Category Archives: Prophecy

When the Taps Run Dry: Understanding the Cape Town Water Crisis

Among the major cities of the world, this one is considered among the most beautiful. It possesses a dramatic backdrop of Table Mountain, Mediterranean-style climate, fertile vineyards in the mountainous hinterland, and sandwiched between Table Bay to the west and False Bay to the east. Equipped with world class hotels, malls, restaurants, highways, and stunning scenery, it is a top global tourist destination. This jewel of a city is called Cape Town, the mother city of South Africa.
Forty kilometres away to the south is the famous ‘Cape Point.’ Known in history as ‘The Cape of Storms,’ it was optimistically renamed ‘The Cape of Good Hope.’ This is where the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean meet the cooler waters of the Atlantic. Until the Suez Canal was built, Europe had no choice but to sail around the Cape en route to India and the East.
I have been to Cape Town 3 times and it never fails to impress. One of the most memorable experiences of my life was climbing Table Mountain with an experienced mountain-climber: high and steep, you feel like you are in a remote national park, but when you look down, there are the skyscrapers of a major metropolis below.
After three years of severe drought, Cape Town is about to get another distinction: Barring a miracle of abundant rainfall, it will be the first major city in modern times to run out of water! The city is serviced by 6 dams in arid areas. The biggest is Theewaterskloof Dam which, at present, has no more than 12% capacity of water.
Consider that the city’s population has grown 79% from 2.4 million in 1995 to 4.3 million today, yet its water storage has only increased by 15%. This in itself means the city was ill-prepared for a time of drought.
As one who teaches on Bible prophecy and the last days, if anything conjures up a poignant image of the end times, it is Cape Town running out of water. More than ballooning western debt – which at this point seems abstract; more than Middle Eastern tension, wars and jihadism – which we treat as if it is were another planet, Cape Town’s water crisis hits close to home. The reason is that if it could happen here, it can happen anywhere.
Waiting for Day Zero
Presently, the citizens of Cape Town can only use 50 litres of water a day. Remember, the average western home uses over 300 litres. If the rains don’t come, Day Zero will. This date when the city turns off the water taps (faucets). It may be in May, it maybe in June. After this date, the only way to get water in Cape Town will be from one of 200 collection points, which will be supervised by the army and police. Residents can obtain 25 litres of water, per person, per day. It will be for cooking, washing, and personal care. The maximum amount of people that can be serviced at a given collection point is 20,000.
Remember, Cape Town is no third world metropolis. Its infrastructure and setting would be the envy of any western city. Simultaneously a very European city yet increasingly African, it is also a uneven city: there are multi-million dollar homes and Babel-high skyscrapers in the inner city, inland suburbs, and the coast. This where mostly white people live. Yet, in the flat inland areas are the shanty-towns where poor people, mostly black, live. Rich or poor, white or black, the paucity of water affects all them now, and will even more so if Day Zero comes to pass.
As far back as 1990, there were predictions that Cape Town could run out of water. Desalination was deemed too cumbersome and impractical, and the one at Mossel Bay was ‘mothballed’ due to expense. Cape Town is not run by the African National Congress (ANC), but the Democratic Alliance (DA). This is considered the white-influenced opposition to the ANC. The DA has some experience and clout, yet it has not come up to speed in handling this emergency situation. The DA has encouraged big money development but with this came big water consumption, that needs to be reigned in. The ANC national government has not helped, either. Water is under local governance, however, the bulk national infrastructure is under the Department of Water and Sanitation.
Outside help was available. Modern Israel has been innovative with water conservation: despite its growing population, limited rainfall and arid climate, Israel has sufficient water for agriculture and people. It regularly offers its expertise to developing countries in Asia and Africa. In February 2016, Israel planned a Johannesburg water conference in order to share its insights. Yet, the South African government, which promotes the Palestinian cause and has excellent relations with Hamas, cancelled the conference in deference to BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel). It is possible that Day Zero could have been cancelled had they been willing learned the lessons.
How Should We Respond?
First, recognise that many cities worldwide could be exactly in the same situation as Cape Town. Sao Paulo, largest city in the western hemisphere, is at risk. Ten years ago Barcelona was on the brink. Australia can not be complacent at all: Perth, Adelaide, and Melbourne are particularly vulnerable.

Prayer does wonders. In the Bible, church history, and today, prayer and falling rain go hand-in-hand (I Kings 8:35-36). Remember, this is not just Cape Town’s challenge: this challenge belongs to us all. So let’s pray for a move of God and a release of rain.
From a practical point of view, water is as any other resource, like time and money. When supplies run low, there are two things we must do: reduce consumption and increase sources. Water should be treated with respect and restraint. Long showers, letting the tap run unrestrained while you brush your teeth, toilets with only full-flush capacity rather than 1/2, are bad habits that need to be broken.
In ancient Israel, Herod the Great built the hilltop fortress of Masada, which could house 1,000 people and had enough water for 1-2 years. This is in the Dead Sea region where rainfall is no more than 5 cm (2 inches) a year, at most. The ancient Nabateans built impressive cities across the arid Negev, with plenty of water, though the rainfall was the same low level. They learned how to capture and conserve every drop of rain.
We need to learn how to do the same – rather than letting the rain water go into the drains and out to sea. Avoid wastage, plug the leaks (sometimes up to 30% of water is lost due to leaky pipes). Such commonsense methods can do wonders.
The people of Cape Town, many who are Christians, have their chance to pray, show resilience, and bounce back to full strength, setting an example for us all.
Let’s give them our full prayerful support.

When the Taps Run Dry: Understanding the Cape Town Water Crisis

Among the major cities of the world, this one is considered among the most beautiful. It possesses a dramatic backdrop of Table Mountain, Mediterranean-style climate, fertile vineyards in the mountainous hinterland, and sandwiched between Table Bay to the west and False Bay to the east. Equipped with world class hotels, malls, restaurants, highways, and stunning scenery, it is a top global tourist destination. This jewel of a city is called Cape Town, the mother city of South Africa.
Forty kilometres away to the south is the famous ‘Cape Point.’ Known in history as ‘The Cape of Storms,’ it was optimistically renamed ‘The Cape of Good Hope.’ This is where the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean meet the cooler waters of the Atlantic. Until the Suez Canal was built, Europe had no choice but to sail around the Cape en route to India and the East.
I have been to Cape Town 3 times and it never fails to impress. One of the most memorable experiences of my life was climbing Table Mountain with an experienced mountain-climber: high and steep, you feel like you are in a remote national park, but when you look down, there are the skyscrapers of a major metropolis below.
After three years of severe drought, Cape Town is about to get another distinction: Barring a miracle of abundant rainfall, it will be the first major city in modern times to run out of water! The city is serviced by 6 dams in arid areas. The biggest is Theewaterskloof Dam which, at present, has no more than 12% capacity of water.
Consider that the city’s population has grown 79% from 2.4 million in 1995 to 4.3 million today, yet its water storage has only increased by 15%. This in itself means the city was ill-prepared for a time of drought.
As one who teaches on Bible prophecy and the last days, if anything conjures up a poignant image of the end times, it is Cape Town running out of water. More than ballooning western debt – which at this point seems abstract; more than Middle Eastern tension, wars and jihadism – which we treat as if it is were another planet, Cape Town’s water crisis hits close to home. The reason is that if it could happen here, it can happen anywhere.
Waiting for Day Zero
Presently, the citizens of Cape Town can only use 50 litres of water a day. Remember, the average western home uses over 300 litres. If the rains don’t come, Day Zero will. This date when the city turns off the water taps (faucets). It may be in May, it maybe in June. After this date, the only way to get water in Cape Town will be from one of 200 collection points, which will be supervised by the army and police. Residents can obtain 25 litres of water, per person, per day. It will be for cooking, washing, and personal care. The maximum amount of people that can be serviced at a given collection point is 20,000.
Remember, Cape Town is no third world metropolis. Its infrastructure and setting would be the envy of any western city. Simultaneously a very European city yet increasingly African, it is also a uneven city: there are multi-million dollar homes and Babel-high skyscrapers in the inner city, inland suburbs, and the coast. This where mostly white people live. Yet, in the flat inland areas are the shanty-towns where poor people, mostly black, live. Rich or poor, white or black, the paucity of water affects all them now, and will even more so if Day Zero comes to pass.
As far back as 1990, there were predictions that Cape Town could run out of water. Desalination was deemed too cumbersome and impractical, and the one at Mossel Bay was ‘mothballed’ due to expense. Cape Town is not run by the African National Congress (ANC), but the Democratic Alliance (DA). This is considered the white-influenced opposition to the ANC. The DA has some experience and clout, yet it has not come up to speed in handling this emergency situation. The DA has encouraged big money development but with this came big water consumption, that needs to be reigned in. The ANC national government has not helped, either. Water is under local governance, however, the bulk national infrastructure is under the Department of Water and Sanitation.
Outside help was available. Modern Israel has been innovative with water conservation: despite its growing population, limited rainfall and arid climate, Israel has sufficient water for agriculture and people. It regularly offers its expertise to developing countries in Asia and Africa. In February 2016, Israel planned a Johannesburg water conference in order to share its insights. Yet, the South African government, which promotes the Palestinian cause and has excellent relations with Hamas, cancelled the conference in deference to BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment, and Sanctions Movement against Israel). It is possible that Day Zero could have been cancelled had they been willing learned the lessons.
How Should We Respond?
First, recognise that many cities worldwide could be exactly in the same situation as Cape Town. Sao Paulo, largest city in the western hemisphere, is at risk. Ten years ago Barcelona was on the brink. Australia can not be complacent at all: Perth, Adelaide, and Melbourne are particularly vulnerable.

Prayer does wonders. In the Bible, church history, and today, prayer and falling rain go hand-in-hand (I Kings 8:35-36). Remember, this is not just Cape Town’s challenge: this challenge belongs to us all. So let’s pray for a move of God and a release of rain.
From a practical point of view, water is as any other resource, like time and money. When supplies run low, there are two things we must do: reduce consumption and increase sources. Water should be treated with respect and restraint. Long showers, letting the tap run unrestrained while you brush your teeth, toilets with only full-flush capacity rather than 1/2, are bad habits that need to be broken.
In ancient Israel, Herod the Great built the hilltop fortress of Masada, which could house 1,000 people and had enough water for 1-2 years. This is in the Dead Sea region where rainfall is no more than 5 cm (2 inches) a year, at most. The ancient Nabateans built impressive cities across the arid Negev, with plenty of water, though the rainfall was the same low level. They learned how to capture and conserve every drop of rain.
We need to learn how to do the same – rather than letting the rain water go into the drains and out to sea. Avoid wastage, plug the leaks (sometimes up to 30% of water is lost due to leaky pipes). Such commonsense methods can do wonders.
The people of Cape Town, many who are Christians, have their chance to pray, show resilience, and bounce back to full strength, setting an example for us all.
Let’s give them our full prayerful support.


Just 8 1/2 months shy of his 100th birthday, Evangelist Billy Graham (November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018) died peacefully at his home in Montreal, North Carolina. His longevity, influence, and role modelling have been epic. In a 60 year plus evangelistic career, it is estimated that he evangelised 210 million people in 185 nations, with 3.2 million recorded decisions for Christ. His most famous phrase in preaching: The Bible Says.
Graham met many world leaders and was confidant to 12 US Presidents. He didn’t limit his ministry to personal appearances: Billy harnessed the media and written material to get the gospel message out. So well-known and respected was Billy Graham that he was called ‘America’s Pastor’ and the ‘Protestant Pope.’ He was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom by Ronald Reagan. Hollywood even gave him his own ‘Billy Graham Star’ on the city’s footpath.
Photo the front of page of the Słowo Prawdy, Poland, 1966. Public domain.

The Bible says: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes Matthew 7:29
A story is told that Graham, as a young man, wrestled with the issues of the authority and inerrancy of the Bible. Somehow, despite the doubts which tried to eclipse his convictions, the gift of faith descended on him and he rose up, clutching the Bible, and declared that he believed this book – every word of it –  is the every word ofGod. From that point, he went forth to preach the gospel with authority, and ‘not as the scribes.’
Billy’s big break happened early in his ministry. His ‘canvas cathedral’ in the Los Angeles revival of 1949 gave him a national profile. In his 12 week London crusade in 1954, Graham ministered to 2 million people. Madison Square Gardens crusades in New York 1957 was a home-run, too. People in Melbourne still remember Graham’s visit in 1959. From these events, and more to come, Graham’s ministry went from strength-to-strength.
Though a dedicated evangelical, Graham was willing to raise the ire of narrow fundamentalists by working with a variety of churches. He also insisted that his meetings be interracial, a real ground-breaker for a Southerner over 50 to 60 years ago. His attitude: ‘I intend to go anywhere, sponsored by anyone, to preach the gospel of Christ.’
The Bible Says: Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men  Proverbs 22:29
Billy Graham was the ‘Pastor to the Presidents,’ starting with Harry S. Truman and finishing with Barack H. Obama. Graham was particularly close to Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, where he was their chief spiritual advisor. In fact, Bill Clinton became a Christian as a child while attending a Billy Graham crusade. Ironically, the Presidents he was least close to were his fellow Baptists Truman and Jimmy Carter. At the age of 98, he was unable to visit the White House with current President Donald J. Trump, though son Franklin prayed at his 2017 inauguration.
Describing Billy Graham
When thinking about the life of Billy Graham, certain adjectives come to mind:
Consistency: Graham did not gyrate from one fad to another; he was focused on one thing and one thing only: do the work of an evangelist. This consistency over a 60 year plus period is remarkable and inspiring.
The Bible Says: But you be watchful in all things endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry II Timothy 4:5
Integrity: Unlike some televangelist and high profile ministers, Billy Graham was never tainted with a whiff of scandal, personally, professionally, or financially. He kept himself above reproach in public and public dealings. Graham showed great propriety in his conduct with the opposite sex, thus scandal-proofing his ministry. People of integrity are supremely trustworthy and Graham would fit that description to a ’T.’
Loyalty: Billy Graham exhibited a rare loyalty to his friends that is most remarkable, almost to a fault. He stuck with US President Nixon during the heat of the Watergate scandal almost until the very end. He forgave Bill Clinton at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The Grahams remained loyal to televangelist Jimmy Bakker, who they considered a friend; Franklin Graham even visited him in prison, even though there was the risk of ‘guilt by association.’
The Bible Says:Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy Matthew 5:7
Mercy: Billy’s loyalty may have been based on his merciful side. If its a choice between being too judgmental versus being too merciful, best err on the side of mercy. Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount that the merciful will receive mercy. The message is simple yet profound: be merciful to others and when you need mercy, you will get it.
Billy’s inclination to mercy would help him in his latter years. Back in 1972, Graham had a meeting with President Nixon in the Oval Office. He may or may not have known that every word uttered in that office was recorded. In that conversation, Nixon uttered comments about Jewish people that were negative, perhaps even anti-Semitic (though, the very next year he sent a massive military airlift to help Israel during the October 1973 Yom Kippur War). Billy Graham may have uttered some words of agreement, or stayed silent during the most vehement or extreme statements of Nixon. This could have been construed or misconstrued as acquiescence. At one point, he told President Nixon that Jews ‘don’t know how I really feel about what they’re doing to this country.’
Thirty years later in 2002, with Nixon long gone, the tapes were released and Jewish people would know how Billy Graham felt … back in 1972. Graham, age 83, was deeply embarrassed over the incident and offered to go on his hands and knees to apologise to any rabbi who came on his path. From all accounts, the Jewish community’s response was mild, perhaps moot. After all, it’s Billy Graham … let’s give him a pass. The whole thing blew over very quickly. Yes, blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

In his long life, Graham will be remembered for many things. Yet, perhaps the most important, is the simple three-word phrase he used again and again while preaching: The Bible Says. This is tantamount to: God says. For Billy Graham, along with all classic evangelicals, the Bible and God’s Word are one and the same. When we equate the words of the Bible with the Words of God, salvation and a myriad of other blessings flow. In combating today’s scourge of Biblical illiteracy, Billy Graham’s three words give wisdom for today and hope for to


Just 8 1/2 months shy of his 100th birthday, Evangelist Billy Graham (November 7, 1918 – February 21, 2018) died peacefully at his home in Montreal, North Carolina. His longevity, influence, and role modelling have been epic. In a 60 year plus evangelistic career, it is estimated that he evangelised 210 million people in 185 nations, with 3.2 million recorded decisions for Christ. His most famous phrase in preaching: The Bible Says.
Graham met many world leaders and was confidant to 12 US Presidents. He didn’t limit his ministry to personal appearances: Billy harnessed the media and written material to get the gospel message out. So well-known and respected was Billy Graham that he was called ‘America’s Pastor’ and the ‘Protestant Pope.’ He was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom by Ronald Reagan. Hollywood even gave him his own ‘Billy Graham Star’ on the city’s footpath.

Billy Graham was greatly honoured in life and death. This blog will highlight his greatest legacy: The Bible Says.
The Bible says: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes Matthew 7:29
A story is told that Graham, as a young man, wrestled with the issues of the authority and inerrancy of the Bible. Somehow, despite the doubts which tried to eclipse his convictions, the gift of faith descended on him and he rose up, clutching the Bible, and declared that he believed this book – every word of it –  is the every word ofGod. From that point, he went forth to preach the gospel with authority, and ‘not as the scribes.’
Billy’s big break happened early in his ministry. His ‘canvas cathedral’ in the Los Angeles revival of 1949 gave him a national profile. In his 12 week London crusade in 1954, Graham ministered to 2 million people. Madison Square Gardens crusades in New York 1957 was a home-run, too. People in Melbourne still remember Graham’s visit in 1959. From these events, and more to come, Graham’s ministry went from strength-to-strength.
Though a dedicated evangelical, Graham was willing to raise the ire of narrow fundamentalists by working with a variety of churches. He also insisted that his meetings be interracial, a real ground-breaker for a Southerner over 50 to 60 years ago. His attitude: ‘I intend to go anywhere, sponsored by anyone, to preach the gospel of Christ.’
The Bible Says: Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men  Proverbs 22:29
Billy Graham was the ‘Pastor to the Presidents,’ starting with Harry S. Truman and finishing with Barack H. Obama. Graham was particularly close to Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, where he was their chief spiritual advisor. In fact, Bill Clinton became a Christian as a child while attending a Billy Graham crusade. Ironically, the Presidents he was least close to were his fellow Baptists Truman and Jimmy Carter. At the age of 98, he was unable to visit the White House with current President Donald J. Trump, though son Franklin prayed at his 2017 inauguration.
Describing Billy Graham
When thinking about the life of Billy Graham, certain adjectives come to mind:
Consistency: Graham did not gyrate from one fad to another; he was focused on one thing and one thing only: do the work of an evangelist. This consistency over a 60 year plus period is remarkable and inspiring.
The Bible Says: But you be watchful in all things endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry II Timothy 4:5
Integrity: Unlike some televangelist and high profile ministers, Billy Graham was never tainted with a whiff of scandal, personally, professionally, or financially. He kept himself above reproach in public and public dealings. Graham showed great propriety in his conduct with the opposite sex, thus scandal-proofing his ministry. People of integrity are supremely trustworthy and Graham would fit that description to a ’T.’
Loyalty: Billy Graham exhibited a rare loyalty to his friends that is most remarkable, almost to a fault. He stuck with US President Nixon during the heat of the Watergate scandal almost until the very end. He forgave Bill Clinton at the height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The Grahams remained loyal to televangelist Jimmy Bakker, who they considered a friend; Franklin Graham even visited him in prison, even though there was the risk of ‘guilt by association.’
The Bible Says:Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy Matthew 5:7
Mercy: Billy’s loyalty may have been based on his merciful side. If its a choice between being too judgmental versus being too merciful, it’s always best err on the side of mercy. Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount that the merciful will receive mercy. His message is simple yet profound: be merciful to others and when you need mercy, you will get it.
Billy’s inclination to mercy would help him in his latter years. Back in 1972, Graham had a meeting with President Richard Nixon in the Oval Office. He may or may not have known that every word uttered in that office was recorded. In that conversation, Nixon uttered comments about Jewish people that were negative, perhaps even anti-Semitic (though, the very next year he sent a massive military airlift to help Israel during the October 1973 Yom Kippur War). Billy Graham may or may not have agreed, or stayed in silence when he could have spoken up. At one point, he told President Nixon that Jews ‘don’t know how I really feel about what they’re doing to this country.’
Thirty years later in 2002, with Nixon long gone, the tapes were released and Jewish community would know how Billy Graham felt … back in 1972. When the news broke, Graham, age 83, was deeply embarrassed over the incident. He probably did not recall the comment and said it did not reflect his true feelings. Furthermore, he offered to go on his hands and knees to apologise to any rabbi who came on his path. From all accounts, the Jewish community’s response was mild, perhaps moot. After all, it’s Billy Graham … let’s give him a pass. The whole thing blew over very quickly. As Billy Graham experience: He reaped mercy because he sowed mercy.
Go and do likewise!
In his long life, Graham will be remembered for many things. Yet, perhaps the most important, is the simple three-word phrase he used again and again while preaching: The Bible Says. This is tantamount to: God says. For Billy Graham, along with all classic evangelicals, the Bible and God’s Word are one and the same. When we equate the words of the Bible with the Words of God, salvation and a myriad of other blessings flow. In combating today’s scourge of Biblical illiteracy, Billy Graham’s three words give wisdom for today and hope for tomorrow.

Capsicum/Bell Pepper Steak

Capsicum/Bell Pepper Steak
This is a family favourite. It has colour, taste, nutrition and is simple to make. Give it a try.
2 green onions
4 T. olive oil
4 T. soy sauce
1 tsp. thyme
Dash of pepper
1/2 lemon, juiced
1.2 pounds or 600 grams flank steak or skirt state (ask your butcher), cut into serving portions
3 large capsicum (bell peppers), preferably different colours. Slice or dice it to suit your taste (we prefer to have it diced so you have colourful bits throughout)
3 garlic cloves
The key to this recipe is the marinade and also the quality of the steak.
Combine green onions, soy sauce, olive oil, thyme, pepper and lemon in a bowl and marinate the steak for as long as you can, at least for several hours.
Saute the capsicum/bell peppers, with the garlic in a small amount of oil in a medium skillet.
Add steak, sauté on each side until done.

Serve over hot buttered rice.

Capsicum/Bell Pepper Steak

Capsicum/Bell Pepper Steak
This is a family favourite. It has colour, taste, nutrition and is simple to make. Give it a try.
2 green onions
4 T. olive oil
4 T. soy sauce
1 tsp. thyme
Dash of pepper
1/2 lemon, juiced
1.2 pounds or 600 grams flank steak or skirt state (ask your butcher), cut into serving portions
3 large capsicum (bell peppers), preferably different colours. Slice or dice it to suit your taste (we prefer to have it diced so you have colourful bits throughout)
3 garlic cloves
The key to this recipe is the marinade and also the quality of the steak.
Combine green onions, soy sauce, olive oil, thyme, pepper and lemon in a bowl and marinate the steak for as long as you can, at least for several hours.
Saute the capsicum/bell peppers, with the garlic in a small amount of oil in a medium skillet.
Add steak, sauté on each side until done.

Serve over hot buttered rice.

Wisdom Is the Principal Thing: Why Study the Book of Proverbs

He was no more than 21 years old. Yet the weight of the world was on his shoulders. His father had been a successful, acclaimed king, yet the latter part of his reign was soiled with family scandal and sedition. Now, the new young king wanted to learn from both his father’s successes and failures. How could he navigate through the minefield of leadership and life?
At a high place called Gibeon, the young king had a dream where God offered to give him whatever he wanted. Usually, the normal worldly options include riches, fame/acclaim, and longevity. Yet he asked for none of these. This king wanted to know how to do his job correctly. So he asked this one thing of God: please grant me a wise and understanding heart.
God was so impressed with this request that it was granted on-the-spot. As a bonus, God gave the young king those things he did not ask: riches and fame. If he continued on walking with God, long-life would be granted, too. Some of what God shared with the young king has become a book of the Bible. It is called Proverbs.
Today, in our every-complicated specialised world, it is common for people to pay consultants 100s and 1000s of dollars for advise. Yet, the best consultant of all is found right in the pages of your Bible. For no earthly consultant can hope to match the time-tested, proven, divine wisdom found it Proverbs. It not only promises the very best in this world, including riches, honour and life (Proverbs 3:16) but gives guaranteed hope for the world to come.
Ultimately, we discover that wisdom is not a corpus of knowledge rightly applied. It is a Person named Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 1:30). When you have Him in your life, you win everything (Revelation 21:7 AV).
Proverbs is so invaluable we recommended reading it daily. Since there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, whatever is the date of the month, that’s the chapter of Proverbs you should read. For example, if it is the 5th of the month, read the 5th chapter of Proverbs.
Hebrew: Mishle Shelomoh (Proverbs of Solomon 1:1) and Sepher Hokhmah (Book of Wisdom); the Greek name is Paroimiai Salomontos (Proverbs of Solomon). We get the name ‘Proverbs’ from the Latin:Liber Proverbiorum.
Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs (I Kings 4:32) and he is the prime author of Proverbs (1:1; 10:1; 25:1). The men of Hezekiah did some editing (chapters 25-29). Also mentioned are Agur (30) and Lemuel (31).
Jesus Christ is the life-giving, favour-filled wisdom of God (8:35). To embrace Jesus is the wisest thing one can do; to reject Him is the ultimate of folly.
The promotion and triumph of wisdom and the perverseness and insanity of folly. Proverbs is more than just being wise in this world; it speaks of wisdom that endures for all eternity. Folly is not merely viewed as an unfortunate inconvenience; it is seen as a serious liability and the downpayment to hell itself.
Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 6Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 7Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 8Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. 9She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. 10Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be manyProverbs 4:5-10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. 11For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased Proverbs 9:10-11
Someone once said a proverb is short in words but long on experience. Proverbs contains many pithy, insightful, and divinely wise sayings. Follow its timeless counsel and you will avoid a lot of grief. Furthermore, you will attract much blessing. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are to be eagerly sought. Folly, scornful, and simplicity are faults to be avoided.
When the author of Proverbs speaks of ‘my son,’ the initial impression is that it has to be Rehoboam, son and heir of Solomon. Writing at a more mature stage of his reign, Solomon is attempting to influence Rehoboam to walk in the same wisdom that he had. Therefore, the first part of problems is directed to ‘sons’ and ‘young men.’ Those who heed its counsel are promised riches, honour, and long-life. Yet there are many pitfalls to avoid. In Chapter 4, for example, it describes the contrast between the dark, nefarious ‘way of the wicked’ and that of the promising, well-lit ‘path of the just.’ These two paths could not be more different. One leads to every increasing darkness, damage, and death; the other to a bright future. Or there is the detailed account in Proverbs 7 about the foolish young man, void of understanding, who gets into serious strife by caving in to the invitation of the adulterous woman. His lack of discretion is fatal.
The second part of Proverbs addresses issues involving all people, young and old. There are many pithy phrases that make for wisdom in capsule form.
Finally, the last section is more for leaders. It speaks of self-control, sobriety, having a good name and reputation, warnings against taking bribes, and being careful against wine and strong drink.
I.         Wisdom for Young Men (1-10)
II.      Wisdom for All People (11-20)
III.    Wisdom for Leaders (21-31)

Wisdom Is the Principal Thing: Why Study the Book of Proverbs

He was no more than 21 years old. Yet the weight of the world was on his shoulders. His father had been a successful, acclaimed king, yet the latter part of his reign was soiled with family scandal and sedition. Now, the new young king wanted to learn from both his father’s successes and failures. How could he navigate through the minefield of leadership and life?
At a high place called Gibeon, the young king had a dream where God offered to give him whatever he wanted. Usually, the normal worldly options include riches, fame/acclaim, and longevity. Yet he asked for none of these. This king wanted to know how to do his job correctly. So he asked this one thing of God: please grant me a wise and understanding heart.
God was so impressed with this request that it was granted on-the-spot. As a bonus, God gave the young king those things he did not ask: riches and fame. If he continued on walking with God, long-life would be granted, too. Some of what God shared with the young king has become a book of the Bible. It is called Proverbs.
Today, in our every-complicated specialised world, it is common for people to pay consultants 100s and 1000s of dollars for advise. Yet, the best consultant of all is found right in the pages of your Bible. For no earthly consultant can hope to match the time-tested, proven, divine wisdom found it Proverbs. It not only promises the very best in this world, including riches, honour and life (Proverbs 3:16) but gives guaranteed hope for the world to come.
Ultimately, we discover that wisdom is not a corpus of knowledge rightly applied. It is a Person named Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 1:30). When you have Him in your life, you win everything (Revelation 21:7 AV).
Proverbs is so invaluable we recommended reading it daily. Since there are 31 chapters in Proverbs, whatever is the date of the month, that’s the chapter of Proverbs you should read. For example, if it is the 5th of the month, read the 5th chapter of Proverbs.
Hebrew: Mishle Shelomoh (Proverbs of Solomon 1:1) and Sepher Hokhmah (Book of Wisdom); the Greek name is Paroimiai Salomontos (Proverbs of Solomon). We get the name ‘Proverbs’ from the Latin:Liber Proverbiorum.
Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs (I Kings 4:32) and he is the prime author of Proverbs (1:1; 10:1; 25:1). The men of Hezekiah did some editing (chapters 25-29). Also mentioned are Agur (30) and Lemuel (31).
Jesus Christ is the life-giving, favour-filled wisdom of God (8:35). To embrace Jesus is the wisest thing one can do; to reject Him is the ultimate of folly.
The promotion and triumph of wisdom and the perverseness and insanity of folly. Proverbs is more than just being wise in this world; it speaks of wisdom that endures for all eternity. Folly is not merely viewed as an unfortunate inconvenience; it is seen as a serious liability and the downpayment to hell itself.
Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 6Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 7Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 8Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. 9She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. 10Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be manyProverbs 4:5-10
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. 11For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased Proverbs 9:10-11
Someone once said a proverb is short in words but long on experience. Proverbs contains many pithy, insightful, and divinely wise sayings. Follow its timeless counsel and you will avoid a lot of grief. Furthermore, you will attract much blessing. Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are to be eagerly sought. Folly, scornful, and simplicity are faults to be avoided.
When the author of Proverbs speaks of ‘my son,’ the initial impression is that it has to be Rehoboam, son and heir of Solomon. Writing at a more mature stage of his reign, Solomon is attempting to influence Rehoboam to walk in the same wisdom that he had. Therefore, the first part of problems is directed to ‘sons’ and ‘young men.’ Those who heed its counsel are promised riches, honour, and long-life. Yet there are many pitfalls to avoid. In Chapter 4, for example, it describes the contrast between the dark, nefarious ‘way of the wicked’ and that of the promising, well-lit ‘path of the just.’ These two paths could not be more different. One leads to every increasing darkness, damage, and death; the other to a bright future. Or there is the detailed account in Proverbs 7 about the foolish young man, void of understanding, who gets into serious strife by caving in to the invitation of the adulterous woman. His lack of discretion is fatal.
The second part of Proverbs addresses issues involving all people, young and old. There are many pithy phrases that make for wisdom in capsule form.
Finally, the last section is more for leaders. It speaks of self-control, sobriety, having a good name and reputation, warnings against taking bribes, and being careful against wine and strong drink.
I.         Wisdom for Young Men (1-10)
II.      Wisdom for All People (11-20)
III.    Wisdom for Leaders (21-31)

Culture War Part 04

It is very much part of our society today – and its not getting any calmer. The election of Donald Trump pointed a big spot-light on this half-century phenomena. We called it the culture war.
Remember, the two sides vying for the heart of society are the left-learning secular progressives (SP) versus the right-leaning traditional values conservatives (TVC).
SP, which sees the world through material and economic lenses, represents a utopian vision of society involving big government, regulations, political correctness, and revamping of traditional moral principles.
TVC’s worldview is wholistic, and focuses on all aspects of existence, including the spiritual, moral, and ethical. They prefer limited government, a free economy, strong military, family and moral values.
In this part, we will look more closely at traditional values conservatives
When it comes to Biblical standards, TVC sees these precepts as fixed and unchangeable: sexual morality, truthfulness, sanctity of life, Biblical integrity, marriage, family, and precepts of the Ten Commandments. Since these things are viewed as permanently good, they are embraced with both hands tightly.
TVC are consistently ‘pro-life’ when it comes to the abortion and/or euthanasia, assisted suicide debate; ‘pro-marriage/pro-family’ when it comes to the optimal societal arrangements; and they are ‘pro-Biblical morality’ when it comes to personal conduct.
Limited Government
With this in mind, TVC believe in limited government: that government exists to provide infrastructure, protect its citizens domestically and internationally, and take care of functions not covered by the private sector. Government does not create human rights, but is there to affirm and protect them. TVC believes in individual freedom with corresponding responsibility, constitutional government, democratic parliaments, and free-market economics, as well as the above-mentioned moral and spiritual values. Christians who are TVC believe it is God, not the government, to Whom we should look for meeting all their needs: economic, emotional, physical, mental, temporal, spiritual, and eternal. Most of these needs are beyond the reach of government but God is able and willing to take are of them all. God, also, is the source of our human rights.
Unlike progressivism, which believes in ‘equality of outcomes,’ TCV believe in ‘equality of opportunity’ – everyone should get a chance – but concede that some will reap 30, others 60, and others 100-fold. The hyper-equality bandwagon of SP is rejected: to take something that was rightfully earned by a productive person and give it to an unproductive person is considered a great injustice. While a vast governmental welfare system is viewed as inefficient, futile, and corrupt, TVC do strongly believe in private charities and family-community support which are much more effective of meeting the needs of the needy.
TVC believe that man, made in the image of God, can be corrupted by too much power. That’s why they advocate ‘separation of powers’ and ‘balance of power,’ so that no branch of government has too much power, thus providing for better governance. TVC want to maintain these things, arguing that the large government of the SP will distort or destroy the checks and balances, trample on human rights, and run the economy into the red until it hits the brick wall.
Are We Bit Of Both?
Though many will readily identify with either SP or TVC, there is an argument to say there is a bit of both in most of us. There are those on the SP Left (not many, but they exist) who believe in being moral in the traditional sense. And there are TVC who believe in some of the better known government entitlements programs.
For example, the US aged-pension, known as Social Security, is a ‘sacred cow’ to most Americans, regardless of political persuasion. If you want to raise the ire of the grey power brigade, just hint at touching Social Security, even with the most minimal and modest of reforms. Many people in Australia, America, and Britain, like the notion of a government benefits and safety net – but ignore the price such a net brings.
Yet, in short, if you believe in a big government who endeavours to take care of all your needs, but could end up telling you what to think, believe, or say, you are strongly leaning to the SP side. If you believe in individual initiative, freedom, responsibility, hard work, family values and traditional morality, you are on the TVC side.

Next time, we will contrast SP with TVC side-by-side

Culture War Part 04

It is very much part of our society today – and its not getting any calmer. The election of Donald Trump pointed a big spot-light on this half-century phenomena. We called it the culture war.
Remember, the two sides vying for the heart of society are the left-learning secular progressives (SP) versus the right-leaning traditional values conservatives (TVC).
SP, which sees the world through material and economic lenses, represents a utopian vision of society involving big government, regulations, political correctness, and revamping of traditional moral principles.
TVC’s worldview is wholistic, and focuses on all aspects of existence, including the spiritual, moral, and ethical. They prefer limited government, a free economy, strong military, family and moral values.
In this part, we will look more closely at traditional values conservatives
When it comes to Biblical standards, TVC sees these precepts as fixed and unchangeable: sexual morality, truthfulness, sanctity of life, Biblical integrity, marriage, family, and precepts of the Ten Commandments. Since these things are viewed as permanently good, they are embraced with both hands tightly.
TVC are consistently ‘pro-life’ when it comes to the abortion and/or euthanasia, assisted suicide debate; ‘pro-marriage/pro-family’ when it comes to the optimal societal arrangements; and they are ‘pro-Biblical morality’ when it comes to personal conduct.
Limited Government
With this in mind, TVC believe in limited government: that government exists to provide infrastructure, protect its citizens domestically and internationally, and take care of functions not covered by the private sector. Government does not create human rights, but is there to affirm and protect them. TVC believes in individual freedom with corresponding responsibility, constitutional government, democratic parliaments, and free-market economics, as well as the above-mentioned moral and spiritual values. Christians who are TVC believe it is God, not the government, to Whom we should look for meeting all their needs: economic, emotional, physical, mental, temporal, spiritual, and eternal. Most of these needs are beyond the reach of government but God is able and willing to take are of them all. God, also, is the source of our human rights.
Unlike progressivism, which believes in ‘equality of outcomes,’ TCV believe in ‘equality of opportunity’ – everyone should get a chance – but concede that some will reap 30, others 60, and others 100-fold. The hyper-equality bandwagon of SP is rejected: to take something that was rightfully earned by a productive person and give it to an unproductive person is considered a great injustice. While a vast governmental welfare system is viewed as inefficient, futile, and corrupt, TVC do strongly believe in private charities and family-community support which are much more effective of meeting the needs of the needy.
TVC believe that man, made in the image of God, can be corrupted by too much power. That’s why they advocate ‘separation of powers’ and ‘balance of power,’ so that no branch of government has too much power, thus providing for better governance. TVC want to maintain these things, arguing that the large government of the SP will distort or destroy the checks and balances, trample on human rights, and run the economy into the red until it hits the brick wall.
Are We Bit Of Both?
Though many will readily identify with either SP or TVC, there is an argument to say there is a bit of both in most of us. There are those on the SP Left (not many, but they exist) who believe in being moral in the traditional sense. And there are TVC who believe in some of the better known government entitlements programs.
For example, the US aged-pension, known as Social Security, is a ‘sacred cow’ to most Americans, regardless of political persuasion. If you want to raise the ire of the grey power brigade, just hint at touching Social Security, even with the most minimal and modest of reforms. Many people in Australia, America, and Britain, like the notion of a government benefits and safety net – but ignore the price such a net brings.
Yet, in short, if you believe in a big government who endeavours to take care of all your needs, but could end up telling you what to think, believe, or say, you are strongly leaning to the SP side. If you believe in individual initiative, freedom, responsibility, hard work, family values and traditional morality, you are on the TVC side.

Next time, we will contrast SP with TVC side-by-side