The grace and patience shown by grandparents can have a significant impact on the lives of their grandchildren.
Category Archives: Culture
Living in a broken world
Hope at Easter and Anzac
Sombre thoughts and wild ecstatic celebration, death and resurrection, a breathless determination to find hope.
Hope at Easter and Anzac
Sombre thoughts and wild ecstatic celebration, death and resurrection, a breathless determination to find hope.
Review of Pub Theology: Where Potato Wedges and a Beer are a Eucharistic Experience
The Australian pub: a place where lives are changed, futures decided and many narratives find a home, are told and are shared to make sense of life. Anyone who finds the pub a place of energy, and who wants to hear the lay voice, would benefit from reading Pub Theology.
Out the front after Christmas
Remembering Christmas: kids, mowing and soldiers.
Learning from the ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill
The Bill is needed to protect past and future victims of ‘Conversion Therapy’ and does not conflict with the proper exercise of religious freedoms. The passing of the Bill is an opportunity not for further polarisation, but understanding.
Who pays the Bill? The dangers of Victoria’s Conversion legislation
While deeply lamenting the great costs to LGBTI+ victims of Conversion Therapy, this ill-defined and broad terminology and legislation could unintentionally criminalise many people and standard Christian practices like prayer, preaching and counsel.
Letter regarding Victorian Anti-Conversion Bill
The Ethos Board has signed onto a letter to Premier Andrews from various church leaders, protesting the proposed Change or Suppression Practices (Conversion) Prohibition Bill 2020 to be debated in the Upper House of the Victorian Parliament on Tuesday 2nd February 2021.
Christian resignation in the face of a pandemic?
Does the church have anything to offer in a time of crisis such as the pandemic? What do the major biblical themes of healing, reconciliation, community, care for the poor, the work of justice and prophetic witness mean for us and the world today?