According to Sam Gregg, the genius of Western civilisation is its unique synthesis of reason and faith – the kind expressed in Jewish and Christian faiths and cultures. To the extent that reason and faith have been uncoupled following the Enlightenment, he argues, we have seen the rise of social pathologies inimical to the pursuit of truth.
Category Archives: Culture
Peter and Paul: apostles and martyrs
Peter and Paul’s theological differences, initially quite divisive, were dealt with openly and amicably. Peter the fisherman and Paul the scholar shared in common an abiding confidence in Jesus. How does their example of apostleship and martyrdom challenge us today?
Book Review: How to do Nothing: Resisting the attention economy
This book is not about how to do nothing, but an act of ‘political resistance’ against the attention economy. Odell confronts us with who we have become, a disembodied, distracted society moulded by technologies with not so altruistic agendas, and calls us to become something different – a community that is human.
Link Highlights | November-December 2019
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from November and December 2019
Book review: The Madness of Crowds – gender, race and identity
As the grand narratives of religion and secular political hopes collapsed over the last century, we have moved to a culture of aggressive identity politics where disagreement has become ‘hate speech’. How can we learn to be generous outside our own tribal group, to listen respectfully and forgive indiscretions?
Dealing with loss at Christmas
For many people, Christmas is the hardest time of the year. Thankfully, the joy of Christmas can only really be known within pain.
Link Highlights | October 2019
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from October 2019
Book Review: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Peterson’s book has been described as profound and practical. Christians will be disappointed that it is ‘sub-Christian’. But there is much that can be learned from it. The children of this world can sometimes be wiser than the children of light.
Link Highlights | September 2019
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from September 2019
Greta Thunberg and prophetic utterance
There were three kinds of responses to Greta Thunberg’s UN speech on climate change. But none of these responses seem appropriate. What should our response be?