Category Archives: Prophecy


Finding Legitimacy in an Immoral World
Kameel Majdali
Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.’ –Hebrews 13:4

DE FACTO: Existence without legal or ecclesiastical recognition or sanction.
DE JURE: Existence by right according to law.
The clerk handed an overseas tourist her visa application. Immediately her eye spotted the section called ‘Marital Status,’ from which she could choose one of five options. These included:
[   ]  Single;
[   ]  Married;
[   ]  Divorced;
[   ]  Widowed; and…
[   ] De Facto.
Unclear on the last option, she asked the clerk what it meant. ‘De facto is when a couple lives together without being married,’ he replied.
‘Oh,’ she blurted out, ‘where I come from, we call that ”living in sin.‘”
Cohabitation or ‘The De facto Factor’
One of the disturbing, yet prevalent, trends in the western world is the practice of de facto relationships, also known as ‘cohabitation’ (Note: these terms will be used interchangeably). Whether you call it ‘de facto,’ ‘living in sin,’ ‘live-in girlfriend,’ ‘cohabitation,’ ‘common law,’ or even ‘trial marriage,’ a generation ago it was the exception; it was considered unacceptable, even wrong.
Today this phenomena is on the rise and considered a legal status. One recent statistic in Australia suggested that a whopping 80% of the couples that wed in a single year have lived together in a de facto relationship prior to the wedding (2014, cited by the Australian Bureau of Statistics).[1] A (liberal) Christian denomination in 2001 struck premarital sex and de facto relationships off their sin list, as part of being ‘consistent with society’s ways.’
Acceptance of de facto-living came as a gradual process with the rise of secular humanism and decline of Judeo-Christian moral standards. The culture wars, sexual revolution, contraceptive pill, abortion on demand, postmodernism with its denial of absolutes, have all contributed to this situation. No doubt Hollywood has played a major role in the proliferation of cohabitation. Glamorous high profile actors, usually after one or more failed marriages, move-in with another famous movie star, father children and live a celebrated lifestyle, egged on by gossip columnists who offer bite-size instalments for news-hungry, celebrity-obsessed fans.
Three Types of De facto Relationships
For Most, A Temporary Arrangement: Motivations for cohabitation seem to follow several streams. The first involves those who have never married and have no intention of doing so. They want readily available sex, shared financial resources, and companionship in the home. These living arrangements tend to be temporary; only 18% of these will be together after 5 years. This attitude can be described as a ‘de facto spirit,’ meaning they want the privileges and pleasures of marriage without the commitment and responsibility.
Never married but want to: The second type are also those who never married and are interested in eventual marriage but have a ‘try before you buy’ mindset.
De Facto before Remarriage: Third are those who have undergone divorce, suffer from the ‘once bitten, twice shy’ syndrome, and hence choose a de facto relationship as a necessary precursor to remarriage (if there is to be a marriage). Some older couples may choose to live together outside of marriage so as not to endanger any pension entitlements. Others, afraid of giving up their freedom and identity, choose to cohabitate with their boyfriend or girlfriend. If things don’t work out, they reason, all one needs to do is ‘move out’ without all the complications divorce brings. It’s that simple.
Is it? (Short answer: No)
Are There Any Benefits?[2]
Just because something is commonplace and permitted by society does not make it healthy and right. After all, cigarette smoking is legal but it can cost your thousands of dollars a year and have a detrimental effect on your health. Gambling also is legal and look at the trail of trouble and sorrow it has left.
Some claim that a de facto relationship helps prepare a couple for marriage and prevents divorce. Does it? Research suggests otherwise: couples that live in a de facto relationship before marriage are more likely to divorce than couples that wait until marriage. One statistic said that of couples who were married twenty years or more, 56% of those who lived as a de facto couple before marriage ended up in divorce, while 29% of those who never cohabited before marriage ended up in divorce. According to the Jubilee Report on cohabitation: ‘The idea that first cohabitations that lead to marriage do not result in an increased rate of divorce is not reflected by this data set: prior cohabitation with a spouse is associated with 60 per cent higher risk of divorce (emphasis mine).
Another study concluded that 75% of married couples were still together when their child turned 16; only 7% of de facto couples can make the same claim. That’s a ten-fold increased for the married couples. In Britain, the direct annual cost of family breakdown is GBP 41.7 billion. The Daily Mail Online, ‘Married Parents Ten Times More Likely to Stay Together,’ Sarah Harris (February 2010).[3]
In Part 02, we will look at the other negatives as well as how to go from ‘de facto to de jure,’ and how to gain legitimacy with God and people.


       Over half of all first marriages are proceeded by cohabitation (University of Wisconsin document)
       Cohabitation doesn’t reduce the likelihood of divorce–in fact it leads to a higher divorce risk. One study showed 46% higher risk (1992 Journal of Marriage and Family).
       No positive contribution of cohabitation to marriage has ever been found, not even sexual compatibility, as usually suggest (1993 Journal of Marriage and Family)
       Cohabitants tend not be as committed as married couples, or prepared to work on their differences (1995 Journal of Family issues)
       Particularly problematic is the area of serial cohabitation. It generates a greater willingness to dissolve later relationships. (1993 Journal of Family Issues)
       About 60% of cohabitation ends in marriage (1989 National Study of Cohabitation
       In general, cohabiting relationships tend to be less satisfactory than marriage relationship-s, with cohabiting couples reporting lower levels of happiness, sexual exclusivity and sexual satisfaction, as well as poorer relationships with parents (Bumpass, Sweet & Cherlin’s 1991 study)
       After five years, only 10% of cohabiting couples are together. They do not tend to permanency (Bumpass & Sweet’s 1989 study)
       Married couples have substantial benefits over the unmarried in terms of labour force productivity, physical and mental health, general happiness and longevity (1994 American Journal of Sociology)
       Annual rates of depression among cohabiting couples is more than three times the married rate. (1990 Psychiatric Disorders in America)
       Physical and sexual abuse of a spouse is much higher. One study showed evidence of being twice as high (1991 Journal of marriage and family)
       Abuse is 20 times higher for children with cohabiting, but biological parents, but 33 times greater if the parent was cohabiting with a non-parenting male partner (1993 Family Education trust: London).
       The 1996 poverty rate was 6% with married parents, but 31 % with cohabiting parents (1996 Journal of Marriage and the Family).
–taken from Leadership NOW! January 2000, page 12.

TERROR IN ORLANDO: Making Sense Out of the Senseless

It is a popular destination and place of entertainment. Indeed, Disney World is nearby, attracting holiday-makers worldwide. Yet on the weekend of June 11-12, 2016, Orlando, Florida USA went from being a place of fun to a place of terror.
On June 11th, Christina Grimmie, a 22 year old American songwriter, singer, and contestant on NBC’s ‘The Voice,’ was gunned down in Orlando by 27 year old Kevin James Loibl, while signing autographs for her fans. She was a committed Christian who ‘loved Jesus’ and ‘the Bible.’ Her brother Marcus, who tackled the gunman before he shot himself, may have saved more lives.
Then at 2:00 A.M. on Sunday morning, 12 June, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a 29 year old twice-married, New York born US citizen of Afghani descent, went into The Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando. A former security guard who legally purchased weapons in the previous fortnight, Mateen was well-armed and well-prepared for what he was about to do. Despite having a shooting exchange with police, Mateen single-handedly was able to take hostages and go on a killing spree for three hours. By the time the police SWAT team stormed the nightclub and killed Mateen, 50 people were dead and another 50 plus wounded. Many of the victims were Latinos.
Mateen’s crime was the worse mass shooting in US history and the biggest terrorist attack since September 11th. Before that, the 2007 shooting rampage at Virginia Tech by Seung-Hui Cho was the worse shooting crime. Thirty-two people were killed. Adam Lanza killed 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in 2012, of which 20 were 6 and 7 year old. Also George Hennard in 1991 rammed his car through a cafe wall in Killeen Texas and killed 23 people. As you can see, these last three crimes had nothing to do with religious extremism.
The Orlando shootings have received worldwide attention, condemnation, and sympathy. US President Barack Obama denounced it as a ‘hate crime,’ extended special condolences to the LGBTQ community, and ordered US flags at Federal Buildings to be lowered to half mast until Thursday evening. The Vatican, Indian Prime Minister Moti, Chinese President Xi Jinxing, and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, where quick to offer condemnations and sympathy. Muslim leaders also condemned Mateen’s actions, including Afghani President Muhammad Ashraf Ghani and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. America’ s prime Islamic lobby group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), issued a stinging denunciation of their own. Executive Director Nihad Awad ‘You do not speak for us. You do not represent us. You are an aberration.’ 
What are we to make of the sensational but senseless killings in Orlando?
1.    Note the nature of our world: We are in a fallen world. Sin and death have been waging a reign of terror throughout human history. A fallen world is devoid of true justice, true peace, and true harmony. Bad things can happen to good people and good things can happen to evil people. The Bible takes all this into account, promises the coming of a ‘new heaven and new earth,’ but it also offers God’s higher way for those who are willing to pay the price.
2.    Note the nature of our times: As I have been saying for some time, we need to recognise that we are in the last days (I John 2:18; Hebrews 9:26ff; I Peter 1:5). According to II Timothy 3:1 says ‘This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.’ These points are not meant to scare people, but to offer an early warning service so they can prepare ahead. Proverbs 22:3 and 27:12 says the prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.
3.    Polarised nation: For several years now, America’s domestic scene has become more and more polarised. Just look at the outcome of the US Presidential primaries! The half-century old cultural civil war between the ‘progressives’ and ‘social conservatives,’ far from running out of puff, has become more strident and shrill.
4.    The role of religion: The Orlando massacre was considered a ‘hate crime’ and ‘terrorist attack.’ But did it have anything to do with religion? Mateen’s father Seddique said his son was not particularly religious and that religion had nothing to do with attack in Orlando. Others in the government and media are quick to say the same thing. However, remember that Mateen called 9-1-1 just before or even during the attack, pledging allegiance to the jihadist group ‘Islamic State’ (IS). In addition, Amaq News, part of the Islamic State’s media outlet, took claim for the attack and normally their claims are correct. IS has a particular distain for homosexuals, and has even been recorded pushing them off high buildings to their death. Mateen reportedly expressed disgust upon seeing two men kissing in Miami. IS is condemned by many Muslim groups and their so-caliphate rejected, yet they continually claim to be the true Muslims who are living in obedience to the sacred texts. The 2015 shootings in San Bernardino, California that killed 14 people were religiously motivated; Mrs. Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to the Islamic State just before. Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 13 people and injured 30 at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009 cried Allah u Akbar before he went on a killing spree. If radical Islam is to blame for the Orlando shooting – and the evidence points in that direction – our leaders need to say so. We do no favours to the victims, their families, our Muslim neighbours or the world by living in denial. In addition, the Orlando attack happened during Ramadhan, the Muslim month of fasting. Religious passions can be stirred during this time. This does not mean the 1.5 billion member Muslim community goes violently berserk during the fasting month, but a few can. Just in the first week of Ramadan 2016, there have been 60 attacks worldwide with 472 people killed. Some may say this is a coincidence, but is it really?
5.    War on Terror? Since September 11th, there have been over 300 jihadist attacks in the United States alone, and 28,570 worldwide. A low-level intra-Muslim world war has been occurring from Nigeria to Pakistan, with jihadis attacking fellows Muslims and non-Muslims. The fact is that Muslims are suffering from jihad even more than the West.

Stop Hate: Was this a hate crime? Yes it was. Can a hate crime be religiously-motivated? Yes it can. What is the solution? You can never conquer hate by hate: verbal attacks, physical attacks, vilification, shaming, or even imprisonment will not stop this evil in the heart. Bible-believing Christians understand that the only antidote to hate is love … God’s love. Jesus says in Matthew 5:44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you’’ (see the entire passage Matthew 5:43-48). You will never overcome evil with evil. but you will by God’s love. Let’s pray for revival in the America and the western world, of which love will be the greatest evidence. As Paul concludes in Romans 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

PANCAKES: A simple Delicious Recipe

If you want to give your family and friends a blessed breakfast surprise, try some home made pancakes. You’ll be amazed how simple and tasty they can be.
1 egg
1 cup self-raising flour (try the gluten-free version, if available)
2 Tablespoons oil (preferably olive or coconut oil)
1 Tablespoon sugar or honey
1 cup milk or plain Greek yogurt.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1.     Beat the egg.
2.     Beat in the other ingredients until well mixed and smooth.
3.     If you want thinner pancakes, add more milk. For thicker, add less.
4.     Grease frying pan or griddle. Put on medium heat. The right temperature is when a few drops of water dance in the pan before evaporating.
5.     Put 3 Tablespoons of batter into the fry pan. Let cook until bubbles form on the top an the edges are dry.
6.     Flip the pancake and cook the other side until it golden brown. You can dry them on a paper towel. Serve warm.
7.     Top with butter and:
A.   pure maple syrup,
B.    golden syrup,
C.    sugar and cinnamon, or,
D.   for a savoury treat, butter and Vegemite (or Marmite).
8.     If you need to keep the pancakes warm, put them on a plate into a 100 C oven (no higher or they will dry out).
9.     Makes 10-12 pancakes
Buttermilk Pancakes: substitute 1 cup of buttermilk for milk.
Blueberry Pancakes: Add 1/2 cup of fresh or thawed blueberries
Applesauce Pancakes: Use only 1/2 cup of milk and beat in 1/2 cup applesauce, plus 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Yogurt Pancakes: Use 1 1/4 cup plain or Greek yogurt, omit milk.

‘In or Out:’ Britain Votes On Its Future in the European Union

The British are returning to the ballot box, again. This election, however, is a special one. In 2015, Britain had a national election. Upon winning, Prime Minister David Cameron of the centre-right Tory Party, perhaps under pressure from Euro-skeptics in his own party, fulfilled a campaign promise by calling for a simple ‘In or Out’ referendum on whether to remain or leave the European Union (EU).
Currently 28 out of the 50 countries in Europe belong to the EU. Prior to setting the referendum date, Cameron negotiated a ‘special deal’ with the EU, which, he claimed,protected British interests.
Britain Goes to the Polls: The date is 23 June 2016. The ‘Vote Leave Campaign’ is also called ‘Brexit’ (British exit). ’Britain Stronger in Europe’ campaign wants to remain in the EU, hence it is called ‘Bremain.’
Mr. Cameron is in the Bremain Camp, as are the leftist political parties like Labour, Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats. Yet, high profile Tories are for leaving, including Cameron’s own cabinet ministers like John Whittingdale, Theresa Villiers, Michael Gove, Chris Grayling, Priti Patel, Iain Duncan Smith and former London mayor Boris Johnson. If Britain votes to leave on June 23rd, it could encourage other countries in the EU to do likewise.
Here are the arguments on both sides, as found in campaign literature:
1.      Every British household would be worse off by GBP 4,300;
2.      EU membership brings lower prices by GBP 7 a week;
3.      Three million jobs in Britain are linked to the EU, that’s one in 10;
4.      Workers’ rights like sick leave, guaranteed parental leave, paid leave are all protected by EU law;
1.      EU costs Britain GBP 350 million a week;
2.      Millions are spent on European Union MPs;
3.      Britain will be liable for the failure of the Euro currency, though she retains her own pound sterling;
4.      European court will continue its veto on British law, like who can come into Britain and how much tax to pay;
5.      Immigration is a hot-button issue. EU Law says member state Britain cannot stop any citizen from another member state to live in the country (British people have the same reciprocal rights to live anywhere in the EU). Currently there are 942,000 eastern Europeans and 791,000 western Europeans living in Britain. If new, poorer countries join (e.g. Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia), they, too, can live and work in Britain;
6.      Turkey: This country gets a special mention as a candidate for EU membership. If it joins, 76 million Turks will have the right to live and work anywhere in Europe, including Britain. Turkey also borders war-torn Syria and Iraq, who also have a jihadist plague. This service continually encourages readers to ‘watch Turkey’ – will it retain its Ataturk-inspired western secularism or will it return to a religious, Ottoman and fundamentalist path?
Super-Europe: One of Cameron’s biggest ‘wins’ in getting a deal with the EU is that Britain would be exempted from being drawn into the EU’s ‘ever close union.’ He promises that Britain will never be part of a European superstate, even if all other members states are.
As we been saying for years, the real goal of the European Union is not merely to be a ‘club’ where member states can prosper together and keep the Germans from starting more wars: it is a United States of Europe. Proof of this trend includes common borders, currency, commission, council, court, flag, and defence. The concurrent erosion of national sovereignty, exemplified by lack of control of borders or having local law usurped by EU law, also confirms this direction. Member states will be reduced from sovereign nations to mere provinces of a superstate called Europe.
Why Christians Want ‘Out:’ Having asked a few evangelical Christians from a variety of locations in Britain their own position, everyone of them said without hesitation: I want Out!
Why? Because the EU is considered ‘anti-Christian.’ While the EU is technically secular and allows for human rights, including ‘freedom of worship,’ it is also true that its key players are fiercely anti-religious. There appears to be no ‘exemptions’ for churches when it comes to ‘anti-discrimination’ regulations. When a failed draft constitution for the EU was written, the framers refused to even mention Christianity as part of European heritage and identity, despite pleas from the Pope and others. If Christianity had nothing to do with Europe, then why are there majestic cathedrals all over the continent?
Pagan Europe: Concerned Christians point out that if the key leaders of the EU want nothing to do with Christianity, these same secularists are warm towards Greek mythology and paganism. After all, history shows that when a person or nation refuses to believe God’s truth, they don’t stop believing anything; instead, they believe in everything.
The goddess Europa, from whom the continent derived its name, is making a comeback. She was so beautiful that Jupiter/Zeus, father of the gods, turned into a bull and had her ride his back. They dove into the Mediterranean and had children. The image of Europa on the beast is now found on some Euro coins, stamps, paintings, magazine covers, and as an actual statue  in front of a key EU building. This brings to mind the words of Revelation 17:3-5:
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
This re-paganisation of Europe has been happening for a while. Occult Babylonian archaeological remains were transferred decades ago to the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, capital of Europe’s most powerful nation. These include the Ishtar Gate and Processional Way’ from Iraq and the Altar of Pergamon from Turkey. The latter is also known as the ‘seat of Satan’ (Revelation 2:13). These exhibits were more than just a prestigious display from the past – their demonic influence has been felt far and wide. It is no coincidence that Berlin, the ‘heart of Europe,’ started on a downward slide into fascism, Nazism, ‘liberal theology,’ and spawning two world wars. Could we be entering into the era the prophet Daniel spoke of, namely an empire where there are legs of iron, feet of iron and clay (Daniel 2)?

Ultimately, the future of Britain and the world is not dependant on a political negotiations or referenda, but on the prayers of Godly people (II Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 26:41; James 5:16 ). Now is the best time to start.

Leaving the Wilderness Behind: Why Study the Book of Numbers

Some of your favourite Bible stories and characters are found in this book. Yet it also serves as a solemn warning about the perils of disobeying God. In all cases it is folly and madness to say ‘No’ to Him.
Welcome to the Book of Numbers, the fourth of the five books of Moses, known as the Pentateuch or Torah (the Law). The stories are great and the lessons even greater.
The name in the original Hebrew is wayyedabber or ‘and he said.’ The reason for the name ‘Numbers’ is that it has to do with two censuses. The first is of the ‘generation of the exodus’ (Chapter 1), namely the children of Israel who miraculously departed from Egypt. The second census or numbering was of the ‘generation of the wilderness,’ the generation of Israelites born in the wilderness (chapter 26) to the ‘generation of the exodus.’ Though the exodus generation was headed towards the promised land of Canaan, they never reached it. Numbers will explain the dire reason why.
Key Characters:
1.       Moses the lawgiver;
2.       Aaron the high priest;
3.       Joshua the good spy, successor to Moses;
4.       Caleb, the other good spy, who survived the wilderness like Joshua
5.       Balaam, the prophet/seer who tried to curse Israel and inadvertently blessed them instead.
 Christ in Numbers:
The reason that Numbers is in the Christian Bible is that it points the way to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. Here are some types of Christ found in this book:
Star out of Jacob: One of the most beautiful Messianic description is the ‘star out of Jacob’ (24:17);
City of Refuge: Christ is also our ‘city of refuge,’ where we can flee and be protected from the ‘avenger of blood;’
Brazen serpent: When Israel murmured in the wilderness against God and Moses, the Lord judged them by sending fiery serpents who had a fatal bite. When Moses appealed to the LORD for deliverance, the solution was the ‘brazen serpent’ which was used to bringing healing and deliverance from judgment (21:8). In other words, God took the problem, namely the serpent, and turned it into the solution. Whoever looked on the brazen serpent would live. Jesus uses the serpent analogy to speak of Himself (John 3:14); He, the sinless One, took our sins upon Himself, so that all who look on Christ shall live. II Corinthians 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.’ See also Romans 8:3-4.
The Rock: When Israel lacked water at Rephidim, God commanded Moses to strike the rock and water would proceed (Exodus 17:6). Another incident of running out of water was at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin; this time God commanded Moses to ‘speak to the rock’ in order to obtain water. Unfortunately, Moses did not listen to the LORD. Instead, he struck the rock, like he did at Rephidim. Water came anyway but at a dreadful price. God told Moses that because of this sin Moses would not enter the promised land. Why was this judgment so severe? Because Christ is the Rock (I Corinthians 10:4) and He only needs to be struck once (crucified) for our sins; afterward, you speak to the Risen Saviour, not strike out again.
Manna: Like the manna, the bread from heaven, fed Israel in the wilderness (Numbers 11:6-9) for 40 years, Christ is the true Bread of Heaven (John 6:31-33). Whoever eats this bread lives for ever.
The high price of doubt and unbelief. This includes wandering, wilderness, unfulfilled divine promises, and death. So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief – Hebrews 3:19
Key Verses
14:22-23:Because all these men who have seen My glory and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test now these ten times, and have not heeded My voice, they certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who rejected me see it.”
Key Events in Numbers:
Chapter 01: The first census is taken of all Israelite men of military age 20 years or older who were born in Egypt and part of the exodus; the total was 603,550 (1:46). If every one of them had a wife and child, that would be 1.8 million. Sadly, this generation would not inherit the land. This is the ‘Generation of the Exodus.’
Chapter 13: The 12 spies explored Canaan for 40 days. They discovered its fertility but also the might of the local inhabitants.
Chapter 14: After 10 of the 12 spies gave an evil report of the land, the people rebel. God said this was the 10th time the generation of the exodus tempted God and therefore they would not enter the promised land. The sole exception would be Joshua and Caleb. Unbelief leads to rebellion.
Chapters 22-24:Balaam the seer was hired by Balak, king of Moab, to curse Israel. Despite his attempts, the curses turned to blessing.
Chapter 26: The second census was of the ‘generation of the wilderness,’ who were the children of the ‘generation of the exodus.’ The latter generation had died due to their unbelief so it was now time for a new stocktake.
Simple Outline of Numbers:
1-12     Generation of the Exodus
13-20   Wanderings in the Wilderness
21-36   Generation of the Wilderness; forward-march to Canaan
Lesson for Life:
Joshua and Caleb provide a sterling template of how to enter into the land of promise. Why did they succeed while the other 10 spies failed (and killed soon thereafter)? First, they followed God with a whole heart (14:24). Second, they did not have a religious spirit but a spirit of faith (13:30). While the 10 spies complained about the challenges, Caleb spoke words of faith: ‘Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.’ (13:30). Confession activates faith. Third, they gave a good report of the land (13:27; 30). It is easy to focus on circumstances and problems, but the faithful, whole-hearted believer focuses on the ‘good report.’ Proverbs 15:30 says a good report makes the bones fat and Paul exhorts us to focus on the good report (Philippians 4:8).
Follow these three steps, straight out of Numbers, and you will leave the wilderness behind as you make tracks to the promised land.


It is official: Donald Trump has passed the 1,237 delegate threshold. He will be the Republican Party candidate for President of the United States. What an amazing feat for a man who never held political office.
His rise is utterly remarkable, unpredictable, and unprecedented. Weeks out from the Republican Party National Convention, he knocked out 17 other Republican candidates, including well-known and experienced politicians. Trump has received more votes in a Republican presidential primary season than any other candidate in history.
Let’s face it: this is the most unusual US Presidential election in our lifetime. Well-known, experienced politicians have been sidelined while populists are taking centre stage. The experts are dumbfounded as a volatile electorate endorses candidates who would have been dismissed as improbable only a few years before. The two main populist candidates are Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
On the far left Socialist Bernie Sanders, a US Senator from Vermont, is an independent who seeks the Democratic nomination for President. He would be comfortable with the likes of Fidel Castro, who promised the people of Cuba free education and free healthcare. Yet Castro ruled with a rod of iron in the worse tradition of totalitarian dictatorship, causing boat exodus from Cuba to Florida that dwarfs what Australia has experienced. Younger Americans view Bernie as a ‘rock star’ (‘I can feel the Bern’) who speaks about the unfairness of Wall Street, the banks, promises to write off student debt and level the economic playing field.
The Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, is an intelligent, hard-working woman, with universal name recognition, an impressive resume of offices held, and plenty of campaign money. But she is viewed as ‘untrustworthy’ and ‘untruthful,’ with an on-going FBI investigation into her emails while US Secretary of State, along with her role in the collapse of Libya and the Benghazi disaster, which led to the assassination of the US ambassador Christopher Stevens. Critics say she has been big on busyness but short on accomplishments.
In the centre-left is Donald Trump, who seeks the Republican Party nomination for US President.
The ‘rise of Trump’ is an enigma, in part, because he does not easily fit into any mould. He is not a conservative in any traditional sense of the word. He is for protectionism, taxing the rich, soft on abortion and same-sex marriage. He has been married three times, did business with casinos, and attends his New York Presbyterian Church when he can.
However, the ‘conservative’ side of Trump is for border protection. He says that the global warming scare is exaggerated and the proposed solutions will harm jobs. He promises to appoint conservative Supreme Court justices and a less interventionist foreign policy (America should not be be the policeman of the world).
Americans, like other westerners, want the government safety net or entitlement programs like the Social Security (old age pension) and Medicare (government provided health care for the elderly). Never mind that these are exceedingly costly, wasteful, play a significant role in increasing the ballooning US national deficit, and are less efficient than private enterprise.
This is progressivism: it promises to ‘take care of you’ and your interests through big government involvement. In practice, it means in exchange for heavy taxes, much regulation, a more autocratic government that has no problem with interfering in people’s lives or fighting wars, ‘big brother in Washington DC’ will be watching out for you.
Despite its unsustainability and poor return, Social Security is such a sacred cow in the United States that even the mere mention of touching it arouses the wrath of ‘grey power.’ Woe to any politicians who even breathes the word ‘reform;’ they will be run out of town! So the deficit increases.
Trump is unlikely to reform the safety net – he is going to preserve it. That means, with his populist, politically incorrect message yet ‘give and take’ on conservative issues, he has a fighting chance to be President. This is remarkable considering questions on his character, gaps in knowledge, and questionable conservatism.
In any case, the 2016 US presidential election will be anything but dull.
Next month, we will look at the topic: Could God be behind the rise of Donald Trump?

Is It A Good Time to Visit the Holy Land?

With so much happening in the Middle East today, and with Europe on the alert, is it really a good time to take a Bible land tour to Israel?
Many Bible-believing Christians are very keen to make the visit, but they have two major concerns:

1.    Is it affordable?
2.    Is it safe?
First, I cannot stress enough that your decision to ‘go or not to go’ should not be based on the nightly news. Under no circumstance should a Christian believer make decisions based on fear! Now or ever.
The Bible is full of exhortations to ‘fear not.’ Nowhere does it imply we should fear anything, any time. The only fear we should have is the ‘fear of the LORD.’ When you exercise Godly fear, it cancels out all other fears!
Your decision to visit the holy land should be based on two things:
1.    Prayer and the leading of the LORD; and
2.    Sufficient, accurate information.
Why visit the Holy Land?
There are two consistent and compelling reasons:
3.    To walk where Jesus (and Bible heroes) walked. This is called‘devotion.’
4.    To learn more about the Bible. This is called ‘education.’
There are so many wonderful Biblical places to visit that would fulfil both criteria, including: the Dead Sea, Jericho, Jordan Valley, Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Mount Carmel, Caesarea, Jaffa, Bethlehem, Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, and the Old City of Jerusalem, plus more. In all these sites you can see first-hand where ‘Jesus walked’ and Biblical events took place.
You will learn, grow, enjoy, and even have fun. You can float on the Dead Sea, get baptised in the Jordan River, partake in the Temple Mount sifting project, fellowship with local believers (the ‘living stones’) or do what everyone does – go shopping. Yes, a spiritual pilgrimage can be fun, too.
What is the difference between a tourist and pilgrim?
Tourists visit a place for rest and recreation. Pilgrims can have these same goals but with one dramatic difference. A pilgrim has faith in his or her heart and travels to a place ‘in faith’ in order to connect with a place associated with ‘faith.’
In other words, a pilgrim is a person of faith and the journey in faith is called a pilgrimage.
Is it affordable?
Yes, it is very affordable. For less than the price of a cruise (where much of what you see is ocean water), you can travel, sleep, enjoy abundant fresh food, and live like a monarch.
One the of key questions: is it safe to go?
With screaming headlines about ‘Arab Spring,’ ‘Syrian War,’ ‘Rise of ISIS,’ and increased terrorism, it is a legitimate question. Here is the answer.
First, it is safe enough. Apart from being in God’s will, is there any place on earth that is absolutely safe?
Second, the Middle East is big enough. A bomb going off in Baghdad does not mean there is trouble in Jerusalem. While there are problems in some parts of the region, there is stability in other parts. Israel is one of those places of stability.
Third, one local Christian said this is the safest country in the world, because it is God’s land. So true. Deuteronomy 11:11-12 (NKJV) says:
But the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, 12a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.
Since God’s eyes are always on this land, you can be sure that His eyes will be on you, too.
Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport has been impressively renovated in the past few years. According to Conde Nast Traveler, its readers rated Ben Gurion the world’s Number Four airport, after Singapore, Dubai, and Hong Kong airports. It is especially ‘state-of-the-art’ when it comes to security issues. There are 11 checkpoints and security posts from the time you drive through the airport gate until you board the airplane. No wonder there has not been an attack at or a hijacking from Ben Gurion in forty years!
Furthermore, both local Jews and Arabs have a vested interest in the security of their pilgrim guests since both work in the hospitality industry (you will find many Arab workers, even in the Israeli hotels). The locals have their ‘ear to the ground’ when it comes to security; they are the best sources of information when it comes to a place being secure. Prayer and following their advice affords you the best protection possible.
This is a hospitable part of the world with low rates of crime. It is safer here than in many major western cities.
Journey in Faith: Remember the pilgrim’s secret weapon: Faith. Unlike the nervous tourist, the pilgrim believes that God is with them and protecting them every step of the way (Psalm 91:1-2). Many comment that they feel safer in Israel than in many other places. This is because they put their trust in the LORD. Those who do are never put to shame.
After all, Christian believer, if you cannot trust God now for your fears, faults, failings, finances, friends, family, and future … then when do you plan to start?
Now is the time!
Is it really a good idea to visit the holy land? If you are led by God and full of faith, then ‘go for it.’ With that kind of attitude, you will be well equipped to enjoy a fearless journey to the Land of the Bible. The results can be life-changing.
NOTE: Teach All Nations is offering two Bible lands tours in November 2016:
The Book of Revelation (Greece and Turkey)
Bible Adventure Tour (Jordan and Israel)

Log onto for more information


He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the LORD — Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV)
In Part 01, we looked at some of the factors that cause people to ‘get it wrong’ while in search of Mr. or Miss Right. These factors included:

1.      A corrupt, sex-saturated culture;
2.      Worship of false gods, which is far more prevalent than one realises, including materialism, statism (an overarching role for the government), and selfism;
3.      Opportunism;
4.      Narcissism: people can put on a prolonged act before the real person is exposed.
5.      The scourge of pornography. Latest count is that 46% of Americans view porn during the week. It also has a devastating effect on male virility.
6.      No fear of God;
7.      Ignoring wise counsel. Proverbs 11:14 says it all: ‘Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.’
In Part 02, we will look at ‘how to get it right.’ Please note that these are principles, not a magic formula.
Seasons: Ecclesiastes says to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. There’s a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to pluck (3:1-2). There is also a time to marry when your season comes. We have a season of singleness which is a gift from God: during this time we grow, develop, form our values and prepare for our future. As maturity and commitment set in, there is a time to marry. With so many waiting until their late 20s and early 30s before marriage, the possibility is strong that they had been in their season long before they actually marry. This can present complications. In other words, don’t wait too long because seasons change.
Decision: First, we need to make a decision to marry even before we meet someone. Everything flows from decision. It is amazing how many people entertain the idea of marriage, but allow life to flow by without actually doing anything about it. Men especially need to ‘prepare to launch’ by deciding that the time of girlfriends and floating around is finished: it is time to be a man and find a wife. As Proverbs 18:22 says that the man who finds a wife finds a good thing and the favour of God will be on Him. At the age of 25, I came to the conclusion that my time for marriage had come. Weeks later, the Lord identified to my future spouse. Having made the decision to marry, it was no effort to ‘make a move’ once I knew who it would be.
Have realistic expectations: It is almost entertaining how people have ‘fairy-tale’ criteria of whom they are going to marry: a certain educational background, physical appearance, social status, the perfect gentleman etc. The problem with these things is that they are 100% natural, not spiritual. Proverbs 31 describes the amazing virtuous woman; note that it says little about her appearance. Her spiritual life and ‘fear the LORD’ is what made her suitable. Whoever God has for you will be ‘a work in progress’ (just like you), so don’t see them as they are, but how God will make them.

Campaign 2016: What Should We Make of Donald Trump?

The 2016 US Presidential campaign is in full swing and it has been anything but dull. The front-runners are totally unconventional. One is a woman and the other a businessman who has never held a political office. Constantly, people are asking me: what do you think of Donald Trump?
Good question and for the longest time, I did not have an answer. Having watched American politics all my life, never have I seen a campaign like this one. Yet, as one committed to helping people become ‘future-ready,’ it is important to address the issue: What should we make of Donald Trump?
Background:Donald Trump, a businessman and TV personality, was born on June 14, 1946, which means he will be 70 years old at the time of the November 2016 election. Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was elected and inaugurated as President.
Trump Candidacy: The day after his 69th birthday, he announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for the office of United States President. His slogan: Making America Great Again! He promised to fund his own campaign and eschewed donations for big donors and super PACs (political action committees). This meant, among other things, that he would be free to say whatever he wanted.
Trump’s statements have been brash, controversial and politically incorrect. He said that he would build a wall at the Mexican border and have Mexico pay for it. After the IS attacked Paris in November 2015, he proposed a temporary ban on Muslim immigration ‘until we figure out what’s going on?’ These and other statements have offended much of the public, other political candidates, and even some of his business partners, who have subsequently severed commercial ties. Some of his rallies have been marked by protests and violence. The mainstream media have scratched their heads on what to do with him. Once highly-left wing news source announced that they were removing Trump’s campaign from the ‘political section’ to the ‘entertainment’ section.
The Trump campaign entertaining? Well, despite all the negatives mentioned above, he has consistently polled higher than his Republican rivals (the party of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the somewhat American equivalent to the Australian Liberal Party or Liberal/National Party Coalition; the US Democratic Party, to whom Barack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton belongs mirrors the Australian Labour Party). He has won state-after-state primaries and is getting closer to clinching the Republican Party nomination. Until now, every attempt to stop his candidacy has met with failure.
Why is Trump doing so well? His populist politically incorrect rhetoric resonates with many people because he comes across as honest, rather than wooden and insincere. His ‘non-establishment’ credentials also impress a volatile electorate, who feel regular politicians are not listening to them. His speeches and blunt statements give him much ‘free’ publicity from the mainstream media, even though they do not like his views.
What are we to make of the candidacy of this very rich, non-political, intelligent man who seems to be steamrolling his way to the Republican nomination? Here is some food for thought:
Conservative Challenge: People who hold to traditional or Biblical (rather than progressivist) values  will be troubled by Trump – he has been thrice married, does business with casinos, and has praised the abortion-giant Planned Parenthood. Though he implies he is conservative, he has not always been that way in practice. Has he had a ‘Damascus Road-Experience’ to a socially conservative position or is his conservatism tactical for more votes?
Conservatives Divided: Christian commentators like Messianic scholar Dr. Michael Brown in the USA and Australia’s own culture warrior Bill Muehlenberg are highly critical of Trump. Yet, some US conservatives like Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee and former governor of Alaska, have endorsed him.
One interesting endorsement comes from 91 year old Phyllis Schlafly, a Roman Catholic constitutional lawyer, conservative activist, and founder of the Eagle Forum. She was the woman who prevented the ratification the feminist-inspired Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment (ERA) in 1972. She is an American conservative icon and legend. Schlafly totally supports Trump and says he is America’s last hope. The reason: He is not beholden to the political kingmaker’s and will strongly deal with illegal immigration. If we don’t stop this wave of illegal migration, America as we know it will cease to exist, concludes Schlafly.
Big gamble: A Trump nomination is a big gamble for the Republicans. His approval rating may be high among Republican primary voters but his disapproval rating among the general public is also high. He will be opposed by non-white migrants, feminists, and the mainstream media. His likely opponent, Hillary Clinton, has a well-financed campaign, universal name recognition, and has applied the lessons from her failed 2008 campaign (Mrs. Clinton has unique challenges of her own, including low ‘trustworthy’ ratings and an FBI investigation of her emails while Secretary of State). Can Trump win? It is possible but it will be tough.
Volatility: Americans, especially conservatives are volatile. They are tired of broken-promises, of pseudo-conservative politicians, of political correctness and empty rhetoric. Perhaps because Trump is successful at business, a straight shooter, and smart in-general, he is viewed as someone who can get the job done.
The choice: barring some major event, it looks like it will be a vote between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. American’s will need to decide if they want, after a 16 year hiatus, to have the Clintons back in the White House or the fresh-face of a very determined Donald Trump. 

Photo Courtesy of Michael VADON Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Genericlicense.
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Laksa 101: Creamy Chicken Laksa

Anyone who travels to SE Asia will, sooner or later, encounter laksa. It is basically a spicy curry soup, often swimming with seafood. Having never grown up with curries or chillies or seafood, I initially was resistant to laksa. Yet, because of my annual visits to Malaysia, I eventually had to capitulate and give it a try. Penang, which is a celebrated food centre in Asia, was where I had Penang Laksa with mackerel. Getting and keeping the big fat noodles on my spoon was a major challenge. Then, I experienced the Sarawak Laksa while visiting Kuching. Laksa was becoming more and more mainstream for me.
One of the redemptive values of laksa is that it is a great and tasty way to introduce vegetables into the diet. So, when I discovered a ‘veggie-rich’ laksa recipe, I introduced it to my wife. Like me, she had little experience with curries, chillies and seafood. Her initial approval encouraged me to press on.
The following recipe is:
Laksa 101 – A Recipe for Beginners & Westerners
25 minutes prep, cooking 15 minutes.
250 gram rice noodles (these noodles expand so consider use half that amount, even if you are a noodle lover!)
1 Tablespoon oil
1 onion, diced finely
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
3 Tablespoons laksa or Thai red curry paste (laksa paste often has shrimp paste, which can be loved or loathed – if you are not use to it, try the red curry paste)
250 g chicken, thinly slice
2 cans of coconut cream (another option is Carnation light & creamy coconut flavoured condensed milk)
2 Tablespoons fish sauce
1 carrot cut into strips
1 cup (or more) sliced mushrooms
1/2 cup (or more) peas, preferably baby peas. Can use frozen peas.
2 cups bean sprouts (fresh is best)
1/4 cup fresh coriander
1.    Soak noodles 10 minutes in boiling water, drain;
2.    Heat oil in the pan, gently fry onion and garlic until translucent;
3.    Place chicken and laksa or Thai red curry paste in pan, cook 2 minutes;
4.    Add coconut milk & fish sauce;
5.    Bring to boil, add carrot and mushrooms, return to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes;
6.    Add frozen peas, bean sprouts and noodles just before serving.
For laksa veterans, add generous laksa paste and all the seafood you like.

Give it a try and you’ll feel like you are in tropical Asia!