Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from 5th to 30th June 2017.
Category Archives: Culture
The new Wonder Woman: a force to be reckoned with
Some would say that a female saviour figure is a corruption of the message of Christ, but this film has the power to leave viewers with a sense of hope that evil can be conquered through sacrificial love, and that all of us, women included, can play a part.
Are supervised injecting centres ethical?
The Victorian State Government has established an inquiry to look at a proposal for a Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) in Richmond. We present arguments for and against this proposal from ACL and UnitingCare, and a discussion around the ethical issues by Ethos’ Gordon Preece.
Link highlights | May 2017
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from 1st May to 4th June 2017.
Podcast Review: Better Off Dead by Andrew Denton
While Denton presents many moving stories
designed to elicit compassion (and a perceived
need for assisted dying as a solution to the
‘problem’), there is very little critical reflection
or exploration of moral arguments.
Festival of ‘minority’ ideas
Seeing Jesus through Palestinian eyes
Reflections on Coptic Martyrdom
Is ’the blood of the martyrs the seed of the church’? It’s best we ask Egypt’s Copts, whose resilience is being sorely tested in the midst of ongoing oppression and persecution in an increasingly dangerous nation.
False Fears and Egg Freezing
It seems that, apart from a small number of women who will benefit from egg-freezing, it is mostly a marketing ‘false fact’ designed to play on women’s guilt.
How can work make us happy?
On May Day, Kara Martin responds to an editorial in The Age on job satisfaction and time spent in the workplace, drawing on research to show that Christians experience greater purpose and meaning in their work.