Category Archives: Culture
Link Highlights – January 2017
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for January 2017.
Get going early!
Young people today have a world of opportunity before them. By getting involved in whatever you can you will develop new skills and experience; identify your gifts, passions and purpose; and be set for a lifetime of growth and service.
Film Review: Maggie’s Plan
Rebecca Miller has concocted a humorous contemporary exploration of love’s travails reminiscent of the comedies of remarriage that were at the core of Hollywood’s screwball heyday.
Response to ‘Suck it up and get on with the job’
Kara Martin responds to a Herald Sun editorial, arguing that Millennials who want to enjoy work need to just suck it up and get on with the job.
Film Review: Arrival
Arrival is a gift of remarkable filmmaking. We exit the cinema in awe of Villeneuve’s achievement, and of what more we now know of God’s world.
Link Highlights – December 2016
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces for December 2016.
A Theology of Retirement?
In contrast to the common understanding of retirement, the fourth quarter of your life may be the culmination of everything for which God has been preparing you.
Christmas: Decisions to enjoy
At Christmas, we’re confronted with an array of options for doing good, which can be confusing and unsettling. God trusted us to make the generous, kind and godly decision.
Yingiya Mark Guyula MLA’s first speech in NT Parliament
‘I did not want to become a politician but we Yolngu have tried many ways of gaining recognition of Yolngu law, and none have worked.’