Upon a hill, a stable stood,
Filled with animals, hay, a manger, and wood.
Category Archives: Culture
Being a witness in today’s outrage culture
Our views about God – and politics – go right to the very heart of who we are. So, in these times of polarisation, how can Christians be unified, as Jesus prayed for, and proclaim the best news the world has ever been presented with?
Hart and Soul
When the Lord answers our daily prayer for this day’s bread, are we going to pray this prayer for those who do not have enough to eat and those who have to eat from rewards gained under oppression?
Queen Elizabeth II: A life of service
‘The Lord controls the mind of a king as easily as he directs the course of a stream.’ (Proverbs 21:1)
Life is Difficult
Entering into our pain takes us to the deepest place, to reality, to the loving heart of God.
Book Review: The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma
Bessel van der Kolk’s thought-provoking book explores some of the newer, more unconventional therapies available to modern psychiatrists, giving hope to deeply traumatised people – and challenging Christians to think outside the box.
Book review: The Forest Underground: Hope for a Planet in Crisis
The 2022 Christian Book of the Year not only tells the story of an innovative and effective approach to reforestation, but it also doubles as a powerful and moving contemporary Christian biography of God’s call on the life of author Tony Rinaudo and his wife Liz.
When we Don’t Die in Battle: A reflection on Thor: Love and Thunder
The metaphor of war runs rampant in the way we speak of illness or disease. But most of us don’t die in battle. What other metaphors and images can we find that better describe the inevitably and beauty of change?
No Ordinary Journey
If there is an end to this eternal / path she cannot see it and it / does not stop.
The Relational Toxicity of Prejudice
When our relationships with our fellow human beings are overlaid with mindless prejudice, the outcomes are toxic.