We cannot address the systemic issues in aged care without learning to celebrate ageing, value older people and recognise that relationships are central to flourishing as we age.
Category Archives: Culture
Oh God, help us to remember them
The people in our community who are not famous, attractive, well-connected or ‘useful’ in our pragmatic, cold and calculating economy are a gift to us. They bring grace when we least expect it but often when we most need it.
Australian War Hunger
Can AUKUS and an Australian fleet of nuclear subs give us the ‘Peace and safety’ we hope for?
Letter to the Zadok editor: Redeeming Creation
‘Financial Follies’ highlighted a fundamental problem, but like the Royal Commission can only provide signposts not solutions. Can our churches cooperate effectively to present and model a convincing challenge?
Covid: restrictions, protests and …
More than ever, we need grace and truth to get through all of this.
Endnotes for ‘The Difference Marriage Makes and that Makes Marriage’
Endnotes for article published in Zadok Perspectives 151: Differing over Difference: Sexuality & Gender Tensions (Winter 2021), 14-16
Endnotes for ‘Genesis 3 and LGBT’
Endnotes for article published in Zadok Perspectives 151: Differing over Difference: Sexuality & Gender Tensions (Winter 2021), 17-22.
Book Review: Bullies and Saints: An honest look at the good and evil of Christian history
John Dickson’s book provides a timely reminder of the Christian legacy over two millennia – both the good and the ugly – and a call to affirm the ‘melody lines’ of Christian values in social and political life today.
Getting personal on climate change
Female Christ figures
Acts of remarkable grace occur in the strangest places. Female Christ figures challenge the male saviour complex so embedded in patriarchal thinking.