Category Archives: Prophecy

Future Ready – What to Watch for in 2023

The 2020s have been a decade unlike anything we have seen in living memory, even surpassing the turbulent 1960s. For many people, it has caused a lot of fear and much of it is misdirected. People are afraid of global warming, environmental apocalypse, and being called pejorative names like racists, misogynists, etc. The rise of ‘wokery,’ ‘wokeism,’ or just plain ‘woke’ – now in overt overdrive – with its punitive cancel culture, causes much trepidation.

Yet, as someone put it: the only fear you need is the fear of the Lord; once attained, it will cancel out all other fears. 

In this article, we will give you a few places to watch – and pray – as well as some practical tips on how to handle the future.

The Western World

Western civilisation, based on Greek telos, Roman jurisprudence, and most of all, Judaeo-Christianity, has lifted many out of poverty, recognised human rights, respect for the individual, granted equality of opportunity and unparalleled freedoms, and fostered science and technology, is in danger of collapse. Declining morals, the proliferation of lying, and the lawlessness it fosters are the major factors of such fragility.

Russia and Ukraine

This tragic war among fellow Slavic Orthodox brethren has been a major challenge for the West, revealing great levels of corruption, frustrated globalism, and NATO’s impotence. The danger is of this land war – the largest in Europe since 1945 – will broaden and involve nuclear weapons. Let’s pray for a quick, peaceful settlement.


This important nation may be on the threshold of ‘nuclear breakout’ and thus pose a threat to the region and the world. Yet the ‘anti-hijab’ protests have made the regime uncharacteristically vulnerable. Its relationship with Turkey, and possibly Russia, could channel them into a prophetically significant alliance. With a new Netanyahu government in Israel, there may be either more tension or more detente. 


A growing regional and world power, this ambitious nation continues to lodge bellicose rhetoric against Taiwan and the West. Yet indebtedness, a failed zero-Covid policy, and even ‘Covid protests,’ have put the People’s Republic in an uncharacteristically perilous state. Air flights from China are recommencing and we pray it won’t spread more Covid.

United Kingdom and Commonwealth 

The death of Queen Elizabeth II on 8 September 2022 was the end of an era. She was the embodiment of the ‘best of the West,’ and her words and deeds emanated from a solid Judaeo-Christianity stance. King Charles III has gotten off to a good and energetic start – affirming that he really is ‘The Defender of The Faith’ – and promising to be politically neutral, the UK is heading for uncharted waters. Charles at 74 will be a transitional monarch and William, heir to the throne, appears to be religiously and politically neutral, though he is sympathetic to climate activism. Yet despite the smooth transition and stability of the monarch, UK politics has been turbulent with three prime ministers in 2022. Will the change of monarchs and the current economic and political cauldron lead to the reversing of Brexit (or is it too late for that)?

United States

There has been much concern over many political and social issues. In less than two years, despite the threats of inflation, deflation, and stagflation, Congress and the White House have gone on an unprecedented spending spree of $6 trillion – money they clearly don’t have. The culture war has reached a new level of intensity as the woke duel with traditionalists and nationalists for the heart of the nation. And let’s not forget there is a strong spiritual dimension to all this that only a Spirit-empowered church can address.

PRAY: For all the above nations, and the world, pray for peace, stability, and wisdom for leaders, and that God’s will be done.

What to Expect in 2023

  • 1. The Church as a Target: The church, as earthly ambassadors to the King of kings and Lord of lords, will continue to be a target for the anti-God elite who want a faux secular ‘kingdom of God without God,’ a secular utopia on earth. We need not fear but we do need to be aware, alert, and ready. Fear of an awakened church is part of the reason for the opposition.

  • 2. Economic and political shaking: from personal and corporate observation, it is clear that many people have not yet woken up to what’s really going on (note: being ‘woke’ is not the same as being ‘awake.’ In fact, they are diametrically opposite). The tendency to remain in a bubble or cut oneself off from reality altogether is still evident, despite all the upheaval we’ve had since 2020. This is most unwise. The silver lining of the shaking promised in Hebrews 12:25-29, is to ‘wake up the sleepers’ and ‘sober up the drunkards.’ This leads to point 3.
  • 3. An awakened church: If you are disappointed with political leaders who no longer represent the values of their constituency, their once political orientation, or lacking in courage to call out the barrage of lies being spoken, what do you think God’s attitude is? Government is important and we must pray and obey it (within reason and the parameters of Scripture). But the government is not God and there are many things it cannot do. A church that has awakened to reality and God’s prophetic purposes is the answer. (Hence, point one).

How to Respond?

Prudence: Taking note of future trends and wisely preparing for them. Proverbs twice says that the prudent man can see the evil and hides (22:3; 27:12). They become a ‘small target.’ Joseph in Genesis showed prudence in famine preparation when he stored the bumper crop of wheat during the seven good harvest years. Since the 1990s our ministry has sought to give insight for today and hope for tomorrow. To wisely prepare ‘for the rainy day’ is prudence. Have some cash safely on hand, diversify where you store your money, have extra food supplies, stock up on essentials, have candles, flashlights, blankets and other common sense things (and pray you won’t need them). All these are the marks of prudence.

Perseverance: The battle since 2020 has been long and draining. Fatigue and fatalism have set in and people want to give up. Don’t do it. You are faithfully serving God through your perseverance. Galatians 6:9 is the key. Winners never quit and quitters never win. 

Fear of the Lord: This is your ticket to a brighter future in any era. The most important thing you can do is invest in your spiritual life. That means putting God – His kingdom -and His righteousness – as your Number One priority. For those who do the promise of God is clear and sure – He will provide you with all the necessities of life (Matthew 6:33). This ministry has lived by this verse for many years and can testify to its power and veracity. Three areas to focus on.

1. Learn the Word of God and put it into practice. Make it a daily diet. Read and ask yourself: What does the text say? What does it mean? And how do I put it into practice? Memorise your favourite Scripture promises, confess and declare them to God, and stand on them. Psalm 91 is particularly pertinent for times like these.

2. Holy Spirit: The Biblical Christian life is not designed to be religious; it is truly a spirit life: born of the Spirit, baptised in the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, and walking in the Spirit. Jesus was a friend to sinners but not to the religious; He requires us to worship God in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). The Spirit-filled life is one of abundance, fruitfulness, and adventure

3. Body of Christ: Much of our growth in God is personal but also much is in community. We need the body of Christ more than ever – in person preferably – especially as the day of the Lord draws nigh (Hebrews 10:25).

Keep these things in mind and put them into practice. You will find that 2023 brighter than 2022 – guaranteed (Proverbs 4:18 KJV).

The Meaning of Christmas: A Promise Kept

For many people, Christmas means many things: a day off, a family gathering, a grand meal, and opening gifts under the tree. While in the west, there have been attacks on Christmas by culture warriors and purist Christians who dislike the ‘pagan’ aspects of Christmas. Yet this holiday is becoming wildly popular in non-western countries where Christians are in the minority. One thing we normally all agree on is that Jesus Christ was probably not born on December 25th, since it is much too cold in the hills of Bethlehem to have the gathering of the shepherds. Some have suggested a September birth to coincide with the autumn Feast of Tabernacles.

While we can give our own reasons why or why not we like Christmas, remember that it continues to provide the best opportunity in the year to tell a captive audience the story of Jesus. This can happen at a Christmas play, meal, or singing of carols. For that reason alone it is worth taking full advantage of this time of the year.

Yet this article wants to put a fresh Biblical meaning to Christmas – it is a divine promise that was kept. When you understand the nature of the promise given and the gracious divine fulfilment, you have just received the greatest gift of all.

And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no endLuke 1:31-33

This announcement was given by no one less than the archangel Gabriel, who stands before the presence of God. He came especially to Nazareth to inform the young virgin Mary that she would be the mother of Christ. Gabriel’s words confirmed that God’s promise was kept.

David’s Covenant

What was the promise? It is a covenant God gave to David. The Bible tells us about several key covenants by which God relates to His people. Brit in Hebrew and diatheke in Greek, ‘covenant’ means a ‘binding agreement between two parties.’ When the terms of the covenant are kept, it brings great blessings; but if they are violated, it can be disastrous. We connect with God via covenant and in the case of the Christian, it is the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34. 

When it comes to the covenant promise of God through Christ, it is called the Davidic Covenant, given in 2 Samuel 7 and 1 Chronicles 17. God gave an unconditional and unilateral agreement. The simple version is this:

  • God promised David that his son, yet to be born, would follow him on the throne;
  • He would reign over the House of Israel forever;
  • David’s son – the anointed one/Messiah – would simultaneously be God’s Son, too.

Notice Luke 1:32 notice the echo of the Davidic covenant – the promised Messiah, coming via the womb of Mary, would be called ‘Son of the Highest,’ and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. There you have it – in one verse we have the ‘two fathers,’ Son of God, Son of David. Verse 33 says he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and His kingdom will never end.

Christ’s birth occurred a thousand years after the time of David but it is a promise kept. Furthermore, despite the fact that the holy couple lived in Nazareth, a four-day journey by foot north of Bethlehem, the Roman census was used to bring them to the city of David, in fulfilment of Micah 5:2. 

In addition, Christmas is a promise kept to the patriarch Abraham. God made a covenant with him, too, that he would inherit the land of Canaan and have ‘seed’ that would bless the world. Galatians 3:16: Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. Thus birth of Christ is a fulfilment to both the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants.

Favour from God

There is nothing like favour – to have people like you, give to you, and bless you with open doors, relationship or substance. When done in the right spirit – not as flattery or bribery – it can be like a tree of life. Notice that in the events leading up to the Christmas story, there are key people who were highly favoured by God. They included:

David: the prophet said he would have an indestructible, everlasting dynasty, all made possible by the favour of God.

Mary: Though probably a teenager, Mary of Nazareth received a startling visitation in Luke 1:28: And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. Instead of being ecstatic at her new status, Mary was greatly troubled – understandably. Gabriel gave her the good news that she would be the mother of Messiah, a unique honour among women. Once she processed the news, she sang praises to the Lord in a song known as the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). After receiving the good news, she offered the Lord this timeless song to show her gratitude. This is a wise move.

The shepherds: They may have been on the bottom of the social ladder but in the eyes of God they were highly favoured. The angel of the Lord chose to appear to them first with glory shining around about and they, too, were afraid. They were told to not fear because he brought great news: For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the LordLuke 2:11. These are not just nice words – it was proof that the promise of God to David was coming to pass. They were favoured to be the first ones apart from the holy family to meet the Christ child.

Faith & Fulfilment

Faith is the key to finding favour with God; without it, you cannot please the Lord (Hebrews 11:6). Once you abide in faith and favour, you are in a position to facilitate, or even see, the fulfilment of the promise. 

The Christmas events are the fulfilment. Jesus had a double link to the Davidic lineage via Joseph (Matthew 1) and Mary (Luke 3). The Nazareth-based couple were forced to submit to a nuisance census from Caesar Augustus, in order to rendezvous at Bethlehem, thus fulfilling Micah 5:2. This passage pinpoints that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. This makes sense that the ‘Son of David’ would be born in the ‘City of David.’ All these things coalesced to bring fulfilment of the promise. Understand that God keeps His covenant, but in His sovereignty and wisdom, it is according to his terms, timing and territory.

So this year, when you think of ‘Christmas,’ remember that it is a promise kept to you, me, and the world.

Understanding the American Midterm Elections

The 8th of November 2022 was viewed with great anticipation. Why? It was the date of the United States Midterm with congressional, state, and local elections held across the country. This means that all 435 members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the 100 US Senators are up for election or re-election. During a midterm, the key person not on the ballot is the US President.

The 2022 midterm was meant to be a ‘red wave,’ ‘tsunami,’ and ‘blood bath,’ according to the polls. The Republican Party (the reds), also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party) is the approximate equivalent to the Liberal-National Coalition in Australia and the Conservative Tory Party in the United Kingdom. The GOP was looking to mop up the US Congress. There were predictions of flipping 30, 40, and possibly up to 100 seats in US House of Representatives. Trump-endorsed candidates – he recommended around 235 – known as MAGA (Make America Great Again), were outperforming establishment Republicans in the primaries. 

There were reasons for the GOP’s upbeat assessment. Polls say that 73% of Americans are unhappy with the direction of the country, dominated by Democrats in Congress and the White House. It is not hard to understand why. Inflation is rampant, drugs are proliferating, petrol prices are at an all-time high, there is human trafficking, shortages of baby formula and other necessities, more violence, a confusing and botched government response to Covid, multi-trillion-dollar spending bills, an unsecured southern border, and emboldened international rivals. The open southern border is also the gateway for 96% of fentanyl, killing one hundred thousand Americans annually. Add to that an alarming rise in crime, especially in major American cities and an epidemic of ‘wokery’ and cancel culture. 

Thus it is not surprising that Joe Biden’s approval rating was below 40%. Though the US Presidents are not officially on the ballot during the midterms, it is usually a de facto referendum on his performance. Far more articulate and charismatic presidents like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama got ‘shellacked,’ – to use Obama’s term – when Clinton lost 54  House seats in the 1994 midterms and Obama 63 seats in 2010. Donald Trump lost 41 House seats in the 2018 midterms (which returned Nancy Pelosi to the speakership of the House of Representatives). The House speaker is the third highest-ranking office in the land, after the President and Vice-President). With so many negative indicators and low approval ratings, it is easy to see why the Republicans were ultra-optimistic. A few cautious Republican voices tried to dampen down expectations but to no avail. Many on the right expected a river of red to flow. 

A Mixed Report Card

So what happened? The Democrats (the blue party) did better than expected. 

  • The Democrats increased their majority from 50 to 51 in the one-hundred-member US Senate, though the GOP had more seats to defend. It will be the other way around in the 2024 election.
  • At least three high-profile Covid-crazy lockdown Democrat governors won re-election.
  • The GOP took days to flip the House of Representatives and then it may be between 10-12 majority, hardly a red wave, let alone ‘tsunami.’ Biden, who was barely on the campaign trail, was delighted – this is far less than the dozens of lost seats in Clinton, Obama, and Trump’s midterms.

While some Trump – MAGA candidates did very well but others did not while some narrowly lost their races. One expert estimated that Trump’s endorsement won 90% of their seats.

What’s Going On?

What happened to the red wave?

Here are things to consider:

Spending: Reports say that the Democrats outspent the Republicans three to one. Two of their largest Democrat donors included George Soros, in his early nineties, followed by Sam Bankman-Fried, age 30, who gave $40 million. He founded the now-bankrupt crypto-currency firm called FTX.

Democrat Unity: Another factor is that the Democrats were united – just the thought of a return of Donald Trump gave them nightmares. They also pounded the anti-MAGA message that they are armed white nationalists – in love with guns, God, and American flags. This alarming warning against Trump and the MAGAs has apparently stuck with some voters. 

Winners – Infirmed & Deceased: A small but sure blue stream meandered through the body politic were candidates like John Fetterman, the winner of the Pennsylvania senate race against celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz. Fetterman had a stroke a few months ago and it has markedly affected his speed and coherence, yet he won anyway. Could this be thanks to the ‘early voting option’ in Pennsylvania, which is often favoured by the Democrats?

Have you heard of Tony Delucca of Pennsylvania; Barbara Cooper of Tennessee, and Simon Filbert of California? All three of them have something in common. All are Democrats. All three of them are deceased. And all three won their respective races despite being dead at the time of the election. Again, could ‘early voting’ hold the key to a stone-cold victory?

Divided Republicans: Then there’s the GOP – they are divided as the Democrats are united. Different sects include the establishment ‘country club’ Washington-insider Republicans, the RINO Republicans (Republicans In Name Only), neo-con Republicans (former leftists who believe in international intervention, even war, to impose western liberal values and democracy), and the ever-never-Trumpper Republicans. An emerging group is the ‘I like Trump’s policies but prefer Ron DeSantis’ Republicans. Then there are the MAGA people and they are the growing block in the party. 

GOP Party leaders like Mitch McConnell in the Senate, Kevin McCarthy in the House, and Ronna McDaniels, GOP chair, are being blamed for the disappointing results and are being challenged for their positions. Some have suggested that these leaders may have gone further – either neglecting or sabotaging the election of MAGA Republicans.

Fraud: A couple of other points: there was widespread scepticism on the integrity of the 2022 midterms, just like there was with the 2020 presidential elections. Eyes are especially on the state of Arizona, which also was in the eye of the storm in 2020. This time there were widespread reports of voting machine malfunction – upwards to 60%; turning voters away; mixing ballots, and taking over two weeks to count ballots – all lead to the conclusion that this situation, at the very least, should be investigated. The Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, is Arizona’s Secretary of State. She refused to recuse herself from the election process, though it meant she was counting her opponent’s votes. Arizona’s election may be easily described as a verifiable case of voter suppression.

Finally, the reasons for mixed election results have to do with the voting bloc of younger people ages 18-29 (31% turnout). Two-thirds of them voted Democrat – the potential of student loan forgiveness, temporary petrol price reduction due to the releasing of reserve oil, and ‘threats to our democracy,’ the overturning of ‘Roe v. Wade,’ got them off the couch on into the ballot box (or mailbox or dropbox). Unmarried women voted Democrat by 37 points, though there is probably overlap between this group and younger people.

In summary, the GOP is disappointed because they didn’t win more while Democrats are delighted that they lost less.

GOP Wins

The GOP did have some important wins. They captured the House of Representatives and thus Nancy Pelosi will not be wielding the gavel anymore. Many red state legislatures now have GOP ‘supermajorities’ which means that if they pass legislation and the governor vetoes it, they can override it his or her veto. In other words, supermajorities are veto-proof. 

Less pronounced but no less significant that blue courts and school boards were flipped to red, especially with the emergence of a new voting bloc: Parents. They are alarmed and motivated to stop what they believe to be the indoctrination of their children in the public schools. Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who ran again for Governor of Virginia in 2021, said publicly that parents should have no say in how their children are educated – it cost him the election. His challenger, Glen Youngkin, championed the parents’ concerns and won the election. Lesson: Don’t cross the parents. 

Rising stars in the Democrat party – ones who would be considered candidates for high-profile leadership, lost their respective governor’s races, namely Beto O’Rourke in Texas and Stacey Abrams in Georgia. This is not their first loss and it could possibly be their last election.’ All in all, the Republicans won three million more votes nationwide than the Democrats.

What can the GOP majority in the House of Representatives do? Without bi-partisan support in the Senate – which is in the Democrat’s hands – and the White House is also Democrat – it will be impossible to pass legislation. What they can do is investigate the weighty yet unanswered issues of the day. They are promising to be robust in their investigative power. 

Other Key Elections

Brazil: Yet it wasn’t just the Americans who went to the polls in November. Two other elections had major global implications. In Brazil, there was a high-profile and controversial election. The incumbent president was Jair Bolsonaro, a Brazilian populist leader called the ‘Trump of the tropics,’ who ran for re-election. The other was former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who served from 2003 to 2010. Lula went to prison for corruption, then was acquitted, released, and ran in the 2022 Brazilian presidential election. It was reported that Lula narrowly won over Bolsonaro, yet there were reports, perhaps widespread, of large-scale corruption in the election process. Mass protests, perhaps in the millions, have occurred and apparently are unreported by the mainstream media.

Israel: Another important election held on 1 November 2022 was in Israel, the nation’s fifth election in less than four years. While other recent elections failed to reveal a clear winner, this time was different. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu performed reasonably well, netting 64 seats in the 120-member Israeli parliament, the Knesset. This may not seem like a lot but it is clearly sufficient to mandate Netanyahu to form a coalition (the proliferation of political parties makes a ‘hung parliament’ a certainty with every Israeli election). Why the different outcome? Netanyahu, the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history, was out of office in the previous government. This dovish, left-of-centre, coalition with Naftali Bennett as prime minister, was unwieldy, diverse, weak and destined to experience an early death. It lasted a little over a year. People decided to stay with the man they knew. 

What’s even more remarkable is that the left-of-centre parties polled poorly. The Israeli Labor Party, which was the political home to David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir, and Yitzhak Rabin, was reduced to a rump of a mere four seats. Ouch! And two strongly leftist parties who were in the Knesset for many years – Meretz and Balad –  failed to win even one seat. 

Could it be that the red wave flowed, not out of DC, but Jerusalem?

Victorious Christian Living: Triumph in Trials


Testings, trials, and tribulations: these are things we would prefer to avoid. Yet, in a fallen world – where bad things can happen to good people and good things to bad people – we need to face realities. Tests, trials, tribulations, and offences will come; Jesus said that in this present world we will have tribulation (John 6:33).  

Since the Covid-19 onslaught, God’s people have been under heavy pressure with bizarre things happening to the best among us. Sometimes trials comes through our own foolishness and become a self-inflicted wound; other times we are doing all the right things and yet trouble comes. 

What are we to make of all these things? And how can we triumphantly move forward?

While it is easy to fall into platitudes, this article seeks to present Biblical principles. Platitudes don’t work but principles do. While there are no formulas or recipes, application of these divine principles applied to life’s challenges will receive a divine reward. Here are some principles you can count on:

  1. Immediate download: If you walk with God and trouble hits, expect an immediate download of divine grace and peace in your heart and mine. Isaiah 59:19: When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. When the devil works, you can expect God to work even harder. Since God promises never to leave you or forsake you, expect an extra measure of His presence and grace in when trials come (Hebrews 13:5). The Lord becomes a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1
  2. Know where you stand in God: It is easy to become disorientated in times of trouble, yet it is imperative to know your true Biblical standing in God – and keep standing. You have the perpetual promise of His presence (Matthew 28:20), that all things will work together for your good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28), and that if you persevere in trouble, God will put you in a large place of promotion (Psalm 4:1; 75:6-7). Pass the test, win the prize.
  3. Patient endurance: When the trial is on-going, understand that God is developing in you the grace of patient endurance. Immature people are impatient people, yet patient people are mature, strong, and exceedingly wise. The Book of Revelation speaks of the patience of the saints and how they honour God in the process. You are being strengthened in the process (2 Corinthians 12:10).
  4. Mileposts: In an on-going trial, God graciously gives ‘mileposts’ along the way. Like natural ones, mileposts highlight that you are heading in the right direction and getting closer to your destination. During a trial, this author temporarily lost his wallet in the main hallway of a shopping centre. He was not even aware the wallet was missing. Five minutes after the loss, he heard his name being paged. As he walked out of the cafe, a kind man handed him back his wallet. The Lord then said: ‘Just as I am watching after you in this matter, so I am in all matters.’ This was a welcome milepost. Recognise the grace mileposts and thank God for them. You are on the right track.
  5. Under control: Often times, when you have done everything you humanely can and there is no more to do at present, let the Holy Spirit remind you that the current crisis is ‘under control.’ Rest and rejoice in this fact – God is at work even while you sleep.
  6. Be strong and courageous: Nobody is organically born strong and courageous. These things come by making a decision to obey the clear commands of God, just as He gave to Joshua (1:6, 7, 9). Paul exhorted the Ephesian church to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might (Ephesians 6:10). When you are both strong and courageous, you will be able to do things that would otherwise be impossible for the cowardly and weak.
  7. See the ‘big picture’: It is easy to be focused on the single tree even though God wants you to look on the forest. Hebrews 12:11: Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby. Learn the divine lessons on offer and you can graduate to the next level. 
  8. Praise and thanksgiving: It is high time that God is glorified, even in and especially during times of testing. We are commanded to give thanks in everything and at every time (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Praise God regularly and liberally (Psalm 150:6), since it and thanksgiving are part of the language of faith. And faith moves mountains. Learn what it means to ‘Sow praises to the heavens and God will rain down blessing on earth.’ Praise and thanksgiving are proven spiritual weapons that will defeat the enemy (2 Chronicles 20:22).
  9. When all is said and done, keep trusting God: We were made for this. Trusting God is wisest and best thing you can do, even when it does not make sense to the natural mind. Proverbs 3:5-6 are the classic verses on this subject – Trust God with all your heart, don’t rely solely on your rational mind, acknowledge Him at all times and He will direct your path.
  10. As has been aptly said, tough times don’t last but thought people do. Your perseverance will be richly rewarded. 

Trials happen to everyone but those who love and trust God are guaranteed to come out on top. 

The Silver Lining: Lessons from Lockdown – Part 01


From the 2022 Understanding the Times Australia Wide Tour: ‘Turning the Corner: Bringing Clarity in Confusing Times’

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation 

— 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8

It was perhaps the most difficult period of our collective lives. Beginning with the Covid-19 pandemic, then the mandates and lockdowns that became all too common around the world. It was like a mighty earthquake that had repeated and unwelcome aftershocks. When was all this going to end?

People of Biblical faith need to see that God has not forsaken them in the midst of the madness. Furthermore, He takes that which is evil and turns it for our good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28). During lockdown, there were some invaluable lessons that we learned – but there’s a caveat. Lessons were learned by those who were ‘watching’ and ‘sober.’ 

The above passage from 1 Thessalonians 5 describes the last days scenario with three types of people. 

One – The Sleepers: These are they who are alive and awake to the things of the world but asleep to the things of God’s kingdom.

Two – The Drunkards: This simply means a person detached from reality. They live under deception, denial, delusion, and practice escapism at the very time they need to stand and fight. 

Three – Children of the light and the day: The first two categories are to be avoided at all costs since the end result is that they will not escape (1 Thessalonians 5:3). 

Do everything in your power to become the third category – a child of the light and the day. God is light (1 John 1:5) and Christ is light (John 8:12), those who follow Him at all times are also in the light (Matthew 5:14). 

Children of the light are watchman on the walls. Like weighing oneself after a calorie-busting Christmas season, we may not like what we see, but we need to see it if we are going to resolve the issues. After all, when you understand that there is a problem – and why – you are halfway towards a solution.

For those who ‘watch,’ ‘pray,’ and are ‘sober,’ here are some of the lessons we learned during the pandemic and lockdown period.

First: The Fourth Branch of Government

Constitutionally there are three branches of government:  the executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch. Thanks to lockdown, we learned that there is a de facto fourth branch that has developed over the years though this was never constitutionally mandated. The ‘fourth branch’ has legislative power, though not subject to a vote of the people. It can also stymie the will of the people and other branches of government. 

Who is that man behind the curtain? 

It is known as the ‘administrative state,’ the ‘bureaucracy,’ the ‘rule of experts.’ Common nicknames are ‘the swamp,’ ‘the deep state,’ and ‘the blob.’ This ‘fourth branch’ is found in the Anglo-sphere and the European Union. In the United States alone, there are 432 federal agencies that employ three million people. Bureaucrats craft regulations which have the force of law.

Remember the American constitution explicitly proscribed a large federal government, since minimal government means maximum freedom. Big government is bossy government; furthermore, it is can be costly and inefficient.

During lockdown we saw ‘the experts’ give pronouncements which influenced, if not dictated, government policy. These statements could change on a whim, contradict other statements, be accurate, partially accurate, or wholly inaccurate. The bottom line is that 100s of millions of people were affected by bureaucrats who are unelected and often unaccountable. This is not healthy for democracy.

Two: Indoctrination in Schools

Cultural Marxists have cleverly targeted the public school system for decades, dating back to the 1930s. They knew that he that controls the classroom controls the future. Teachers are the ‘dangerous people,’ who can influence an entire generation – for better or for worse. If the latter, the effects of their influence may be hidden for years until it finally bursts at the surface. For example, heretics infiltrated theological schools and then years later the unwanted crop of ‘post-biblical Christianity’ came into being. This has been a problem throughout church history.

During lockdown parents could not go to work and children to school. So school instruction happened online. Some prudent parents seized this rare opportunity to listen to what their children were learning. To their horror, it wasn’t ‘reading, writing, and arithmetic,’ but ‘woke,’ wretched and radical ideology in areas like race and gender. This unveiling – made possible by lockdown – led to an ‘awakening’ of parents, who decided to do something about their children’s education. School board meetings have not been the same since.

Three: An Authoritarian Streak

It is no secret that leftist ideology, whether cultural Marxism, secular progressivism, socialism, and related beliefs, seek to care for the people by controlling them. In order to take care of their constituents, these leaders demand complete compliance. Individualism and freedom are the price. There can be no deviation from the plan of action. In summary, leftism is coercive and demanding by nature.

For those who understood this and watched, it should have come as no surprise that there was a strong authoritarian streak from some of our democratically elected politicians, especially from the aforementioned Anglo-sphere. The Covid-crisis could not go to waste and a legislative power grab ensued in some jurisdictions, with sweeping edicts that had little to do with the pandemic. Though the politician is the ‘face’ of authoritarianism, the instigation could be from the bureaucracy, special interests, or another hidden party.

These are only three of the major takeaways of what the children of the light and day discovered during the bizarre period of pandemic and lockdown. There are more, which we will learn in the next article.


ELIZABETH II 1926-2022

It was the day that Britain and the Commonwealth dreaded. She was last photographed at Balmoral, her holiday home in Scotland, with a beautiful smile but with obvious frailty and a bruised hand, greeting the new prime minister of the United Kingdom, Liz Truss. Then in less than forty eight hours, she was gone. 

Arguably the most and photographed famous woman in the world, with a ubiquitous presence: the image Elizabeth II graced postage stamps, coins, and banknotes. Though most never met her in person, many also felt a familiarity. Now that she belongs to the ages, there was something reassuring as the transition finalised between the reigns of Elizabeth II and Charles III occurred with velvet smoothness. While there is understandably great sorrow at the passing of a long-term and beloved monarch, there was reassurance that her legacy of dedication, diligence and duty, will continue on.

While many tributes have been paid to the late queen, this one will focus on three key things. The first is that the Queen served as a living link to history. She was related by blood to historical figures like Henry VIII, George III, and Queen Victoria. The mind whirls at the events she witnessed during her ninety-six years on this earth. At the age of ten, she watched – perhaps with bemusement – how her uncle Edward VIII forsook the crown to marry an American divorcee, Wallis Simpson, thus catapulting her father to the throne as George VI. This meant that she now became the first in line to the succession. At the age of fourteen, she witnessed the Nazi blitz of London, when even Buckingham Palace was hit. She participated in the war effort as a driver and mechanic. And who can forget the euphoric moment when the royal family stepped out onto the balcony of the Palace as the crowds gathered to celebrate V-E Day, May 8th 1945, the end of the second world war. The British people weathered the war and came out on top. She was there for it all. 

The array of political leaders with whom she interacted is staggering: Churchill, Truman, Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy – the list goes on. Elizabeth II was more than an observer of history – she made it; a young woman in a geo-political man’s world, she held her ground and earned the respect of all. 

A leading figure in the United Kingdom and the West, Elizabeth embodied the best of all these worlds. Remember that the ‘West’ embodies reason, scientific breakthrough, technology, the industrial revolution, renaissance, reformation, the market economy, abolition of slavery, the formation of parliamentary democracy with its balance of powers, separation of powers, and recognition of human rights. All these important things find their powerful symbolism in the Crown, which embodies history, heritage, governance, and way of life.

As the British Empire began its peaceful dismantling, it was wonderfully reconstituted into the Commonwealth of Nations, which even includes countries that were not under British colonial rule. Elizabeth II skilfully and successfully navigated this entire process; she proved to be a very popular uniter. 

While most sang her praises, there was a few noisy cultural Marxist voices who wished her ill. It’s not that she had personally done anything egregious against anyone – she had not and they know it. They were attacking the civilisation which she so ably represented.

Finally, as noted in the third and final instalment of the Crown Chronicles, Queen Elizabeth II was a conspicuous and vocal Christian. She faithfully attended the local church where she was located at any particular occasion, even on her holidays. Prayer given and received was an important part of her life. Of course, she was famous for her annual address to the Commonwealth on Christmas Day, where regular mention was made of her faith in Jesus Christ. In her one and only ‘Easter Address,’ of April 2020 during the beginning of the Covid lockdown, she famously said that while other things had been cancelled, Easter would never be – it was un-cancellable.

While it is technically possible for a non-Christian to exhibit good character traits, the Queen led the way in sterling qualities: integrity, loyalty, honesty, truthfulness, consistency, faithfulness, and, let’s not forget, her unflinching dedication to duty. In seventy years on the throne, she could be counted upon to fulfil her obligations, without a loss of temper, control, or coarse language. It is concerning that the Queen’s character, bolstered by her Christian faith, seemed to be something unique, relegated to a museum, rather than the mainstream in a ‘Christian society.’ For sure, these qualities were far more plentiful in 1952, when she came to the throne, than in 2022. Yet, the outstanding and consistent example she set is an opportunity for others to walk in her footsteps. When you follow Christ, the light of the world, you will be a reflection of that light.

The symbols of her coronation on June 2, 1953, were all of the Christian vintage: the orb, sceptre, crown, holy oil. For all practical purposes, the monarch’s coronation is a Bible-based anointing service. And the coronation vow itself is powerful. The monarch swears To maintain the laws of God and the profession of the Gospel.” It was a recognition that Her Majestys kingdom is a Christian realm and that she as monarch, and the government she leads must maintain it. Even the monarch is subject to the King of kings and Lord of lords.

As we celebrate the life and memory of Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, other realms and the Commonwealth, let us remember to pray for her successor, King Charles III. He has a tough act to follow, but he has also had seventy-three years to prepare for it. By God’s grace and our prayers, he will do just fine. 

Winning the War on Truth – Part 02

All-out war has been declared against truth. If we are going to win this war – and the stakes couldn’t be higher – then we need to know that there is a war and what we are fighting against. In Part 01, we learned about the enemies of truth, which come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colours. This includes words and phrases like spin, disinformation, misinformation, post-truth, double-speak, smoke and mirrors, and gaslighting. To this infamous list we add a few more items in the vocabulary of deception:

  • Mendacity: Another word for untruthfulness and lying, particularly as a regular part of daily living.
  • Half-truth: An interesting and deadly variant of the virus of lies. One could be telling a story that is technically factual but the goal is not to shed light but to obscure it. ‘Tell-all’ biographies can fit this description. They may actually be telling ‘the truth’ but the question needs to be asked: Why are they telling this story at all? Is it for the public good? Does it bring accountability to society’s leaders? Or is their real intention to embarrass, harass, or even destroy a public figure? Or to make millions off someone else’s misery? If the latter, then it really should be labelled as a violation of the ninth commandment – giving false witness. A good rule of thumb: If the words are right but the spirit behind them is wrong, then it is wrong … no matter how accurate the wording may be. Remember, a positive account (factually accurate) plus a negative account (spirit of defamation and destruction) equals a negative. 
  • Right words/Wrong Spirit: A good example of saying the right words but nullifying them by a bad spirit, is the incident in Acts 16. At Philippi, a girl with a spirit of divination followed the apostles Paul and Silas continuously while declaring aloud ‘These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation’ (verse 17). There was no untruth in her statement; however, she kept following and harassing the apostles with this unwanted ‘commendation’ over a period of ‘many days’ (verse 18). This situation became so intolerable to Paul that he cast out the evil spirit in the girl (verse 18), who was wonderfully delivered.

  • The politicisation of knowledge: Used by politicians, media outlets, and administrative experts, this means that ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ are declared for political ends. Facts are accepted or rejected according to political expediency. Furthermore, facts and information are fashioned around a political agenda, meaning that if lying serves the ultimate goal, then go ahead and lie. The political left will state that a situation is not true when the political right is involved, then turn around and say the exact same situation is true when it meets their goals.
  • Content Moderation: This means someone comes and edits your written content, often without your permission. Tweets can be ‘moderated’ to neutralise any challenge to the prevailing narrative.
  • Fact Checkers: Social media and others claim to use third-party fact-checkers to guard against fake news. The idea is to check the veracity of a story to promote correctness in reporting. Though it sounds like a good idea, it often happens that fact-checkers are biased, too. Some of them could be political operatives disguised as truth-seekers. Again, fidelity to the narrative proves to be more compelling than the facts themselves.

As we enter into prophetically significant times, expect the war against truth to intensify. It is ultimately a spiritual battle that requires spiritual weaponry to win (Ephesians 6:10-18; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5). The forces of darkness — the devil and his demons – focus on stealing, killing, destroying (John 10:10) and deception (John 8:44). The Lord of hosts excels in light, life, love, edification and truth. The contrast couldn’t be greater.

War in the West: The greatest battlefield of the war against truth is in the western world. Why? Ultimately because the West was based on Judaeo-Christian or Biblical foundations. This includes the Ten Commandments, which teach us the highest standards of ethics, morality, and conduct the world has ever known. While the Commandments cannot give salvation, they show our need for the Saviour (Galatians 3:24). 

While far from perfect, western civilisation was built on truth from a Biblical worldview. On this foundation, the West became the place that spawned modern science, the renaissance, the reformation, and two industrial revolutions. Great technology has helped modernise life. The market economy lifted many out of poverty. In addition, the West gave the world parliamentary democracy, rule of law, the recognition of private property rights, the separation of powers, the balance of powers, and the codification of human rights. Our world has been made a better place because of all these things.

All of this was made possible by a high, respected view of truth and the Ten Commandments, rightly considered the bedrock of the western legal system. On the other hand, cultural Marxists and revolutionaries have worked hard to decouple the West from its Judaeo-Christian foundations. These foundations teach us there is a higher power above all governing authorities, that liberty is God’s gift to humanity, and the primacy of faith, family and freedom. The Marxist idea is to detach dependence on God and His truth and focus it on the state. If that happens, the first thing to go is the truth. 

Historian Niall (pronounced Neil) Ferguson, an academic authority on western civilisation, said that “Loss of faith in the West is more menacing than the rise of China, radical Islam, and carbon climate change.” This is an additional reminder that the greatest foe of all is not those on the outside, but those within.

As we ponder, pray, and act on the challenges of our world, let’s not forget Christ’s immortal words in John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


Boris Johnson: Why Did He Fall?

He is a highly gifted leader. Educated at Eton and an expert on the classics at Balliol College, Oxford, he had the vision to be another Winston Churchill. People describe him as witty, entertaining, optimistic, populist and pragmatic. He rose to the highest political office in the land and in December 2019 he had an electoral landslide that gave him a whopping eighty-seat majority. His campaign slogan?‘Get Brexit Done.’ He was able to do what his immediate predecessor could not – he got a Brexit deal passed through the United Kingdom parliament. So far, so good.

Yet, on 7 July 2022, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation as leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister. To which we ask: what went wrong? How did he go from landslide to train wreck? Whatever the reasons, do they compare with what’s happening ‘across the pond’ (the Atlantic Ocean) or the instability in Israel with five national elections in less than four years?

Without question, his biggest single achievement was delivering Brexit – the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union. Though the electorate voted to leave the EU in the June 2016 referendum, there was heavy opposition all the way. The Labour Party was for ‘Remain,’ many Conservatives were the same, and ‘the Blob’ – the entrenched UK bureaucracy – opposed it at every turn. 

Boris thrived on the challenge to ‘Get Brexit Done.’ Instead of taking orders from eurocrats in Brussels, the sovereignty of the UK parliament as the chief lawmaker was restored. From that point, he was set up to be a consequential leader like Churchill and Thatcher. 

So what went wrong? Why did he fall?

Boris’s time at the helm coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic. He himself got a bad case of the virus and had to be hospitalised. Things may have even been ‘touch and go.’ He did credit the revered National Health Service (NHS) as having saved his life. Yet, the bouncy, indefatigable politician with dishevelled hair was now quiet, subdued, and seemingly withdrawn. Of course, that alone was not enough to end his leadership, but his handling of Covid was.

The UK had Australian-style lockdowns, with three months locked in, and six months of freedom, followed by another three months of lockdown. There were stiff penalties for breaching the guidelines, which separated families, enforced isolation and caused relational ruptures. Yet, while Britons were confined in their home and couldn’t even visit dying relatives, it was ‘party-time’ at Number Ten Downing Street. This is the prime minister’s residence and a government office. Dubbed ‘Party-Gate,’ while citizens were locked up, government workers were having social gatherings with drinks and chips in abundance. 

This was a flagrant breach of the Johnson government’s own Covid-19 guidelines. When asked about this later, Mr. Johnson initially lied about it before finally telling the truth and paying his fine. Some people, even those who voted for Johnson, have spoken to this author of their deep resentment of the double standard of ‘rules for thee and not for me.’ This, of course, is not just limited to the UK political elite, but it was a bitter pill for many to swallow. 

Then he hired Chris Pincher as Government Deputy Whip – a man who was the subject of serious allegations of sexual misconduct. First Boris denied knowledge of these allegations and then finally confessed that he knew after all. This led to mass resignations of his chief ministers. Boris’s resignation happened shortly thereafter. 

So what do we make of all this?

Though Boris Johnson led the Conservative Party, there were actions of his government that are not conservative at all (an accusation that can also be levelled at some in the Australian Liberal Party and the American Republican Party). During Covid-19 any notion of past economic austerity was forsaken as a massive spending spree ensued. Boris went as green as green could be, committing Britain to ‘Net Zero’ carbon emissions, which caused energy prices to rise. With looming inflation and recession, this was not the time to raise prices and taxes, including green taxes. Yet during this time, the payroll tax (national insurance) was raised 25 points to fund the NHS and green taxes. The Wall Street Journal denounced ‘Johnsonnomics’ as ‘dumb.’

Commentators have said that Johnson’s eighty-seat majority, including electoral constituencies (districts) that voted Conservative for the first time, was a squandered opportunity. Instead of building on the ‘Brexit bounce’ and carving a new and fresh pathway for the UK, while celebrating its history, heritage, and traditions, Boris Johnson the ‘conservative leader’ gave the appearance of governing like a left-of-centre, tax and spend, progressive globalist. 

Conservative voters resent so-called conservative politicians that don’t govern as conservatives. They don’t like being taken advantage of by backslidden or fake conservatives who think they can always count on the conservative vote, since there is nowhere else for the conservative voter to go. That mindset is a recipe for electoral defeat.

Finally, could the character issue have been the final straw for Boris Johnson? Character appears to be a factor in his fall: lying about Partygate and then lying about Pinchergate may very well have done him in. At least when it came to telling the truth. (Just as an aside:  Boris and his then-girlfriend Carrie moved into Number Ten Downing Street while he was still married to his second wife. It was the first time a British prime minister lived in the official residence with a de facto rather than de jure wife. Boris and Carrie also had a child out of wedlock shortly thereafter. While the couple subsequently [and quietly] married, and had a second Downing Street baby, it appears that such a scenario hardly raised an eyebrow in Britain these days. Cohabitation before marriage is considered acceptable, even among young royals. Yet, when it comes to character, is such a standard acceptable for public figures, when lying is not?). 

Boris had many powerful critics and enemies: the BBC; the Church of England; Scotland’s secessionist first minister Nicola Sturgeon; his former chief advisor turned enemy Dominic Cummings (who vowed to bring him down); the bureaucracy; and Remainers who have now morphed into Rejoiners. Yet, in the final analysis, it is not the enemy from without – but the enemy from within that is most deadly.

Boris Johnson is a gifted, talented man and if somehow he learns his lessons, then he, like his hero Churchill, could make a political comeback. In the meantime, we all would do well to heed the exhortation of Proverbs 4:23: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Photo Credit: attribution Ben Shread/Cabinet Office


Crown Chronicles Part 03: Elizabeth II – The Christian Queen


Many books, articles, assessments, and tributes have been written about Queen Elizabeth II since 1952. One of the least emphasised aspects of her personhood and reign is the most important of all: Elizabeth II is an overtly Christian Queen.

Of her many titles, she is called the Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England. While these titles have been bestowed on her predecessors over the centuries – some of them notably undevout – there is anecdotal evidence that the Queen takes her Christian faith most seriously. In this third and final part of The Crown Chronicles in commemoration of the Queen’s platinum jubilee, we offer this assessment of Elizabeth R. – Christian.

The Conspicuous Christian

While only God knows the heart of each person, the Queen’s Christian track record is impressive. She goes to church weekly, even on holidays and makes it a point to pray daily. While at Sandringham, she attends the local church, quietly sits in a pew at the front, and requires no special attention. Her annual televised Christmas message speaks forthrightly about faith in Jesus Christ.

Political commentator Andrew Marr said these words:

There are no reliable recorded incidents of the Queen losing her temper, using bad language, or refusing to carry out a duty expected of her (The Servant Queen, 6).

These comments are in relation to her public persona but there is no evidence that she is different in private. A solid Christian faith makes such impeccable conduct possible.

One of the key functions of the crown in the political arena is to protect democracy through the separation of powers. No branch of government has more power than any other because the crown stands in the centre. Thus it is a symbolic reminder of the sovereignty of God; the Prime Minister, chief of the armed forces, and parliament, all recognise there is a power higher than them to whom they must give account. And yet, the monarch herself acknowledges a greater power than herself: Almighty God.

The Christian Coronation

This recognition was manifested at the coronation ceremony, which, for Elizabeth II, occurred on 2 June 1953 at Westminster Abbey. In every way, the coronation is a Christian anointing service. The Queen held a sceptre representing authority, with the Star of Africa diamond as the centrepiece. This diamond is valued at GBP 400 million. Yet the Moderator of the Church of Scotland did not focus on the value of the sceptre or diamond, but on “The most valuable thing this world affords” – The Bible. Yes, the Word of God is of greater value than the world’s biggest diamond. 

Part of the coronation ceremony was ‘secret’ – where the crowned monarch was hidden under a canopy. She wore a simple white dress devoid of any royal symbols. She sat before God as an ordinary person without any trappings of high status. This demonstrated her complete dependence on God. Under the canopy she was anointed with oil, thus reflecting her need for the equipping and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. 

Another crucial part of this Christian service was the coronation oath. The monarch swears “To maintain the laws of God and the profession of the Gospel.” It was a recognition that Her Majesty’s kingdom is a Christian realm and that she as monarch and the government she leads must maintain it (Gardner, 61-62). 

A Christian Country

Sir Winston Churchill was reported to have said: ‘It is the policy of the Conservative Party to defend the Christian religion in the United Kingdom’ (Gardner, 45). Former Prime Minister David Cameron, who called himself “committed” but only “vaguely practising” Christian, said in 2011: “We are a Christian country and we should not be afraid to say so … the Bible has helped to give Britain a set of values and morals which make Britain what it is today.” Cameron called for “a revival of traditional Christian values to counter Britain’s “moral collapse”.

Christian Character in Public

After the coronation, the Queen amply demonstrated Christian character in the following areas:

Servant Leadership: Even in her nineties she works full-time. In her 2012 Christmas message the Queen said: 

This is the time of year when we remember that God sent his only Son ‘to serve not to be served.’ He restored love and service to the centre of our lives in the person of Jesus Christ. It is my prayer this Christmas Day that his example and teaching will continue to bring people together to give the best of themselves in the service of others (The Servant Queen, 23). 

As Christians, we should all have a servant or ministry mindset, just like the Master Himself (Matthew 20:28).

Consistency: The Queen exhibits old-fashioned values like faith, family, freedom, and respect for others. She employs 1,200 people whom she treats with respect. Unlike tyrannical bosses worldwide, she makes no unreasonable demands whatsoever. Apparently, she never refers to them as ‘servants.’ Their days off are truly off. Because she embodies the virtues of character, charity, devotion and duty, the concern is that when the Queen goes, so will these values. 

Role Model: The Queen understood from the very beginning that she would be a very public figure, watched with intense scrutiny by the nation and the world. Therefore, the expectation was that she would serve as a great role model. While some of her predecessors failed in this area, the longest reigning monarch in British history has not. Her consistency and personal integrity have been obvious for the world to see. The Queen has never been accused of personal or professional scandal in over seventy years, a remarkable achievement in itself.

Prayer: Despite the respect and affection that the nation, Commonwealth, and outside world hold towards Elizabeth II, she has had big challenges from the beginning. A particularly difficult year was 1992, her annus horribilis where two of her children’s marriages collapsed and Windsor Castle was torched by a major fire. She has remarked that it was the power of prayer – that of others and of her own – that sustained her through all these years.

In summary, Elizabeth II deserves much credit for her faithful and consistent service to the nation and commonwealth since 1952. Her success can ultimately be placed to her fidelity to the Christian faith. She has set an example for all to follow.


The Servant Queen and the King She Serves: A Tribute for Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday (2016), Mark Greene and Catherine Butcher, Bible Society, HOPE, LICC

David E. Gardner, The Trumpet Sounds for Britain: Volume 3, Jesus is Alive! Ministries, Southend on Sea, UK

The BBC at

(Photo Credit: Joel Rouse/ Ministry of Defence, OGL 3 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

Life After Roe: Now What?

Melbourne, a city that has been my home for thirty years, had protests. This is nothing new in the world’s once ‘most liveable city,’ now rated Number Eight. Sometimes Melbourne can host rowdy, even violent protests. Wasn’t it the city that tried to tear down Oral Robert’s gospel tent in 1961? Mobbed British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher at Burke Street Mall in 1988? Returned the compliment to then US President George HW Bush in 1992?

This time, the protestors made their views known about abortion – in the United States. They were protesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 US Supreme Court decision that mandated all fifty American states must provide abortion services, at least in the first trimester. The 24 June 2022 five to four ruling reversed Roe and returned the matter of abortion to the individual states to decide on their own. California and New York will continue to be major abortion states. Other states will restrict.

Not just the Melbourne protestors were indignant over this American court decision. Australian politicians on both sides of parliament lined up to decry the demise of Roe. Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and the European Union also expressed their strong disapproval. 

Why the intense interest? Because ‘Roe’ is more than just about abortion and concerns more than just the United States. It is another major chapter in the culture war, which it kickstarted in 1973. Some commentators say Roe’s reversal is a blow to the liberal world order, with its autonomous sovereign individual – who does what they want, when they want, with no moral obligation to family, faith, or freedom. That may be finally changing.

A note: This article in no wise a criticism of those who are contemplating an abortion or even had one. Many mothers have been under great pressure to terminate their pregnancies and/or are haunted by the decision for years to come. 

Time for Truth

Since Roe came into being in 1973, there have been all kinds of pro-abortion buzz words and phrases, particularly on the Left but sometimes repeated on the Right. Let’s comment:

Jane Roe (a pseudonym): Her real name was Norma McCorvey. She was used as the centrepiece of the lawsuit against her local Texas district attorney Henry Wade for denying her an abortion – which she never had. McCorvey falsely claimed to have been raped – for which she later apologised. So the pretext of Roe was a lie.

Constitutional Right: We were told that Roe v. Wade granted women in America a ‘constitutional right’ to an abortion. This is hard to sustain since there is no direct or indirect, explicit or implicit mention of abortion anywhere in the US Constitution. This is a major reason for returning the issue to the states. If Roe was ‘constitutional,’ it would have been impossible for the Supreme Court to overturn.

As Australian author Kurt Mahlburg said regarding the reversal of Roe: “A new generation of Americans will now grow up understanding that the disposing of unwanted infants isnt a constitutional right” but a well-regulated “wrong.”

Reproductive Rights / Health: While this sounds nice, it is a euphemism for the termination of a pregnancy. There is nothing ‘reproductive’ about it – in fact, abortion is the antithesis of reproduction, full stop

Bodily autonomy: Pro-abortion advocates demand that a woman has autonomous rights over her body. Yet the issue was never just about a woman’s body – it is about someone else’s body – the foetus. Of interest is that pro-abortion protestors invoke ‘bodily autonomy’ when it comes to terminating a pregnancy but are fine with vaccine mandates. 

War on Women:’ This label has been used against the pro-life movement as if they are harming women by resisting abortion. How can potential motherhood do such a thing? and what about the approximately fifty-percent of all abortions that involve a female foetus?

Too political:” The US Supreme Court has been accused of being ‘too political’ by overruling Roe. This, too, is wrong. The 1973 Court, used the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution to create a ‘right to privacy’ out of thin air. It never existed. The 2022 court rightly disagreed. The US court was not being political at all; the correct term is ‘constitutional.’

The common denominator with all the above: they have been misleading, even false. Remember: without genuine truth, neither law, liberty, and justice, are possible, in fact, they are undermined.

Regardless of the semantics, the hard and horrible fact is that Roe v. Wade has been the cause of sixty-three million abortions in the United States, since 1973. These are more than just statistics – the represent lives that were never lived outside the womb. The notion of motherhood and family have also been greatly harmed in the process.

The Worst Court Decision – Ever?

In 1857, the US Supreme Court issued the infamous Dred Scott decision. This ruling declared that Americans of African descent, whether slave or free, were not entitled to US citizenship. Even their personhood was also denied. It has been called the ‘worst decision’ of the American Supreme Court in its history. It was unambiguously racist and served as a catalyst for kickstarting the American Civil War (1861-1865). After the war, the abolition of slavery and newly ratified constitutional amendments helped to nullify the Dred Scott decision

There is a strong case to say that Roe v. Wade surpassed the Dred Scott decision in horror. Like the former, Roe denied the personhood and citizenship of the foetus. Like the former, it initiated the first shots in the half a century, on-going, divisive culture war. Yet, with all the indignity of the Dred Scott decision, the slaves still had their lives and within a decade, their liberty as well. Yet with Roe, the foetuses had no such life or liberty – only death in the womb, and America is worse off because of it. African-Americans are disproportionally represented in the abortion statistics.

Finally, the American states get to decide on life and death vis a vis abortion and the political battle continues, as is to be expected in the democratic process. America’s founding documents say that any rights not clearly given to the federal government in the Constitution must be decided by the states. However, these same documents also make it very clear that it is the government’s responsibility to protect the life and liberty of its citizens. 

Are the pre-born citizens? Do they have the right to life and liberty? If you say ‘Yes’ to these two questions, then there is nothing more to decide. If you are not sure, now is a good opportunity to search the Scriptures, study the issue, and, once duly informed, partake in the democratic process. 

Life After Roe? More political struggle but a new democratic, citizen-initiated game board. May we see a revival of faith, family, and freedom in the post-Roe world; in other words, may there be much ‘Life after Roe.’