to renew the mind include: 1) The Word of God – memorise in your mind, retain in your heart, confess with your mouth; 2) The cross of Christ. Embracing the cross, as Paul did (Galatians 6:14), means you will relinquish bad thoughts and they will be replaced with good. 3) The Holy Spirit will help you think new thoughts; let Him lead you in this area; 4) Christian fellowship – you will be like the company you keep (Proverbs 13:20), so make sure you are with people who ‘fear the Lord,’ have the right priorities, and will be a positive influence on you (and vice-versa)
3.       Understand God’s Will: If you will follow through with all the above mentioned steps, the greatest benefit is divine direction. A world-denying, renewed mind will be in an optimal position to discern God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will. Furthermore, you will be able to seek God and exercise your faith to obtain the provision necessary to fulfil His will. Then ‘write the vision,’ make it plain, so whoever reads it will run with it (Habakkuk 2:2-3). Once you know God’s will, write it down, put the appropriate Scripture promises with it, and confess these passages to the Lord. You will be amazed when God’s will comes to pass before your eyes. But no wonder, you laid the groundwork with proper consecration, totally on God’s terms.
Follow these steps and you are on your way. However, we want to offer at least one more article. Stayed tuned for next month’s edition of the Issachar Teaching eLetter.

Hear Am I, Send Me: Understanding the Call of God Part 03

Matthew 22:14 (KJV) For many are called, but few are chosen.
It has to be one of the most concerning verses in the Bible. As mentioned above, Jesus simply states that many are called, and few are chosen. A similar statement is found in Matthew 7:13-14 when He exhorts people to choose the narrow way, because the wide, broad way leads to destruction and many are travelling on that road. The way that leads to life is narrow and difficult and there are few who find it.
When you weigh it all up, the chosen of God are an elite minority. It goes without saying that you should do everything in your power to become part of that minority. But how? How to you go from being merely ‘called’ to becoming gloriously ‘chosen?’
The answer is relatively simple: those who are called either say ‘No’ to God,’ ‘Wait’ to God,’ or give no answer at all. Those who reject the call can change their mind but they don’t have forever to do so. Also, there is the very real danger that the ‘train will leave the platform’ before they have a chance to repent. Those who say ‘Wait’ are telling the Lord that the terms, timing, and territory of fulfilling their call will be according to their time-table, not God’s. It is audaciously presumptuous and dangerous position to take. Consider some of the reasons – more accurately, excuses – we offer in response to the call of God:
    ’I will serve you, Lord, but first let me find a spouse and marry.’
    ‘I will serve you, God, but first let me finish my education.’
    ‘I will serve you, Lord, but first let me work in my career.’
    ‘I will serve you, Lord, but first let me raise my children.’
    ‘I will serve you, Lord, but first let me educate my children.’
    ‘I will serve you, Lord, but first let me make my fortune and pay off my mortgage so that I have money for ministry.’
    ‘I will serve you, Lord, but first let me earn my pension.’
The truth is, those who take such a stance are flirting with all-time failure. The goals they set will only be fulfilled in part, if at all. Plus, more importantly, they will ‘miss the train’ of the call of God. Chances are high that there will not be another one. If, in the grace and mercy of God, there is another chance, it will probably be a consolation prize compared to the ‘first prize’ of answering the call the first time.
To not answer God at all is more than mere rudeness; it is insanity.
Then there are the chosen of God. How did they make the transition from ‘call’ to ‘chosen?’ It is easy: the chosen say ‘Yes’ when God calls. They do so in a timely manner, whole-heartedly, and with single-minded focus. This is the only wise response.
Make no mistake about it: the chosen will not always have an easy ride. They will be tested, misunderstood, rejected, perhaps persecuted. Just look at the life of Joseph in Genesis 37-50. He was clearly chosen of God but suffered much before his time of fulfilment came. This is a fallen world and bad things can happen to good people, indeed all people.
When it rains, the just and unjust both get wet. Yet their is a difference. When trials happen to the unjust, they go lower. When it happens to the just, they go higher (Habakkuk 3:17-19; Psalm 75:6-7). The just, despite everything, will have no regrets in obeying God’s call; the unjust will have a life-time, even an eternity, of regrets because they rejected the call of God.
All things considered, it is a ‘no-brainer:’ wisdom decrees that we say ‘Yes’ to God and, the sooner, the better. It is the only way to be chosen and enjoy a brighter future (Proverbs 4:18).
NEXT TIME: Responding to the Call of God, Practically


In our last article, we learned about the mission of the church. It included the following points:
1.      Glory to God;
2.      Edification;
3.      Holiness;
4.      Evangelism;
5.      Discipleship;
6.      Mission.
At this point
How do we fulfil Six – Mission?
God’s mission is the church’s mission; they are one and the same. God-pleasers will make the mission their highest priority. That leads us to the needful question: How do we fulfil the mission of the church? How do we begin to raise up disciples?
§  1. Evangelism (Mark 16:15);
§  2. Prayer (Matthew 9:38);
§  3. Sending missionaries (Acts 13:1-3; 14:26; Romans 10:15);
§  4. Going to the nations (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8; Romans. 1:13-15; 15:20);
§  5. Be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18; Acts 1:8). Pentecost gives power for mission.
§  6. Giving (Philippians 4:15-18);
The Lord’s Church is experiencing an unprecedented amount of growth, especially in the developing world. Current figures forecast that we could have another one billion souls added to God’s Kingdom in less than a decade. What a wonderful prospect! But what a daunting task!
In order to service today’s church and tomorrow’s believers, we need more people serving God. But the fact is that we do not have enough ministers today, let alone for tomorrow. Even if every graduate of every Bible college and seminary entered and remained in full-time ministry, it would still not be enough.
Thank God, we have a Holy Spirit-inspired solution. It is found in Ephesians 4:11-13:And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Verse 12 speaks of equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry. It is simple:
§  If the Great Commission is only the responsibility of full-time clergy, we will be overwhelmed and the commission unfulfilled.
§  But if the saints are equipped to do the work of the ministry, the Great Commission becomes achievable in our time. In order to equip the church, we need to learn. We can divide the commission into three streams:
1.    CREED: Sound doctrine is the building block to the Christian faith and is essential for every believer if they are going to effectively serve God. Topics like the Tri-unity of God, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the atoning redemptive death of Christ on the cross, the inspiration and infallibility of Scripture, the second coming of Jesus, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, sanctification, and justification, are some of the essential doctrinal foundations of faith (also see Hebrews 6:1-2);
2.    CHARACTER: Christians are called to be the ‘salt of the earth’ and the ‘light of the world.’ Issues of Biblical integrity, the Fruit of the Spirit, Christian grace, love, truth, and holiness, should be emphasised;
3.    COMPETENCIES: Basic skills like prayer, Bible study, witnessing, hearing the voice of God, people skills, and discipline, should be taught.
Combined together, these three streams give the disciple/minister a well-rounded training program for fulfilling mission of the church by recruiting the Body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God — Colossians 1:10


In our last article, we learned about the mission of the church. It included the following points:
1.      Glory to God;
2.      Edification;
3.      Holiness;
4.      Evangelism;
5.      Discipleship;
6.      Mission.
At this point
How do we fulfil Six – Mission?
God’s mission is the church’s mission; they are one and the same. God-pleasers will make the mission their highest priority. That leads us to the needful question: How do we fulfil the mission of the church? How do we begin to raise up disciples?
§  1. Evangelism (Mark 16:15);
§  2. Prayer (Matthew 9:38);
§  3. Sending missionaries (Acts 13:1-3; 14:26; Romans 10:15);
§  4. Going to the nations (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8; Romans. 1:13-15; 15:20);
§  5. Be filled with the Spirit (Ephesians 5:18; Acts 1:8). Pentecost gives power for mission.
§  6. Giving (Philippians 4:15-18);
The Lord’s Church is experiencing an unprecedented amount of growth, especially in the developing world. Current figures forecast that we could have another one billion souls added to God’s Kingdom in less than a decade. What a wonderful prospect! But what a daunting task!
In order to service today’s church and tomorrow’s believers, we need more people serving God. But the fact is that we do not have enough ministers today, let alone for tomorrow. Even if every graduate of every Bible college and seminary entered and remained in full-time ministry, it would still not be enough.
Thank God, we have a Holy Spirit-inspired solution. It is found in Ephesians 4:11-13:And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
Verse 12 speaks of equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry. It is simple:
§  If the Great Commission is only the responsibility of full-time clergy, we will be overwhelmed and the commission unfulfilled.
§  But if the saints are equipped to do the work of the ministry, the Great Commission becomes achievable in our time. In order to equip the church, we need to learn. We can divide the commission into three streams:
1.    CREED: Sound doctrine is the building block to the Christian faith and is essential for every believer if they are going to effectively serve God. Topics like the Tri-unity of God, the divinity and humanity of Jesus, the atoning redemptive death of Christ on the cross, the inspiration and infallibility of Scripture, the second coming of Jesus, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, sanctification, and justification, are some of the essential doctrinal foundations of faith (also see Hebrews 6:1-2);
2.    CHARACTER: Christians are called to be the ‘salt of the earth’ and the ‘light of the world.’ Issues of Biblical integrity, the Fruit of the Spirit, Christian grace, love, truth, and holiness, should be emphasised;
3.    COMPETENCIES: Basic skills like prayer, Bible study, witnessing, hearing the voice of God, people skills, and discipline, should be taught.
Combined together, these three streams give the disciple/minister a well-rounded training program for fulfilling mission of the church by recruiting the Body of Christ to do the work of the ministry.
That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God — Colossians 1:10